Review – Ivory’s Fight by Jane Blythe @jblytheauthor #romanticsuspense

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Ivory’s Fight (Prey Security – Artemis Team) may be the first book in the series, but I have met these characters before. It is great to be back with them.

Ivory had been kidnapped when she was a baby, her captor teaching her how to be an assassin. She had been rescued by Prey, and her and her sister’s now work for them. She is on an undercover mission when she finds herself rescued by Roman Morales, who also works for Prey Security. She is searching for a group of children who have been kidnapped, and Roman wants revenge, after his sister’s death. They decide to work together.

There are triggers with human trafficking, rape and torture.

I love that this series is about the four sisters that were rescued by Prey. I know Jane will put them through the wringer, dragging their baggage out in the open for all to see, and helping them find their happy ever after. I can hardly wait to crack open the next book in the series.

I love Jane Blythe’s writing. She weaves romance and suspense seamlessly, putting her characters through hell to come out the other side with a happy ever after.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos
4 Stars

Falling in love has no place in a mission of revenge.

Abducted as a baby, Ivory Smith was trained to be one thing; a killer. Rescued before she could fulfil her captor’s purposes now she works for Prey Security’s Artemis Team taking down human traffickers. What should be a typical undercover mission becomes anything but when not only does she meet a man who intrigues her but she comes face to face with her abuser.

Former Delta Force operator turned DEA Agent Roman Morales lives for one thing; revenge. Growing up surrounded by addiction he’s determined not to fall down the same hole, which means keeping everyone at a distance. Until he meets a beautiful, brave woman determined to help him get the revenge he craves, he just doesn’t think he has anything to offer her in return.

  • Genre: Fiction, Military, Romance, Suspense, Thriller
  • 276 pages, Kindle Edition
  • Published May 9, 2023
  • Series: Prey Security, Artemis Team #1

USA Today bestselling author Jane Blythe writes action-packed romantic suspense and military romance featuring protective heroes and heroines who are survivors. One of Jane’s most popular series includes Saving SEALs, part of Susan Stoker’s OPERATION ALPHA world! Writing in that world alongside authors such as Janie Crouch and Riley Edwards has been a blast, and she looks forward to bringing more books to this genre, both within and outside of Stoker’s world. When Jane isn’t binge-reading she’s counting down to Christmas and adding to her 200+ teddy bear collection!

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Giveaway & Review – DiAnn Mills’ Facing The Enemy @partnersincr1me @diannmills

Facing The Enemy by DiAnn Mills Banner

Facing The Enemy

by DiAnn Mills

September 4 – 29, 2023 Virtual Book Tour

I was so excited to get a signed copy of Facing The Enemy by Diann Mills for the tour. It was and great adventure and all I had hoped for in a mystery novel.


I love the cover and title for Facing The Enemy by Diann Mills. This is my first novel by Diann Mills, but now she is on my radar.

Ya gotta have a good bad guy to have a good good guy 🙂 and Risa fits that good guy bill, along with her partner/boyfriend, Gage.

Her troubles begin when her brother, Trenton, is killed by a hit and run driver. She learns the kill was meant for her. She has been estranged from her drug addicted brother, but he wanted to meet her to begin over. His life would be ended before he had the chance. Because of a warning left for her, she begins to work undercover, letting everyone think she has left the FBI and is now a college professor. That is where she meets Carson, and everything begins to come together.

In the beginning, Gage doesn’t know she is working undercover, but when he finds out, they team up to chase the leads supplied by Carson. More FBI agents will fall. It takes a brazen villain to take out FBI agents, as if they are gang bangers or cartel members.

Risa and Gage work in the violent crimes against children division of the FBI. They complement each other, her being a bit headstrong and him more down to earth. She is reminded of that when they travel together to track down Carson.

It is not her fault that men do wrong and she it takes some time for her to accept that God gives man free will. It is up to them what they do with it.

Her dad was a race car driver and taught her how to drive. She is Speed Racer and leaves Gage white knuckled. I love that about her. I used to be a bit of a Speed Racer in my younger years and love that I can relate to a character in a personal way. It adds that little bit extra that makes me like the character more.

As the good guys fall and the body count rises, it’s obvious that someone with an awful lot of power, untouchable, is at the head of the organization. Is it one person? Is it a syndicate?

A problem, for me, started in Chapter 62. I wasn’t surprised by it. It seems to be a common occurrence in romantic suspense novels and hard to get around.

The action and adventure travels throughout the country as they dodge bullets, cars and those that want them dead. It becomes difficult to tell who are the good guys and who are the bad guys. Innocent lives are sacrificed, stolen. It’s disgusting when defenseless children, and women who cannot defend themselves, are used for someone’s monetary gain. They are some of the most despicable people in the world and my feelings toward them, fictional or otherwise, get my blood boiling. We can only hope that Karma comes back to bite them!!!!!!!!

I do love that a piece of the author’s personal life is the start of Risa’s story. Will it end here? Will there be a sequel? Is this a series? As far as, will it end here, I think one story is told and one is open ended. As far as a sequel or series, I think the answer could be yes.

I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of Facing The Enemy by Diann Mills

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos
4 Stars


For the past five years, FBI Special Agent Risa Jacobs has worked in the violent crimes against children division of the Houston FBI. She’s never had reason to believe there’s a target on her back . . . until now.

When the long-awaited reunion between Risa and her brother, Trenton, ends in tragedy, Risa is riddled with guilt, unable to cope with the responsibility she feels over his death. On leave from the FBI, Risa returns to her former career as an English teacher at a local college, only to see her past and present collide when one of her students, Carson Mercury, turns in an assignment that reads like an eyewitness account of her brother’s murder, with details never revealed publicly.

