Thanks to two of the best bloggers!!!

I was recently given two awards and it is so appropriate that the first two awards I ever received are from my sister, Laura, at fuonlyknew .

She is the one who introduced me to blogging, Goodreads and Twitter. I can’t thank her enough for all her help and support in helping me learn the ropes and introducing me to some of her great friends on the internet. It has brought us closer together. Thank you so much, Laura!

For the Fabulous Blog Ribbon you tell 5 fabulous moments, five things you love and 5 things you hate, and then nominate 5 friends.

For the Versatile Blogger award you tell seven things about yourself and nominate seven friends.

Emily Guido nominated me for not one, but three awesome awards. Even though she is extremely busy writing her Light-Bearer series, she still finds time to stop by my blog and say hi. Thanks so much.

If you haven’t met Emily yet, you can meet her here

The rules:

1) Include the award in your post.

2) Thank the person who nominated you and link back to them.

3) Tell 7 random facts about yourself.

4) Nominate 7 other blogs and let them know you’ve done so.

also the


1) Thank the person who nominated you and link back to them.

2) List 7 things about yourself.

3) Nominate 7 other bloggers and let them know you’ve done so.

and then

There is only one rule:

1) Don’t do a damned thing!

I have decided to combine all the tasks into one. I will tell you seven things about myself. And keep it on the down low, because I have a reputation to protect. LOL

1. It took me an odd route (from Michigan to Alabama to Georgia to Florida to Alabama to New York and back to Florida) to make it here, Florida, but I feel like I am home.

2. I am a car nut, I love fast cars.

3. My husband calls me a mermaid because I spend so much time in the pool. I am a water and sun worshipper.

4. I have a love/hate relationship with golf. I hack around the course every chance I get and take along some beers to soothe my savage beast.

5. I am a bit of a loner, so the power of invisibility would be awesome.

6. I used to be a neat freak, but have found a little dust never hurt anyone. There are not enough hours in the day to do all I want to do.

7. My two hobbies are my passions, other than my husband, of course. I love reading and photography. I like to start my morning, with my coffee, kindle or physical book and camera on the patio by the pool.

All the header photos on my blog were taken by me and I will change them out every now and then.

What a life and I’m loving every minute of it.

Below are my nominees. I spend a lot of time browsing their blogs. Thanks guys. Stop by their blogs and check them out.


Tiffany –

Autumn –

Andrea –

Tiffany –

Mandy – 

Sarah –

Are You Ready For Some Football – A House Divided

It’s been a long month as I eagerly waited for football  to begin. And what a great way to “kick-off” the college football season.

 My husband, Eric, and I out on the town to watch the game. Check out the score, 41-14. Unfortunately, we got slaughtered, but Alabama is the National Champion of 2012.

Eric and I went to New Orleans for the 2012 Sugar Bowl, with underdog Michigan taking out Virginia Tech, 23-20.
