I absolutely adore monsters; whether it’s Jaws, Godzilla or the creature from underground in Yellowstone National Park.
Alex and Emily went to Yellowstone camping, even though there was a major fire going on. Little did they know, it would end so badly for them.
Since his son’s death, Joe was angry at the park and was nipping at the bottle to get through the day. He and Andy responded to a call about vandalism at the cabins at Old Faithful Inn. Blood filled the cabin, but the scene didn’t make any sense. They chalked it up to a bear attacking a bird. (Yeah, right) They left, but both of them were thinking of the missing hikers.
It was tradition for the Foster family to work at the park and Kelly was angry that the fire was happening while she was there. She was from Mobile, Alabama. A true Southern Belle, blonde-haired and blue-eyed with sparkling white teeth. A real Hottie.
A group of the young employees were going to the hot pots to party. They had some marijuana, booze and sleeping bags. Kelly had to stay behind. It was her night to close the ice cream shop.
When Richard came to meet her, she told him about being watched by someone. Of course, he went to check it out and was pulled into the woods. I sat here shouting, don’t go in the woods. It’s one of those things, you know he’s going to do it and the monster is going to get him. lol
But he was just pranking her, a practical joke.
In the morning, at the hot pots, Doug and Rowena were gone. Everyone knew they didn’t like each other and they sure wouldn’t go off together.
Dale was working on the fire at the west line, but he told Cameron they were to go to Old Faithful Inn. When he turned around to find out what was taking Cameron so long, he was just gone, vanished. The crew searched for more than an hour and found no clue.
Dale couldn’t just let it go, so he went back to see if he could find Cameron. He had fallen into a sinkhole. When Dale called to him, he responded. Bob went down to get him. As they pulled Cameron out, Bob looked around. He looked down and saw thousands and thousands of bones, human and animal, large and small. He practically crawled out of the hole on his own. Bob had never been so terrified in his life, wondering what was down there with him. What created all those bones?
Dale watched Bob and Cameron walk away. There was something really odd about Cameron. His coat looked funny, like it wasn’t fitting properly. He had slapped at himself and yelled about the dark. Bob thought Cameron felt very heavy and he had a rotting stench radiating from him. The smell was so rank, he thought he would vomit.
Natasha was cleaning rooms, most of them were empty because of the fire. She came to Cameron’s room. He didn’t look right and when she looked closer, she knew why. She could feel something watching her, but it couldn’t be Cameron. As she looked around, she saw two green eyes peering at her from the closet.
More people are missing. Joe is forced to deal with it. Will his drinking be the death of him and by failing to do his job, others? He knew, whatever it was, wasn’t human. It was all connected. It rode up from the hole – piggybacked on Cameron. Joe is given a purpose. It is his job to protect everyone in the park. He is determined to do it. It is his park and he will deal with the creature. Stew, Richard, Kelly and Sonia were just as determined to help.
How do you kill a shadow? How many would be left standing?
4 STARS – Would Highly Recommend To Others
An awesome cover. I love the colors and the flames, with the eeriness of the water and the mountains in the background. Get a shiver just looking at it, wondering what is to come.
I love that it started being creepy from the get-go. Kept my undivided attention throughout the book. The plot and writing were very entertaining and engrossing. A debut novel that will leave you wanting more.
The characters were well-developed and their personalities made you either like them or not. I felt sorry for Joe and really hoped he would turn himself around and be the hero. Of course, you will have to read it for yourself to find out. lol
Remember the fears of childhood? I remember the monster under my bed. I couldn’t let anything hang over the edge of the bed, because it might get me. I had to stay completely covered. I just knew it was under there, waiting for me to put my feet down.
Amazing how the monster comes back, when you are sitting in the dark, getting creeped out by the critters running rampant in the book you’re reading. Every creak and noise of the house has you looking over your shoulder, wondering…………
I received this book in return for an honest and unbiased review.