Alarmed by Carson’s inside knowledge of Trenton’s death, Risa reaches out to her former partner at the FBI. Special Agent Gage Patterson has been working a string of baby kidnappings, but he agrees to help look into Carson’s background. Risa and Gage soon discover their cases might be connected as a string of high-value thefts have occurred at properties where security systems were installed by Carson’s stepfather and children have gone missing. There’s a far more sinister plot at play than they ever imagined, and innocent lives are in danger.

DiAnn Mills delivers romantic suspense fans a heart-pounding thriller about loss, betrayal, and finding the strength to trust again!

Praise for Facing The Enemy:

“Riveting! In her signature style, Diann Mills expertly weaves a gripping tale of ever-increasing danger. Captivating, authentic characters along with surprising twists and turns drew me deeper into this engrossing thriller and kept me on the edge of my seat until the last page. I still can’t stop thinking about it!”
~ Elizabeth Goddard, bestselling author of COLD LIGHT OF DAY

“I’m a longtime reader of suspense thrillers, but DiAnn Mills’ latest, FACING THE ENEMY, made me gasp with surprise. The issues involved in the story—adoption and the families who long to love children—are close to my heart, and that emotional connection held me by the heartstrings. Not to be missed! ”
~ Angela Hunt, author of WHAT A WAVE MUST BE

Facing The Enemy Trailer:

Book Details:

Genre: Romantic Suspense
Published by: Tyndale House Publishers
Publication Date: September 2023
Number of Pages: 352
ISBN: 9781496451941 (ISBN10: 1496451945)
Book Links: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | | Goodreads | ChristianBook

Read an excerpt:

Chapter 1

Houston, Texas
July 29

Twelve years ago, my younger brother fell into an abyss of drugs and alcohol. He chose his addictions over Mom and Dad—and me. Prayers for healing fell flat, but none of us gave up, proving our belief in unconditional love. Then yesterday he called, and my hopes skyrocketed. Trenton said he missed me and wanted to make amends with his family, beginning with his older sis. We chose to meet at a popular restaurant for a late dinner within walking distance of my apartment.

A knock on my cubicle jolted me back to reality. Gage, my work partner, towered in the entryway and grinned. “Hey, what’s going on?”

The sound of his voice caused me to tingle to my toes. “Thinking.”

“Obviously, you were a million miles away.” His blue-gray eyes bore into mine, the intensity nearly distracting me.

I leaned back in my comfy, ergonomic chair. “My brother called.”

“Trenton? The guy you haven’t seen in years?”

“The same.”


“He wants to meet tonight for dinner, to talk about making amends.”

Gage shook his head. “Risa, he has a record a mile long. He’s planning on manipulating you, squeezing every penny he can get.”

I picked up an old photo of Trenton and me as kids. Dad had snapped it while we were in our tree house. I swiped at a piece of dust, then replaced it beside my photo of Mom and Dad. “I must give him a chance. He’s my brother.”

“What if he’s gotten himself in over his head and needs his FBI agent sis to bail him out?”

I bit into my lower lip. Gage’s words had a level of truth, even if I didn’t want to admit it. “I want to hear him out.”

Gage stepped closer. “I don’t want to see you hurt. Remember three years ago when he called you from a bar demanding money, cursed you until you hung up?” The soft gentleness in his whispered tone said more than friend to friend. “Think about canceling the dinner or let me go with you.”

Emotion rose thick in my throat. “You mean well, and I—” Catching myself, I nearly said love. “I appreciate your concern. But I’ll be fine. Want me to call you afterward?”

He nodded. “I can run by if you need to talk.”

I peered into the face of the man I adored. “I will. Promise.”


I arrived early at the restaurant to meet Trenton, anticipating his contagious smile perfected by an overpaid orthodontist. The phone attempted to keep my attention, but my mind swirled with how I wanted tonight to move forward against the reality of what had happened in the past.

The host approached me. Trenton walked behind him, towering several inches above the short man. I held my breath and stood, not feeling my legs, only my pulse speeding at the sight of my brother.

Trenton chuckled low, the familiar, dazzling, heart-crunching expression that had always touched me with sibling love. Clear brown eyes captured mine. Gone were the dilated pupils and bone-thin body. My brother held out his buff arms, and I rushed into them.

“Risa, you look amazing,” he whispered. “Thanks for seeing me on such short notice.”

“Nothing could have kept me away.” I stepped back, noting the miracle before me. Telling Mom and Dad wasn’t a part of tonight’s plan, but I wished they were here. We’d all be blubbering. I swiped at a tear and feared a humiliating sob would replace my already-fragile composure. “I want to remember this moment forever.” Please stay strong this time.

“Me too, Sis.” He gestured to the booth. “Sit, and let’s talk and eat.”

I slid in and he took the opposite side of the table. A server presented us with menus and asked for our drink order.

“We’ll have two Dr Peppers,” Trenton said.

He remembered my favorite drink. No mention of alcohol. I breathed in deeply to steady myself. I wanted our reunion to be special, not me a weeping mess. “I’ve missed you.”

Trenton cocked his head, and the mischievous brother from days gone by appeared. “I’ve been clean for four months. Working steady and enrolled in night school for the next college term.” He took my hands, and his features grew serious. “But before I say another word, I’m sorry. I promise you, I’ll never hurt you, Mom, or Dad again. Please forgive me for the mess I made of my life and dragging my family through the stench of it.”

I’d heard this before, from his teen years into his twenties. Dare I believe our prayers had been answered? “I forgave you years ago. All we ever wanted for you is a healthy body and mind.”

“Thanks, Sis. I know you’ve heard this ‘I’m sorry’ junk before, but I’m well on my way.”

His words warmed me like a quilt on a chilly night. “I can see it, feel it. Why tell me first instead of Mom and Dad?”

“Great times with you growing up that never left me.”

