I love ecothrillers like Bleeding Sea by K A Kirtland. They scare me, because I believe that is how we will be taken out. By ourselves. How much abuse can mother nature take before she becomes overwhelmed?
Bleeding Sea is an appropriate title, seeing the organism that is killing every living thing, including humans, is turning the sea blood red.
The normal things plague the research Diane is doing, greed, betrayal, lies and deceit.
At times I found myself leaning forward as if I could whisper in her ear, “The danger is right behind you.”
Could you imagine, laying on the ocean floor, knowing the clock is ticking and no one is coming to save you? Take a moment and think about it.
I love when the villain(s) aren’t always obvious, they sneak up on you. Diane, she just kept moving forward, doing what she feels is right and necessary. Sometimes even a good person can make a bad decision.
We have lots of characters and no matter how bad things got, there were still good things happening and good people trying to put things right.
I don’t feel my review did the book justice, but sometimes I just can’t find the words.
I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of Bleeding Sea by K A Kirtland.

“Is this how the world ends, not with a bang, but with an invasive species that destroys the planet’s most important ecosystem? If K.A. Kirtland’s Bleeding Sea doesn’t frighten you then you’re not paying attention.” –Daniel Burke, author of Red Screen
When a mysterious organism starts killing off the oceans, can an inexperienced scientist stop the deadly red tide from spreading?
Gulf of Mexico. Diane Nelson has finally achieved her childhood dream. A recent Ph.D. graduate delighting in the chance to work for her hero, the twenty-five-year-old marine biologist is determined to solve why algae are destroying all life in and above the sea. But when a shooting incident in her new lab leaves one man dead, the unnerved woman fears something more sinister could be at play.
Joining her boss and three labmates on an expedition to track down the organism’s origin, Diane struggles to know who to trust. But after she defies company orders and uncovers a shocking conspiracy, the naïve researcher’s future could depend on separating friend from foe…
Can she contain the source before her world turns bloodred?
Bleeding Sea is a slick and riveting eco-thriller. If you like complex characters, heart-wrenching drama, and thought-provoking themes, then you’ll love K.A. Kirtland’s powerfully dark tale.
- Genre: Ecothriller, Ecological, Fiction, Suspense, Thriller
- 345 pages, Kindle Edition
- Expected publication September 19, 2024 by Black Rose Writing
A Note From the Publisher
With a Master of Science degree in Marine Biology and a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Environmental Health Sciences, K.A. Kirtland turned her love of writing and passion for life sciences into a page-turning eco-thriller. As a graduate student, she participated in research expeditions on the Gulf of Mexico and on the Weddell Sea in the Antarctic. Her first publication was in the Antarctic Journal of the United States-1994 Review, and the main findings of her master’s thesis was published in the South Florida newspaper, Sun Sentinel. She works as a public health professional in Atlanta, Georgia and has published numerous journal articles. She has three wonderful children and a seven-foot Brazilian rainbow boa named Samara.
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