Giveaway – Andromeda’s Reign @thebookgardenpr

coverAndromeda’s Reign by KS Haigwood and Anne Conley

Publication Date: May 12, 2016
Series:  Moonrising #2
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Pages: 407


The Moonrising story continues…
The Alpha Lion of Las Vegas, Ace Keller, has luck on his side, at the poker table and with the ladies, calling bluffs and breaking hearts whenever the notion strikes him.
After bonding with the Alpha Wolf of Montgomery, Alabama, fate flips Ace’s simple world upside down when he finds himself desiring only one woman in his life — Andromeda. But not only does he want her, he needs her touch in order to live.
The bond forces them to feel each other’s emotions and hear each other’s thoughts, which wouldn’t be a problem except Andromeda is in love with a Master Vampire, and Ace has dark secrets of his own that could put her in danger.

Other books in the series.


Chapter 1

Wednesday, February 4th 2015 5:42 p.m. PST

Las Vegas, Nevada


“Do it again,” I demanded.

I could feel Andromeda trying to give up emotionally, as well as physically, but I pushed her harder. I knew what her body and mind were capable of, and we were nowhere near her breaking point. She was a lot stronger than she thought she was.

Our connection, as we both liked to refer to the bond, seemed to be growing stronger, rather than weaker, like Andromeda had hoped it would. She wanted to find a way to reverse the ritual.

I didn’t.

She could feel my every emotion and hear my every thought—unless I blocked the telepathy—but it worked both ways, so she could keep me out of her mind, too. Unfortunately, we couldn’t block the emotions.

I felt each and every happy memory she’d had with Phoenix and each and every sad moment she’d had without him. The only time she wasn’t thinking about him was when we were training. So I planned to make her train. A lot.

This damn rollercoaster of feelings was literally driving me insane. I had never in all my life felt as much as I had in the last week, and I hated it. Me… with one girl… forever… I rolled my eyes at the absurdity that my life had become in only the blink of an eye. But as crazy as that all sounded, and even though I had in no way asked or planned for any of it, I couldn’t bring myself to hate the fact that I was finally ready to settle down.

I blocked Andromeda’s kick, grabbed her shoe and threw her to her back on the workout mat. Grinning down at her furious, pale-green eyes, I offered her my hand.

She huffed as she got to her feet on her own, looking down as she limped away from me. What a terrible actress. Chaos could have done a better job of fooling me.

I shook my head as my hands came up to rest on my hips. “Don’t give me that shit. It might work on your wolf cubs or even your boyfriend, but you can’t fake it with me, Andra. We’re bonded. I know you’re not hurt, so don’t—”

“I’m tired, Ace—”

“You shouldn’t be tired,” I sneered. “You slept the whole flight here. But for the sake of avoiding a pointless argument, humor me. What are you going to do when you’re in battle and you get tired? Are you going to limp away? What if I’m not there to kill the fucker for you next time?”

“I never asked for this!” she screamed as she whirled around to glare at me, her beautiful eyes brightened by the tears shimmering in them.

“I didn’t, either!” I roared back. She flinched as our emotions tangled together. I knew those tears weren’t there because she was sad, because her fury washed over me like I had been doused with boiling water. The rush of it almost hurt. The anger sucked, but I knew anger. I could deal with anger. Anger was my friend. It was the sadness and the heartbreak and the sappy-frilly-frilly I couldn’t fucking deal with. Unfortunately for me, Andra seemed to be full to the brim with all that shit.

With more effort than I really wanted to put forth with the mood I was in, I waded through her rage, then through my madness and forced calm over us.

This bond was new to us both, but getting it through her thick head that it would be easier on us if she would dump her boyfriend was like trying to breathe under water. I might have understood her side of the argument a little better if she had been dating the vampire longer than a month, and never mind the fact that two of those weeks she was locked in a silver cage as a wolf. They hadn’t even had time to get to know each other. I knew her. She knew me. We had direct contact with each other’s thoughts, memories and emotions, yet she wouldn’t even consider the idea of us being together on an intimate level. I didn’t understand it at all.