Memories rushed over me . . . The time we went camping by ourselves and it snowed. Birthdays. Christmases. All the treasured times I believed had vanished into the chasm of addiction.

The server returned with our drinks, and Trenton released my hands.

“Have you decided on your order?” the server said.

Neither of us had picked up our menus, but I often frequented the restaurant and ordered a vegan dish. Trenton opted for their pork chop and fixings.

“And I’ll take the bill.” He pointed at me. “No arguments.”

“My treat when we have dinner again.”

“Got it.”

“You were about to tell me something about us.”

He rubbed his palms on the thighs of his jeans. “Two things stand out. The first one happened when I was four, so that made you ten. You were watching me trying to climb an oak tree in the back yard. I was crying because my short legs couldn’t swing high enough. Then I felt your hand on my shoulder. You boosted me up onto the branch. Climbed up with me. No long after that, Dad built us a tree house.”

“I loved that tree house. You had your space and I had mine.”

“What I’ll always remember is what you said to me. ‘Trenton, I’m your big sis. I’ll always help you. I promise.’”

I blinked back the ocean of hopeful tears. “Thanks. I remember our times in the tree house, our private little world.”

“One more reason I contacted you. I was six and you were twelve. For three summers, Mom and Dad put me in swimming lessons, but I couldn’t put my head underwater. Not sure why. You convinced Mom and Dad that you could teach me how to swim. So every day we went to the neighborhood pool, and at the end of two weeks, I was swimming. I trusted you.”

I took a deep breath. Be aware of manipulation, Risa. “Thanks.” I raised a finger. “I remember being a high school junior and this jerk of a guy followed me home. Wouldn’t leave me alone. You punched him in the nose.”

Trenton laughed. “My voice hadn’t changed yet, but I wasn’t going to let him bother you.”

“That’s love, Brother.” Oh, Trenton, let this be for keeps. I’m afraid to believe the nightmare is over.

“And we’ll make many more crazy times together. Do you have plans for Saturday morning? I volunteer at a community center for kids at risk. We have a mixed basketball team, and I could use some help with the girls.”

I shivered. What a blessing to have my brother back. “All I need is a time and place.”

“You never fail me, Sis.” He took a long drink of his Dr Pepper. “Are you writing?”

I grinned. “Dabbling here and there.”

“I never understood why you left a safe job as a college prof and writer to the dangers of the FBI?” He shrugged. “Other than your wild side that you kept more in check than I did.”

“Teaching and writing short stories with a few successful publications failed to fill my adventure deficit. Every time I read about a crime, I wanted to be the one working the case. Dad said I couldn’t create a crime and solve it—I had to be actively involved.”

“Your personality better fits law enforcement. Still married to the FBI?”

I wiggled my shoulders. “Of course. Five years ago, I moved to the Violent Crime Division, specifically Crimes Against Children. It’s stressful and emotional, but protecting children suits me.”

He frowned. “Because of me?”

I blinked. “A little. My main reason is what happened to the little girl who lived across the street from us.”

“Right.” He shook his head. “I’m sorry her death still bothers you. Isn’t there a special team for finding missing kids?”

“Child Abduction Rapid Deployment or CARD. They’re an elite, specialized team, and that’s all they do. That’s not my role, but we often work together.”

“What do you investigate?” Trenton seemed interested in my job, another first.

“My partner and I investigate kidnappings, pedophiles, pornography, online predators, human trafficking, involuntary servitude, parental kidnapping, and any other situation that fell into the ‘violent crimes against children’ bucket.”

“I remember you were the neighborhood babysitter.” He gave me his unforgettable impish grin. “And I also remember how much fun you had learning how to handle a car at high speeds.”

I couldn’t conceal my laughter. “Guess I’m part daredevil. Blame Dad for that. I remember loving to watch him race cars.”

“He’d still be at it if Mom hadn’t insisted his speed-loving days were over.”

“When he taught me to drive, I learned a lot of tricks,” I said.

“He already knew I was danger on wheels and asked Mom to teach me.” He laughed. “Any potential brothers-in-law?”

I waved off his remark. My thoughts swept to Gage. Maybe I had found him, but that was a future conversation. “Nope. My job scares them off. I had more dates during my stint as a dull college professor.”

“You dull? Never. You just haven’t found the right guy. Pray about it, and if there’s a guy good enough for my sis, he’ll appear.”

I startled. “Did you say pray?”

“Think about it. Who but God could have turned me around? Helped me walk away from drugs, alcohol, and so-called friends?”

Even in his good days, Trenton had steered away from mentions of faith. Maybe he had changed. “I don’t know what to say.”

“That’s a first.” He chuckled. “You always had more words in one day than I had in a week. But honestly, no more jail. No more being tossed out of an apartment because I couldn’t pay the rent. No more waking up and not remembering the night before.”

Wow. A true miracle. I swiped at happy tears. “I can’t wait to tell Mom and Dad.”

He leaned over the table as though to tell me a secret. “I’ll do the honors very soon.”

When our food arrived, he asked to say grace. I was so glad our eyes were closed, or he’d have seen a leaky faucet. We chatted through dinner. Laughed about some of the goofy things we’d done as kids. Time seemingly stopped, and my half-full cup of blessings spilled over with joy.

“Will you tell me about your healing journey?” I said.

“You can hear for yourself when I talk to Mom and Dad.” He moistened his lips. “Do you trust me enough to walk you back to your apartment and call them from there? I mean, does your building have a lobby area with a little privacy?”

“It does, but you can call from my apartment. Trenton, they will be incredibly happy.”

“I hope so.”

I was so focused on our conversation that I didn’t think I tasted my favorite dish. We finished and he paid the bill. Outside the restaurant, a few people mingled, and the night sky hosted a half-moon, alerting me to how long Trenton and I had talked. I breathed in thankfulness and expectations for a positive tomorrow. At the crosswalk, we waited for the pedestrian sign to signal our turn.

