Giveaway – A Foster Fling Anthology @XpressoTours

A Foster Fling Anthology
Publication date: September 10th 2022
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

Seven families.

Seven forbidden trysts.

Seven decadent romances.

Get lost in the streets of Urban Decay where moral lines are crossed.

Where The Tower looms in the distance, and the Destructive Harbor is just beyond the shore.

Hidden in the Depravity of the Dark, Bury Me Alive as we crawl Under the Skin of right and wrong. And remember, If I Can’t Have You, then no one will.

In this system, the family rules are blurred, and lines are crossed.

A Foster Fling is a limited-edition romance anthology collection from USA Today and Bestselling Authors.

Goodreads / Amazon


If I Can’t Have You – Jordain Knolls

I don’t remember much about the kid but I remember the way he looked at me once we were alone. The air shifted, like the oxygen suddenly disappeared. My breath was caught in my throat. I felt like I was on fire, and I knew it wasn’t the liquor anymore making me feel this way

I swallowed hard, trying my fucking hardest to stay calm. He stood from the bed, his gaze never leaving mine as he stalked toward me.

For fourteen, he was intimidating.

He leaned down, placing his hands on either side of my head. His gaze floated across every part of my face. Time was fucking frozen, but I was spiraling.

“What are you doing?” I whispered, my voice cracking.

“Kissing you.” Before I could interject, his lips crashed down on mine.

I was done for. Melting into the bean bag chair as a wave of emotions crashed through me like an angry sea. So many thoughts were going through my head.

I’ve never kissed a boy before.

Why did I like it so much?

Where is Gabe?

Why is he kissing me?

But the main one stirring in my head was what is he going to do next?

I never got that answer.

I never would.

Because while he was kissing me, Gabe was in our dads office, loading a shot gun, putting it to his head, and pulling the trigger.

The rest of that night and so many months after were one giant blur and My life crashed and burned. I never saw that Forster kid again.

And every night since, I’ve spent my time dousing my pain with the Lords amber embrace.

Urban Decay – Yolanda Olson

Perfect, pretty Emily Parker.

Pathetic, patronizing Julius and Josephine Parker.

They were the family that took me in when I was a young girl. They wanted to be the picture perfect family with two beautiful daughters to show off to their prestigious friends at their prestigious gatherings.

Most of what I can remember from childhood wasn’t so bad until Julius decided that I wasn’t good enough to be his daughter, but better suited to be in his bed instead.

Secret, painful trysts that happened whenever Josephine would leave for weekends away with her high society friends.

I never got over what he would do to me under the watchful eye of the moon, but that wasn’t what got me tossed out onto my ass.

Emily Parker caught us one night when I screamed a little too loud, and daddy dearest wasn’t quick enough to cover my mouth.

She followed the painful bellow to her father’s door, slowly pushed it open, and found him on top of me, his dick buried in my ass, fucking me like a drunken frat boy.

Little Emily Parker let out a scream, threw herself at us, and began to tear at my hair and punch me as violently as she could while her father pulled his dick out of me and tried to get her out of the room.

I thought she had come in to save me, but instead, she beat me while I was already down.

Julius bought Emily’s silence by getting her an exquisite diamond necklace and matching earrings.

It worked for a while, but the more he took advantage of me in he and his wife’s bed, the angrier she became.

I thought she was mad at him, but as it turned out, she was jealous.

She didn’t understand what it was about me that made him so ravenous and she hated me for it.

So, when Josephine Parker came home one weekend from a trip to Monaco with her friends, Emily Parker told her what had been happening.

Except, she told her that I would force her father to do things to me.

And Pathetic, Patronizing Josephine believed her.

Instead of sending me back to the home they adopted me from, she had friends come take me away and dump me in the middle of Skid Row.

And this is where I’ve watched them become even more prominent in their society of bullshit politicians, lawmakers, and kiddie diddlers. This is where I’ve waited, biding my time, waiting for the opportune moment to strike them down.

But the longer I lived on the street, and the longer I let the hatred fester, I knew that the best way to get to the Parker family would be through their darling daughter, Pretty, Perfect Emily.