After a moment, I held out my hand again. “Come here.” I’d be dead and damned before I went to her, not with how she’d been acting since we left Montgomery, Alabama.

She looked down at my hand and set her jaw. I knew she wanted to touch me just as much as I needed her to, but I also knew by her thoughts that she wouldn’t without a little more encouragement.

“I know you promised Phoenix that you would try to be happy with me, here in Sin City. Do I need to make a call to the High Vampire of Montgomery to let him know you aren’t playing fair, Andra? My first attempt at getting him to break things off with you was just that: my first attempt. You may hate me before this is all over and done with between you and your bloodsucker, but, in the end, you will still need me and you won’t have him. I can live with that. Can you?”

Her lip quivered, and I nearly caved. I couldn’t handle the tears, but I could counteract with a little rage, just enough to give her a taste of how I felt. “Ace—”

“You’re mine, Andra. I’m willing to give you some time to let that soak in, but I won’t wait long.” I hardened my voice to a steely edge, even though she could undoubtedly tell I was serious. She had bonded with me, damn it! She was mine. She didn’t belong to some vampire nearly two thousand miles away. And when he got here, he still wouldn’t have her completely. I had to tamp down the utter rage at Andra’s memories of the vampire in bed with her, his skin sliding against hers, his mouth on my mate’s mouth. Fuck. If she wasn’t going to realize it on her own, I’d have to push the issue. “He can’t have you, Andra. I won’t let that happen.” I said the last part slowly, maybe for dramatic effect or maybe it was because, deep in my heart, I knew it to be true—I wouldn’t let him have her. By the fear in her widening eyes, I could tell she was seeing things from my perspective now. It was about damn time.

“I knew you would do this! I knew you would get me here and try to control me—”

“The only thing I’m trying to do is train you, but you won’t stop thinking of him long enough to concentrate on keeping your lovesick ass alive if this were a real situation!”

“Why do I need to learn how to fight so fast? We’ve barely stopped since we got here. And why haven’t you let me in your mind in two days? You shut me out the moment I asked about Justice.”

I huffed. I couldn’t tell her about Justice yet. If this upset her, I could only imagine how enraged she would be when I told her that I nailed a huge target on her head with our bonding. The worst part was that I knew it before I even did it. I didn’t know how to break the news to her without her hating me for it. Hell, I hated me for it. “I’m not ready to talk about it yet.”

“Well, I’m not ready to stop missing Phoenix yet,” she bit back. “I’ve only been away from my home for a little more than half a day, Ace. Cut me a little slack.”

I guess I was damned and dead, because I took a step forward, reached out and took her hand. The relief was immediate. Our rage subsided and our tempers calmed as if we’d never been angry at all. Our fight seemed so petty now. “I’m sorry. I am trying, Andra, and I will talk to you about Justice soon. I promise. I just have to figure out how to go about doing it the right way.”

She nodded as she wrapped her arms around me, and I looked up to the high ceiling, thanking the good Lord above us that He had given me enough sense to apologize. There was no better feeling in the world than when she was in my arms. It felt like heaven. It was new for me—totally unheard of for me—but I was quickly getting used to it. That in itself was mystifying.

“I’ll understand,” she said, and I lowered my head so that I could whisper in her ear.

“About what?”

“About him. Whatever it is, I’ll understand, Ace.”

God, if that were only true! Sighing heavily, I said, “I hope you will.”

“Were you lovers?”

I blinked rapidly at that. What the fuck? “No!” I had to laugh. Of course she would think something like that! “I’ve never been intimate with Justice… or any other guy, for that matter,” I said in disbelief, and then a smile crept across my face. “I like puss—”

Andra quickly clamped a hand over my mouth. “I hate that word. Call it something else.”

