Review & Giveaway – The Genes Of Isis by Justin Newland @JeanBookNerd


I had to stop when I saw the vibrant yellow cover and see what The Genes Of Isis by Justin Newland was about. Then I saw angels and grabbed it. The Genes of Isis by Justin Newland wasn’t quite what I though it would be and it took me a while to get into it, but it is worth a read if you are into science fiction, fantasy, and historical fiction. I love when I can recommend a debut novel.

My name is Akasha. I am mother of you all. You are the children of angels. And this is out story.

The Helios is a tribe of angels that, like I have seen before, think they have all the answers. They came to Earth to move humans to a new stage of evolution by delivering the Surge.

Horque comes to Earth with the Solarii, another tribe of angels to fix what the problem the Helios created when they made the hybrids.

Akasha has a premonition that foretelsl of all their extinctions with a great flood. So many moments reminded me of a religious and an Egyptian story.

I am not a church goer, but I have enjoyed some Christian books and those with a religious tone. The Genes of Isis by Justin Newland is one of those. Many things sounded familiar, especially the polluting of religion for personal reasons. Political intrigue and revenge are alive and well. Is this where pyramids came from? I would think they would be more aware of Karma. 🙂

Issa made a deal with the devil and, at first, I though she was just a nice person. As the story comes together, I find she is so much more. Who knows what would have happened without her.

The Genes Of Isis by Justin Newland is hard for me to rate. I wasn’t very far into the book and wondered if this would be one of those I wouldn’t finish. I was confused. Not just by the names, which I create my own way of pronouncing them in my head, making the reading easier, but figuring out what was going on…Is it Gods and angels? Is it aliens? A third or half of the way through, the religious tones emerged and things were coming together. All in all, I would recommend if this is your type of story and like immersing yourself in a fantasy world of fantasy.

I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of The Genes Of Isis by Justine Newland.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos
3 Stars


Akasha is a precocious young girl with dreams of motherhood. She lives in a fantastical world where most of the oceans circulate in the aquamarine sky waters.

Before she was born, the Helios, a tribe of angels from the sun, came to Earth to deliver the Surge, the next step in the evolution of an embryonic human race. Instead they spawned a race of hybrids and infected humanity with a hybrid seed.

Horque manifests on Earth with another tribe of angels, the Solarii, to rescue the genetic mix-up and release the Surge.

Akasha embarks on a journey from maiden to mother and from apprentice to priestess then has a premonition that a great flood is imminent. All three races – humans, hybrids and Solarii – face extinction.

With their world in crisis, Akasha and Horque meet, and a sublime love flashes between them. Is this a cause of hope for humanity and the Solarii? Or will the hybrids destroy them both? Will anyone survive the killing waters of the coming apocalypse?



“The novel is creative, sophisticated, brilliant! I couldn’t ask for a more Egyptian-esque book!” —Lauren, Books Beyond the Story

“The book is exquisitely written, with good characterization and a compelling plot
 Thoroughly recommended.” —Jennifer’s Reviews  


JUSTIN NEWLAND’s novels represent an innovative blend of genres from historical adventure to supernatural thriller and magical realism. His stories explore the themes of war and religion, and speculate on the human’s spiritual place in the universe.

Undeterred by the award of a Doctorate in Mathematics from Imperial College, London, he conceived his debut novel, The Genes of Isis (Matador, 2018), an epic fantasy set under Ancient Egyptian skies.

The historical thriller, The Old Dragon’s Head (Matador, 2018), is set in Ming Dynasty China in the shadows of the Great Wall.

The Coronation (Matador, 2019) was another historical adventure and speculates on the genesis of the most important event in the modern world – the Industrial Revolution.

The Abdication (Matador, 2021) is a supernatural thriller in which a young woman confronts her faith in a higher purpose and what it means to abdicate that faith.

His work in progress is a two-book series, The Island of Angels. Set in the Elizabethan era, it’s an epic tale of England’s coming of age. The Mark of the Salamander (to be published September 2023) takes us across the open seas of discovery with Sir Francis Drake while The Midnight of Eights culminates the series with the repulse of the Spanish Armada.

Author, speaker and broadcaster, Justin appears on LitFest panels, gives talks to historical associations and libraries and enjoys giving radio interviews and making podcasts.