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Review – His Affliction: A Desecrated Conclusion by C A Rene @IndieSagePR #CARene


Warning: This is not for the faint of heart. The characters have issues, the sex is raw, graphic, including rape, bondage…

His Affliction: A Desecrated Conclusion

Amazon / Goodreads


26 years later….

I loved reading these characters dark and disturbing stories. I don’t think I have ever been where they took me. How will it end? Nothing can stop me from finding out. My guess, they can’t all die…can they? Someone has to be left standing…don’t they?

I couldn’t put it down.

The explosive conclusion blew me away…

I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of His Affliction: A Desecrated Conclusion by C A Rene.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos
5 Stars


I heard he was crazy, that his feelings were all dead.

I heard the bad things he did was because of the monster in his head.

He likes to deal out pain, reveling in his victims’ screams.

He likes breaking hearts, ripping them apart at the seams.

Everything became better, because he went away.

But none of that mattered, since a part of him stayed.

Now he’s back, looking for what he left behind.

They all whisper the same things, about his affliction of the mind.

People say he’s broken, this man Brody Landry.

But I think he’s beautiful, a perfect Prince for me

ABOUT C A RENE (from her website)

Copy of me_edited_edited.jpg

First off… Call me Chrissy!​

I’m so glad you’re here, whether it’s because you found me from reading my books or hit a link, I’m just ecstatic you decided to check me out. 

In my books you will find complete inclusivity and I refuse to be kept in any specific box. I write across all genres and dabble in just about everything.

To keep up with all new releases and teasers for all my upcoming books, you can follow me on any social media platform!

Lover of all things dark. I love to read it, write it, own it, eat it, whatever it. My addictions include Coffee, books, and WINE, in that order.

Website / Facebook / Bookbub / Instagram


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Review – Desecrated Essence by C A Rene @IndieSagePR #CARene


Warning: This is not for the faint of heart. The characters have issues, the sex is raw, graphic, including rape, bondage…

Desecrated Essence has another beautiful cover for the Desecrated Duet series by C A Rene, though the story inside is dark and tormented, as are the characters.

Desecrated Essence (Desecrated Duet Book 2)

Amazon / Goodreads


Desecrated Essence is the second book in the Desecrated Duet series. For me, Desecrated Essence takes erotica to a whole new level.

We are three months later than the end of Desecrated Flesh, the first book in the series.

I started reading Desecrated Essence as soon as I finished Desecrated Flesh. The characters fascinate, disgust, and frighten me. Psychopaths and sociopaths walk around us, never showing their true colors. Here, you will see them. Understand them? Probably not.

Pleasure and pain. Dark…I found these characters so deep, dark and primal, I cannot put into words what I felt as I read, yet I couldn’t stop reading. I am so disturbed that I have to know how their story ends.

I know I keep repeating myself, but I don’t even know what to say about Kailey…and the rest. Sex, sex, sex. I am worn out just reading about it. I am getting bored and kinda grossed out by all the sex, yet I am waiting to see what the Monster wants.

I know there is more to story about the guys, how dangerous they are. They do come from mob families.

I do love reading about dark, depraved characters, but these guys are so far gone, I don’t think any of them can be saved. To say they have mental issues is putting it way to mildly They are brutal, savage, murderous, yet, like all criminals, they do have a code of their own.

I had trouble writing the review for the first book, Desecrated Flesh, and I am having an equally hard time writing a review for Desecrated Essence.

If you like to wallow in the dangerous, brutal world of sexual degradation, come on in.

I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of Desecrated Essence by C A Rene.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos
4 Stars


What happens when your only source of warmth and light leaves you?
The dismal shadows once kept at bay, begin to seep back in and coat everything the light once touched. All feeling becomes saturated in their inky grasp and escape becomes impossible. She left me here in the dark, alone and awaiting the impending destruction.

Who do you turn to when you feel all is lost?
His presence isn’t welcomed, and his anger scorches my insides, but at least he never leaves. Now that I’m truly alone, his claws sink deep and trying to flee would be futile. We are one, him and I. There’s nothing I can do but watch the storm clouds roll in.

