Sherry’s Shelves #12 – Lots ‘O Books

 Sherry’s Shelves is my weekly update, where I will recap what I have been doing the past week:  July 20 – July 26, 2014. . .Sunday Post is Hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer . Stacking the Shelves is … Continue reading

Sherry’s Shelves #11- More Books To Love

 Sherry’s Shelves is my weekly update, where I will recap what I have been doing the past week:  July 6 – July 12, 2014. . .Sunday Post is Hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer . Stacking the Shelves is … Continue reading

2 Freebies and a New Release – The Chalice of Malvron by Elisabeth Wheatley

Elisabeth Wheatley is giving you three books of the Argetallams Saga for the price of one. The Key of Amatahns and The Secrets of the Vanmars are FREE ( Please check and make sure the price is “0”) and the The Chalice of … Continue reading