Born three days before the end of 1953, he lives with his partner in plain sight of the Mendip Hills in Somerset, England.


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Giveaway – The Book Of Alys by Alan Gold @XpressoTours

The Book of Alys
Alan Gold
Publication date: May 31st 2023
Genres: Adult, Historical Romance

King Henry II, exhausted from everlasting conflict with France and the bad habit of his sons rebelling against their father finds love, solace, and passion after falling for the youthful beauty of Alys and makes her his mistress.

Alys’ father, King Louis VII of France was a man in desperate need of an heir. Alys was his fourth daughter from two wives. After divorcing Eleanor, he married Alys’ mother Constance.

The desperate need for a son meant that King Louis was striding down the aisle just five weeks after Constance’s death (not to say that he wasn’t grieving, it was said he was deeply affected by his loss), this time with Adele of Champagne who was twenty years his junior. Alys was finally joined by the longed-for brother when she was five years old, and then another sister named Agnes.

Long before Alys came on to the scene her father had been at war, on and off, with Henry II of England. While Louis needed a son to inherit his throne, his daughters were also important as diplomatic tools. Alys first played her part in January 1169, when Louis and Henry met to sign the Treaty of Montmirail near Le Mans.

The treaty set out Henrys plans for his lands. His eldest son also Henry would inherit the English throne (he had been married to Alys’ sister Margaret in 1160). His second son, Geoffrey, was already betrothed to the heiress to the Duchy of Brittany, Constance.

As the third son Richard would inherit Aquitaine. The treaty formed the official betrothal of Alys to Prince Richard and agreed that she would be raised as a ward of King Henry, in the household of Queen Eleanor.

At this point Alys was never considered to be a future English queen. Richard was third in line to the throne, his older brothers were both healthy and had survived the worst dangers of infancy, and their marriages would take place before his.

Although she was only eight years old at the time, Alys was handed over to the English court to be raised alongside her anticipated future sister-in-law Constance of Brittany, and her own sister Margaret.

How much time she spent with her betrothed isn’t really known. Especially since Richard and his brothers then got into the bad habit of rebelling against their father.

As Alys grew up and the wedding with Richard didn’t take place, rumours began to circulate that she had become mistress to King Henry, and thus could not marry his son. Henry’s wife Eleanor of Aquitaine had been imprisoned in 1174 after supporting her rebellious sons. Henry reportedly was considering getting an annulment for his marriage to Eleanor so he could marry his mistress ‘Fair Rosamund’. However, one chronicler claimed that Henry was actually considering marrying Alys himself.

She was young, she was the daughter of a King of France, and her sons might have a potential claim to the French throne. It was even rumoured that Henry would disinherit his sons by Eleanor and replace them in the line of succession with any sons he might have by Alys. It was even stated that Alys already had at least one child, possibly two, by Henry in the time she was his mistress.

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Queen Eleanor of England and Aquitaine gripped the arms of her seat in fear for her safety, waiting for the coming onslaught. Although she was seated on the periphery of the dais, she knew from painful experience that when her husband’s temper was roused, anybody within range of his fists or feet or sword could suffer imminent death.

Accustomed to his explosive temper, and known to give as good as she received, even the Queen was shocked by his sudden violent outburst against the cardinal. The fat pompous cleric, looking more like a throbbing red pustule about to erupt than a Prince of the Church, was acting as though he, rather than King Henry, had been anointed by God as ruler of the nation.

Author Bio:

Alan Gold began his career as a journalist, working in the UK, Europe, and Israel. In 1970, he emigrated to Australia with his wife, Eva, and now lives in St. Ives, Sydney, where he divides his time between writing novels and running his award-winning marketing consultancy.

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Review – She Who Rides Horses by Sarah Barnes #sarahbarnes @ireadbooktours

I won a paperback copy of She Who Rides Horses by Sarah Barnes in a tour giveaway and I immediately picked it up and began reading..and didn’t quit until the last word was read.

Amazon / KindleUnlimited / Goodreads


It is only with the heart that one can see rightly.

What is essential is invisible to the eye…

People have forgotten this truth…But you mustn’t forget it.