Kevin J. Howard was born in Mission Viejo, California, moved to Seattle at the age of twenty-one, and now lives in Puyallup. He hand wrote his first novel in the fifth grade and has been writing ever since. His first published novel, Faithful Shadow, is a return to the classic horror novel. Since writing Faithful Shadow he has completed four additional horror novels that will soon be published. In 2012, he won an award in the Las Vegas International Film Festival for his screenplay, Identical Opposites. Kevin looks to release his next horror novel in December of 2012.
Recent Honors:
I was just awarded the title of Scariest Author for 2012 after a month long round of voting via the Outskirts Press Face Book page. I would like to thank everyone that voted for such a warm response.
To stalk Kevin, follow the links below:
Kevin is offering 3 ebooks for the Giveaway. International. Easy entry as always, just leave your email address and answer the question:
What is your favorite monster?
Closed. Winners are Pragya – Melanie – Lacey. All winners have been notified.
To see all my Reviews, go HERE.
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Wait, I am supposed to like a monster? Are they friendly? I can’t think of any, sorry.
No problem. I’m just one of those people who love to read about monsters, whether they are a shark, a dinosaur or a shadow. ^_^
Oh, like that..Umm.. still can’t think of any…werewolves and ghosts and poseidons are not monsters, right. I would like some recommendations.
I classify them as monsters. To me anything that scares me, goes bump in the night…swims, crawls, flies……could even be a serial killer. Whatever spooks you. lol
The monsters I ‘like’ best – because they do their job of scaring me – are the ones that I can’t see!
Those gotta be the creepiest of all. How can you even hide from them if you can’t see them. ^_^
The “Loch Ness Monster”. If there is anything actually out there, I hope it’s some aquatic predator that has eluded evolutionary time.
My mother went there on a vacation. Alas, she didn’t see Nessie. But I saw Nessie’s cousin on Martha’s Vineyard.
Clowns scare the bejeezus out of me! :0( dlsadd at gmail dot com
lol Sorry, it made me laugh. I know we can’t control what scares us. I know someone afraid of hand lotion and cotton balls.
It’s good to see you back Donna. Hope you enjoyed your “me” time.
I Hate Scary Clowns! Especially the doll clowns.
I even watched a TV show recently where the character was afraid of clowns. Can’t remember which show it was though. Had to be a crime show, one like Bones. Maybe it was Booth.
Dolls that creep me out are the ones that are supposed to be as close to real babies as you can get without it being a real baby. Don’t know why, but creepy.
I’m for anything that walks,crawls or slithers. I think demons are the worst. Always afraid of possession!
Awesome review Sherry! Love your pictures.
Wait until you read Precipice! I’m almost finished and you’ll love it too.
Not entering as I already have the book but Good Luck with the giveaway!
Thanks Laura. I have a thing for animated eyes. lol He just sent me Precipice and I can hardly wait to get started on it.
Like the new header. Looks familiar?
Thanks. It’s on the way out to the fort on Pensacola Beach. We went out there to shoot the sunset.
That means I better hurry up and read it or you’ll have your review done first!
Is that the fort we went to where we took photos of the giant bird nests?
Yep. It’s Fort Pickens. We go out there all the time and take visitors for sure. The only thing I hate about it, there aren’t many places to pull over for pics, so I shoot as we’re driving down the road. lol We always talk about biking, but haven’t done it yet.
Well, between Clowns and things you can’t see (germs and viruses, not ghosts), the earlier entrants have pretty well covered my 2 biggest phobias. So I’ll have to pick something else. Although technically not monsters, Clowns just really creep me out, and always have. You just don’t know what they’re hiding behind all that makeup, you know? So, let’s see… my favorite monster must be… the super-intelligent aliens that have walked amongst us for eons, keeping tabs on our progress, and discussing among themselves whether it’s time to eliminate us yet or not. But I guess those would also qualify as “things we can’t see”, since they look just like us.
Now you’re creeping me out. lol I can see you points, a lot of hidden things, like faces and germs. It’s funny (weird) how many people really don’t like clowns. I never thought that much about it before. Could be a serial killer behind that paint. My mom told me the aliens are good, like ET. You don’t want to burst my bubble, do ya? ^_^
After giving it more thought, IRS Auditors jumped toward the top of my list. They count (no pun intended) don’t they?
