Review – Nothing Close To Home by Nissa Harlow #nissaharlow #nothingclosetohome

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I was quickly caught up in the characters and story line. I do love apocalyptic and dystopian fiction novels and Nissa Harlorw has written a good one in Nothing Close To Home.

The Rift blew through Kenyonville, giving young people the ability to shoot pink energy from their fingertips. They were quarantined and all the adults abandoned them, leaving them to their own devices.

Lea has teamed up with Niesha, Viktor, Click and Buddy. There is safety in numbers, but how long can they last? It’s been 3 years since the Rift and scavenging is depleting Kenyonville’s resources.

Nothing Close To Home by Nissa Harlow has all the things I love in an apocalyptic and dystopian novel…hunger, thirst, and danger. I didn’t think of it being a series when I first picked it up, but I quickly realized the story is far from over.

I can hardly wait to see what comes next.

I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of Nothing Close To Home by Nissa Harlow.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos
4 Stars

Don’t get caught.

Twenty-year-old Léa Young is hungry. In the three years since the Rift tore through her hometown of Kenyonville, gifting the young people with strange powers and causing most of the mature adults to flee, she’s learned to depend on nobody but herself. It’s hard to trust anyone when each interaction could be her last. Desperate for food, she takes a job ripping off a rival boss on the far side of town. The last thing she plans on is getting caught.

Besides the ability to shoot pink energy from his fingertips, Viktor has another superpower: being annoying. But he’s also close with Niesha, the boss who runs the territory on the northeast side of town. Léa’s not about to be picky; if making a fake alliance gets her something to eat, she’s not going to let a little thing like Mr. Tall, Dark, and Infuriating stand in her way.

Léa thinks she’s got everything figured out. She knows she doesn’t want an alliance.

But maybe what she needs is more important than what she wants.

  • Genre: Apocalyptic, Dystopian, Fiction
  • 176 pages, ebook
  • Expected publication July 23, 2024 by Nimble Hope Publishing

Nissa Harlow wanted to be a writer from the time she was a small child, but it took a while before she finally did anything about it. In the meantime, she worked as a volunteer day-camp counsellor, a movie extra, and a digital-photo editor. She even once worked on a conveyor belt in a chocolate factory (which was as stressful—and delicious—as it sounds).

These days, she lives in British Columbia, Canada and writes stories about friendship, love, and healing, all embellished with a touch of the fantastic.

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3 thoughts on “Review – Nothing Close To Home by Nissa Harlow #nissaharlow #nothingclosetohome

    • Thanks Yvonne. It thought I would enjoy it. I’ve gotten pretty good at sniffing out a good story.

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