Sherry’s Shelves – 5.12 – 5.18.24 #weeklyupdate

Hi Everyone. We’ve has some pretty wicked storms coming through the Florida Panhandle. How has your weather been? It sure does make everything sprout and I do love that. I haven’t given the pool a try…yet, but I see it coming. I want to feel the sun on my skin and smell the chlorine. LOL Says summer to me. Have a super week.

  • Sherry’s Shelves
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  • $30 Gift Card – The Closed Tunnel by Anthony Harold
  • Review – Among The Tombstones by H R Boldwood
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  • Review – With Blood In Their Eyes by Kevin Cady
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5 thoughts on “Sherry’s Shelves – 5.12 – 5.18.24 #weeklyupdate

  1. I read witch in the woods i thought it was an excellent some what creepy middle grade. Have a great week.

  2. I was outside on my porch a little bit ago and I was surprised it was SO HOT! It’s 87 here in Ohio and this is the hottest it has been this year. I would have loved to be in a pool, LOL! Have a good week!

  3. We had some awful storms come through the Houston area in the last week or so, but they mostly caused their damage north of us.

    I took my first dip into the pool today! Wonderful.

  4. We’ve been getting bad thunderstorms lately. We go from “way too hot” to storms. That’s Florida for you. We went to the pool once but I’m sure we’ll have more pool time soon.

    Hope you have a great week!

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