You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.

Antoine de St – Exupery, The Little Prince (1943) Chapter XXI

Everything about She Who Rides Horses by Sarah Barnes intrigued me. I love horses, all animals really, so I was super excited to read about a young girl with a connection to a young horse and how it will change their world forever.

Horses are a food source, but Naya wants to ride the red filly. Her patience pays off as she earns the filly’s trust and willingness to let her ride. Naya uses no ropes, no force, just asks permission, allowing the filly to choose the time. I have a feeling it won’t be long before her imagination comes up with more uses for the horses.

I love the visionary aspects, the psychic connection Naya has with the filly.

When Naya is injured and she and her mother are forced to accept the help of strangers, I watched her grow as they struggled through the winter. The filly, a stallion and a pregnant mare choose to stay close to them.

Naya is approaching adulthood. For the first time, she feels an awareness of her sexuality. Will she be able to make her own choice of a mate or will one be chosen for her?

I am hooked on the series and I had to read the intro to Book Two, to see what was over the cliff that had captured everyone’s attention in Book One.

She Who Rides Horses by Sarah Barnes is a must read for horse lovers…maybe even all animal lovers.

At the end of the book is a section on domestication and the language of the characters. a glossary, references, an acknowledgment and an intriguing afterword by Linda Kohanov.

I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of She Who Rides Horses by Sarah Barnes.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos
4 Stars


Set more than 6,000 years ago, She Who Rides Horses: A Saga of the Ancient Steppe (Book One) begins the story of Naya, the first person ever to ride a horse. Daughter of a clan chief, bolder than the other girls but shunned by the boys because of her unusual appearance, Naya often wanders alone through the vast grasslands where her people herd domesticated cattle, sheep and goats, and hunt wild horses for their meat. But Naya dreams of creating a different kind of relationship with the magnificent creatures. One day, while out roaming by herself, she discovers a filly with a chestnut coat as uncommon as her own head of red hair. With time running out before she is called to assume the responsibilities of adulthood, Naya embarks on a quest to fulfill her vision of galloping with the filly across the boundless steppe. Unwittingly, she sets in motion forces and events that will change forever the future of humans and horses alike.

  • Genres: Action and Adventure, Fiction, Historical Fiction
  • Kindle Edition
  • Published April 2, 2022 by Little House Press


Once upon a time there was a little girl who loved stories.  She especially loved stories that happened a long time ago, in a land far, far away.  At first, others had to tell her the stories, but then, like magic, she learned to read them for herself out of books.  And then, even more magical, she discovered that there were stories inside her that she could write down using her own words.  

But just as she made this discovery, the girl came under a spell that made her believe that the only way that she could tell stories about long ago and far away was to become something called an historian.  And so that is what she did.  What she was not told, but had to learn for herself, was that becoming an historian meant relying more and more on facts and evidence and less and less on her own imagination, and soon the girl forgot all about the stories that had once been inside of her, waiting to be told.  The girl – now a grown-up professor with a Ph.D. – wrote lots and lots of words but with less and less joy, for the stories were lost.  Then one day, a special creature appeared, beckoning to the girl to leave her life in the ivory tower where she had become imprisoned.  The creature came in the shape of a horse, for the girl had loved horses all of her life but never had one of her own.   Realizing she wanted to be with the horse far more than she wanted to keep on being an historian, the girl fled her old life and went to live with the horse in a barn.  There, little by little, the horse helped the girl to remember the stories long buried in her heart until one day, she began to write them down.  And the rest is history.

When Sarah is not writing stories, she practices and teaches riding as a meditative art.  She holds a Ph.D. in history from Northwestern University and spent many years as a college professor before turning full-time to riding and writing.  She has two grown daughters and lives with her husband, her dogs and her horses near Boulder, CO. She is currently working on books two and three of the She Who Rides Horses trilogy.


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Giveaway – The Pryce Of Conceit by Kari Bovee @karibovee @iReadBookTours


Book Details:

Book Title:  The Pryce of Conceit – An Historical Ghost Cozy Mystery by Kari Bovee
Category: Adult Fiction (18 +), 270 
Genre: Historical Ghost Cozy Mystery
Publisher:  Bosque Publishing
Release date:   May 23, 2023
Content Rating:  G – Book has no bad language, sex, or violence on the page
Book Description:

Someone’s trying to frame this ambitious theater performer for murder. Can she get back to her adoring public and escape the noose?