I threw my head back and laughed harder than I had in a long time. After I calmed down enough to speak clearly, I said, “What do you call it?”

Her eyes nearly popped out of her head as she blushed, and then those walls swiftly went up, blocking me out of her mind. Damn it! “I’m not telling you what I call my… my…”


She slapped my chest, and I laughed. “Stop! That sounds so gross to me.”

She did a little shudder-wiggle thing, and I couldn’t stop laughing. I’m serious. It was freaking hilarious watching her squirm over a word I’d said in everyday conversation most of my adult life.

“Okay, we won’t talk about what you call yours. What do you think I should call it in general? I have to call it something.”

“Why do you have to call it anything? People don’t go around talking about hoo-has all day long. You could just leave that particular body part out of your vocabulary altogether,” she said matter-of-factly.

My eyebrows rose as I stared at her in fascination. “Hoo-has?”

“Well, hoo-has is plural, meaning more than one. Hoo-ha is singular, meaning only one.”

Shit! Is she really giving me a grammar lesson on pussy slang?

“I know what singular means, Andra. I’m fairly educated.”

“Oh, then there you go. Hoo-ha and hoo-has.”

Frowning, I shook my head. “I don’t like that word. Call it something else.”

She grinned playfully, mimicking my head shake as she turned to walk away, but I grabbed her wrist and pulled her to me, enclosing her in the iron-like frame of my arms. Her skin—coated in a thin sheen of sweat—slid against mine, bringing to mind all sorts of erotic delights, but I only held her tighter. She stiffened, but she was too distracted to keep her walls intact. We were too close and she wasn’t as experienced with blocking as I was. I felt her desire for me the exact moment I smelled it.

Not only did the lion in me wake up, but the bonded male in me did, too. I wanted her. Bad. But it was too soon. She still had that vampire on a leash and I hadn’t told her my secret. My wants could wait for the perfect time. And there would be a perfect time. I was damn sure of that.

I had her right where I wanted her, though. Her walls were down and she was fully aware of how much she wanted me. The bonding did that to us. The attraction we felt for each other was unavoidable when we were this close. It may have been mean of me to use it to my advantage, but I had to know; she could not leave this room without me knowing. I did exactly what I intended to do from the start and no more. I bent until my lips almost touched hers, and then I dove into her mind. She hadn’t even tried to hide it from me. It was right there, for the taking, what she called her Golden Grotto, her Holy Grail or, in her words, hoo-ha.

I smiled as I whispered, “Kitty-cat.”

Desire left her eyes as she pushed against me. I let her go with a light chuckle.

“You’re an ass, Ace,” Andra said as she avoided looking at me. I could feel her embarrassment and guilt. Yes, guilt was there, too. The fucking vampire was cock-blocking me from seventeen-hundred miles away.

There was no need to bring up the fact that she would have willingly let me pet her kitty-cat if I had only kissed her. There was no vampire here for her to run to now. She wouldn’t have stopped me, but she would have regretted it. I didn’t want her to regret being with me. Ever. I had to play my cards right. There was no folding or losing in this game. I would win.

The gym doors opened, and Slade walked in with Kai, Rogan and Chaos. Chaos ran straight to Andra, and she knelt down to ruffle his ears and baby-talk to him. She was spoiling him, and he was eating it up. I frowned, my mood turning a bit sour at admitting to myself that I was envious of my Rhodesian ridgeback.

“Great timing, assholes,” I grumbled.

Slade’s grin was a mile wide as he watched Andra pet my dog, and then his green eyes cut up to mine, his black eyebrows rising in amusement. He thought it was funny as hell that I’d finally met a woman I liked and she wouldn’t put out. His words, not mine. And what made it worse, I hadn’t even told him. My Beta knew me better than I knew myself most of the time. I guess he could tell by the sexually frustrated look on my mug that I hadn’t gotten any—or any worth bragging about—in a while. I was never, ever telling him what Andra called the cockpit. Hoo-ha… What kind of word is that for something so awesome? The fucker would never let me live down how vanilla she was.

