Giveaway & Review – A Fighting Chance by Chrys Fey @ChrysFey


I was watching the Bones TV series, the episode where Bones and Booth get married. When Cundi Lauper began singing At Last, I immediately thought of sharing it with this review. It seemed so appropriate. Funny how that happens sometimes.


Sherry Asked: Why did you name Detective Thorn…Thorn?

Chrys Fey’s Answer: Honestly, I don’t remember. HAHAHA! Usually, I’ll have a first name for a character, and then I have to come up with a good last name to go with it. I’ll explore surname websites and even the credits for movies to find a suitable last name. When it comes to my detective or law enforcement characters, I first come up with the surname that’ll pair well with “Detective” or “Officer.” I do this before even considering the first name. If I ever do.

For example, Officer Burnett is a character we meet in Seismic Crimes (Disaster Crimes Book 2), and we are reacquainted with him in A Fighting Chance. I simply considered a last name that sounded good with “Officer.” I wanted it to be strong. Officer Burnett is a strong title and name combo. So, when it came time to name the detective who comes in to help hunt down the corrupt cop and murderer David Buckland aka Buck, I literally contemplated what name would sound really badass with “Detective.” It doesn’t get much more badass than Detective Thorn.

Pages: 154

Genre: Romantic-Suspense

Heat Rating: Hot


It’s a great day. A Fighting Chance is the final book in the Disaster series and it it time for Thorn’s and Amanda’s story to be told.

Because you may want to start this series at the very beginning with Hurricane Crimes, I will try not to give anything away. I have loved growing and living life to the fullest with Beth and Donovan and would love for you to learn what they have been through to have a life so good they never even dreamed of it.

Thorn is a police officer and best friend to Beth and Donovan. Amanda is a survivor of domestic violence, still hiding out from her ex. She works with Beth at the Fighting Chance, and has become a very good friend of hers. These women have learned to stick together and their man will put their life on the line to keep them safe.

Amanda has found so much to live for, and when the danger comes walking through the door, she knows she cannot face it alone. Thank goodness she doesn’t have to.

She is afraid for Thorn. Afraid to hope for happiness. She is broken, but not beaten.

Thorn and Amanda’s relationship develops in a slow, realistic way. It is tentative and sweet.

I loved reading about her home remedies for defending her home. They are low tech, but they do the job. When Amanda talks about how she points her blinds, I couldn’t help but smile. I do the same thing.

Chrys Fey handles a difficult topic, like domestic abuse in a graceful and interesting way and I can’t help but believe it could be an inspiration for those who need a little bit of help to feel they are worth of a good, loving life.

The feeling of evil, of danger, of a sense of urgency, is subtle, but present throughout the story.

I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of A Fighting Chance by Chrys Fey.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos
4 Stars


*A FIGHTING CHANCE is Book 6 in the Disaster Crimes series, but it’s a spin-off featuring a new couple, so it can be read as a standalone.*

Thorn has loved Amanda from afar, giving her whatever she needs as a survivor of abuse—space, protection, and stability. He yearns to give her more, though, to share his feelings, kiss her, love her, but he’s worried the truth will frighten her away.

And Amanda is afraid. She’s scared of her attraction for Thorn. Most of all, she’s terrified of her ex-boyfriend, who is lurking nearby where no one can find him. When she grows closer to Thorn, Damon retaliates, jeopardizing their happy ending.

Up against an abusive ex and Mother Nature, do Thorn and Amanda have a fighting chance?

Book Links: Amazon / Barnes & Noble / Kobo / iTunes


Amanda looked up from the current list of up-to-date payments for classes. A movement outside the glass storefront caught her eye. She tilted her head to see a man coming up the sidewalk from the side where the picnic bench sat. Through the vertical blinds, she glimpsed a square face—a short, rugged beard and long, dark hair pulled into a man bun. Her breath fled from her lungs. Her body went from icy cold to flaming hot in the span of a millisecond. She dropped to the floor and slid under the counter, beneath the ledge where they put their purses and cell phones.

“What—” Beth peeked at the windows. Then she snapped her fingers at April and pointed at the stools.

April jumped into action. She pushed the stools in so they blocked Amanda. The bell attached to the door jingled as April removed the jacket she wore and draped it across the stools, creating a curtain to shield Amanda.

From a crack, Amanda watched Beth move to stand in front of the twins, who were in their walkers playing peacefully. “I’m sorry, but we’re going to be closing.”

“I don’t give a shit. I’m here for Amanda.”

The sound of Damon’s voice had her heart beating even harder. That voice had haunted her nightmares, had come back to life in her memories.

Beth cocked her head to the side. “Who? There’s no one by that name here.”

“Don’t bullshit me. I know she works here.”

His voice was closer now.



Book Links: Amazon / Barnes & Noble / Kobo / iTunes

Author’s Note: I wrote The Disaster Curse to answer a few lingering questions readers may have after reading A Fighting Chance, and to tie the whole series together with a neat, shiny, perfect little bow. Plus, there was one disaster that I hadn’t written about yet. *wink*

The Disaster Crimes Series:

  • *The Crime Before the Storm (prequel)
  • Hurricane Crimes (novella, #1)
  • Seismic Crimes (#2)
  • Lightning Crimes (free short, #2.5)
  • Tsunami Crimes (#3)
  • Flaming Crimes (#4)
  • Frozen Crimes (#5)
  • A Fighting Chance (spin-off, #6)
  • The Disaster Curse (short story, #7)

*Free exclusive story to newsletter subscribers.

***LAUNCHING A WEBSITE*** is a website dedicated to domestic violence and sexual assault awareness. Inspired by the Disaster Crimes series.


Prizes: Hurricane Crimes (Disaster Crimes 1) and Seismic Crimes (Disaster Crimes 2) eBooks (mobi or epub), Hurricane Crimes Playing Cards, Girl Boss Sign, and a Volcanic Blast Scented Candle



Chrys Fey is author of the Disaster Crimes Series, a unique concept that blends disasters, crimes, and romance. She runs the Insecure Writer’s Support Group Book Club on Goodreads and edits for Dancing Lemur Press.

Author Links:  Newsletter / Website / Facebook Group /Blog / BookBub

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