Alternate History – King Of Trees by Carmen Webster Buxton @CarmenWBuxton


King Of Trees by Carmen Webster Buxton was a pleasant surprise, more than I expected. Why I was so surprised, I don’t know. After all, I have loved everything I have read of hers. Maybe it was the cover? The title?

King of Trees

Amazon / Goodreads


I have been reading Carmen Webster’s work for some time now, and she never fails to entertain me. Her writing is captivating and many times she creates an original story that keeps me reading until the last sentence is read, like with King Of Trees, a novel approach to time travel. Instead of going forward or back, we go sideways, into a parallel universe, and due to damage to their ‘vehicle’ they will not be coming back.

Their mission: stop the desecration of the environment. I love reading novels that include global warming, pollution…who knows what fictional ideas could become our new reality.

The world Carmen Webster Buxton has created took me back in time with the characters, looking through new eyes and an open mind. At this point, I became wrapped up in the paperback I was reading and quit taking notes. Now I regret it. There was so much I wanted to share and I waited too long.

As I sit here thinking, one of the first things that came to mind was how the characters learned to work together, grew to trust each other and become a community, each part of the whole. I love books that get me thinking and King Of Trees does that.

The story, for me, is about the characters…the personal sacrifices they make and their growth that Carmen has so richly developed.

King Of Trees by Carmen Webster Buxton is a complete novel, no series. The story is finished and I enjoyed my time in Albion. I look forward to more from Carmen. I feel my review does not convey how much I enjoyed the story, the fantasy, the perils…

I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of King Of Trees by Carmen Webster Buxton.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos
4 Stars


In an alternate version of Britain, a group of sideways-in-time travelers have forever altered the course of their new world’s history. “What if the world we’re on is only one thread out of millions of threads in the rope of time?” The question the Outsider woman posed to him left Bardolph as confused as ever. He knew the Outsiders had appeared as if by magic many years before, during his great-grandfather’s reign, but he had never understood where they came from. He only knew they had changed Albion forever. Melissa York might have been grateful to her rescuer, who called himself King of Albion, but she saw no reason to let her gratitude influence her opinion of antiquated notions like monarchy and pagan religions. Let the Druids go back to their forests. She and her people were the best defense Albion had against the invaders. Bardolph knew better. All the people of Albion would need to work together or they would find themselves conquered again. Only this time instead of a Roman emperor, their tribute would be paid to one in faraway China. He only hoped the Outsiders were as clever and as powerful as rumor said they were, because Albion needed all the help it could get.


Carmen Webster Buxton

Carmen Webster Buxton spent her youth reading every book published by Ursula LeGuin, Robert Heinlein and Georgette Heyer. This combination of far-future worlds, alien cultures, and old-fashioned courting customs influenced her writing, especially in her ThreeCon series.

Carmen was born in Hawaii and experienced a peripatetic childhood, as her father was in the US Navy. Having raised two wonderful children, she now lives in Maryland with her husband Charlie, and a beagle named Cosmo. She writes science fiction (often including a romance, and mostly set in the far future), and the occasional fantasy.

Carmen has published many books:

Alien Bonds
Alien Vows
Alien Skies

The Sixth Discipline
No Safe Haven

THREECON SERIES (can be read in any order)
The Nostalgia Gambit
Saronna’s Gift
Shades of Empire
Worlds Apart

King of Trees


Where Magic Rules
Bag of Tricks
Hidden Magic

THE NAMELESS WORLD SAGA (coming in 2021)
The North Edge of Nowhere
Oaths and Promises

Carmen often blogs about ereaders, digital publishing, writing, and speculative fiction. Visit her blog to see what’s coming out next! To ask questions or to provide feedback on her books, send email to carmen.webster.buxton (at)

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Giveaway – One boy’s War by Nancy McDonald @iReadBookTours @nmcdonaldwriter


Join us for this tour from Sep 14 to Oct 2, 2020!
Book Details:

Book TitleOne Boy’s War by Nancy McDonald
CategoryMiddle-Grade Fiction (Ages 8-12),  134 pages
GenreHistorical fiction
PublisherIguana Books
Release date:   April, 2020
Content RatingG. There is no violence, bad language etc. in this book.

Raves for Boy From Berlin by Nancy McDonald:

“Inspired by a true story, Boy from Berlin shares a unique voice in the Holocaust. Highly recommended!”
Jennifer Roy, author of Yellow Star, winner of the Boston Globe-Horn Book Honor Award.
“A compelling introduction to themes of war, courage and identity, certain to engage young readers.” – Trilby Kent, author of Stones for my Father, winner of the TD Canadian Children’s Literary Award.

