The first book in the series, Wings Of Mayhem is free. Go ahead. Grab a copy. You will see why I am so hooked on this series and these characters.
I am so excited to have Sue Coletta visiting fundinmenal today. I have all of her books and eagerly await whatever she writes next. Her books speak to me and Mr Mayhem is one of my all time favorite villains…but his story has changed and I asked Sue about it. Here is what she had to say:
Sherry asked me a valid question that many readers might be wondering about:
“I am curious about how you got so involved in the eco part and why it became the crux of your Mayhem novels. Was that the intent from the beginning or what Mayhem morphed into?”
The short answer to the latter question is no, it was not my intent from the beginning. When I created Mr. Mayhem, I knew he was special. Yes, he’s a killer, but he’s no ordinary killer. From the first time he walked onstage in Blessed Mayhem, I hinted for readers to hold their judgment until they got to know him better. I wanted them to think big picture, even though I hadn’t unraveled all his layers yet. Little by little, as I finished writing that book, I began to understand him on a deeper level.
In that same year (2015), a wealthy and entitled Caucasian trophy hunter shot Cecil the lion with a crossbow and let him suffer FOR HOURS before death while he posed for photos beside him. To help illustrate my rage and devastation, I need to rewind to my childhood.
I grew up with a houseful of animals. My mother rescued injured wildlife and pet-sat for anyone who needed a haven for their furred and feathered babies. At one point, she even cared for an opossum for a solid year while his human traveled. Throughout my childhood, Mom shared stories about Ruthie, the blue-eyed elephant. For years, every time the circus came to town, Mom spent her days with Ruthie, tortured by the mistreatment by Barnum & Bailey.
There came a time when Mom couldn’t bring herself to say goodbye to Ruthie. So, she followed Ruthie to her next stop. And the next. And the next. The bond they shared reached deep, their souls entwining as one. Ruthie knew her heart, she knew Ruthie’s. Mom tried everything to save her. The circus even offered her job riding Ruthie while she performed, but Mom turned them down. She refused to be part of the slow destruction of her best friend. After years of sleepless nights and sick with worry, one morning Ruthie’s pen sat empty. She died during the night. In hindsight, Mom recalled Ruthie stroking her cheek more than usual the day before—one final goodbye to last a lifetime.
The story still kills me. At a young age, these stories taught me how some unlucky animals endured horrendous treatment by humans. My brother and I both grew up to respect the Natural World around us and to cherish every being in the Animal Kingdom. So, you can see how protection of animals is imbedded in soul, perhaps even in my DNA.
While writing Silent Mayhem in 2017, I left a few breadcrumbs to explore later. Around this same time, I also tossed around ideas for a new series set in Kenya about a conservationist who murders poachers.
Also in 2017, I learned about a three-year-old Orca named Lolita, who was ripped away from her family in 1970, transported to Miami Seaquarium, and forced to perform for food. For over 50 years, Lolita’s been imprisoned in a tank the size of a hotel pool, isolated and depressed, withering away until she dies or commits suicide, which many Orcas do in captivity.
How can anyone think imprisoning an animal is okay?
In 2018, news hit about the death of Sudan, the last male white rhino on earth. I’d been watching Sudan’s live feed for months. His death shattered me. There were still two living female white rhinos and Sudan’s protectors saved his sperm but come on! How did we, as a society, let this happen?
For the first time, I witnessed firsthand how human greed and selfishness wiped out an entire species. And that changed me in such a profound way. No longer could I look away or pretend this crisis didn’t exist. I had to do something, anything, to stop this. But what could I do? I wasn’t a celebrity, nor did I have a massive worldwide platform. The audience I’d amassed expected pure psychological thrillers from me. How could I lead them into a new genre with a strong focus on wildlife conservation?
This passage from Unnatural Mayhem explains how I’d been feeling for years…
Imagine a world without animals. No pattering of paws, no wingbeats, no singing in the treetops, no howls at the moon, no buzzing in flower blossoms, no slithering through garden beds, no sympathetic eyes begging for a treat, no unconditional love and companionship, and the oceans, ponds, and lakes devoid of life. The Natural World as we know it would forever be silenced. For eternity.
All trees and plants would also disappear—they depend on animals to reproduce—a dead empty landscape left in the wake.
Does that sound like a world you want to live in? I sure don’t.
With passion driving my every step while writing I AM MAYHEM, I pulled that thread from Silent Mayhem and introduced Jacy Lee, a Diné Medicine Man. I fell in love with his purity and kindness. Sparks flew between Shawnee, Mayhem, and Jacy Lee. On their own, they’re strong and well-developed enough to take the lead. What I didn’t expect was how well they worked as a team.
Once Jacy Lee hit the page, it dawned on me—I didn’t need to create a new series; I already had the perfect characters primed and ready. Though readers loved my Mayhem Series, did they love the cast enough to transition into a new genre of eco-thrillers imbued with metaphysical elements of Native American spirituality and culture? To my surprise, everyone loved Jacy Lee as much as I did.
Then Covid hit in 2020. Friends from LA told me they’d never seen stars before the lockdown. Imagine the amount of pollution it takes to block stars in the night sky?
Without humans, wildlife thrilled. I could see it unfold out my window. Moose, black bear, wolf, fox all visited my yard. They could finally roam freely. What did that say about us? Well, it spoke volumes to me. So, when I wrote Unnatural Mayhem, I figured it was now or never. Silence was no longer an option. So, I went for it, willing to risk losing some readers for the greater good. To my surprise, my audience loved it. The feedback and emails I received brought me to tears. Apparently, I wasn’t the only one who felt strongly about saving the voiceless.
From a career standpoint, I’m finally living my truth, fulfilled by a lifelong passion for animal protection. Along the way, I kill a ton of poachers, animal traffickers, and trophy hunters. There’s something so deeply satisfying about erasing the worst of society. If I can include a karmic twist like endangered animals feeding on the meat of their would-be killers, all the better. The Mayhem Series means a lot to me. They educate and entertain while still delivering an action-packed plot.
That doesn’t mean I didn’t enjoy writing any of my previous books. I did. I just reached an age where I wanted—needed—more. And that passion drives me to the keyboard every single morning. My goal from the very beginning was to help fight animal trafficking through donations from the proceeds. Equally strong is my hunger to touch lives through Native spirituality, culture, and a beautiful connection to Mother Earth. The more Shawnee learns about her heritage, the more I learn about mine (that’s a whole other conversation).
I hope this helps explain why I took the Mayhem Series to where it is today. Thank you, Sherry, for posing the question.
It is my pleasure, Sue. I am overwhelmed. I don’t think anything I can say will top what you said. WELL DONE! and thank you so much for you touching and inspiring post.