“How long have you lived in this fancy high-rise?” he said as we ambled across the street.

“Two years. I like the busyness and excitement.”

“It must be in your DNA. One day, I want a small place in the country where it’s quiet.”

“Never for me. I’ll visit you though.” The humid heat mixed with exhaust fumes spiraled around us. “What are you taking in college?”

“Psychology. See if I can’t help a few kids understand life and avoid pitfalls.”

“Incredible. I’m so pro—”

Trenton grabbed my shoulders and thrust me several feet ahead next to the curb. I landed on my side and rolled over. What—?

A horrible thud.

A woman screamed.

Tires squealed.

Horns blew.

Stinging pain radiated up my leg, side, arm, and head. In agony, I managed to roll over and glance at the street.

My brother’s body lay in the intersection, a twisted mass of flesh and blood.


Excerpt from FACING THE ENEMY by DiAnn Mills. Copyright 2023 by DiAnn Mills. Reproduced with permission from DiAnn Mills. All rights reserved.



Author Bio:

DiAnn Mills

DiAnn Mills is a bestselling author who believes her readers should expect an adventure. She is a storyteller and creates action-packed, suspense-filled novels to thrill readers. DiAnn believes every breath of life is someone’s story, so why not capture those moments and create a thrilling adventure?

Her titles have appeared on the CBA and ECPA bestseller lists; won two Christy Awards; and been finalists for the RITA, Daphne Du Maurier, Inspirational Readers’ Choice, and Carol award contests.

DiAnn is a founding board member of the American Christian Fiction Writers, a member of Advanced Writers and Speakers Association, Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers, Jerry Jennings Writers Guild, Mystery Writers of America, and International Thriller Writers. She speaks to various groups and teaches writing workshops around the country.

DiAnn has been termed a coffee snob and roasts her own coffee beans. She’s an avid reader, loves to cook, and believes her grandchildren are the smartest kids in the universe. She and her husband live in sunny Houston, Texas.

DiAnn is very active online and would love to connect with readers:
BookBub – @DiAnnMills
Instagram – @diannmillsauthor
X – @diannmills
Facebook – @diannmills
YouTube – @diannmills



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Giveaway – Mirrored Reflections by J F Ridgley @ireadbooktours @jfridgley


Book Details:

Book Title:  Mirrored Reflections by J.F. Ridgley
Category:  Adult Fiction (18+) ,  418 pages
GenreChristian Romance
PublisherR Pride Publishing
Release date:   December 2022
Content RatingPG-13 +M.  This is a Christian Romance, no sex. two hot kisses. Lots of trauma but a happy ending. There is a language warning: Chad’s debridement is painful, being a burn survivor is painful and the story is about also about sexual trafficking.
Book Description:


Opposites attract and Chad and Sierra are that.

Chad is destroyed on the outside by a suicide bomber while Sierra is broken on the inside by human trafficking. They are each other’s reflection of who they are – beautiful but ravaged by life.

Chad Michaels, an Afghan vet, comes home to a suicide bomber who destroys not only his family but the man he was. Now, he must deal with life as a burn victim — as a monster. But Sierra sees what a beautiful man Chad truly is.

Not all wounds are flesh. Many are inside one’s soul where Sierra Smith’s scars run deep. Yet, Chad sees the innocence that Sierra fails to see. Kidnapped at the early age of six, Sierra was raised to become a high-end prostitute who now dreams of becoming a nurse…someone who helps heal people not service them. But her past relentlessly haunts her.

Sierra and Chad are determined to help each other heal from their traumas – whatever it takes. And, somehow, with God’s help, they will survive to see a brighter day.

Meet the Author:

JF Ridgley is the author of eight novels and short stories set in ancient Rome and three contemporary romance novels. She loves researching history and writing fiction based on real stories of real people. She also loves to write contemporary romance because the ancient Roman saying of ‘Live. Love. Laugh.’ is just as true today.

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Review – The Loyalty Of Children by Chris Lewando @westcorkwriter

Amazon / KindleUnlimited / Goodreads


Chris…you will always be a must read author for me! I love vigilante stories and Chris Lewando has outdone herself in The Loyalty of Children, Book III of the Suffer The Little Children series. I love walking on the dark side of life through words, wallowing in the filth of humanity, the dregs of society. I, also, like seeing them get their comeuppance.

Chris Lewando’s writing style speaks to me. Below is just one example of how in sync we are. She is talking about watching the news, which Dee and I don’t do.

“…What good does it really do to ‘know’ what horrible things are happening if we don’t act? And most of us don’t have that freedom, we’re too busy just hanging in there with our family and financial dramas to get out and make a difference. And I guess that’s just what the politicians need us to do.”

The Suffer The Little Children series may be fiction, but it has the ring of truth when describing the villains and the depths they will go to to scratch their itch. There are a lot of triggers in the series, so if you don’t have a strong stomach and a need for vengeance…BEWARE.

I love Dee, a character that I could never be. Feisty doesn’t begin to describe her. To face what she faces, a sense of humor does come in handy. Living on the run, constantly picking up her bag and moving to the next place. She knows how dangerous her life is, but that doesn’t stop her from doing what she feels needs to be done. She does not run from danger, but takes a methodical approach to meeting it head on. How will her story end?

…the criminal mindset is new to me; it’s a leaning curve. I wonder if I’ll live long enough to get the certificate.

Mikey…WTF…I don’t even know what to say. The author’s end note tells how Mikey came to be and I had to research it and find out more for myself. I love when an author has me doing research, arousing my curiosity, making me have to know more.

The ending….oh man, I did not see that coming. I couldn’t figure out how Chris Lewando would wrap it up and I love that she caught me so off guard. I would love to crawl around in her head. BUT, I hate that the story was over. I have to know what comes next for Dee, her father, Amy, Greg, and all the other characters that work together to save the children. I feel there must be more coming….

