Welcome everyone. I have been waiting for something really good to be my first post. My sister and I were hanging out by the pool and just happened to see these two lizards, wondering if they were going to fight or make love. All of a sudden they turned into dragons and the battle began.

I am just finishing up a couple of awesome, five star books that I will be reviewing in the near future. I hope you will stop by again to see my blog as it grows and develops.

Disclaimer: No critters were harmed in the making of this video. The fight broke up shortly after the video was finished.

10 thoughts on “LIZARD DEATH MATCH

  1. Came over to see what your blog was about. Laura posted it on her blog and thought I’d give it a try.
    Look forward to seeing your next post.

    • Thanks for saying that. I did go back and put in a disclaimer. These two fellows had it out and went their separate ways.
      Thanks for the follow. I followed you on twitter and your website.

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