Slade nodded to Andra. “Has Ace been a good host? Are you getting settled in okay?”

She smiled shyly as she gave him a curt nod, but her face was still a little pink from the embarrassment I had caused only a few moments earlier, so I closed the distance between us and took her hand. She squeezed my fingers in response, and I winked at Slade.

“I’ve got it taken care of. She’s staying in my room.”

All three men did a double-take. My dog even looked at me funny. It didn’t surprise me. No female of mine had ever been allowed in my room—not that I kept one for more than a night, but that was beside the point. I took care of my women away from the lion’s den. None of the other pride members who lived here were allowed to bring anyone to the house with them for some kinky play, either. It was best for everyone if humans didn’t know shifters existed. Every Tom, Dick and Harry would grab their pitchforks and hunt us. That’s all we needed, a bunch of simple-minded rednecks who didn’t understand a damn thing about us, trying to become slayers. That wouldn’t do anything except get a bunch of humans killed.

Rogan’s whiskey-colored eyes nearly popped out of their sockets. “Huh?”

“Your room?” Kai said as he swept his shaggy blond mop out of his deep blue eyes so he could see me with both of them. “But you—”

“How did I miss that?” Slade said, interrupting Kai. “I thought Olivia had an extra bed in her room that Andra was supposed to sleep in while she stayed here.”

Narrowing my eyes at him, I released Andra’s fingers so I could drape my arm over her shoulder and pull her closer to me. I already knew she had access to everything about my past, since she’d received all my memories the moment we bonded, but I didn’t want these dickweeds making her think she was like those other chicks. “Andra is special, guys. Shut up, will ya?”

The guys just stared at me in disbelief. I wasn’t joking, but they were obviously waiting for me to tell them I was. Did they expect me to be a bachelor forever? Of course they did. Five days ago I would have expected that of myself.

Andra snickered, I was guessing at the nervous feeling I was sending her through our connection. “I got settled in just fine. Thank you, though I haven’t had much time for rest. Ace has had me training since we arrived.”

Slade grinned at her mischievously. “He’s easily bribed. Give him something he wants. He’ll do whatever you want him to do.”

“You can go now,” I said, letting the lack of amusement that I felt seep into the tone of my voice.

Andra laughed softly. “I’ll have to try that. What would he want?”

Kai snorted. “What does every man want from a woman?”

I looked up to the ceiling and huffed in annoyance when her embarrassment crept over my skin. Every damn hair on my arms was standing on end. “Get the hell out of here, guys. We’re about to turn in for the night. The rest of the pride will be here early in the morning to meet Andra.”

“Turning in for the night?” Rogan said, and then looked at the other guys, as if he was missing something important. “We came to tell you it was time to leave for work. None of us are as good as you are, Ace.”

A muffled curse passed through my lips as I ran my free hand down my face. “Uh…” I stammered, and Andra turned to look at me, confusion pouring out of her and into me in waves. She was on the verge of freaking out that I might leave her here alone. I forced a smile as I pried my wide eyes away from the guys to look at her. “It is, uh… tonight is poker night, and kind of a tradition I started a few decades ago. I’m pretty good at it, hence why I named my lion Ace. Most of us don’t really work around here. We gamble. It’s how the bills get paid. And I guess it’s my night to make sure we have a place to live next month.”

She glanced around the huge gym that was only a small fraction of the house. “You gamble and win enough money to pay for this place?”

“Yeah… and then some. Look, I won’t go if you don’t want to go, but I’m better than anyone here. We’ll lose everything pretty quick if I depend on some of these losers to cover the bills. A few of them lose more than I win sometimes.”

“Wait… the chick is coming with us?” Rogan said on a chuckle, and then his expression turned serious. “You’re fuckin’ joking, right?”