I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of The Loyalty Of Children by Chris Lewando.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos
5 Stars


If her family is going to survive, Dee needs to kill the bad dude, or die trying… Deirdre and her father rescue two children who are living rough. But are they what they seem? As she tries to find out why the boys ran from their foster home, the action escalates once again… ***** ‘It feels like a TV Netflix series the whole way through. There MUST be a sequel planned.’

Dee has saved her vigilante-father from the clutches of the FBI, and a long term of imprisonment, but in her moment of triumph, she learns that the man she calls ‘the pedo baron’ has infiltrated her sister’s home in the guise of a friend. This silent threat to her sister’s family means she has to take action, but what?

*It’s possible to read this as a standalone novel, but there are brief references to previous action, so the author recommends that the series be read in order.*

A feisty character with a crusty sense of humor, this unintentional heroine brings an original voice to a character-led story, and finds an inner strength even she hadn’t known about.


Chris Lewando

I trained as an English teacher, but the planned storyline drifted off-track. I landed in an office, producing management statistics – a different kind of fiction. I have been writing for many years, with quite a few mainstream genre novels and short stories published while I was still working full time. I gained a Creative Writing Masters (hons), and have been a novel-writing tutor since lessons were sent by snail mail and the nearest thing to a mobile phone beamed Captain Kirk onto the Enterprise. I live in rural South West Ireland, play Irish music in pubs for tourists, drive a camper the same age as me, and self-publish standalone novels with multiple viewpoints and complex characters.

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WOW! 30 Red Dresses by Johan Twiss @JohanTwiss

30 Red Dresses


Looking at the cover, I never expected what was coming. I’m sure I read the blurb before I picked it up in 2017, but not before I started reading it this week and WOW!

30 Red Dresses by Johan Twiss was such a surprise to me. I have a file of short stories and novellas, and chose 30 Red Dresses as a One Sentence Review to wipe it off my TBR, but after reading it, I changed my mind. It hit me so hard, I had to share more.

It was so sad from the very beginning. Venta is eight years old. It’s her birthday and her uncle is taking her to town. She’s excited, but…my heart fell to my gut. Her uncle is a disgusting human being, so I knew she was in for a rude awakening.

Sex trafficking is all too real. I cannot imagine how a young girl of eight could in any way comprehend what is happening to her. I was so far past mad, angry, seeing red, disgusted…

What does a white giant, a Cambodian and and 30 red dresses have in common?

An incredibly powerful story where the characters lives are changed forever and I teared up a time or two because the story went so far in such a few words. Strong. Powerful. Thought provoking. Sickening, yet hopeful.

The author’s note at the end of the book is just as powerful as the story.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos
5 Stars


While on a book tour in Cambodia, author James Moore unwittingly seeks refuge in a brothel to escape a devastating flash flood. He and his translator witness the atrocities of girls forced into prostitution, including a young child with a special gift. Together, they fight to not only save the girls from the rising flood waters, but from the menacing brothel owner and his men.


Dear Brilliant Reader,

Johan Twiss

Thank you for your interest in my books. I am passionate about writing clean science fiction and fantasy stories that are not only exciting, but suitable for tweens, teens and adults alike.

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Stolen Daughters by Carolyn Arnold @Carolyn_Arnold @HibbertStiles


Stolen Daughters by Carolyn Arnold is the second book in the Amanda Steele series and I am really loving Detective Amanda Steele.

Stolen Daughters

Amazon / Goodreads


WOW! I was expecting a great read when I opened Stolen Daughters by Carolyn Arnold, but I got more than I expected. I find that amazing, because I have been reading her work for some time now and loving it, so for her to write a novel that has me saying to myself (and you), “WOW, this is the perfect story for me.”, it hits all the spots.

Amanda Steele reminds me of Clarisse on the new TV show. I guess that shows how I feel about Carolyn Arnold’s work. It is suitable for the visual media, whether on TV or the movies. Who knows?

The romance is there, but not, and that is fine with me, because I was so involved with the characters I was reading about, I never really missed Logan. He did drop in for a minute or two here and there, just enough to let us know he is waiting….

I love that Amanda doesn’t jump into a relationship with Logan too quickly. I kinda like the one they have right now, taking their time to let it develop naturally, if that is possible in the world they live in. Danger is all around, and they never know when it will find them.

Carolyn Arnold does police procedurals proud. She gives the investigative details in a clear, concise manner, not slowing down the story in any way.

We have a lot of things going on in Stolen Daughters. Logan is trying to hook up with Amanda, but she is too busy trying to help her mother, find out who killed the girl in the fire and deal with her own personal issues.

I love when I can have empathy for the villain, but that does not excuse his actions. He knows right from wrong, he just loves doing wrong. The past is the past and I feel no one can use that for an excuse for their behavior, and when I remember his victims, well…you’ll have to read the book and then I think you may know what I feel.

I love when a fictional novel can draw me so far into it that I, at times, forget I am reading fiction. I had a bunch of notes, but after rereading the blurb, I had to wing it. I didn’t want to give anything away. I want you to experience it for yourself. It is well worth it.

I ignored everything going on around me and stayed up late to finish Stolen Daughters, so to say it was unputdownable is not doing it justice. When IT hits the road, Amanda Steele puts the pedal to the metal, no looking back and no second guessing.

I voluntarily reviewed and ARC of Stolen Daughters by Carolyn Arnold.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos
5 Stars


The girl looked so peaceful, she could have been asleep. Except her eyes were open, blankly reflecting the flickering flames spreading towards her…

When firefighters discover the body of a teenage girl at an abandoned house, Detective Amanda Steele hurries to the scene. Dumfries, Virginia is a small town, yet no one seems to have any idea who the dead girl is until Amanda finds a dragonfly pin with the name Crystal engraved on it.

