Sherry’s Shelves #201 is my blog update from 11..3.19 – 11.9.19.

- Sunday Post is hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer
- Sunday Salon is hosted by Readerbuzz
- Stacking The Shelves is hosted by Tynga’s Reviews
- **images are linked to Amazon (I am an affiliate)**
Hi All. Glad to see you here. Well….another week has gone by and it passed too fast. I don’t know where the time goes. I remember as a kid when I used to wish the days away, wanting to be older so I could do this or that. No more. Even though I am retired, it still seems like there is never enough time in the day. Time to read, time to blog, time to work in the yard…time to…well, you probably know what I mean.
It’s been another great week for wonderful books. I must have esp or a lot of luck on my side when choosing books. Of course, I have become more selective and check them out on Goodreads and Amazon first. I look for 3 Stars or more. Of course, we all want those 5 Star reads, but even a 3 star can give me hours of reading entertainment. How about you?
Well, that’s about it for this week. Leave a link and I’ll stop by and check you out.
fundinmental FREEBIES (check for the “0”)
LAST WEEK ON fundinmental
- Sherry’s Shelves #200 – Spooky Boo and Halloween Fun #Halloween #WeeklyUpdate
- Blog Ahead October Challenge #ReadingChallenge
- Do You DARE To Play The Game? Scavenger Hunt by Michaelbrent Collings @mbcollings
- Giveaway – A Very Vegan Halloween by Rebecca Henry @rebeccahenryaut @SDSXXTours
- Music Monday – Dr Hook #musicmonday @DrHookOfficial
- Giveaway – Great Kids Don’t Just Happen by Dr Paul Smolen @DocSmo @iReadBookTours
- Realistic Tragedy – Their Last Breath by Sibel Hodge @sibelhodge
- Giveaway – Angelbound by Christina Bauer @CB_Bauer @XpressoTours
- Giveaway & Review – Winter Frost by Lauren Carr @TheMysteryLadie @iReadBookTours
- Books From The Backlog – America Rising by Tom Paine #TomPaine #BooksFromTheBacklog
- I Need A J – Just You, Me and a Secret by Ganga Bharani Vasudevan @ganga_bharani
- Giveaway – Jack Bass, Black Cloud Chronicles @DassoEdwin @SDSXXTours
- Love The Cover for The Art of Taking It Easy by Dr Brian King @drbrianking @iReadBookTours
COMING UP ON fundinmental
- Sherry’s Shelves
- Music Monday – My Heart Will Go On by Celine Dion
- Giveaway & Review – Beneath London’s Fog by Iona Caldwell
- Review – 4 Dark Tales in Highway 7 by Perry Prete
- Giveaway – Vampires Rule in Wicked Night by Evi Rhodes
- Books From The Backlog – The Bay of Foxes by Sheila Kohler
- Giveaway – Steel Assassin by Geoffrey Saign
- Z is for Zombies b Ninjas by R A Barnes
- Are You A Cat Lover – Cosmic Cat by Mollie Hunt
What are you up to this week? Reading any good books? Watching any good movies?
- To see all my Giveaways, go HERE.
- To see all my reviews, go HERE.
- If you like what you see, why don’t you follow me?
- Look on the right sidebar and let’s talk.
- Leave your link in the comments and I will drop by to see what’s shakin’.
- I am an Amazon affiliate/product images are linked.
- Thanks for visiting fundinmental!
As a kid our six week summer holidays used to last forever but now time flies by so quickly it’s scary! I’ve been very picky about giving out 5 stars recently, maybe too picky. I do need to go over my star ratings and re-do them but it’s too big a job at the moment and I have lots of other things to do!
yeah, i need to revamp a lot of blogging things, but i think about it and do something else. lol time…not enough of it.
i think my mood affects my ratings.
Now a days, I only wish a day away if it’s so incredibly stressful and even then i try to rise above it.
i know what you mean. hope you have a lot of stress free days in the future
If I finish a book, it’s already earned 3 stars, and I agree, just because it didn’t blow you away, doesn’t mean it didn’t entertain you. The days are flying! I feel like it was just summer and now it’s almost Thanksgiving. Crazy! I think I do notice it passing faster as I get older too
before we know it we’ll be ringing in 2020 LOL
I’m pickier about my books too because my time is more limited these days. The time seems to pass faster as I get older. It’s fun when you find reading enjoyment from the books you’ve picked out. Enjoy your new books!
i think the older we get the faster it goes. lol thanks laura
I hear you! When I quit volunteering a couple of weeks ago I was thinking about all the extra reading and blogging time I was going to have, but I spent a lot of it organizing my closets, and yes… extra time on social media and playing Words with Friends. Ha ha.
Have a wonderful new week!
glad you found a productive use of your time. lol
I know what you mean about the passage of time. Although time seems to have crawled while waiting for my surgery to finally be over. Now it is, and I can’t wait to recover.
Enjoy your books and your week, and thanks for visiting my blog.
yeah, when it’s something i dread and want it to be over, it seems to drag too. hope you are back to normal quickly
It always goes by so fast before we know it it’s going to be December! :\
Have a great week and happy reading!
oh no, christmas. seems like we just had it. lol
Oh I know what you mean about retirement. I’m newly retired and there’s still not enough time to do everything! I’ve been lucky in choosing my books, too. Hope you have a great week!
hope you have a great week too yvonne
I know what you mean – the days just fly by and half the time I can’t even tell you what I’ve done. Too bad we can’t have some of that time we wished away back.
i know what you mean. i used to only do one project at a time and wouldn’t move on until it was done. now i have a lot of projects going on and i like it better this way
I understand your point about time. I am also retired but with moving and my daughter’s health issues I haven’t had extra time this year. Hopefully I will finish my unpacking / sorting project this year. I feel like I am lucky to get such great reads but like you I am careful since I can get access to most things these days.
Have a wonderful week and enjoy your books!
i hope things settle down soon and you daughter is feeling better.
I agree so much about time! As kids we seem to have lots of it, and not so much as we get older. Very frustrating! I think I need an extra hundred years just to read everything I want to!
but they will keep writing new books and there will be more to read. i don’t think 100 years would be enough for me. i need to be immortal….then i could read all them time, read faster and maybe…no, not even then
It’s been a good month so far for reading — lots of five stars for me.My lowest rating in November is a 3 star.
sweeeet. it’s all good for you.
I agree with you 100%. I never expected retirement to be so busy. What is going on with this retirement busy-ness?
I have found that I read fewer two star and one star reads these days. I think you are right. I think it’s because I am much better at picking books.
Have a great week!
with retirement, i stay just as busy, just doing different things. happy reading.
You are right – there is never enough time! I consider 3 stars to be a good rating so my goal is always to pick books that I think will be 3-star reads or higher. Have a great week!
totally agree with your ratings info. happy reading
I expect most books to be two or three stars (ok or good) I’m happy enough with good, but always delighted to find a four or five
Wishing you a great reading week
i am happy with good too, but ecstatic when i find those blow my mind reads. have a super week
I have become more selective when choosing books as well. I hope you enjoy all of your new books Sherry! Happy Reading
too many books so us bloggers have to be more selective. i hate those ones that linger on the kindle shelf, getting lost in the shuffle, but i hate to pass on that one click. lol
The grateful books look great! I might have to check those out for my kiddo!
that’s great. i wanted to share some seasonal ones and those looked so cute
I’m not that far away from being able to retire. I don’t know what it holds for me but I’m eager to find out.
the main thing is you gotta have a plan. having something to look forward to is a good thing
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