I saw red, but managed to shove Andra out of the way before I shifted—the welcome feel of bones stretching and changing, the fur sprouting, the muscles morphing—and pounced on Rogan. My teeth not-so-tenderly brushed the skin above his jugular where his pulse was pounding hard enough I could hear it. Kai and Slade backed away, but I could sense Slade wanted to interfere, and I suppose that was the only thing that stopped me from biting Rogan’s head off.

“Rogan doesn’t know about the bond, Ace!” Slade shouted. “Nobody but me and the crew that went with you knows that you’re a bonded male now! Don’t kill him! Christ! He didn’t know any better!” I didn’t glance up, but I imagined that he was running his fingers through that stark black hair and gripping it hard enough to pull it out by the roots.

“Ace,” Andra’s startled voice said. “Don’t kill him.”

I moved my head back enough to close my mouth, and then just stared down into Rogan’s eyes as a low growl rumbled up my throat.

“I would advise against ever calling her a chick again if you value your life, Rogan,” Slade said on a relieved exhale. “Ace bonded with Andromeda in Alabama. She’s your Alpha now, too.”

There was cold fear in Rogan’s confused eyes. He knew he’d screwed up, but I could tell that he wasn’t sure how he’d managed it. The truth was that none of us knew how strong this bonding thing was—well, aside from me and Andra; we knew exactly how tough this bitch was, but I wasn’t in the mood to give lessons or talk about it unless bloodshed was involved. I’d let Slade explain it to Rogan. Instead of backing away, I stepped forward, placing one of my back paws on Rogan’s groin as I made my way back to Andra.

Howls of agonizing pain issued from behind me as I shifted back to my human form.

Ignoring the scene behind me, I chuckled when Andra held out my shredded gym clothes, her head turned away from my immodesty.

I took the threads and covered myself enough to make her comfortable. “So, how are you at poker?” I said as we walked toward the doors to leave.

She laughed. “I’m better at Blackjack.”

“Let’s go Double Down then, my dear,” I said with a flirtatious grin, and she beamed at me. God, I loved that smile.

“I need to take a shower first,” Andra said.

I grinned playfully. “Good. You can shower with me. There’s a spot on my back I can never quite reach.” She gaped at me, and I nearly busted a gut laughing. “I’m kidding… unless, of course, you want to shower with me. I wouldn’t tell you no. I’m nice like that,” I said with a wink.

Catching me off guard, she shoved me into the corridor wall, and then laughed when I hit my funny bone and let out a loud curse. “You are not showering with me, Ace.”

I scowled as I rubbed my elbow, until I glanced up to see her walking away from me. That high ponytail and the look of her ass in those workout shorts had me forgetting all about the sharp pain shooting from my elbow to my wrist. I bit my lip as I watched her hips sway, and then I ran to catch up with her before she noticed I had started panting.

She might not shower with me tonight, but she would soon. She would soon.

K S Haigwood

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Far from crazy, but equally as far from normal. There are voices in her head and she talks to them often. She works as a CNC Machinist by day and saves the world by night and weekend. Welcome to her world.

Anne Conley

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Romance author of Pierce Securities Series, a bunch of misfits who band together to solve crimes and protect the weak.



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Giveaway – Midnight Moonrising by K S Haigwood & Anne Conley (@kshaigwood & @anneconley10 @thebookgardenpr)


Midnight Moonrising by K.S. Haigwood & Anne Conley

Series: Moonrising #1
Publication Date: July 31, 2015


Mena wants the Master Vampire of Montgomery, Alabama, but the wolf inside her wants the human homicide detective working the case of the man she murdered.
Mena’s life is complicated. She’s just murdered and buried her husband, the local wolf pack’s alpha – problem number one. Phoenix, the High Vampire, is the one her heart beats for, but not the one her wolf wants – problem number two. Her wolf pines for Alex, the human homicide detective who might just send her down for murder – three. Four, wolves and vampires don’t mix. Five, she has no clue how to be alpha, keep her pack safe while fighting off challengers with every step she takes, or what it would take to tame her wolf, which is the biggest problem of them all. Because the beast might just forfeit Mena’s life when its insatiable thirst for blood is unleashed on the world in just a few short days, with the next full moon.
Which should be doable. Except for the Nexus… and the little extra problem of bonding with a stranger.



