Sherry’s Shelves 7.21 – 7.27.24 #weeklyupdate

Hi Everyone. We’ve had some sun and some rain and I have been reading and reviewing. I’m not up to much physical stuff, except for rehab. I have my fingers crossed for a good Saturday (I’m writing this on Thursday) and we can have a pool day with a couple of our friends. I’m working on a post about my hospitalization. It is the most traumatic thing I have ever had happen to me. A big bummer is…I’m losing a lot of hair. It doesn’t look good for the immediate future. I’m pulling out the hats and picking some favorites to keep handy. I thought of buying some, but I already have so many, so I don’t see the point. How about you? Are a hatter? 🙂

  • Sherry’s Shelves
  • $25 GC – The Tarnished Son by Elizabeth McKenna
  • Review – All We Buried by Elena Taylor
  • As & When by Alex Andre
  • Books From The Backlog
  • $20 GC & Review – A Cold Cold World by Elena Taylor
  • Tackling The TBR
  • You can see my Giveaways HERE.
  • You can see my Reviews HERE.
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  • Look on the right sidebar and let’ talk.
  • Leave your link in the comments and I will drop by to see what’s shakin’.
  • I am an Amazon affiliate/product images are linked.
  • Thanks for visiting fundinmental!

9 thoughts on “Sherry’s Shelves 7.21 – 7.27.24 #weeklyupdate

  1. I love hats. My two friends who have been experiencing hair loss have taken nicely to hats. They have some stunning ones.

    I hope you get a chance to write about your experience and share a little with us.

  2. very sad to hear you have such a traumatic reason for choosing hats to wear — they should be fun, but illness or injury isn’t at all.
    Good luck with your recovery.
    best, mae at

  3. If it’s going to be a long time thing, consider investing in a good wig. A few freinds with cancer treatments did and it makes all the difference. Enjoy your time with the books

  4. Pingback: Sherry's Shelves 8.28 - 9.3.24 #stackingtheshelves #thesundaypost #thesundaysalon #weeklyupdate - fundinmentalfundinmental

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