I forgot to leave my email address. I’d hate to lose out over a stupid “senior moment” thing like that! So here it is: acwa@netscape.com Please, no telemarketers! (That’s another “monster” of sorts, isn’t it?)
LOL Good one.
My favorite monsters of all time are vampires and reapers… I like the dark side I suppose =-P
I like the dark side too. Monsters can never be too creepy to me.
Werewolves and other shapeshifters. Favorites.
But what always scared me and was hard to watch as a movie or read in a book, blob-like monsters or parasitical things. Spiders not of the norm (though real spiders bug me) and ticks and lerches.
Oh man, you had to mention spiders. Those are the creepiest things there is. I would take a vampire….. over a spider. A mutant spider might just blow my mind away. lol
Hands down, my favorite monsters are vampires. The old school vampires when they were still scary and not romance novel material.
I like the new ones, I guess because I have just recently really started reading books and watching movies about them, but to me they are not scary. In fact, I think some of them are wimps. I do remember watching the old ones, before cable and you only had a few things to watch, and THEY were scary.
I love vampires, mostly because the two out of three books that have ever given me nightmares ARE about vampires. However, what scares me the most is the unknown, the inner demons, and the dark side that inhabits us all…
sounds interesting! Thanks for the giveaway my e-dress is at gmail.com and is katy.sozaeva
I think the first time I was scared of a book or movie was Phantom of the Opera. That scared the …. out of me. I see your point about the inner demons too. I love to read and watch serial killers. Now those are some really sick humans, I guess you can call them humans. To me they are the ultimate monster, because they are all too real and could be living next door. Good luck.
My favorite monsters are the trolls rom Ernest scared stupid.
Trolls, hmmm aren’t they squat, ugly and live under bridges. I’d be scare of them too.
I always loved vampires and werewolves, but I would have to go with the monster within ourselves. That’s the most scary of all.
It seems like a lot of people feel the monster within is the scariest. I guess because they could be your neighbor. Or who knows what we would do as individuals if put in the position of, what we would consider, life or death. I guess that’s why I love serial killers. They have to be some of the most twisted individuals (?) ever born. I also find, as I have gotten older, that I think about germs a lot. Who knows what the next epidemic will be. But life goes on and we really can’t dwell on that.
Serial killers are my favorite monster. From Dexter to Hannibal Lecter, I’ve always been fascinated with stories about how these social outcasts became warped, and how their mind rationalizes what they do.
A man after my own heart. I love, love, love serial killers. They fascinate me, too. Dexter is my favorite, how ironic a show is that. I have watched the Hannibal’s many times. I have read the books and watched the shows and movies. Wish there were more Dexter books.
I won’t enter since I have a copy of the book, which I will be reading very soon. I am really looking forward to it!!!!
Thanks for stopping by. This was a really good book and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
Vampires are my favorite monsters.
Good luck. ^_^
IT from Stephen King’s novel for sure! A monster that turns into your greatest fear, that book scared the crap out of me when I read it at age 12. Still gives me the creeps so I know it was a good one! : )
Awesome trailer!!! My favorite monster – the one that still freaks me out is big foot! Ahhhhh
I was just asking Leisa if she ever watches the Sasquatch show. How about you? Good luck.
Big Foot scares me, and I’m from the NW. LOL
Do you ever watch the Sasquatch show on TV. It cracks me up. Good Luck.
Scariest monster to me is Hannibal Lecter.
Yeah, he’s pretty scary. So is Dexter. Ever watch him? Thanks for stopping by and entering.
Werewolves are my favorite monsters
fine. I’m terrified of little people. Midgets, etc. Little people give me the heebie jeebies. Thanks for making me think about them. I’m sure I’ll sleep easy tonight.
Godzilla.. and the old time horror films… but the one who scared me the most.. growing up..
Salem’s Lot. The vampire’s scared me to the point I still to this day to not sleep with unless the curtains are closed and windows locked.
