GUEST POST by Mary Abshire
Life After The Quest
The Quest is the second book in the Project Eve series. Both books are action packed and full of mystery. In the first book, The Awakening, my protagonist wakes up among dead bodies and has zero memories. Throughout the book, she seeks to find out her identity and how she came out as the sole survivor among a mass of dead bodies. By the end of The Awakening, she learns her name and what she is. When she finds out who the murderer is and why the person ended those lives, she devotes herself to seeking justice. This is the plot for The Quest.
The Quest takes the reader on another journey with twists and turns as my protagonist is bound and determined to convict the person responsible for murder and so much more. I reveal more about my protagonist such as who took her memories, who her father is, and who her mysterious lover was. Details, details, details. There is a lot going on in the book and they all come together for a happy ending.
Or is it happy? What’s after The Quest?
I left the ending to The Quest open for another book. My protagonist is a unique creature who some admire, others reject, and certain breed want to use. What’s a girl to do?
The books are not romance, but there is a single sex scene in each one. I have ideas for another book, but there wouldn’t be as much mystery and that one detail played a big role in the first two books. Readers seem interested in knowing about her love interest. I’ve considered adding romance, but it would change the direction of the series. At this time, I’m letting my protagonist enjoy her freedom. I think she’s earned it after everything she went through.
If you like action and mystery in a dark setting with a variety of supernatural creatures, I invite you to check out the Project Eve series.
MY REVIEW by sherry
“Yeah, it’s an odd feeling to enjoy the warmth of the day and then love the magic of the night. I get the best and worst of both worlds.”

Spoiler Alert: This is Book II
To see my Review of Book I, The Awakening, go HERE.
I am part demon, part vampire, part angel and part human. There is no other like me. I am the rarest creature on earth. Breeds never mix, so where did I come from?
Six weeks ago Senator Galluzzi had arranged a meeting with various members of the breeds and they had all turned up dead, except for me. I was supposed to be one of them, but someone had saved me.
Jonas and Boss had found me at the dump and become my family, my protectors. They both worked for the World Wide Organization for Peace and Protection – which was created to protect the humans from the rest of us. Since they had found me, almost dead with no memory, we have been working together.
The Senator didn’t know I had no memory and I sure wasn’t going to tell her. I had convinced her to give me a job. I know she only did it to keep me a secret. But I wanted the job so I could investigate her. I knew she was responsible for my mother’s death and I was determined she would pay.
Sal, the demon leader knew about me and helped me get the job. Why was he here on my first day? We had worked out a deal – he would help me get a job with her and I would convince her not to run for President. She mentioned my father, but I didn’t remember him. It seemed her and Sal both did and I was determined to find out for myself.
Jackson, a werewolf and the policeman investigating the slaughter at the dump, came in and heard me called by my real name. I knew I would have to explain. I had not told him about myself since I remembered things and now I was caught in my lies.

Later, I took a break and met Jackson to explain to him, that I found out who I was. I arranged to tell him everything later. On my way back to work I was attacked. Jonas saved me. I told him I was part vampire, so I healed fast and I was going back to work.
As I tried to find my way back to the subbasement, I saw some doors and felt a sense of deja vu. When I saw the silver table, the thoughts that came to me were very strong and sickened me.
At work, I was alone every night for a couple of hours, and would have time to do my own research. Benny, the angel came to warn me. He told me my life was in danger and I needed to leave, but my research was too important for me to leave without answers.
Boss and Jonas picked me up from work and we saw the Gargoyle man following us all the way home. We were going try to trap him for information, but it didn’t go as we had planned.
Sex with Boss was intense and I kept telling myself I only did it to relax. My relationship with Boss was “friends with benefits”. Is that all it really was?
In a moment of passion, I called out to Anubis. Who? I concentrated hard on the name and began to remember him. He was a vampire and I knew we had been together sexually. Was he the one who made me a vampire?
Anubis is the God of the underworld. My memories had to be wrong.

Boss thought someone had planned it all – me coming to Indianapolis, selling my father’s watch and then setting me up for slaughter at the dump. But I knew Anubis wanted me alive, so it couldn’t be him. Was it Senator Galluzzi? I know she wanted me dead.
Back at work, I had some time to prowl through the files and found something with Senator Galuzzi’s name on it, something about Project E. Before I could investigate further, Jonas called and said we needed to meet. When I went outside, I found him laying on the ground. Before I was able to do anything, I was attacked again, only this time it was so much worse.
I was saved by a vampire, the same one responsible for wiping my memories. He had also saved me at the dump. Why did he continually appear and disappear?
I knew they wouldn’t stop until I was dead, but neither would I. Who would triumph in the end?
5 STARS – Would Buy It For Them (lol)
A pretty cover and the title is very descriptive of her story. She is on a quest to find the answers about who she is and why so many want her dead.
Mary Abshire’s writing is very detailed. It made me think of Tom Clancy, even though he doesn’t write about vampires, and how in-depth and detailed his novels are. It may cause the story to slow in places, but it helps to fully develop the characters and the plot.
Her friends would sacrifice their lives for her. As far as she knew, she had never had a friend before, let alone a girl friend. She cherished them and was not going to let them die for her. All she wanted was to be able to live like a normal person.
The characters are unique and so well-developed that your feelings for them will be clear. You will think them good, bad or just plain evil.
The Senator made me think of how much she fit in with the politicians nowadays . They figure the world they live in is their little kingdom. How can you dare try to stop them from getting what they want. The world belongs to them and you better not get in their way.
Whether vampires, werewolves, or warlocks, they acted like real people. At times, it made me forget they weren’t human.
This is not a romance novel, but when he made the quotes below, he made me think about the depth of HIS love…………
“You focus on my face and call my name. Do this and I will find you, even in Hell.”
“My love for you is endless. I will do anything to make you happy.”
“I have felt pain only twice that I can recall – when I died and when I couldn’t find you.”
Mary Abshire is an amazing writer. The depth and detail of the wild and bumpy ride kept me eagerly turning the pages. Every time I would think I am approaching the end of the story ……she grabbed me and carried me on. I love how she kept the story going, making me want more.
I always try to figure out the endings ahead of time. I just can’t seem to help myself. This time I was more wrong than right and I like that. It didn’t end with any scenario I thought of, but I liked it. It made me think and wonder…… there more? The more I thought about it, the more I thought of how appropriate it was. But, if you want to know, you will have to read it for yourself. Hopefully it will be as pleasant a surprise for you as it was for me.
I received this book in return for an honest and unbiased review.
Outside of my government job, I write Paranormal Romance and Urban Fantasy. Dark and dangerous creatures are my friends. I create worlds with vampires, demons, werewolves, and other supernatural creatures. I even create new ones. How do I do this? I have a twisted mind and it gets better with wine.
Care to join me in my fantastical worlds? I’ll introduce you to my friends, and if they bite or corrupt your mind… it’s not my fault.
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