Book Description:

ENGLAND, SUMMER 1940. Following a brush with death in the Irish Sea, 10-year-old Käfer Avigdor unexpectedly finds himself back in London. There, he stumbles upon a sinister Nazi plot that targets hundreds of people in Britain—including the most powerful man in the country. The one person who might be able to defeat Adolf Hitler. With the Germans threatening to invade England at any moment, Käfer musters all his courage and ingenuity in a valiant effort to thwart the Nazis. But will he succeed in time to save the day? One Boy’s War, the sequel to Boy from Berlin, is inspired by real people and historical events.

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  Book Details:

Book TitleBoy from Berlin by Nancy McDonald
CategoryMiddle-Grade Fiction (Ages 8-12),  142 pages
GenreHistorical fiction
PublisherIguana Books
Release date:   May 7, 2018
Format available for review:  PDF
Tour dates: September 14 to October 2, 2020
Content RatingG. There is no violence, bad language etc. in this book.

Book Description:

Berlin, April 1938. One night, eight-year-old Käfer Avigdor uses his specialty toilet-paper roll binoculars to spy on his Mama and Aunt Charlotte. The whispered conversation he overhears alerts him to a danger he didn’t know existed and starts him rethinking who he really is and where he belongs. Within hours, Käfer and his family flee their comfortable life. In a desperate race to stay one step ahead of the Nazis, Käfer is called on to be braver and more resourceful than he ever imagined possible. But will it be enough? Boy from Berlin is based on real people and actual events.
Meet the Author:

Nancy McDonald began her career as a journalist on television programs that include W5, Canada AM, and Marketplace before going on to become a sought-after freelance writer, penning everything from documentaries to live-action scripts to comic books. One Boy’s War is the highly anticipated sequel to Boy from Berlin. Nancy lives in Stratford, Ontario, where she revels in Shakespeare, takes theatergoers on tours of the Costume Warehouse, and treads the boards with the Perth County Players. She also works part-time at Fanfare Books, Stratford’s only independent bookseller.

connect with the author:   website ~ twitter ~ instagram ~ goodreads

Tour Schedule:

Sep 14 –Splashes of Joy – book review of Boy from Berlin / guest post / author interview / giveaway
Sep 14 – Working Mommy Journal – book review of Boy from Berlin / giveaway
Sep 14 – Sefina Hawke’s Books – book spotlight
Sep 15 – I’m Into Books – book spotlight / giveaway
Sep 15 – Adventurous Bookworm – book review of One Boy’s War / giveaway
Sep 16 – Book Corner News and Reviews – book review of Boy from Berlin / giveaway
Sep 17 – Book Corner News and Reviews – book review of One Boy’s War / giveaway
Sep 17 – Jazzy Book Reviews – book spotlight / guest post / giveaway
Sep 18 – Splashes of Joy – book review of One Boy’s War / giveaway
Sep 18 – Nighttime Reading Center – book review of Boy from Berlin / giveaway
Sep 21 – Rockin’ Book Reviews – book review of Boy from Berlin / guest post / giveaway
Sep 22 – Pen Possessed – book review of One Boy’s War
Sep 22 – Library of Clean Reads – book spotlight / giveaway
Sep 23 – Locks, Hooks and Books – book review of Boy from Berlin / giveaway
Sep 23 – Working Mommy Journal – book review of One Boy’s War / giveaway
Sep 24 – Literary Flits – book spotlight / giveaway
Sep 24 – Books and Zebras @jypsylynn – book review of One Boy’s War
Sep 25 – fundinmental – book spotlight / giveaway
Sep 25 – Writer with Wanderlust – book review of Boy from Berlin / giveaway
Sep 28 – Books for Books – book spotlight
Sep 29 – StoreyBook Reviews – book spotlight / author interview / giveaway
Sep 29 – – book spotlight
Sep 30 – Locks, Hooks and Books – book review of One Boy’s War / giveaway
Oct 1 – Connie’s History Classroom – book review of Boy from Berlin
Oct 1 – Writer with Wanderlust – book review of One Boy’s War / guest post / giveaway
Oct 2 – Connie’s History Classroom – book review of One Boy’s War
Oct 2 – Nighttime Reading Center – book review of One Boy’s War / giveaway
Oct 2 – Hall Ways Blog – book spotlight / giveaway

Enter the Giveaway:



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