Books from the Backlog is a fun way to feature some of those neglected books sitting on your bookshelf unread. If you are anything like me, you might be surprised by some of the unread books hiding in your stacks.
If you would like to join in, swing by Carole’s Random Life in Books
The Angel Prophesy – ‘The flaming sword, forged by God, can be possessed but by one hand alone – the single hand of destiny… Courage, born in his heart, will carry the vital answer. How he will come to his destiny will bind or free all of humanity for the end of times…And in the end, the Truth lies somewhere in the shadows…’
The Dawn of the Apocalypse is at hand. Where heroes will rise and the trial of evil will come to pass. The time: 1450 – a perilous time. The location: Northern Ireland, in a little village, obscure from any notice. Except, that is – a child is born, and dies – all in the same moment. Birth, life, and death all come in a flash. But his life is not over – it’s only just begun.
This is no ordinary child; a child of destiny – Daniel Mulligan. Daniel becomes an angel, and a warrior, the 13th in an elite legion of angels. Their mission: to preserve what good remains on earth and to destroy the evil that now lives in the deepest parts of humanity. But Daniel must carry the true heart of mankind’s survival – a flaming sword, forged by God, for him alone to carry, as a weapon and a crucible for all humanity.
Their foe is the patriarch of evil – Satan – the leader of the dark trinity, with the devil & Lucifer at his hand. But they have aligned themselves with Dracula – not Bram Stoker’s vampire Dracula, but the real, more sinister evil which truly lived and ruled all of Romania – the real flesh and blood Dracula. Will this supernatural and very powerful alliance, along with an amassed warrior army of demons enable them to rule the world? And at last, enter into Heaven, overthrow God, and reign over every corner of the universe?
Earth’s landscape is soon to be reshaped – but for which fate? For good? Or evil? Earth will try to defend itself, but the magic and wizardry that is conjured up will be powerless to prevail against this dark trinity and Dracula. Evil lingers in the abyss of night and cast the world into a perilous journey of fate and misfortune. Only the epic quest of Daniel and his Angel warriors can challenge it.
But Daniel is torn between the family he never knew, the heart and love he is discovering, and his duty to all mankind. He will be thrust into an unknown paranormal world and time where he must choose between his family and humanity; a choice with terrible, unintended consequences; a fateful decision he must bear alone.
God and Satan will soon collide. The forces of Good and Evil / Heaven and hell will immerse all of earth into a battlefield of galactic proportions. High upon the most evil lands, in the darkest tower of Dracula’s castle – a climatic battle will decide the fate of all mankind. There can be only one victor. One who will write the final chapter in the Chronicles of Good and Evil.
Daniel Mulligan will live to see this day come to pass… Not as a mortal man, but as his unpredictable destiny unfolds, he will discover the legendary angel God has destined him for. The epic journey is to begin; the golden wings of a most special angel are ready to take flight; Heaven will pause and hell will shudder, but the majesty of one sole, humble angel will rise on the winds of his own destiny – and the dawn will rise with him…
Written in the tradition of J. R. R. Tolkien ‘Lord of the Rings’ & C. S. Lewis ‘The Chronicles of Narnia’, & John Milton ‘Paradise Lost’, ‘The Chronicles of Good and Evil’ is a visionary work of paranormal, fantasy and Christian qualities. It is about a humbled child (Daniel Mulligan) born on earth who is destined to play a pivotal role in a final attempt to save humanity from the dark forces of evil, and to become a superhero (with twelve other angels) which will endeavor to bring the world back from the precipice of near destruction.
- Angels
First published December 10, 2012Original title
265 pages, Kindle Edition
The Chronicles of Good and Evil – Dracula’s Lair / The Darkest Tower
Goodreads Ratings: 3.75 – 4 ratings – 2 reviews
I added The Chronicles Of Good And Evil: Dracula’s Lair/The Darkest Tower by C David Murphy to my TBR on 3.9.13. I am always up for a good and evil war. Bring it on Angels!
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This sounds incredibly interesting! I do hope that you enjoy it.
I see why you added it, Sherry. I forgot to do one of these this week.
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