1885. Arabella Pryce is struggling with heartbreak. And with her recently deceased husband’s will demanding she leave her celebrity behind and refurbish her namesake hotel in Colorado, the distressed actress is forced to board a westbound train. But she’s barely arrived at the haunted, broken-down lodge when the town beauty shows up dead in one of the rooms
 and Arabella is named the prime suspect.

Already feeling the sting of the community’s disapproval, she grits her teeth and works with a mischievous ghost to help prove her innocence. But with blood-stained evidence, handsome sheriffs, and libelous journalists turning her investigation into a dangerous drama, this determined thespian fears she’s missed her cue for survival.

Can she shine the spotlight on a killer before more than her reputation dies a horrible death?

The Pryce of Conceit is the suspenseful first book in The Arabella Pryce Historical Cozy Mystery series. If you like driven heroines, atmospheric settings, and dashes of humor, then you’ll love Kari BovĂ©e’s lighthearted twists and turns.

Buy The Pryce of Conceit to put the guilty party at center stage today!

Meet the Author:

When she’s not on a horse, or walking along the beautiful cottonwood-laden acequias of Corrales, New Mexico; or basking on white sand beaches under the Big Island Hawaiian sun, Kari BovĂ©e is escaping into the past—scheming murder and mayhem for her characters both real and imagined in her award-winning historical Annie Oakley Mystery series, Grace Michelle Mystery series, and Pryce Murder series.

In her past life, Bovée worked as a technical writer for a Fortune 500 Company, has written non-fiction for magazines and newsletters, and has worked in the education field as a teacher and educational consultant.

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Giveaway – A Daughter’s Journey by Myra Lee Glass @ireadbooktours


Book Details:

Book Title:  A Daughter’s Journey by Myra Lee Glass
Category:  YA Fiction (Ages 13-17),  132 pages
GenreYA Historical Fiction / Adventure
PublisherColeche Press
Release date:   Feb 2023
Content RatingG: Written for a high school school project 🙂 by a highschooler
Book Description:

The year is 1938 and a family in the small South Carolina town of Beaufort faces serious adversity. After the birth of her long-awaited son, Mary Banks dives into a dark postpartum period, throwing her into a deep depression. Thinking that her sister, Rose, is offering her a helping hand, Mary leaves her family and goes to Boston in search of a medical cure, not to be heard from again.

Where is Mary Banks? What has Rose done with the much-loved mother and wife of the Banks family? Finally, Mary’s 15-year-old daughter, Estelle can wait no longer. She gathers her wits and her courage and without a word, runs off to heroically rescue her beloved mother in faraway Boston. This is where the adventure begins

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Meet the Author:

Myra Lee Glass is a young adult author of A Daughter’s Journey. She lives in Texas with her parents and sister.

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Review – Deep As The Sky, Red As The Sea by Rita Chang-Eppig #DeepastheSkyRedastheSea #NetGalley @rche_types

Amazon / Audiobook / Goodreads


The cover for Deep As The Sky, Read As The Sea by Rita Chang-Eppig is EXCELLENT! It says it all, a woman pirate on the high seas. I would have grabbed the book no matter what, so, yes, a cover does have a big influence over me when it comes to choosing books.

I love anything to do with water, and women pirates, well, how awesome is that? They can be just as vicious as the men. Sometimes it’s a choice between fighting or death, and Shek Young chose life. She can birth a baby and behead an adversary. Her life is a strategy, with few she can trust. She suffers losses, but cannot let it show, or those watching on the sidelines, waiting for an opportunity, would see it as a sign of weakness, putting her life in jeopardy.

In the beginning, she had no power over her life. Once she found it, she did everything to keep it. Yes, she had to make compromises, but she was the one making the choice, not someone making it for her. And what waits for her at the end? Will her death be violent?

Deep As The Sky, Red As The Sea by Rita Chang-Eppig is an action packed adventure novel of life on the high seas and how many of those who chose or were forced came to be there, living, loving, fighting, dying.