Phantasm, now it didn’t scare me when I first saw it.. but I had to set up arrangements for my mother, (she’s still alive) my brother was suppose to come and help me.. but he was sick.. so I did it alone.. I was fine till I went down to the casket room. All I could see was that damn spinning ball. I pointed out a casket and ran back up the steps…
Read Phantoms by Dean Koontz in one day. Ended up sleeping with lights on for a week.
As a huge horror fan that’s a tough choice. lol I’ve always loved werewolves, like the ones in the Fox TV series Werewolf and Lon Chaney Jr’s Wolfman. The smaller, four legged ones never caught my attention before.
I don’t know about “favorite,” but zombies freak me out the most.
Vamps and werewolves. Then again, depending on how it is written, just about anything that creeps and crawls will get my attention! Great book, btw. I read it myself a couple of months ago and can attest to how good it is. If you guys haven’t read it yet, you really ought to!
Yeah, there is a lot of scary stuff out there. Thanks for stopping by and letting us know how you liked the book.
Definitely the girls of *Monster High*, especially Draculaura, Frankie Stein, and Operetta.
This book sounds good, as for favorite monster….ummm, not sure….i like them all. Maybe Frankenstein’s monster he is a classic.
my favorite monster has ALWAYS been “IT” clowns don’t bother me but i sure do love a good scare
Yeah. That was one of the scariest books ever. I love Stephen King. Koontz is another favorite of mine. I love a good scare too. Welcome to the giveaway and good luck.
The mummy is my favorite monster
The mummy’s cool. Thanks for stopping by and commenting. ^_^
Well, what’s my favorite monster…a difficult question! There are so many and they are all scary!!!
However, given today’s world I’d have to say the ‘crazy’ with the weapon! You don’t know where or when they will strike seemingly without reason and it could be anybody…your next door neighbor, the kid that sacks your groceries, your best friend. Very scary because it has been proven…THEY DO EXIST!
Thanks for a chance to win “Faithful Shadow”! It’s one I have on my ‘want to read’ list.
It’s pretty scary if you really think about it. Who knows what would trigger “US” to go off the deep end. Thanks for stopping by and good luck.
…also, all those things that go bump in the night that I hear about on the Travel Channel’s “The Dead Files” creep me out a lot!…especially demons!
I’m with you on that. ^_^
Puppets or dolls used as killers. They freak me out in movies.
So I guess that would mean you don’t like Chucky. That was a really creepy movie and it freaked me out. ^_^
And the puppets from the puppetmaster movies!
lol Creepy. ^_^
My favorite “monster” is the Beast from Beauty and the Beast! I always want to save his soul! Thank you for the give-a-way!
Curious how we always want the protagonists to have some redeeming qualities.
Good luck.
My own fears. Because I’m the only one who can control them.:D
I don’t have a favorite monster. I really hate Chucky though.
That’s probably the most debilitating. Wasn’t it Roosevelt who said, the only thing to fear, is fear itself. Good luck.
Hi, thank you for this giveaway.
hummm, ive thought long about this question, and for something so simple i find it hard to answer. Vampires, were’s, etc If they could be classed as monsters, i LOVE!! The one’s im most afraid of are those that lurk in the corner of my imagination, or hidden by shadow. But the monsters that i find most interesting, that i enjoy reading about or watching tv shows, are those of the human kind. The why’s, where, how, when, who they were before, etc its fascinating…. scary as hell! but to me serial killers, rapists, murders, pedophiles, etc…. they are real monsters
I agree. I love monsters of all kinds, whether they are on land, in the air or in the sea, but the creepiest and most interesting to me is the serial killer. Thanks so much for your comment and good luck in the giveaway.
Gotta be The Blob! How could you not love a gelatinous mass of flesh eating goo!
Oh man, does that bring back memories. I love the B, or maybe they are D movies. lol They are so much fun to watch and who could mess up a Jello-like monster? Thanks for commenting.
A friend of mine reminded me of a monster I loved growing up…Godzilla! Not scary, but boy are those old movies fun!
Now that’s a classic. My hubby laughs at me for watching all these movies, but I love them. They really are so much fun.
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