Review – She’s Got The Time by M O Mack #MOMack

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I am a fan of M O Mack, so any time I see a book available, I grab it. She’s Got The Time is her latest in the Suite 45 series, about assassins. I do love assassins, and M O Mack gives them a different twist, a fresh glimpse into their lives.

Emily had no idea what she was getting into when she took the job answering phones for a pest company. It wasn’t long until she learned the truth. Now, she’s face to face with Charge, wondering what is really going on. I’m with her. Does he care about her? Will her throw her to the wolves? It sure looks like it to both of us. Guess we shall see.

The action is fast paced keeping me involved and alert for the next bullet to come our way. Of course we have the good guys and the bad guys….or are they bad guys and those not quite as bad. And where do they fit on the scale?

Emily is locked up for a crime she didn’t commit, in one of the worst prisons in the country, and the cartel has a ten million dollar bounty on her head.

The romance…well…we’ll see about it. And it didn’t go the way I thought it would. Not the normal white knight in shining armor rescuing the damsel in distress.

The ending…I’m still deciding whether I like it or not. It didn’t make a whole lot of sense to me, but maybe the author has something in store for us and this is just leading up to some danger in the next story. After all, I don’t think they can just walk away and have a happy ever after…at least not yet.

I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of She’s Got The Time by M O Mack.

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4 Stars

From author M.O. Mack comes the third heart-stopping thriller in the Suite #45 series, SHE’S GOT THE TIME.


Emily has made some pretty tough choices in order to survive. Some she regrets. Others, well, not so much.

Running from her corrupt FBI husband, for example? No regrets. Ending up working for a group of hit men? Big regrets.

On the bright side, the group only kills bad guys. On the not-so-bright side, the biggest cartel south of the border wants the group dead, and she’s number two on their list.

Emily’s biggest regret, however? Growing feelings for Charge, her hit man boss.

Because when the feds arrest her for the murder of her ex, Emily knows she’s been set up, and all signs point to Charge.

Why would he do this to her? The prison is filled with vicious criminals, and there’s a price on her head. Ten million dollars.

Can she find a way out before her time is up? Because she’d really love some sweet revenge.

The clock is ticking…

  • Genre: Fiction, Romance, Romantic Suspense, Suspense, Thriller
  • 270 pages, ebook
  • First published August 29, 2024 by Paper & Silver, Inc
  • Series: The Suite 45, #3

Obviously, M.O. Mack is a cover. Don’t bother looking for the author’s true identity. He/she must remain secret due to the sensitive information written in his/her stories…

Okay, most of all that is total rubbish! M.O. is a full-time author from the great state of Arizona, who loves making stuff up and hates a slow story. The faster the better! Most days, M.O. tries to avoid the news (too violent) so it doesn’t interfere with writing funny, but quasi-violent stories.


MIMI JEAN PAMFILOFF is a New York Times bestselling author who’s sold over one million books around the world. Although she obtained her MBA and worked for more than fifteen years in the corporate world, she believes that it’s never too late to come out of the romance closet and follow your dreams.

Mimi lives with her Latin lover hubby, two pirates-in-training (their boys), and their three spunky dragons (really, just very tiny dogs with big attitudes) Snowy, Mini, and Mack, in the vampire-unfriendly state of Arizona.

She hopes to make you laugh when you need it most and continues to pray daily that leather pants will make a big comeback for men.

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