I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of Deep As The Sky, Red As The Sea by Rita Chang-Eppig.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos
4 Stars


For readers of Outlawed, Piranesi, and The Night Tiger, a riveting, roaring adventure novel about a legendary Chinese pirate queen, her fight to save her fleet from the forces allied against them, and the dangerous price of power.

When Shek Yeung sees a Portuguese sailor slay her husband, a feared pirate, she knows she must act swiftly or die. Instead of mourning, Shek Yeung launches a new plan: immediately marrying her husband’s second-in-command, and agreeing to bear him a son and heir, in order to retain power over her half of the fleet.

But as Shek Yeung vies for control over the army she knows she was born to lead, larger threats loom. The Chinese Emperor has charged a brutal, crafty nobleman with ridding the South China Seas of pirates, and the Europeans-tired of losing ships, men, and money to Shek Yeung’s alliance-have new plans for the area. Even worse, Shek Yeung’s cutthroat retributions create problems all their own. As Shek Yeung navigates new motherhood and the crises of leadership, she must decide how long she is willing to fight, and at what price, or risk losing her fleet, her new family, and even her life.

A book of salt and grit, blood and sweat, Deep as the Sky, Red as the Sea is an unmissable portrait of a woman who leads with the courage and ruthlessness of our darkest and most beloved heroes.


Rita Chang-Eppig received her MFA in fiction from NYU. Her stories have appeared in The Best American Short Stories 2021, McSweeney’s Quarterly Concern, Conjunctions, Clarkesworld, The Rumpus, Virginia Quarterly Review, and elsewhere. She has received fellowships from the Rona Jaffe Foundation/Vermont Studio Center, the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference, the Writers Grotto, and the Martha Heasley Cox Center for Steinbeck Studies at San Jose State University. She lives in California.

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Giveaway – She Who Rides Horses by Sarah V Barnes @ireadbooktours

Book Details:

Book Title:  She Who Rides Horses: A Saga of the Ancient Steppe (Book One) by Sarah V. Barnes
Category:  Adult Fiction (18+),  267 pages
Genre: Historical Fiction 
Publisher:  Lilith House Press 
Release date:  March 2022
Content RatingPG.  It contains two kissing scenes and the death of an animal.
Book Description:

Set more than 6,000 years ago, She Who Rides Horses: A Saga of the Ancient Steppe (Book One) begins the story of Naya, the first person to ride a horse.

Daughter of a clan chief, bolder than other girls but shunned by the boys because of her unusual appearance, Naya wanders alone through the vast grasslands where her people herd cattle and hunt wild horses for their meat. But Naya dreams of creating a different kind of relationship with the magnificent creatures.

One day, she discovers a filly with a chestnut coat as uncommon as her own head of red hair. With time running out before she is called to assume the responsibilities of adulthood, Naya embarks on a quest to gallop with the red filly across the boundless steppe.

Unwittingly, she sets in motion forces and events that will change forever the future of humans and horses alike.

Meet the Author:

Sarah V. Barnes, Ph.D. is both an historian and a horsewoman. When Sarah is not writing stories, she practices and teaches riding as a meditative art. She also offers equine-facilitated coaching and wellness workshops.

Sarah holds a Ph.D. in history from Northwestern University and spent many years as a college professor before turning full-time to riding and writing. She has two grown daughters and lives with her husband, her dogs and her horses near Boulder, CO.

connect with the author: website facebook ~  goodreads

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Giveaway – Girl On The Run by Nancy McDonald @ireadbooktours

Book Details:
Book Title:  GIRL ON THE RUN (The Doktor’s Daughter) by Nancy McDonald
Category: Middle-Grade Fiction (Ages 8-12),  174 pages
Genre: Historical fiction
Publisher:  Iguana Books
Release date:   September, 2021
Content Rating:  G. It’s middle grade. No foul language. No sex scenes.
Book Description:
It’s 1933 in Berlin. The Nazis have seized power, and for thirteen-year-old Amelie Meyer life is changing in ways she never could have imagined.

Her new teacher is picking on Jewish students, her friends are starting to shun her for not joining their Aryan youth group and her father is getting remarried. As tensions mount at home and school, Amelie embarks on a perilous journey – with nothing less than her whole future at stake. 

