Tackling The TBR 4.9 – 4.15.22

I got the idea and the motivation to start doing Tackling The TBR from All The Book Blog Names Are Taken. It has helped me to keep track of my reading shelf as far as current events and I also started doing a post for Books From The Backlog, from Carole’s Random Life in Books, to tidy up my shelves. I feel better about my out of control TBR and have even knocked off a couple of those old ones that had been hanging around for years.


Previous Total: 2139

Currently Reading

The Galston House by Marc Layton is linked to Goodreads.

The Galston House

Books Read

I didn’t find this on Amazon, so the cover is linked to Goodreads

The Graveyard Speaks

Books Added

I added Sting by Sandra Brown because of a Goodreads Giveaway.


Books DNF-ed: 0

Books Deleted: 0

Duplicates Removed: 0

New TBR Total: 2136

  • You can see my Giveaways HERE.
  • You can see my Reviews HERE.
  • If you like what you see, why don’t you follow me?
  • Look on the right sidebar and let’ talk.
  • Leave your link in the comments and I will drop by to see what’s shakin’.
  • I am an Amazon affiliate/product images are linked.
  • Thanks for visiting fundinmental!

2020 Library Love Challenge #LibraryLove


Welcome to the fourth annual Library Love Challenge hosted by Angel’s Guilty Pleasures & Books of My Heart.

Enter your monthly linkups for the giveaway HERE.

I hope you will join us in celebrating and support libraries.

I have some authors on my radar and will need to check them out from the library. To motivate myself to knock some of them off my reading list, I figure this challenge will do so. If it looks like something you would enjoy…come on…sign up.

I really haven’t set any specific goals, but I hope to read and review…at least…one library book a month.

The Silent Corner (Jane Hawk, #1)
The Whispering Room (Jane Hawk, #2)
The Crooked Staircase (Jane Hawk, #3)

Look For Me by Lisa Gardner (Read 8.4.20 – Reviewed 8.28.20)

Look For Me (Detective D.D. Warren, #9)

  • You can see my Giveaways HERE.
  • You can see my Reviews HERE.
  • If you like what you see, why don’t you follow me?
  • Look on the right sidebar and let’ talk.
  • Leave your link in the comments and I will drop by to see what’s shakin’.
  • I am an Amazon affiliate/product images are linked.
  • Thanks for stopping by fundinmental!

Bookgrabbr Spotlight and Giveaway

​BookGrabbr : A
 great way for readers to discover new books and an innovative marketing tool for authors. 


​For Readers:

BookGrabbr is a social media-marketing tool that allows authors to share both full books and previews of their books with readers. Readers, you can have access to these books by signing in through Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn and using their ability to share as a form of currency. The “Share” is the payment! Share the book, and it will allow you to read it. Just click the “Grabb this book” button next to the book and our system will prompt you to share in exchange for reading!

BookGrabbr contains books of many genres, so visit today, “grabb” a book that catches your eye and start reading!

For Authors and Publishers:

Through their unique marketing tool and platform, BookGrabbr helps authors connect to readers that they wouldn’t generally be able to connect to through their friends and their friend’s friends. The noise in the marketplace is deafening, and at times can be a bit overwhelming for authors trying to promote their books.

BookGrabbr created a way to generate some more buzz by harnessing the power of each individual author’s social media platform.  Once you create your profile on BookGrabbr it allows potential readers to read a preview of your book or the full copy and then directs them to your site of choice to purchase your book in the format that you desire. And since BookGrabbr doesn’t make any money on book sales, you can send them to a retailer, or to your own personal page or wherever you choose! BookGrabbr’s purpose is to help you sell more books, gain momentum and generate exposure.

See how it works:


​How does iRead Book Tours help?

For Readers: 

We help you discover new authors that have put their profile and books on BookGrabbr through our BookGrabbr Promotion Service.

For Authors and Publishers:

Don’t have time to dedicate to yet another marketing campaign? Let us take care of it for you. Through the BookGrabbr Promotion Service we create your profile, help you share your books on your social media and ours too, of course. In addition, we provide you with ideas and the support on how to best use your BookGrabbr profile. This is a cost-effective, efficient way to publicize your books! Contact us to see how we can help you spread the word about your book through BookGrabbr.

Like the idea? Enter the giveaway below to win a BookGrabbr Promotion Service worth $75 and $100 in cash!

Not an author? You can still win the $100 in cash.

Giveaway starts March 14 and ends April 15, 2016.

  • To see all my Giveaways, go HERE.
  • If you like what you see, why don’t you follow me?
  • animated smilies photo: animated animated.gifLook on the right sidebar and let’s talk.
  • Leave your link in the comments and I will drop by to see what’s shakin’.
  • Problem commenting, look for the twitter, facebook…buttons.
  • Thanks for visiting fundinmental!

Sherry’s Shelves #34 ~ Books & Reading

Laisse les bons temps rouler

(Let the good times roll)

Mardi Gras season is upon us. Let the party begin!

Sherry’s Shelves is my weekly update for February 1 – February 7, 2015.

Stay tuned for more books and fun!



Sunday Post is hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer

Stacking The Shelves is hosted by Tynga’s Reviews

Bought, Borrowed & Bagged is hosted by TalkSupe

**all images are linked to Amazon (I am an affiliate)**



I did not manage to control myself this week.

How about you?



LAST WEEK ON fundinmental

Sherry’s Shelves #33 ~ I Won “DEAN” from Supernatural!!

Cover Reveal for the Life is But a Dream series by Lee Strauss

Growl by Ashley Fontainne ~ Review & Excerpt

Teaser Tuesday #35 ~ Hades by Candice Fox

Cover Reveal for Melancholy of Souls by Anne Michaud

Prologue Reveal for New Release ~ Ember by Rachel Van Dyken

Giveaway ~ Pulse Point Romance Anthology

Friday 56 #39 & BB #15 ~ Gods fight and Man Pays the Price

Review: A Dexter-ish & Dark Suspense Thriller – Hades by Candice Fox

Water So Deep by Nichole Giles

THIS WEEK ON fundinmental

I will be adding some reviews and…

Sherry’s Shelves

Teaser Tuesday – Dictating Death by Bonnie R Paulson

Review – Heartsearch, Book III, Betrayal by Carlie M A Cullen

Friday 56 & Book Beginnings

Review & Tag Team Event – Dinosaur Lake II by Kathryn Meyer Griffith


Have you ever been to Mardi Gras?


To see all my Reviews, go HERE.
To see all my Giveaways, go HERE.

If you like what you see, why don’t you follow me?

animated smilies photo: animated animated.gifLook on the right sidebar and let’s talk.


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If you are a member too, please stop by and follow. I will follow back.