Working tirelessly, Amanda traces the pin to Crystal Foster, a thirteen-year-old who disappeared three years ago from her wealthy parents’ home. Breaking the news to the distraught parents won’t be easy, but the loss of her own daughter still haunts Amanda, and she knows this will bring them closure. But when Amanda goes to see the Fosters, they do not recognize the girl. She isn’t Crystal.

Before Amanda can react to this new development, she gets an urgent call. A fire has consumed another vacant house, and the remains of two more girls have been found. Who are these girls, and why are they being picked off? Amanda must stop this killer before the pattern continues, and the death toll climbs.

When Amanda receives a taunting note from the killer, she realizes that she holds the missing piece of this puzzle. The victims are connected to Amanda’s past, to a case she can never forget, and which almost claimed her life. As she follows the clues to their deadly conclusion, can she save more innocent lives… even if it risks her own?

An unputdownable, pulse-pounding mystery. Fans of Rachel Caine, Lisa Regan and Robert Dugoni will be gripped.

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Paperback – 5.06 x 7.81 inches
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Books-a-Million | Indie Bound | AbeBooks | Book Depository


CAROLYN ARNOLD is an international bestselling and award-winning author, as well as a speaker, teacher, and inspirational mentor. She has four continuing fiction series—Detective Madison Knight, Brandon Fisher FBI, McKinley Mysteries, and Matthew Connor Adventures—and has written nearly thirty books. Her genre diversity offers her readers everything from cozy to hard-boiled mysteries, and thrillers to action adventures.

Carolyn Arnold

Both her female detective and FBI profiler series have been praised by those in law enforcement as being accurate and entertaining, leading her to adopt the trademark: POLICE PROCEDURALS RESPECTED BY LAW ENFORCEMENT™.

Carolyn was born in a small town and enjoys spending time outdoors, but she also loves the lights of a big city. Grounded by her roots and lifted by her dreams, her overactive imagination insists that she tell her stories. Her intention is to touch the hearts of millions with her books, to entertain, inspire, and empower.

She currently lives just west of Toronto with her husband and beagle and is a member of Crime Writers of Canada and Sisters in Crime.

Connect with CAROLYN ARNOLD Online:  Website  /  Twitter  /  Facebook

And don’t forget to sign up for her newsletter for up-to-date information on release and special offers at


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Child Trafficking – Little Girl Lost by Jane Blythe @jblytheauthor


Well, the subject for Little Girl Lost by Jane Blythe is sure to get emotions in an uproar. I mean, how degraded must someone be to kidnap, torture, rape and sell a child? I love walking the dark side with my characters and Jane Blythe makes that so easy to do.

Little Girl Lost (Detective Parker Bell #4)

Amazon / Goodreads


I have just finished reading Jane Blythe’s novel, Dead or Alive and she left me with a tease that I had to follow up…immediately, so I began reading Little Girl Lost. I’m happy I didn’t wait, because everything I wanted to know about Tessa is now reveals…at least I think so. She is such a private person, holding tightly to her secrets, it is hard to know for sure.

Just ask Detective Parker Bell. Her loves her and made her his wife, yet he knows there are many secrets she has buried from her tragic past. After all, she has walked in these children’s footsteps and, even though she managed to escape with her life, survivor’s guilt hounds her every breath.

“You know you don’t have to do everything yourself all the time, Tessa.”

“It’s okay to let people help you sometimes.”

It is almost impossible to put down a Jane Blythe thriller because she fills her novels with emotion provoking content, tremendous amounts of tension making me feel the urgency of her characters and biting suspense as I wonder who will survive. The recurring characters have had more than their share of misfortune and hardship, but does that stop Jane Blythe from piling on more? OH NO. BUT, I love it. Does that make me as twisted as some of her characters? I hope not. After all, you have to go into their minds to be able to do what’s necessary, whether it’s taking them down or just trying to get into their head.

I have been with Tessa since the beginning and I understand her difficulty in believing and trusting, letting others into her world. She has been betrayed, used, tortured and abused, and I understand her need to keep her secrets. Tessa has her sweet, tender, vulnerable moments, but if I am ever in need of a kickass savior, I would love to have her at my side. She will sacrifice everything to save others.

There are plenty of villains to go around, but John Doe…I see him and I see why he does what he does, but I have no forgiveness for the loss of an innocent child. I do love a villain that creates ambivalent emotions and Jane Blythe does that with John Doe. The rest…do unto others…

I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of Little Girl Lost by Jane Blythe.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos
5 Stars


If she can’t give up her secrets she’ll lose everything.

After crashing their car in the woods Detective Parker Bell and his wife Tessa stumble upon a blood covered child and find themselves thrown headfirst into a nightmare eerily familiar to the one Tessa found herself in sixteen years ago.

Forced to confront a past she would rather forget, every decision Tessa makes could cost her everything she has grown to love. Faced with several missing children cases he knows are related to Tessa’s childhood nightmare, Parker must decide how hard to push his wife to get the answers he wants, and if he is even ready to face the truth of what happened to Tessa when she was kidnapped as a child.

↝ Trigger warning – themes of sexual assault ↜


Jane has loved reading and writing since she can remember. She writes dark and disturbing crime/mystery/suspense with some romance thrown in because, well, who doesn’t love romance? She has one completed series, Detective Parker Bell, and one new series, Count to Ten.

When she’s not writing Jane loves to read, bake, go to the beach, ski, horse ride, and watch Disney movies. She has a black belt in Taekwondo, and a 200+ collection of teddy bears. She has the world’s two most sweet and pretty Dalmatians, Ivory and Pearl. Oh, and she also enjoys spending time with family and friends!