Giveaway – The Last Saxon King by Andrew Varga @ireadbooktours


Book Details:

Book Title:  The Last Saxon King: A Jump in Time Novel Book 1 by Andrew Varga
Category:  Middle-Grade Fiction (Ages 8-12), 361 pages
Genre:  Historical Fiction, Time Travel, Middle-Grade/YA
Publisher:  Imbrifex Books
Release date:   March 7, 2023
Content Rating: PG + M

Book Description:

One Jump to Save All Time

Life is progressing normally for sixteen-year-old Dan Renfrew when he accidentally transports himself to England in the year 1066. He soon realizes that he’s trapped there, and that’s not his only astonishing discovery. Dan learns that he’s descended from a long line of time jumpers—secret heroes who travel to the past and resolve glitches in the time stream that threaten to alter subsequent history. The only way Dan can return home is to set history back on its proper course in the Anglo-Saxon age. This is no easy task. A Viking horde is ravaging England in the north while a Norman army threatens to invade from the south. In between and desperately struggling to hold on to his throne is Harold Godwinson, the newly-crowned English king. Dan is fighting to ensure that events play out correctly when he finds himself plunged into an even more lethal conflict. To save history, Dan must battle a band of malevolent time jumpers whose lust for wealth and power threatens the entire future of the world.

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Meet the Author:

Ever since his mother told him he was descended from Vikings, ANDREW VARGA has had a fascination for history. He’s read hundreds of history books, watched countless historical movies, and earned a BA from the University of Toronto with a specialist in history and a major in English. Andrew has traveled extensively across Europe, where he toured famous castles, museums, and historical sites. During his travels he accumulated a collection of swords, shields, and other medieval weapons that now adorn his personal library. Andrew currently lives in the greater Toronto area with his wife Pam, their three children, and their mini-zoo of two dogs, two cats, a turtle, and some fish. It was his children’s love of reading, particularly historical and fantasy stories, that inspired Andrew to write this series. In his spare time, when he isn’t writing or editing, Andrew reads history books, jams on guitar, or plays beach volleyball.

Andrew currently lives in the greater Toronto area with his wife Pam, their three children, and their mini-zoo of two dogs, two cats, a turtle, and some fish. It was his children’s love of reading, particularly historical and fantasy stories, that inspired Andrew to write this series. In his spare time, when he isn’t writing or editing, Andrew reads history books, jams on guitar, or plays beach volleyball.

connect to the author: instagram ~ goodreads 

THE LAST SAXON KING Book Tour Giveaway

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Review – Poisoned Lily by Nik Grybaski #nikgrybaski #mystery

Amazon / Goodreads


I am intrigued by the amazing cover, the great title and the mystery within Poisoned Lily by Nik Grybaski. The story is okay and a quick read, 72 pages. Be prepared to be transported to the past in this historical mystery. The treatment of the dead woman could be happening in real time, seeing she is unimportant to some and deserving of an investigation to others.

Leo Katz, a photographer, and Klaus Rosnbloom, a pathologist, stumble onto each other, working together to help the police solve the crime. This is a quick, yet enjoyable read that some may like more than I.

I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of Poisoned Lily by Nik Grybaski.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos
2 Stars


Was Lily murdered, or did her sinister secret force her to take her own life?

In a room above a tavern, on the hedonistic streets of Praterstrasse Vienna, is the dead body of a kept woman.

A mysterious lady sits alone in the bar. A man exits the premises through the back door, gripping onto a cane with an amber head. A youth, clutching a bottle, stumbles down the stairs and drinks the remnants of the poison his dead lover, Lily, took just minutes before.

Was it suicide?

It’s up to photographer Leo Katz and his new friend, pathologist Klaus Rosenbloom, to solve the mystery. But how can they discover who the killer is when vicious thugs steal vital evidence and threaten their lives?

Grab you copy of this thrilling murder mystery now!


Nik Grybaski is neither real nor imaginary, existing solely in the shadows of the worlds Nik creates.

Nik is responsible for creating Leo Katz and the things that Leo gets up to when Nik is asleep.

A dabbler at most things useless but creative, Nik writes to forget…Nik has already forgotten.

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