Sherry’s Shelves #97 is my weekly update from October 2 – October 8, 2016.
- Sunday Post is hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer
- Stacking The Shelves is hosted by Tynga’s Reviews
- Bought, Borrowed & Bagged is hosted by TalkSupe
- **all images are linked to Amazon (I am an affiliate)**
Hello fellow bloggers. I have spent so much time the past couple of weeks reading and doing posts for blog ahead, that my eyes are blurring and one of them keeps twitching. I had to quit for a while and am looking forward to taking it slow this weekend, doing other things. How about you? Have you ever had this happen? What are your weekend plans?
If you want to participate in blog ahead, check out the link at the bottom right.
Mr Wonderful and I spent some time in Biloxi this past week, taking pics while these awesome cars were Cruising the Coast.
This seemed like the perfect opportunity to share my favorite Florida Georgia Line song.
For those of you in the line of fire from Hurricane Matthew, stay safe.
LAST WEEK ON fundinmental
- Sherry’s Shelves #96
- Ghosts & Serial Killers – The 5: A Paranormal Thriller by Richard Freeland @dragonlyre
- IPhone Magic Anthology – Giveaway – #Untethered edited by Janine A Southard @XpressoReads
- The Book Club Murders by Leslie Nagel @leslie_nagel @dollycas
- #FREE – What are you afraid of? – Fear of the Scarecrow by Anthony Renfro @atothewr
- Friday 56 #102 – Double Tap by Steve Martini @StevenPMartini
- Book Blitz – The Glitch by Ramona Finn
- One Sentence Review – Jezebel by Gordon A Kessler @gordonkessler
- Awesome Kindle Giveaway – Book Heist #BookHeist
THIS WEEK ON fundinmental
I may have more posts, I’m just not sure what, so be sure and keep checking back.
- Sherry’s Shelves
- Giveaway – Dandelion Dead by Chrystle Fiedler
- Review – The Company Store by H D Gordon
- Giveaway & Review – Bewitched by Nancy Fraser
- Teaser Tuesday
- 5 Star Review – The Kept Woman by Karin Slaughter
- Cozy Mystery Giveaway – Crepe Factor by Laura Childs
- Friday 56 – Everyone Dies by Michael McGarrity
- Giveaway – Shifted in Seattle by Lisa Medley
- One Sentence Review – Jezebel by Gordon A Kessler
Hope you are having a wonderful weekend.
- You can see my Giveaways HERE.
- You can see my Reviews HERE.
- If you like what you see, why don’t you follow me?
Look on the right sidebar and let’ talk.
- Leave your link in the comments and I will drop by to see what’s shakin’.
- Problem commenting, look for the twitter, facebook…buttons.
- Thanks for visiting fundinmental!