Stopping outside the door of Phoenix’s chamber, he tried to calm down, but the longer he thought about what had almost happened, the more he wanted to kill that fucking wolf.

Deciding that bonding with his Alpha and taking her away from him for good would be a worse punishment than killing the poor bastard, Ace met the master vampire’s eyes when he walked out into the corridor. “Lead the way. I’ll be gone before nightfall.”

“I apologize—” Phoenix started, but Ace held up his hand to stop him.

“Where is she?”

Phoenix nodded once, and then led the way down the long hallway. Ace’s pride fell into step behind him, and the others in Mena’s pack and the other vampire followed after them.

Phoenix stopped before a door then turned to look at Ace before opening it. “How are you going to do this?”

Ace shrugged. “I’ve never bonded with anyone. The Alpha in me will know what to do once I get near her.”

“Can we watch?” Heath said.

Ace shrugged again, and then reached out for the door handle. “Do what you want, just don’t try to stop anything from happening once I get in there with her. It may get rough. I’ll have to mind-rape her in order for my soul to connect with hers. I’m guessing she won’t consent to this on her own. If Mena has any control over her at all, maybe she can hold her back until I get in.”

Ace pushed his way into the holding room, and instantly felt the power wash over him from the other Alpha. He immediately felt drawn to her, nothing he had ever experienced before with any other Alphas.

He walked slowly toward the cell holding her, his amber eyes locking on a pair of silver wolf eyes. She bared her teeth and let out a low growl. He could still refuse to do this; nobody was forcing him to save her. He could kill her instead. Of course, he wouldn’t be able to take over her pack. The remaining survivors would have to fight over the position of Alpha, since two vampires and three of her pack would take their last breath the same time she did. That was something he’d found out all on his own before coming here, but after that stunt Peanut had just tried to pull, he was almost determined to make sure they all died.

He contemplated his options as he ripped off his sneakers and pulled the t-shirt over his head. Taking in a deep breath and letting it out in a rush, he unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans then pushed them to his ankles.

Stepping out of the denim, he turned and gave a nod toward the cage door. “Let’s do this.”

Phoenix pushed the silver key in the lock and turned it. He met the wolf’s eyes, and whispered, “Come back to me, Mena.” He pulled the door open, and the wolf lunged for the opening, but Ace was quick to shift, and his lion form knocked her back inside, rolling over the cement flooring with her until they reached the other side and the door was secure again.

Her claws and teeth sank into his flesh, but the adrenaline pumping through his system blocked any pain he may have felt otherwise. He knocked her off him and they began to circle each other.

As if his soul knew the reason he was here, a heavy pressure settled in the center of his chest, and then began to burn unnaturally.

“Let me in, bitch! This shit’s starting to hurt.”

She jumped on him, knocking him off balance, but his paws clung to her back and he rolled them across the floor again, stopping with her on the bottom. His jowls parted and his teeth clamped down on her throat, causing her to howl in pain.

Ace vaguely heard screams from the others, but he knew he had to keep his full attention on her; getting distracted could cost him his life, and that wasn’t something he was willing to give up for anything or anyone.

She squirmed under him, still trying to fight him off, but he could tell she was growing weaker. His jaw clamped down tighter, and he finally forced his way into her mind. The bonding had started. His soul had found hers. He was in.

Images of Mena’s past flashed through his mind so fast that he couldn’t tell when one ended and another started, but he saw them all, every memory, all the heartache and happiness the human had endured in her short life, and he knew that she was experiencing the same from him.

The feeling was surreal and unexplainable, but it felt right; he felt her power and his collide and weld together, infusing and tangling until it was one solid unbreakable force. As if two worlds collided, wolf and lion, their auras joined, co-mingled, until they blended together to form one entity.

