Sherry’s Shelves 9.8 – 9.14.24

Hi Everyone. It’s still pool weather, though it has become very refreshing since the storm passed through. For the most part, it missed us. A little bit of wind and a little bit of rain. Hurricane season is winding down and we have our fingers crossed it will be a quiet fall. Michigan and Alabama both won their football games today. YAY!

Yes, we have met Beetlejuice.

Baseball season is almost over. Looks like we won’t make the playoffs this year.

  • Sherry’s Shelves
  • $25 GC – The Courtesan’s Pirate by Nina Wachsman
  • The Spotlight Is On Soul Love by D F Jones
  • Review – She’s Got The Time by M O Mack
  • Giveaway – Undercover Babymoon by Karina Bartow
  • $10 GC & Review – Crossing Day by William A Glass
  • $25 GC & Review – Time Marked Warlock by Shami Stovall
  • $15 GC Heroic Measures by Joel Shulkin
  • $20 GC – In The Midst Of Shadows by Nicol Italia
  • Is This How It Ends – Bleeding Sea by K A Kirtland
  • $25 GC – Men Of The 65th by Talia Akens Nunez
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2 thoughts on “Sherry’s Shelves 9.8 – 9.14.24

    • That sounds fabulous. We keep our pool swim ready and used to get in it at least for Christmas and New Years. Not so much any more. Enjoy!

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