Sherry’s Shelves is my weekly update, where I will recap what I have been doing for the past week: October 12 – October 18, 2014.
We have been having wonderful fall weather here in sunny Florida.
The pool is still open and I have been enjoying splashing around.
I went to the Pensacola Fair. I love to wander, people watch and snap pics.
Mr Wonderful and I also went on a photo hunt.
I was looking for certain shots of a couple of things for an upcoming post.
Stay tuned for more books and fun!

Sunday Post is hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer
Stacking The Shelves is hosted by Tynga’s Reviews
Bought, Borrowed & Bagged is hosted by TalkSupe
**all images are linked to Amazon (I am an affiliate)**
TRAPPED by Jack Kilborn
Six troubled teens on a deserted island?
We know this can’t be good. 

THE LAST TRACK by Sam Hillard
A Mike Brody Novel
Take Robert B. Parker’s Spenser, mix in a healthy dose of The Mentalist, then roll him up in an adrenaline junkie with psychic abilities.
(Taken from Amazon book description)
When I saw that description, I was hooked. I had to have it!
I found this on Book Bub.

THE NORU: Blue Rose, Book I
by Lola StVil
The cover intrigues me and the synopsis made me think of Supernatural.
But really, it was the cover that made me grab it. 
Still free at time of posting. Check for the “0”.

FORCED ENTRY by Komrade Komura
The cover made me stop and check this out.
When I saw it was a short story, I didn’t hesitate to grab it.
Still free at time of posting. Please check for the “0”.

I saw this in Diane Capri’s newsletter. Thanks, Diane.
I would have grabbed this by the title alone.
Still free at time of posting. Please check for the “0”.

“5 Heart Pumping Mysteries Thrillers Boxed Set
I saw this in an event on Goodreads that was posted by Simon Jenner, one of the authors.
Still free at time of posting. Please check for the “0”.

FALSE TRUTH by Diane Capri
A Jordan Fox Mystery
The cover spoke to me.
Another book I found through Diane’s newsletter.
Still free at time of posting. Please check for the “0”.

COLLIDE, The Solomon Experiments, Book I
By Christine Fonseca
I love this intriguing cover.
This was another invitation to pick up a free copy from Christine during a Goodreads event.

Texas Brand Series Bonus Book, Book I, by Maggie Shane
How cute is this cover. Can you resist it?
Still free at time of postine. Check for the “0”

I picked up one for review through Net Galley.
I love Janet Evanovich, so I had to grab this.

DARK LONGINGS by Wodke Hawkinson
I have seen Wodke Hawkinson’s name bandied about, so this will be my introduction to his writing.
I won this book and am not sure what to think of the cover.
Thank you Wodke.

FIRST ENCOUNTER, A Lady’s Series, Book I
by Candy O’Donnell
I won this book. Thanks Candy.

HIS NAME WAS BEN by Paulette Mahurin
I won this book on Guiltless Reading.
Thank you.

LAST WEEK ON fundinmental
Sherry’s Shelves #22 – Books & Fun
Blood Brothers: Escape to Creeporia by Dean c Moore Giveaway
Teaser Tuesday #28 – End of Enemies by Grant Blackwood
Zombie Humor – Unfed by Kirsty McKay – Review
Is she a Ghost Whisperer – Crypt Keeper by K A Young Tour Giveaway
Horror to the Nth Degree – Crawl by Edward Lorn – Review
Friday 56 #30 & BB #6 – Freeblood by Marny Copal
Cover Reveal for Romancing Christmas – 10 Spicy Love Stories
The Executioner at the Institute for Contaminated Children by Margaret E Alexander Review Tour
My Adventures – 2014 Pensacola Interstate Fair
THIS WEEK ON fundinmental
Sherry’s Shelves #23
Among Monsters by Jamie McGuire – Pre-release Event
Teaser Tuesday #29
Catalyst by S J Kincaid Giveaway Tour
Cover Reveal & Giveaway for The Publicist by Christina George
Review – Night Terror by Jeff Gunhus
Spooktacular Seductions Giveaway
Friday 56 #31 & BB #9
Review – Guilt By Association by Marcia Clark
What have you been reading?
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