Sue Coletta outdid herself in Tracking Mayhem. The characters came to life on the pages. The action was intense and I found myself constantly trying to picture the characters…whether kicking the shit out of the traffickers, climbing trees, or dressing for dinner. The interaction between Shawnee and the crows is both sweet and filled with sibling rivalry. I found myself laughing out loud at her antics with Poe and awwing with the sweetness and love between her and Spirit Dove.
I found myself constantly surfing the web because of the information that Sue Coletta shared and my need to know how accurate her research was and I wanted to know more. How much is fact, how much is fiction? So much of it is truly frightening, angering and shows man’s lack of humanity and disrespect to the Innocent Ones. Everyone and everything has a place in this world. It takes all of us to make it complete.
I love all the indigenous lore and the chapter headings that are filled with Native prayers and saying. I love all the practices and training scenes that Sue Coletta described in such vivid detail, I could almost see Shawnee running, weaving in and out of the trees, trying to keep up with Mayhem. I could hear the chatter of the animals. I could smell the pungent scent of the earth, and felt the touch of the bark of the trees as they scaled them, using them as a lookout. Mayhem is always on the alert, seeing so much more than Shawnee, teaching her to see it too.
I love that the characters have come so far, from a serial killer and thief to eco warriors. In Tracking Mayhem, we are out to protect the polar bears. By doing so and taking out the KillzMe corporation, they will save many more species’ lives in the process. Help will come from an unexpected source and I loved it.
Sue Coletta’s detailed, sickening, disgusting descriptions of butchered animals and the killing rooms is enough to turn my stomach, making me want to puke. Sometimes, visualization….well, it makes me want to reach into my ereader and do more than punch someone. Sue doesn’t get all preachy, she just says things how she and her characters, see them.
I love an author who can blend fact and fiction into an epic read, making me want more. I want to go on another adventure. An eco warriors mission is never over. There will always be another trafficker to take out, another animal to save…and that is real life.
Tons of action and bloodshed keep the pacing intense.
I could go on and on and on, and maybe I did, but I want to impress on you, the reader, that these characters are amazing. Sure, we have their mission, but it is them, together, Shawnee, Mayhem, Jay Cee, Poe and Spirit Dove, who make the story shine.
I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of Tracking Mayhem by Sue Coletta.

Three unconventional eco-warriors are on a mission to save polar bears from the nation’s largest animal trafficking organization—one dead poacher at a time.
When eco-warriors, Shawnee, Mayhem, and Jacy Lee race across the country, dodging bullets and fighting their way through a gauntlet of danger, they soon realize they must risk everything to protect the bears before it’s too late. With courage, conviction, Native spirituality, and an innate connection to Mother Earth, the trio faces off against the notorious Killzme Corporation to stop the killing of Innocent Ones, the voiceless who can’t fight for themselves. But the stakes are high—blood will spill.
The war to save polar bears begins now. Can the eco-warriors evade Killzme’s relentless pursuit in time to make a difference?
- Genre:
- 408 pages, Kindle Edition
- Published June 26, 2023 by Crow Talons Publishing

Sue Coletta is an active member of Mystery Writers of America, Sisters in Crime, and International Thriller Writers. Feedspot and Expertido.org named her Murder Blog as one of the “Top 100 Crime Blogs on the Net” (Murder Blog sits at #5) for four years in a row. And recently, she appeared on an Emmy award-winning true crime show.
Sue also blogs at the Kill Zone, a multi-award-winning writing blog, and writes two serial killer thriller series (Tirgearr Publishing) and narrative nonfiction/true crime for Globe Pequot, trade division of Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group.
For readers, she has the Crime Lover’s Lounge, where members will be the first to know about free giveaways, contests, and have inside access to deleted scenes (if available). As an added bonus, members get to play in the lounge. Your secret code will unlock the virtual door.
BONUS: When you join Sue’s community you’ll receive two free killer reads!
Sue lives in the Lakes Region of New Hampshire with her husband, and begins each by feeding all the wildlife in her yard. Her favorite “pets” are a murder of crows who live free but come when called by name.
Learn more about Sue and her books at: https://suecoletta.com
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- Marred (Grafton County Series)
- Cleaved (Grafton County Series)
- Scathed (Grafton County Series)
- Racked (Grafton County Series)
- Haloed (Grafton County Series)
- Wings of Mayhem (The Mayhem Series)
- Blessed Mayhem (The Mayhem Series)
- Silent Mayhem (The Mayhem Series)
- I Am Mayhem (The Mayhem Series)
- Unnatural Mahem (The Mayhem Series)
- Restless Mayhem (The Mayhem Series)
- Hacked (Special Forces: Operation Alpha Kindle Worlds Novella)
- Fractured Lives (Brotherhood Protectors Kindle Worlds Novella)
- True Crime – Pretty Evil New England
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