Ace patiently waited for the wolf’s thoughts and memories to come to him, and after they did, he smiled to himself when he discovered her name.

He wasn’t prepared for what happened next, though. Nothing could have ever prepared him for it, not even if someone had told him it was going to happen.

Feelings and emotions that he had never known or felt before swept through him. A foreignness coursed through his veins, but it was welcome, exotic almost. The femininity of the emotions leant a softness to their edges, even in their rawness. He hated them and clung to their power over him at the same time. Nothing had ever been worse or better. It was like night and day, fire and ice, wind and water.

It was Ace and Andromeda. Two parts to a whole, something he had no idea he needed, until now. Why had he never realized he needed this?

For the first time in his existence, he finally found someone he was willing to give up his life for. She was his… his Andromeda.

When he felt the claws in his back retract, he began to shift back to his human form. As he opened his eyes, beautiful pale-green ones stared back at him.

“Andromeda,” he whispered. “I am yours.”

She smiled weakly. His heart melted.

She threw her head back and screamed at the top of her lungs, “Andromeda! My wolf’s name is Andromeda!”

“Mena!” the asshole who’d tried to assassinate him earlier shouted, and a growl vibrated out of Ace’s throat as his head shot around to glare at the guy. If Peanut thought he still had any chance with Andra, Ace was definitely up for the challenge now.

“Get Rhodes out of here!” Phoenix said.

“No—” Alex started, but Roel got in his face and backed him against a wall as he whispered something so low even Ace couldn’t make it out, but he guessed it was good advice, because Peanut stopped resisting, and then stormed out of the room without another word.

“Mena?” Phoenix said in a quiet voice.

“I can’t talk to anybody right now, Ace,” Andra said through his thoughts. “Please, just get me out of here. Tell them I will talk to them after I have rested. I am so tired.”

Ace got to his feet, then picked her up in his arms and walked to the cage door.

Phoenix unlocked the door and opened it for him. He met the vampire’s gaze as Andra turned her face into his chest, hiding her eyes from their company. “She said she will talk to everyone after she has rested. We will be in my room.”

With that, he walked out of the cage and carried her upstairs.

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Don’t the prequel to Midnight Moonrising!

Render of Imaginary Planet with Atmosphere
Accepting the Moon by K.S. Haigwood

Series: Moonrising #0.5
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Publication Date: September 1, 2014

Amazon US | UK
B&N | Kobo | Smashwords


There is a new Alpha Wolf in town, and she is about to change everything.
Mena had all she wanted in life: a nice house, money, a successful husband who treated her like a queen.
That was, until she found out her marriage was all a lie, and things she never thought could exist, did.
Vampires are real.
Werewolves are real.
And Mena is not human anymore.


me5 [1546198]K.S. Haigwood

Facebook | Amazon | Twitter | Blog | Newsletter

Far from crazy, but equally as far from normal. There are voices in her head and she talks to them often. She works as a CNC Machinist by day and saves the world by night and weekend. Welcome to her world.


Anne1 [1546199]Anne Conley

Facebook | Amazon | Twitter | Pinterest | Website

Romance author of Pierce Securities Series, a bunch of misfits who band together to solve crimes and protect the weak.



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WINNER of Eternal Island

   My favorite time of any giveaway is announcing the winners. So without further ado, the winner of  Eternal Island by Ella Medler and K.S. Haigwood is:


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This is a different kind of Vampire novel that I could really sink my teeth into – Eternal Island, Book I

I won this book back in January during a Giveaway on the fuonlyknew blog. I would like to thank Laura Thomas, Ella Medler and K. S. Haigwood for offering the book. I had seen the book around, how could I miss it with the awesome cover. I just knew there was paranormal activity going on between the “pages” and could hardly wait to get my hands on it. Needless to say, I was not disappointed.

