Sherry’s Shelves 8.18 – 8.24.24 #weeklyupdate #stackingtheshelves #thesundaypost #thesundaysalon

Hi Everyone. Hope you had a good week. Mine was pretty quiet, because I have binge reading. I want to get all my September review books read and the reviews written. I find it so hard to say no to anyone, because there are so many great books coming my way. I have gotten pretty good at picking books and authors that are a good fit for me. That doesn’t stop me from stepping outside my comfort zone now and again. How about you?

  • Sherry’s Shelves
  • Giveaway – In The Event Of Murder by Cynthia Kuhn
  • $50 GC – Pulse by B A Bellec
  • $20 GC – The Cadieux Murders by R J Koreto
  • Review – Covert Risk by Jane Blythe
  • Review – Fantasmagoria by Eric J Guignard
  • Giveaway – The Summer Of Love And Death by Mary McCreary
  • $20 GC & Review – Proven Innocence by Mary J Rocco
  • Giveaway – The Poseidon Project by E William Pedochil
  • Tackling The TBR
  • You can see my Giveaways HERE.
  • You can see my Reviews HERE.
  • If you like what you see, why don’t you follow me?
  • Look on the right sidebar and let’ talk.
  • Leave your link in the comments and I will drop by to see what’s shakin’.
  • I am an Amazon affiliate/product images are linked.
  • Thanks for visiting fundinmental!

4 thoughts on “Sherry’s Shelves 8.18 – 8.24.24 #weeklyupdate #stackingtheshelves #thesundaypost #thesundaysalon

  1. I say no to all requests for reviews now. I’ve decided to stick with what I choose to buy myself or check out from the library. I’m glad you are able to continue to review books that are sent your way!

    Hope you got some swimming in last week, too!

    • I have been finding so many good books, that I just can’t stop volunteering to review more. I have some books I’ve been waiting for from the library. Must be some very slow readers ahead of me. 🙁

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