Gone Before Goodbye by Nora Leduc ~ Review, Excerpt & Giveaway

I knew when I saw the girl running down the path, I had to have Gone Before Goodbye by Nora Leduc.

Cover art by Beetiful Book Covers.

Is it a stalker? Is it a serial killer?

Let’s read on and find out, shall we?


MY REIVEW of Gone Before Goodbye by Nora Leduc

Love & Mystery in the 6 oh 3, Book I

I saw the cover for Gone Before Goodbye by Nora Leduc and didn’t need to look any further. It was talking to me, telling me ~ READ ME. So I did. 😀

Gone Before Goodbye by Nora Leduc is suspenseful and tragic from the very beginning. I knew what was coming by the blurb, but Nora kept me on my toes as I struggled to weed through the suspects and find the monster that preys on young girls. There are plenty of suspects to keep me – and  you- guessing.

In the small town of Hawick Falls, Kara Linn is the first girl to go missing. Using a blog and his newspaper column, Vic Taylor, her uncle, the editor of the newspaper, struggles to keep her name in the limelight. He felt the authorities were not doing enough to find Kara.

Then Lisa Grant disappears. The monster doesn’t know it, but he stepped in it this time.

Lisa was abandoned by her parents when she was two and had come to live with Sophia. Because of her rebellious nature, the question did arise ~ could she have run away?

Teagan Raynes, her guardian, knows she did not run away. Teagan was going to adopt her, so why would she disappear now? Something terrible had to have happened. I can’t imagine the thoughts going through her mind. Feelings of guilt.

Teagan could relate to Lisa, because she had grown up on the streets with her crazy mom, until coming to her Aunt Sophia’s at seven years old. Teagan had left town to make her own way in the world, but returned to take care of Sophia when she became ill. Now that she was gone, it was up to Teagan to care for Lisa.

Teagan’s insecurities kept her from having a long term relationship with men. Her mother had taught her to trust no one and it took a long time to earn her trust. Still, she held something back. Her mother had also taught her to shoot a gun and Teagan is an expert shot with her .38 Special. Now that got my attention. I do like a strong female protagonist and I want to see her take this psycho dirtbag down.

Travis, her boyfriend had the same kind of background.  Will they be drawn together or torn apart?

Detective Noah Cassidy had lost his wife and child in a boating accident. His mother left home when he was just a child and his father was a drunk. He was determined to be the opposite of his father ~ he would do right by others. Teagan liked the safe feeling she had when Noah was around. He had an air of self assurance and confidence. Their attraction was mutual, but they fought to control it.

I was happy that Nora took the time for Teagan and Noah to get to know each other in a slow growing relationship. This may be considered a spoiler, but I believe we all knew that this would happen, so I don’t think so. That is why Travis had such a short introduction. He didn’t last very long after Noah came into the picture. LOL

Matt, the priest is always around Teagan, like fleas on a dog. Noah and Matt conflicted as soon as they laid eyes on each other. I could picture the hackles rising as they faced off. Is it a territorial thing, male testosterone running AMOK, or is Noah more perceptive than the rest of us? Is there more to Matt than meets the eye? Just because he’s a priest doesn’t mean he’s a good guy. Uh oh, I got a bad feeling. Could it be him?

What’s up with Stacey? She works for Matt, but she is not a very pleasant person for being the church secretary. Is there more than meets the eye there?

Travis, Lisa’s boyfriend, was a suspect too, of course, the prime suspect.

I know it’s vandalism, but the band of Teenage Mutant Meter Feeders could do a lot worse. Or have they?

There are more characters that rotate in and out of the story, doing their part. Sometimes I can’t help but say, “What are they thinking?” “What are they doing? Well, I’ll tell you what they were doing, helping to muddy the waters as I tick off names. Could it be him? Him? Him? Her? Hmmm…

Tragedy strikes, yet we must go on. How? I cannot imagine the felling of helplessness of the ones looking for the missing. I watch a lot of crime shows, but until it happens to you, how can you know how you would react?

Can you imagine the terror of the one taken? Why me? What’s he gonna do to me?

You awake, cold and confused. In the dark, alone and so very frightened. You have nothing to do, but think. The terror builds, as you anticipate your captor’s return. What does he want? Will I live? Will I be tortured? Will I die? You scream, yell, beg, make deals with God (I will be a better person), all to no avail.

