Sherry’s Shelves 7.14 – 7.20.24 #weeklyupdate

Hi Everyone. Well, don’t have to wish for rain today. Don’t have to add water to the pool, either. We are having a thunderstorm blowing through today. It’s a good day to write a couple of reviews, curl up with a good book, or binge watch Lucifer…again. 🙂 How about you? Read any good books? Watched any good shows?

  • Sherry’s Shelves
  • $10 GC & Review – The City Of Magicians: Threat by Peter Gribble
  • $20 GC – Gone Crazy by Terry Korth Fischer
  • Review – Fatal Risk by Jane Blythe
  • Review – Savage Mayhem by Sue Coletta
  • Books From The Backlog
  • Review – Confessions Of The Dead by James Patterson & J D Barker
  • Tackling The TBR
  • You can see my Giveaways HERE.
  • You can see my Reviews HERE.
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  • Thanks for visiting fundinmental!

7 thoughts on “Sherry’s Shelves 7.14 – 7.20.24 #weeklyupdate

  1. We’ve just had a hurricane, and every day since then we’ve had a thunderstorm (emphasis on the thunder) blow through. Whew.

    We are hoping to start, for the first time, Doctor Who, soon!

  2. It’s like 70% chance of rain every day this week including today. Mostly though it rains in the late afternoon or night. It can still be warm and muggy in the day. The temperature is 80s where last week was 90s. I need to mow the lawn now with it raining.

    Anne – Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  3. Last week, I think, I woke up to the most beautiful pink sunrise, blue sky in every direction, and pouring rain for like, 5 minutes. Bizarre, but very pretty.

  4. We’re in our rainy season and a lot of thunder and lightening comes with it. We’re also in our hurricane season which lasts for 6 months, June thru the end of November.

    I hope you’re having a great week!

  5. Pingback: Sherry's Shelves 7.21 - 7.27.24 #weeklyupdate - fundinmentalfundinmental

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