Welcome to my Tag Team Tag Team Event & Giveaway!
This is where myself (Sherry at fundinmental) and Laura at fuonlyknew tag team an author and share their book.
We give you two different perspectives on our reviews and two chances to win!
Sooo…let’s get to it…
Ashley Fontainne is a master storyteller and I am not surprised that Ruined Wings, a novella, has been picked up for film.
You can get it free on Amazon.
To me, this cover speaks of despair and hope and I love the black and white image done by One of a Kind Covers by Ashley Fontainne.
Ashley Fontainne is a master storyteller and I am always on the lookout for another story from her.
Ruined Wings…I love that the cover shows the despair and hope that is contained between ‘the pages’. It makes me wonder which will prevail.
A lot was riding on the day for Callie, but something felt wrong to her. I knew something bad was coming and her life would be changed forever.
DRUGS…ADDICTION…whether legal or illegal drugs, addiction is addiction. The destruction it brings into a family is horrific. The loss of a loved one can make something you thought was so important, inconsequential.
I love Callie, a flawed, yet strong, focused, determined seventeen year old girl who cannot accept her loss…who can’t move on.
The descent into hell is slow, seductive, and I did not see it going down this way. I love that Ashley Fontainne can always pull a trick or two out of her hat to keep me on my toes.
This sad, and realistic tale reads like a true story.
Ashley’s writing will reach into your heart and gut, and rip them out! Ruined Wings reads like a true story.
Once you start, you won’t be able to stop reading. Unputdownable. Gut wrenching. Tragic, yet hopeful.
5 Stars
Check out the trailer HERE.
BUY LINKS: Amazon / B&N / Kobo / Itunes
“Ruined Wings is raw, real and a terrifying journey into addiction. A must read for every parent.” – Elaine Raco Chase, bestselling author.
Seventeen-year-old Callie Novak is on the cusp of changing her life as she warms up for the final heat in the Women’s 1600 meter track and field competition. While she sets a new state record, her family’s worse nightmare is just beginning.
When tragedy strikes the Novak family every reader will feel the pain of grief, the perils of drug abuse, the despair that leads to a shocking downward spiral and the strength that’s needed to overcome addiction.
ABOUT ASHLEY FONTAINNE (from her website)
Award-winning and International bestselling author Ashley Fontainne is an avid reader of mostly the classics. Ashley became a fan of the written word in her youth, starting with the Nancy Drew mystery series. Stories that immerse the reader deep into the human psyche and the monsters that lurk within us are her favorite reads.
Her muse for penning the Eviscerating the Snake series was The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas. Ashley’s love for this book is what sparked her desire to write her debut novel, Accountable to None, the first book in the trilogy. With a modern setting to the tale, Ashley delves into just what lengths a person is willing to go when they seek personal justice for heinous acts perpetrated upon them. The second novel in the series, Zero Balance. focuses on the cost and reciprocal cycle that obtaining revenge has on the seeker. For once the cycle starts, where does it end? How far will the tendrils of revenge expand? Adjusting Journal Entries answered that question: far and wide.
Her short thriller entitled Number Seventy-Five, touches upon the sometimes dangerous world of online dating. Number Seventy-Five took home the BRONZE medal in fiction/suspense at the 2013 Readers’ Favorite International Book Awards contest and is currently in production for a feature film.
Her paranormal thriller entitled The Lie, won the GOLD medal in the 2013 Illumination Book Awards for fiction/suspense and is also in production for a feature film entitled Foreseen.
Ashley’s decided to delve into the paranormal with a Southern Gothic horror/suspense novel, Growl, which released in January of 2015. The suspenseful mystery Empty Shell, released in September of 2014. Ashley will be teaming up with Lillian Hansen (Ashley calls her mom!) to pen a three-part murder mystery/suspense series entitled The Magnolia Series. The first book, Blood Ties, is due out the Summer of 2015.
Ashley also hosts The WriteStuff, a popular BlogTalk Radio show, each Friday night at 10 p.m. CST.
Website / Twitter Facebook / Pinterest / G+ / LinkedIn / Instagram
Ashley Fontainne is offering to one lucky commenter an audio copy of Ruined Wings.
Ends 6.27.17
Do you have an inspirational moment in your life to share?
You can enter for a second chance to win and another perspective on Ashley Fontainne’s Ruined Wings, check out Laura at fuonlyknew.
My winner: Chrys Fey……Laura’s winner: Dragonfly.
Congratulations and thanks to everyone who dropped in and commented!
Ashley Fontainne’s writing is so spectacular, I am always anticipating the next book I will read of hers. Here are my reviews…so far:
- You can see my Giveaways HERE.
- You can see my Reviews HERE.
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- Leave your link in the comments and I will drop by to see what’s shakin’.
- Thanks for visiting fundinmental!