Human monsters! Depraved, psychotic, sadistic, truly evil. They revel and get off on others pain, fear and terror.

Still not sure who the bad guy is, but I think there is so much more going on with Teagan than I thought.

My only complaint ~ Teagan was a bit wimpy. Here insecurities and guilt made her seem pathetic at times. I would think her rough upbringing would have toughened her up more. I don’t like criers. I must keep in mind, that women’s tears are different than men’s, so I can overlook most of it, as long as the character comes through in the end. The most frustrating reason for me to cry is when I am very angry. Why does that happen? Does it happen to you?

Will she be able to pull out her gun and shoot someone, when and if the moment comes? What do you think?

She’s always looking around to see if see if she can spot her missing mother, though she does not actively search for her…yet.

I am loving it! Plots and subplots. Yes, the storyline was predictable, but the pacing and doubt of the killer kept the suspense and mystery at a high level. There is no cliffhanger, but there is more to come that I want to learn about.

I am very eager to see Book II.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos4 Stars – Would Highly Recommend To Others


The police are stumped. Was she a runaway careening toward disaster or the victim of a predator preying on teenage girls?

When rebellious seventeen-year-old Lisa Grant vanishes from her New Hampshire home, her guardian, Teagan Raynes, becomes ensnared in the frantic hunt to find her. Search dogs lose the girl’s scent at Pretty Park, where another teenager disappeared three months ago. Law enforcement fears a stalker is using the park to abduct young girls. Desperate, Teagan, reluctantly puts her faith in the lead detective, the notorious Noah Cassidy.

Hot-headed, Noah Cassidy’s reputation and job are on the line. Rumors that he attempted to kill the man found guilty of destroying his family in a boating accident have tainted him. To prove his worth, Noah devotes every minute to the case and realizes he’s up against a cunning adversary. Worse, he finds himself distracted by feelings for the attractive, gutsy Teagan. To erase her doubts about him, he must earn back his reputation and let go of his past. He knows what he has to do. He must bring Lisa home and take down the monster who is hunting the girls of Pretty Park before it’s too late.


In the hallway, Teagan unlocked the door. On the street, a postal truck crawled up the block of New England style houses with sprawling porches, rectangular ranches, and modern Cape Cod homes. She grabbed the envelopes from the mailbox attached to the beige clapboards, stepped inside, and closed the entryway.

She sorted through the ads and bills to the last piece, a large white envelope. The sender used a printed label addressed to her. What was this? She ripped open the flap and pulled out
a holy card?

The picture of Mary Magdalene decorated the front. Someone must have sent a prayer for Lisa? Teagan flipped to the other side and frowned at the words.

Tu sequens morieris

Someone wrote to her in
Latin? Strange. The prick of sweat stabbed the back of her neck. She sat on the sofa and scooped up her phone from the coffee table. As she searched online for a translation, she dug into her memory of high school Spanish to help crack the code. Tu was you and morieris had something to do with death and sequens translated to—

Her breath whooshed out of her. She dropped her cell on the cushion, but the phrase stared up from the screen.

You die next.


Nora grew up in rural New Hampshire, picking blueberries in her backyard and wandering the woods with her brothers. Now that she’s older, she still lives in rural New Hampshire and enjoys writing stories. She was first published in 2000 and has written historical romances, contemporary romance, romantic suspense and mystery. She is a co-founder of the New Hampshire Romance Writers chapter, which meets monthly at the Bow Library. Here she enjoys great speakers and the company of fabulous authors.

When not writing, Nora spends time with her family, sews quilts, gardens and takes road trips to anywhere fun.

Visit her Website  /  Goodreads  / Amazon  / and Facebook

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Teaser Tuesday #32 – Gone Before Goodbye by Nora Leduc

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading.

Anyone can play along! Just do the following:

Grab your current read

Open to a random page.

Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page

BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)

Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!

Thank goodness the cold snap has ended. We are having a slight rain off and on, but the temp is back up in the 60s and for that I am grateful. I hope you are staying warm and enjoying a good book.  😀
A note for all you football lovers out there.
We are the 1st National Champions of the playoff era!
YAY! for the Big Ten. We are tired of everyone knocking us.
Well done OHIO STATE!
Ohio State 42  vs  Oregon 20


I will be sharing this during the tour on Monday, January 26. 2015, so come on by, check out my review and enter the giveaway.

