Review – Jack and Jill and The Blue Light Killer by Christopher Greyson @Chris_Greyson #jackandjillandthebluelightkiller

Amazon / KindleUnlimited / Goodreads

I got a copy of Jack and Jill and The Blue Light Killer by Christopher Greyson from Book Funnel, though Christopher’s newsletter. I would classify it as a mystery and drop the suspense/thriller description, because it read more like a police procedural and I thought it lacked the heart pounding moments and the nitty gritty that I love so much. But, that’s okay. The book does what a good mystery should…kept me guessing.

I love Lady. I’d love to have her at my side too.

Jack gets shot at a lot, so think twice about becoming his partner. Sure, he’s a cop and you can expect some dangerous situations to arise every once in a while, but Jack has a slew of books to share his escapades with you. 🙂

I love dialogue and storylines that combine the fun with the serious, and Christopher Greyson does that easily.

If you are looking for a series with a recurring character and a story that allows each book to stand alone, never fear, Jack Stratton is here.

I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of Jack and Jill and The Blue Light KIller by Christopher Greyson.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos
3 Stars

This time, there’s murder on Jack’s doorstep…
Jack takes out the trash and comes face to face with a lifeless body in the dumpster. With no attempt to hide his crime, the killer left his gruesome handiwork on full display, wanting it to be discovered. Is this chilling message directed specifically to Jack?
When the body count rises, and more suspects emerge, Jack is ordered to join forces with recently transferred Detective Jill Reyes. As they plunge headfirst into the investigation, each new piece of uncovered evidence suggests one of their own may be the killer, leaving Jack to wonder who he can trust. Will Jack be able to outsmart this cunning murderer and catch the killer? Or will he become another victim in their sick game of life and death?

Grab your copy and start reading this electrifying novel today!

From multi-award-winning Wall Street Journal bestselling author Christopher Greyson comes this spellbinding tale with jaw-dropping secrets, a colorful ensemble of characters, and a protagonist you’ll root for from the first page to the last.

Christopher Greyson’s novels have been read by millions of readers. Look for other standalone novels by Wall Street Journal bestselling author Christopher Greyson featuring leading man Detective Jack Stratton. These books can be read in any order.

The Detective Jack Stratton Mystery-Thriller Series
And Then She Was Gone (Prequel)
Girl Jacked
Jack Knifed
Jacks Are Wild
Jack and the Giant Killer
Data Jack
Jack of Hearts
Jack Frost
Jack of Diamonds
Captain Jack

Jack of Spades
Jack & Jill and the Blue Light Killer

  • Genre: Fiction, Mystery, Suspense, Thriller
  • 372 pages, Kindle Edition
  • Published April 30, 2024 by Greyson Media

My name is Christopher Greyson, and I am a storyteller.

Since I was a little boy, I have dreamt of what mystery was around the next corner, or what quest lay over the hill. If I couldn’t find an adventure, one usually found me, and now I weave those tales into my stories. I am blessed to have written over twenty novels.

My love for tales of mystery and adventure began with my grandfather, a decorated World War I hero. I will never forget being introduced to his friend, a WWI pilot who flew across the skies at the same time as the feared, legendary Red Baron. My love of reading and storytelling eventually led me to write and it’s the best job I’ve ever had.

I love to hear from my readers. Please visit, where you can become a preferred reader, download an exclusive Jack Stratton mystery, and receive advanced notifications of book releases and more! Please follow Detective Jack Stratton on Twitter @chris_greyson and Facebook…. Thank you for reading my novels. I hope my stories have brightened your day.


Christopher Greyson

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