How do I warn them if the warning is me?
I can’t control him once he has something in his sights, his determination knows no bounds, and his wrath is an addiction I know too well. There’s no stopping the lightning if you don’t hear the thunder.

ABOUT C A RENE (from her website)

Copy of me_edited_edited.jpg

First off… Call me Chrissy!​

I’m so glad you’re here, whether it’s because you found me from reading my books or hit a link, I’m just ecstatic you decided to check me out. 

In my books you will find complete inclusivity and I refuse to be kept in any specific box. I write across all genres and dabble in just about everything.

To keep up with all new releases and teasers for all my upcoming books, you can follow me on any social media platform!

Lover of all things dark. I love to read it, write it, own it, eat it, whatever it. My addictions include Coffee, books, and WINE, in that order.

Website / Facebook / Bookbub / Instagram


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Review – Desecrated Flesh by C A Rene @IndieSagePR


Warning: This is not for the faint of heart. The characters have issues, the sex is raw, graphic, including rape, bondage…

Such a pretty cover, not so the story inside. I grabbed the book from Indie Sage because of the blurb for His Affliction, which is the third book in the characters story and I had to start at the beginning.

Desecrated Flesh (Desecrated Duet, #1)

Amazon / Goodreads


I grabbed this book because I love damaged characters and these guys have some serious issues. I became engrossed from the opening pages…

Lying there, drugged, getting raped, she remembered her mama’s words: boys can never be trusted. Her life is changed forever, but changed in ways she never could have anticipated.

I am finding it hard to write the review. I want to warn you about the filth these characters live in, yet who am I to judge? All I can do is share my thoughts about them, about what they do to each other, about the bullying and abuse they heap on one person in particular.

Kimmy is Kailey’s best friend and I would love to have one just like her. She sticks by her side, through thick and thin, but Kailey is not one to take things lying down, any more. She fights back in her own way. She has a mouth and uses it. I love that she doesn’t cower. She stands up for herself, but something has changed. They are watching her, closely.

The title is so appropriate. I’m not sure how I would have made it through the things Hailey does. Would I have taken my life? Beat the hell out of some people? Killed someone?

The beautiful cover and cute chapter headings that signify a change to show which character’s point of view is being shared, put a pretty light on an ugly story.

“We may be a ragtag group of varying degrees of fucked up, but I know we’d do anything for Hailey Hamari.” If you read the book, you will see how twisted this statement is.

As I read the story, I thought…what the hell? Would do anything for her? Then why aren’t they standing up for her? That story will be told…

I love damaged characters, but WOW..these are off the charts. I am confused, at a loss for words, so on to the next book in the Desecrated Duet, Desecrated Essence to find out what the hell is really going on. Why do they feel Hailey deserves what is happening to her, day after day after day.

I voluntarily reviewed Desecrated Flesh by C A Rene.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos
4 Stars


All it took was one bad decision,
A need to numb the pain that threatened to tear me apart.
He was someone I trusted,
And he made a decision that would forever ruin me.
They used to be my best friends,
But after that night, I never wanted to see them again.
Now they hate me and will stop at nothing to watch me suffer.
But what do they know about suffering?
After what I’ve been through,
Everything they throw at me is child’s play.
One more year and I’ll be free of them,
Never having to be reminded of that fateful night.
A lot can happen in a year…

ABOUT C A RENE (from her website)

Copy of me_edited_edited.jpg

First off… Call me Chrissy!​

I’m so glad you’re here, whether it’s because you found me from reading my books or hit a link, I’m just ecstatic you decided to check me out. 

In my books you will find complete inclusivity and I refuse to be kept in any specific box. I write across all genres and dabble in just about everything.

To keep up with all new releases and teasers for all my upcoming books, you can follow me on any social media platform!

Lover of all things dark. I love to read it, write it, own it, eat it, whatever it. My addictions include Coffee, books, and WINE, in that order.

Website / Facebook / Bookbub / Instagram

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