Is it a stalker, a serial killer…



Teagan dropped her gaze. “I keep thinking she’s out there in trouble, not far away, and crying for me to save her. If only we can figure out where.”  She raised her gaze. Misery swam in her eyes. “Why can’t I locate her, if I hear her calling me?”

(31% on Kindle)


The police are stumped. Was she a runaway careening toward disaster or the victim of a predator preying on teenage girls?When rebellious seventeen-year-old Lisa Grant vanishes from her New Hampshire home, her guardian, Teagan Raynes, becomes ensnared in the frantic hunt to find her. Search dogs lose the girl’s scent at Pretty Park, where another teenager disappeared three months ago. Law enforcement fears a stalker is using the park to abduct young girls. Desperate, Teagan, reluctantly puts her faith in the lead detective, the notorious Noah Cassidy.Noah Cassidy’s reputation and job are on the line. Rumors that he attempted to kill the man found guilty of destroying his family in a boating accident have tainted him. To prove his worth, Noah devotes every minute to the case and realizes he’s up against a cunning adversary. Worse, he finds himself distracted by feelings for the attractive, gutsy Teagan. To erase her doubts about him, he must earn back his reputation and let go of his past. He knows what he has to do. He must bring Lisa home and take down the monster who is hunting the girls of Pretty Park before it’s too late.You can pick up your Amazon copy by clicking on the cover.




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Who Is The Bad Guy – A Death In Vegas by Christopher Meeks Review

Welcome to my stop for A Death in Vegas by Christopher Meeks Premier Virtual Tour.

A death in Vegas coverPublisher: White Whisker Books (August 15, 2014)
Category: Mystery
ISBN: 9781499124551
Tour Date: October, 2014
Available in: Print & ebook, 176 Pages

Add ME to your GOODREADS reading list.

In A Death in Vegas, the president of BenBugs, a company that specializes in beneficial bugs for organic gardening, discovers a young woman dead in his Las Vegas hotel suite. She had worked as a sexy lady bug at his convention booth—and he had nothing to do with her death. While that’s being investigated, the FBI raids his booth on a money-laundering scam that he knows nothing about, either. Soon, the coroner doesn’t have good news. The police and FBI are against him—and his wife cannot be found. He flees to find the answers.


I love the cover and title for A Death In Vegas by Christopher Meeks. It foreshadows this intriguing mystery as Patton stumbles, fumbles and gropes his way through the investigation of the murder of Samantha (Chatterley), looking for his own answers.

How does a bug guy at a convention end up waking in the morning to find a dead girl in his hotel room? The premise is pretty cliché, but the way Patton conducts his own investigation is not. You will want to read A Death In Vegas to find out.

He could feel it, his life was about to change.

That’s putting it mildly. Uh oh. I’m sure this can’t be good. Christopher throws a great twist my way and I find I am only partially right.

My first thought is: Patton Burch deserves the bad I know is coming his way. Will Chris be able to change my mind? In one word, yes.

Patton is a naĂŻve guy that happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. He does some pretty dumb things and digs the hole he is in deeper and deeper. One thing leads to another and another.

Who knows what would have happened if Patton didn’t take the path he did. I liked being along for the ride, as Patton follows the trail of clues. He reminds me of the bumbling Columbo, only Patton is not acting.

Sometimes people cannot count on the police to get the correct answer. The authorities can be quick to settle for the easier and more obvious solution to the crime.

A Death In Vegas was a fun mystery and easy to read. I read it in a couple of hours. As I strolled through Vegas with Patton, I recognized the streets and casino hotels. I have never been to the wine country of California, but did enjoy seeing it through Patton’s eyes. The multiple storylines kept me on my toes as I read on trying to figure out who is good and who is bad.

I liked learning about using beneficial bugs for organic gardeners instead of poisons and pesticides.

