Hope you enjoy this little bit of holiday cheer.
I wish you a Happy Thanksgiving and good times with friends and family.
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Happy Thanksgiving! I loved that episode – what a hoot!!
I thought it was hilarious too. Happy Thanksgiving.
Love your banner, and have a Happy belated Thanksgiving yourself.
Anna from Shout with Emaginette
Thanks and hope you had a great holiday too.
Love it!
Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving, Sherry!
Hi Taylor. Hope you had a chuckle and good holiday. ^_^
Hope you all had a Happy Thanksgiving! (I feel proud of smart for completing five reviews on the holiday.)
Hope you all had a Happy Thanksgiving! (Love TBBT, I have fond memories of watching it with my brothers.)
Curse you, WordPress, why didn’t you show my first comment until AFTER I wrote the second one?
LOL. WordPress, like all computer stuff, does seem to have a mind of it’s own at times. I swear the Gremlins are lurking, just waiting to mess with us. I love TBBT too.
LOL! I love this show! Bet ya’ll had a great time at the in-laws! Mom sayed it was great!
We had a good time. I love this show. It is always good for some laughs. Sheldon is a trip. Penny, Penny, Penny. LOL