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Is The Fog Evil – Not Dead by Anita Dickason @anita_dickason


I would like to send out my thanks to Anita Dickason for the opportunity to read Not Dead. I fell in love with the creepy cover and could hardly wait to find out what’s ‘between the covers’.

Not Dead

Amazon / Goodreads


The creepy cover for Anita Dickason’s Not Dead drew me in. I love suspense and the supernatural, so this was a perfect fit for me.

There is a long list of characters, which Anita lists in the beginning of the book.

Mandy, a four year old girl, is missing. Meridian, Oklahoma, is a small town, so I am thinking it has to be someone who knows her. Strangers would be noticed.

Chief Chad Bishop is sitting at his desk, rounding up help and doing the basics, amber alert, reward….when in walks HER.

She is the niece of the missing girl and the new editor of the Tribune, Ashley Logan. She is a hotshot reporter from Baltimore, and knowing Chad had left the Atlanta Police Department abruptly to come to to Meridian, she investigates…HIM, while investigating Mandy’s disappearance. Why did he leave such a great position to come to the small town of Meridian. Of course, we could ask the same of her. We will find out all the details.

Ashley thinks she can pump the secretary for details, but she is mistaken.

Anita Dickason’s descriptions of the characters make them easy to picture in my mind.

At the end of Chapter Three there is an eerie moment that ramps up my anticipation for this new element. I wonder, will it be a good thing…or a bad thing.

The story keeps getting more interesting the more I read. It’s nice to see something good coming with the bad. I’m not sure what to share without spoiling things. There is so much more going on than just a missing child and the villains that are truly evil.

The fog…is all fog hiding evil? I didn’t anticipate where the story would go and that is a very good thing. I loved it.

It’s not hard to predict that Ashley will run straight into trouble. She’s persistent, dogged, and determined to find Mandy before her time runs out. She’s not going to leave it up to the coppers to do it.

We switch character’s points of view and I love hearing from the horses mouth, so to speak. It allows me to understand their motivations and feelings that lead them to do what they do.

I love the mix of child trafficking and the supernatural. I can overlook a problem or two that I had with Chad and Ashley working together. After all, it is fiction and I allow the author to take me where they will, as long as there is a good story to go along with it. Not dead did not blow me away, but I loved the mix of romance, suspense and the supernatural…AND THE DOLL.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos
4 Stars


A small-town Texas cop who is haunted by his past.
A reporter who risks it all, even her life.
A kidnapping that crosses into an unearthly realm.

Focused on the abduction of four-year-old Mandy Norton, Chad Bishop, Meridian’s Police Chief, ignores the twinges of foreboding triggered by an eerie fog that shrouds his town. What he can’t ignore is the editor of the Tribune.

When Ashley Logan becomes embroiled in the search, nothing stops the hard-hitting, investigative reporter, including Chad’s threats to throw her in jail. She’s Mandy’s aunt.

As the mystery of Mandy’s disappearance deepens, unnerving details emerge. Chad refuses to believe they’re connected to his past until the case turns deadly. He’s forced to face the terror that haunts him. It’s waiting in the shadowy depths of the unearthly fog.

This time, it could cost Chad more than his sanity.


Anita Dickason

Code Name: Trackers: The elite of the elite. FBI agents, each with a secret, an extra edge, that defies reason and logic.

Characters with unexpected skills—that extra edge for overcoming danger and adversity—have always intrigued Anita. Adding an infatuation with ancient myths and legends of Native American Indians, and Scottish and Irish folklore creates the backdrop for her characters.

Anita is a retired Dallas Police Officer. During—what she refers to as an extraordinary career—Anita served as a patrol officer, undercover narcotics officer, advanced accident investigator, and SWAT entry/sniper.

Upon retirement, she became involved in a research project that dealt with the death of a witness to the Kennedy assassination. The research led to her first book, JFK Assassination Eyewitness: Rush to Conspiracy, that details the results of her reconstruction of a 1966 motor vehicle accident that killed Lee Bowers, Jr., a key witness to the assassination.

Once the Bowers book was written, Anita reached the same point many authors ultimately face: I’ve written it, now what do I do? Answering that question has become another career, one she has wholeheartedly embraced. The publishing field is in a constant state of flux, offering unlimited possibilities for an author, but also endless landmines.

Anita started a new company, Mystic Circle Books & Designs LLC, offering cover design and manuscript services. In addition to her works as an author, she enjoys helping other authors see their dream become a reality.

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Giveaway – Rest, Relax, Run for Your Llife by Katherine H Brown #KatherineHBrown @dollycas

Rest, Relax, Run for Your Life (Ooey Gooey Bakery Mystery) by Katherine H. Brown

About the Book

Rest, Relax, Run for Your Life (Ooey Gooey Bakery Mystery) Cozy Mystery 1st in Series Independently Published (March 1, 2019) Paperback: 280 pages ISBN-10: 1733725806 ISBN-13: 978-1733725804 Digital ASIN: B07P1P5N2K

Piper and Samantha are in heaven. Well, close. After winning a contest to raise the most money for human trafficking awareness and prevention, Piper and Sam are rewarded with a long weekend at the O Heavenly Day Spa. When mysterious notes start appearing everywhere, things get uncomfortable. When spa treatments go awry it is starting to get dangerous. A threatening message in Piper’s closet convinces Piper and Sam that they have to find out who is behind all of these disasters before someone gets hurt. Is it Broussard the stuffy concierge? Gladys, the sweet old lady who decided to join them for the weekend? When the smoke alarms go off and the spa erupts into panic, the chaos separates the friends and Piper stumbles into trouble. Will her friends be able to help her in time?