I recieved a copy of A Death In Vegas in return for an honest and unbiased review.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos3 Stars – Would Recommend To Others

Praise for Blood Drama by Christopher Meeks

“What sets this novel apart from other thriller is the development of the characters.  Not only is Medina more complex than the stereotypical FBI agent found in many suspense novels, but Nash is a new type of victim.  His theater and academic background give him an interesting perspective.  This is definitely a suspenseful, can’t-put-it-down thriller.  Clear your calendar in order to have time to read this from start to finish!“- Tammy, The Self-Taught Cook

“Blood Drama was highly entertaining and extremely enjoyable. It is a combination black comedy and crime novel. The characters of Ian and Aleece are memorable, quirky, and unique. I  reveled in Ian’s quoting David Mamet (or some other playwright or work of literature) to deduce and interpret the information he had to ascertain where the clues were leading them.   Meeks is a gifted writer. He has a pleasing way of propelling the action forward while developing his plot and characters. I enjoyed Meeks Love at Absolute Zero quite a bit, but I liked Blood Drama even more. I’m hopeful that Meeks will bring back Ian and Aleece to solve another crime.”- Lori, She Treads Softly 

“This is one action packed thriller that you don’t want to put down. The author doesn’t waste time with the trivial, he gets right to the action and stays there. Just when you think things are as bad as they possible could get
This was different from most thrillers I read in that it also has a little humor, I absolutely loved that aspect of the book.  The characters are well written, they seem like real people, flaws and all. There’s also romance in this book, which gives you a little relief from the gripping adventures.  I liked this book very much and so I will be checking to see what other books this author has written.“- Vicky, I’d Rather Be At the Beach

“This story had me hooked just out of pity for the poor guy, but when things turned from bad to worse I couldn’t put it down. I had to know what was going to happen next. This was far from the typical suspense/thriller. Yes, it does follow the MOs you expect in some areas but the characters make it so unique.  I loved these characters. They were so unique that I could see them as real. They had their quirks and secrets that revealed their flaws and their vulnerabilities Nothing is really too farfetched. Yes, there is one character you might argue is but I live in a huge city. Trust me, it is not farfetched. Can’t say more or I let a big secret slip which is a no-no in reviews.  If you love suspense/thrillers that have some humor, you’ll love this book. Yes, it kept me riveted. You have to read this book. You’ll enjoy it and want more. Plus you’ll learn to appreciate your own days a little bit better.”Rebecca Graf, A Book Lover’s Library

“Having read and reviewed every book and play written by the gifted Christopher Meeks it was with some trepidation to pick up a novel with a title BLOOD DRAMA packaged by a cover that suggested he’d joined the au courant genre of spy and murder and intrigue army of writers, forsaking his own quirky and deliciously entertaining usual topics of onstage interpersonal relationship scenarios of his previous books. Had he sold out to the bigger market of bestseller yet rapidly transient airport books? Happily, after getting attached to his satisfyingly rather strange hero in the first chapter and the fear that he had abandoned his signature warmth and tasteful dissection of ordinary people, the pages practically turned themselves.
Meeks has the gift to mold characters with such extensive backstories that after only a few pages as each new character is introduced they become part of the surround-sound family into whose story we have wandered.
The book is so rich in feisty humor, in theatrically enacted derring-do as the pursuit of the quartet of bank robbers ensues, some fine psychological insights into these strange but likeable folk from the Southern California setting Meeks knows and lives so well – well, so rich, period, that it begs to be read. Meeks may have daringly (for him) stepped into new territory, but the fact that he continues to remain in the rarefied atmosphere of fine contemporary authors is secure.” Grady Harp, Amazon Hall of Fame Reviewer

About Christopher Meeks

Christopher Meeks has four novels and two collections of short fiction published. His most recent novel before this was the acclaimed thriller, “Blood Drama.” His novel “The Brightest Moon of the Century” made the list of three book critics’ Ten Best Book of 2009. “Love at Absolute Zero” also made three Best Books lists of 2011, as well as earning a ForeWord Reviews Book of the Year Finalist award.

He has had stories published in several literary journals, and they have been included in the collections “Months and Seasons” and “The Middle-Aged Man and the Sea.” Mr. Meeks has had three full-length plays mounted in Los Angeles, and one, “Who Lives?” had been nominated for five Ovation Awards, Los Angeles’ top theatre prize.

Mr. Meeks teaches English and fiction writing at Santa Monica College, and Children’s Literature at the Art Center College of Design. To read more of his books visit his website at: www.chrismeeks.com.

Christopher at the Red Room  /  Facebook  /  Twitter

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