First…I start out with a plan…We have more than a thousand photographs between us, Mr Wonderful and I. We shot with our phones and numerous cameras. I chose some of the highlights…and I have a headache trying to choose which to use. I hope you enjoy them.
I give up. No matter what I do, I can’t get the photograph to show properly, though it does in draft. I resized, cropped, changed the size, but the darn thing refuses to listen to me. LOLTraveling…and I hate flying!We went from the airport to the Boston Red Sox Game.
Friday, Mr Wonderful went golfing with his brother and I hung around the house, binge reading….the Twilight series. It was nice to sit and relax by myself, getting ready for the upcoming whirlwind tour.
Saturday we went to another Boston Red Sox baseball game with Mr Wonderful’s brother, who is an avid fan and his wife…who, at the moment, is missing in action. LOLSunday we went fishing in Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island with a good friend of our.The big one didn’t get away. It’s a scup. A very pretty fish. We gave him his freedom.The Cape CottageMonday we headed to the Cape and treated Mr Wonderful’s parent to a 61st anniversary dinner.
Tuesday Mr Wonderful went by himself to play golf. Because of my arm injury I am still unable to play, so I stayed with his parents and brother and sister in law. Then I went for a walk on the beach.
Found some sea glass and shells for my collection.Cape Cod’s low tide is .24 feet and goes to a high tide of 3.31 feet. I didn’t stay at the beach for dead low, but most of the water you see in the photograph will be gone and the bottom of Cape Cod Bay will be visible and people often walk out so far they get caught when the tide comes rushing back in. My first Cape Cod sunset in 11 years. I was very fortunate to be alone and enjoyed the peace and quiet, before the weekend comes. Even though it’s off season, there is a big, men only, golf tournament coming up this weekend and the place will be flooded with renters.
Wednesday, Mr Wonderful took his mother to LL Bean in Mashpee to do some shopping. He’s such a good son. I spent some time reading and blogging. They came home with some lobsters and feasted. Me, I have an allergy to shellfish, so I had a couple of sliders. MMMMMMM!
Every sunset is different, but unfortunately we had a lot of cloud cover.
Thursday was a beautiful day, but we got a late start, so we jumped in and out of the car shooting some photos and racing to the next place. We knew rain was coming in and wanted to get in as much ‘sun” time as possible.
This is one of the few times we did not go whale watching. Each tour is a unique experience and I was sorry we didn’t have time.
One of the first places we hit is Chatham Lighthouse.
Fishing boat coming in to offload its catch at Chatham Fish Pier.
This is the first time I saw shark warning signs, but because of the huge rebound in the seal population, Great Whites like to visit for a yummy meal.
A few seals hang out for a free mealAnother anniversary dinner, this time with all the crew and on their actual anniversay day.
Friday, unfortunately was rainy and cool (I hate being cold). I spent most of the time shooting from the car. We hit all of our must haves.
Pilgrims Monument in Provincetown. I love this place, but it was pouring rain, so I didn’t shoot as many photographs as I would have liked.
I have spent many hours on this front porch, though not so much this time.
I’ve also spent many hours at the Sunset House shooting phtographs.A big thumbs up!
19 thoughts on “My Adventures – Pictorial Visit To Connecticut, Boston and Cape Cod #CapeCod #BostonRedSox”
Idyllic trip! Looks amazing!! Thanks for sharing your pictures.
it’s my pleasure taylor. so happy to see you stopping by.
What a lovely getaway, you certainly looked like you were having a blast. Thanks for sharing some of your photos!
I was. I hate to fly and I love hanging out at home, so to drag me away can be difficult. Once we were on the way, I was all in and looking forward to seeing everyone and doing everything we could fit in.
Love your pictures. Cape Cod looks so fresh!
fall is my favorite time to visit the cape. the air is clear of haze and photo taking is prime. this year was the weirdest weather we have ever had.
Loving the pictures, Sherry. Glad to see you had fun and nice to see your smiling faces:)
i know. it’s been along time since we got together. we are planning the holidays so let me know what you think
Beautiful beaches and sunsets always appeal to me. I like photographing wildlife, lighthouses and anything scenic so I think I’d like that area! I enjoyed seeing your photos!
i think you would love the cape then. i am thinking of doing another post because we had so many pics
Love the pictures! It’s so cool that you got to see seals (hopefully no sharks though!). Love that smiley face at the end. LOL!
glad i left you with a smile too.
You do take some lovely pics – those sunsets are fabulous – what a wonderful spot! Thank you so much for sharing:)
Great pics! Love the water especially. And that shark warning- yikes!
thanks greg. if you watch shark week, you will see them talking about the cape. it’s because the seal population has exploded due to their protection. but…every “one” has to eat. lol
Looks like you had a wonderful time! I’m from MA as well (born/raised/spent 35ish years there) so it was nice to see images of home! I really miss the ocean, and so much of back home. Thank you for sharing.
Idyllic trip! Looks amazing!! Thanks for sharing your pictures.
it’s my pleasure taylor. so happy to see you stopping by.
What a lovely getaway, you certainly looked like you were having a blast. Thanks for sharing some of your photos!
I was. I hate to fly and I love hanging out at home, so to drag me away can be difficult. Once we were on the way, I was all in and looking forward to seeing everyone and doing everything we could fit in.
Love your pictures. Cape Cod looks so fresh!
fall is my favorite time to visit the cape. the air is clear of haze and photo taking is prime. this year was the weirdest weather we have ever had.
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Loving the pictures, Sherry. Glad to see you had fun and nice to see your smiling faces:)
i know. it’s been along time since we got together. we are planning the holidays so let me know what you think
Beautiful beaches and sunsets always appeal to me. I like photographing wildlife, lighthouses and anything scenic so I think I’d like that area! I enjoyed seeing your photos!
i think you would love the cape then. i am thinking of doing another post because we had so many pics
Love the pictures! It’s so cool that you got to see seals (hopefully no sharks though!). Love that smiley face at the end. LOL!
glad i left you with a smile too.
You do take some lovely pics – those sunsets are fabulous – what a wonderful spot! Thank you so much for sharing:)
Great pics! Love the water especially. And that shark warning- yikes!
thanks greg. if you watch shark week, you will see them talking about the cape. it’s because the seal population has exploded due to their protection. but…every “one” has to eat. lol
Pingback: Sherry's Shelves #197 - More Cape Photos and a Blog Update - fundinmentalfundinmental
Looks like you had a wonderful time! I’m from MA as well (born/raised/spent 35ish years there) so it was nice to see images of home!
I really miss the ocean, and so much of back home. Thank you for sharing.
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