About the Author

Katherine Brown is a Texas girl, a lover of books, and a weaver of words. Her first official publication was of two children’s books in 2017, which has now grown into five books of the School is Scary series; however, she likes to think her career as a writer started when she sold her parents newsletters of articles about school and poetry for fifty cents per copy as a pre-teen. Married to a wonderful husband and mom of a smart, spunky stepdaughter, Katherine enjoys spending time with family and reading as many new books as she can get her hands on. Her YA series, the Ooey Gooey Bakery Mystery series, is ramping up in 2019 with book 1 released in March and book 2 was released June 1, 2019.

About the Author Website Amazon Author Page Facebook Author Page BookBub Goodreads Instagram Purchase Link – Amazon


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Monsters Are Real!!! Bitter Moon by Alexandra Sokoloff @AlexSokoloff

OMG..Alexandra Sokoloff did it again in Bitter Moon, Book IV in the Huntress/FBI Thriller series.

Bitter Moon (The Huntress/FBI Thrillers, #4)

Goodreads  /  Amazon


I had received several books of this series and loved them so much, I binge read all three. So apt this book comes after the others. I think I got a lot more from it, because I am totally engrossed in how Cara came to be a vigilante.

In Bitter Moon, Cara relives her tragic past and it is brutal, horrifying, terrifying, and haunting. The insight into her motivation makes me see evil in its purest form. It’s no wonder she takes her revenge as a vigilante on all the users and abusers. The atrocities committed on defenseless children by family, friends, strangers, they need a guardian angel and Cara will fight to her dying breath for herself and for them.

Roarke has walked away from the FBI because of his conflicted feelings about her. He is lost, isolated, confused…As he tries to find answers for himself, Roarke tracks her past. He walks where she walked, meeting some people she knew, gaining insight. The nun simplified if for him, he is on a mission.

Can evil be drawn to a particular person? Can someone attract the bad through no fault of their own?

It is frightening and horrifying as I read of her past and know these things really happen, that the depravity of humans are going on right now. I am at a loss for words with an overwhelming feeling of hopelessness.

I love Cara and don’t know how she can have a happy ever after, but I so much want it for here. If any character I have ever read about deserves something good in her life, Cara does. She is dogged by evil, she never quits, never gives up, willing to take them out one by one.

She runs from IT, but IT follows here everywhere she goes.

Monsters are real!

Research? If half of what Alexandra Sokoloff has written about rape and trafficking, the women and children, throwaway kids, the predatory people out there is true, we should all be afraid. It may be easier to turn the other way, but you never know when EVIL might come for you.

I had wondered if there would be more, because the rest of Cara and Roarke’s story needs to be told, and I am so happy to know…there is.

There are so many great quotes, that I had to share a few of them.

“Look too long into the abyss and the abyss looks back into you.”

“Fear the wolf, or be the wolf.”

Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing.” John Stuart Millshad

Alexandra Sokoloff had me wound so tight, I felt like I would explode. My emotions were all over the place and I did breathe a sigh of relief…and regret…when I was done. The characters have captured my heart and I miss them as soon as I close the ‘cover’. Stay safe everyone, I’ll be back.

I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of Bitter Moon by Alexandra Sokoloff and these novels will be sitting on my reread shelf!!!!

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos  5 Stars


FBI agent Matthew Roarke has been on leave, and in seclusion, since the capture of mass killer Cara Lindstrom—the victim turned avenger who preys on predators. Torn between devotion to the law and a powerful attraction to Cara and her lethal brand of justice, Roarke has retreated from both to search his soul. But Cara’s escape from custody and a police detective’s cryptic challenge soon draw him out of exile—into the California desert and deep into Cara’s past—to probe an unsolved murder that could be the key to her long and deadly career.

Following young Cara’s trail, Roarke uncovers a horrifying attack on a schoolgirl, the shocking suicide of another, and a human monster stalking Cara’s old high school. Separated by sixteen years, crossing paths in the present and past, Roarke and fourteen-year-old Cara must race to find and stop the sadistic sexual predator before more young women are brutalized.


Alexandra SokoloffI’m the Thriller Award-winning and Bram Stoker and Anthony Award-nominated author of the Amazon bestselling crime and supernatural thrillers The Harrowing, The Price, Book of Shadows, The Unseen, The Space Between, and the new Thriller Award- nominated Huntress/FBI thriller series: Huntress Moon, Blood Moon, Cold Moon. Bitter Moon, Hunger Moon. The New York Times Book Review has called me “a daughter of Mary Shelley” and my novels “some of the most original and freshly unnerving work in the genre.”

I’m a California native and a graduate of U.C. Berkeley, where I majored in theater and minored in everything that Berkeley has a reputation for. After college I moved to Los Angeles, where I’ve made an interesting living doing novel adaptations and selling original thriller scripts to various Hollywood studios.

In my stories I like to cross the possibility of the supernatural with very real life explanations for any strangeness going on, and base the action squarely in fact. THE UNSEEN is based on real paranormal research conducted at the Duke University parapsychology lab, and BOOK OF SHADOWS teams a Boston homicide detective and a practicing Salem witch in a race to solve what may be a Satanic killing. THE SPACE BETWEEN, is an edgy supernatural YA about a troubled high school girl who is having dreams of a terrible massacre at her school, and becomes convinced that she can prevent the shooting if she can unravel the dream.

I also have written paranormal romance (THE SHIFTERS, KEEPER OF THE SHADOWS) and the non-fiction workbooks SCREENWRITING TRICKS FOR AUTHORS and WRITING LOVE, based on my internationally acclaimed workshops and blog (

I live in Los Angeles and in Scotland, with Scottish crime author Craig Robertson.

When I’m not writing I dance: jazz, ballet, salsa, Lindy, swing – I do it all, every chance I get.

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I love these gorgeous covers.

Huntress Moon (The Huntress/FBI Thrillers, #1)Blood Moon (The Huntress/FBI Thrillers, #2)Cold Moon (Huntress/FBI Thrillers, #3)Bitter Moon


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