Sherry’s Shelves is my weekly update for February 8 – February 14, 2015.
Another week has passed and I have become a reading machine.

.Sunday Post is hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer
Stacking The Shelves is hosted by Tynga’s Reviews
Bought, Borrowed & Bagged is hosted by TalkSupe
**all images are linked to Amazon (I am an affiliate)**
Hello, everyone. I hope you are having a great day.
BOOKS NEW TO fundinmental
Box of Bones by Vickie McKeehan
I participated in a contest to name her next book for the Pelican Point series, but she found so many good answers, everyone was a winner. She is one of my favorite authors!
Check out my reviews for Just Evil (this was my 1st ever review on my blog), Deeper Evil, Ending Evil, The Bones of Others, (I have read Book II, just need to write the review, and Promise Cove. They are all five star reads, so be sure and check them out.

Supernatural Touch
9 full-length supernatural books
*Note: most of these books are the first in a series.*
Grave Danger by Heather Graham
A Short Story

The Memory Man by Helen Smith
A Short Story

I picked up both these books through a welcome gift from chatebooks.
Check out this great source for more books.
The covers below are linked to Amazon. I am an affiliate.
Frosted Over by Amy Rachiele
Madame Lily, VP by Dormaine G

Grumpy Old Wizards by John O’Riley
The title alone made me grab this one. 🙂

Teacher Beware by Charlotte Raine
This romantic suspense sounded right up my alley.

I saw this on Kimber Leigh’s Writes.
Come play a little hooky with us by getting our first book for free on our website: or click on the cover to get it from Amazon*

Method 15/33 by Shannon Kirk
I love this cover and the story sounds unique and original.
I found this author through a friend and I’m very excited to share her with you.
William Faulkner Wisdom Writing Competition
I am currently reading this and it just keeps getting better and better!

I am super excited to be able to review this book.
I am a huge Steve Alten fan!!!!!
Vostok by Steve Alten

This was a fantastic week for me. It started out with a book win, then many books wind and THIS from Chrys Fey:
And the winner of my antagonist naming contest is…Sherry Snider Fundin who suggested the name Jackson Storm! Congratulations, Sherry!!! When the sequel to Hurricane Crimes is published (TBD), Jackson Storm will be the big, bad antagonist, and you’ll see your name mentioned in the acknowledgements/dedications.
Here is the first book: Hurricane Crimes by Chrys Fey
I am lucky to already have this on my Kindle! I need to get to reading so I will be ready for Book II. YAY!!!!!!

Pickles & Ponies by Laura May
I won this on the Pure Jonel blog.
Thanks much for this super cute read, Jonel & Laura. 🙂

Mr Wonderful bought me these roses during the week. He does not need a holiday to surprise me with flowers and candy. He does it all year long. How luck am I? 😉
Check out these amazing goodies I won on Fiktshun. Thank you, Rachel!!
Happy Valentine’s Day to ME. 😛
There are so many books, I will need your help to choose one.
Which says PICK ME in the list below both photos?

My Fiktshun Goodies (c) Sherry J Fundin
The Darkest Touch by Gena Showalter
Bad Girls Don’t Die by Katie Alender
Wild Things by Chloe Neill
When We Wake by Karen Healey
Cryer’s Cross by Lisa McMann
The Wicked Awakening of Ann Merchant by Joanna Wiebe
Joyland by Stephen King
Always A Catch by Peter Richmond
Blythewood by Carol Goodman
The Secret Sky by Atia Abawi
Before I Wake by Rachel Vincent
The Darkest Minds by Alexander Bracken
Never Fade by Alexander Bracken
In The After Light by Alexander Bracken

The Red Queen (c) Sherry J Fundin
I have heard so much about the Red Queen I can hardly wait to read it. It arrived with its own special box.
LAST WEEK ON fundinmental
Sherry’s Shelves #34 ~ Books & Reading
Superheroes – London Belongs to the Alchemist by Stephen Henning
Teaser Tuesday # 36 ~ Dictating Death by Bonnie R Paulson
Review: Heart Search: Betrayal by Carlie M A Cullen
Review: Is it a Betrayal or a Rescue ~ Week of Lies by I C Camilleri
Friday 56 #40 & BB #16 ~ Light a Candle for the Beast by Echo Shea
They’re Here – Dinosaur Lake II by Kathryn Meyer Griffith Giveaway
Cover Reveal for Joshua and the Lightning Road by Donna Galanti
Happy Valentine’s Giveaway From J L Berg
Giveaway ~ Grumpy Old Wizards by John O’Riley 
THIS WEEK ON fundinmental
I will be adding some reviews and…
Teaser Tuesday
Review: The Girl with a Clock for a Heart by Peter Swanson
Excerpt: Heartsearch by Carlie M A Cullen
Friday 56 & Book Beginnings
Polar Day by Julie Flanders
Sherry’s Shelves
If you were snowed in, what would you most want to have?
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