I got the idea and the motivation to start doing this post from All The Book Blog Names Are Taken. It has helped me to keep track of my reading shelf as far as current events and I also started doing a post for Books From The Backlog to tidy up my shelf. I feel better about my out of control TBR and have even knocked off a couple of those old ones that had been hanging around for years. COME ON….JOIN IN.
Previous TBR Total: 2481
Currently Reading: 6
Some of these may look familiar and that’s because I had a 2 month free Kindle Unlimited and read and read and read those. This is the last week and then I will start knocking some of these off my list.
Books Added to TBR:
I have added some for giveaways, but they will be deleted, so I only count them for the totals and books removed when I remove them. You won’t see them here.
Books Removed from TBR: 0
Books DNF-ed: 0
Duplicates Removed: 7
New TBR Total: 2483
Good job on getting your TBR down Sherry! I saw the Netflix program on Becoming and it was fantastic! I can’t wait to read Midnight Sun as well
i was disappointed with midnight sun but i had to read it…to the end. i don’t have netflix but i would have loved to have seen it
Yes, this does sound like a great way to keep you more accountable toward your TBR pile reading. I find that Books From the Backlog helps me get more motivated about reading them, too.
so true sophia. it’s also a great way to find new books
It feels good to tackle the TBR list, right? And I’m rediscovering books on my shelf I forgot I had!
me too. i have even read one of two and enjoyed them, so i was glad to have been reminded
I’m struggling to find time to read and my TBR isn’t even moving one way or the other. LOL
it’s all about priorities. i would rather read than do anything else that goes along with it. i hope you have a bunch of good ones lined up
I see a lot of book jugglers out there. Do you just pick one up, when you are feeling like you want that sort of story, or do you rotate each book on a schedule? I am always curious. I hope all 6 end up being great.
well some are review books and i try and do them in the order i receive them or have a committed date. the others, i just grab what looks good to me. thanks for the great question
Becoming is an amazing read! Good luck getting through your TBR!
thanks amber. i’ll never read them all, but that won’t stop me from trying. LOL
All the book blog names are taken!!!! Hahahahaha! That’s great.
Congrats on your TBR project!
I started Tackling The TBR in December 2018 on my blog. Sarah joined in with me in 2019 for a while. I had to suspend it early this year because of lockdown slumps but it’s back next week hopefully! It was really helpful for me to keep track of my buys, DNFs and finished books and I’m glad you’re finding it useful too!