Be sure and look for the Giveaway at the end of the post. One lucky commenter will win an ebook copy of Eternal Island Book I and the just released Eternal Immortality, Book II.

Eternal Island by K. S. Haigwood and Ella Medler

Eternal Island (Book 1 in the Eternal Series)

Rainey, a psychic and right hand to Abe, told him there was more bad news. To him it seemed that was all he ever got from her. Rainey told him he would meet his soul mate and she would be human. He was the the vampire king, so it was impossible for him to hook up with a human.

She pulled out the crystal ball and he laughed. It was so cliche. She warned him, don’t look into the ball unless you are prepared to fall in love. Him? Was she crazy? But when he looked into it………….

crystal ball photo: crystal ball crystal_ball.gif

It was instant love. Ariana. He knew he could not live without her. Rainey would go get her and she would leave now.

Rainey woke Ariana and explained to her about Eternal Island. She used her powers to keep her calm as she talked to her. She thought it best not to tell her about Abe. Ariana agreed to come. What did she have to lose?

Ariana had been in a coma for eight weeks. She had no memory of how she came to be there or who she was. She had a vision about her and Abe. Not so good, considering he was a vampire.

Once on the plane with Rainey, she began to think she might have made a mistake, trusting a witch.

tropical island photo: Island 499096Uninhabited-Tropical-Island-A.jpg

When Rainey made the island appear in the empty ocean, Ariana asked ,

“This witchy stuff. Is it something you learn, or something you’re born with? Can you teach me?”

They landed and Ariana saw the car, a Lotus. Rainey said she may give it to her, she was ready for a new car and asked if  she wanted to drive it. Ariana could hardly contain her excitement.

“Are you freaking serious? Hell yeah, I wanna drive.”

As they drive off, I can’t help but wonder what will become of Ariana. She has no memory, going to a place with witches, vampires, and who knows what else. Will she reciprocate Abe’s love and live happily ever after? Will a malevolent evil make her life a living hell?

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos   5 STARS – Would Buy It For Them (lol)

I saw the cover, and thought this would be a great book. I was right.

It was well written and I loved the “tone” of the writing. I loved the humorous, sarcastic dialogue. Did some of Ella’s and K. S.’s personality leak onto the “pages”?

Most vampire books can be pretty heavy, know what I mean? But this was light-hearted and fun to read. More than once I caught myself smiling or laughing. An original concept and a departure from the norm. I always like that.

I love fast cars, so it always catches my attention when a hot one is mentioned. When you read the book, you will see why they loved driving.

Abe – vampire, like a baby learning to deal with feelings and emotions, confusing him. High vampire. “finer than frog hair”

Ariana-  persuasive, smart, intuitive, beautiful, strongest witch, powerful healer. Do what she wants. Dream walker, “super witch” .

Rainey –  witch, visions, Abe’s right hand. Professor. Teaches magic, potion making.

“she finally met a hot guy and he’s only in dreams, that figures. “

Rainery  – “I’ve always wanted to read other peoples minds. but after hearing your thoughts I dont think I want to any more.”

The depth of Abe’s love was amazing. To hear a Vampire describe his feelings like that was a nice twist for the genre.

“How the hell could he have a broken heart when his his heart hadn’t beaten in hundreds of years?”

Abe – “I love you Ariana. Fall and Ill catch you”

I thought it was great that Ariana’s human friends were included. Bringing the normal, outside world into the fantasy world, made the story seem more realistic. The characters captured me, as if they were real people. They sure did act like it.

I think we all have a vague idea about the way this will end, but the journey getting there is well worth the time. No waiting for Book II. It is scheduled for release on May 10, 2013.


Ella Medler

Ella Medler

I live in Cornwall with my husband and our two teenage daughters who regularly threaten to never leave home (must be my cooking).

Together, we care for a large assortment of pets, some small enough to fit in a fish tank, and some capable of causing you significant injury on impact.

I was born in Transylvania but got chucked out due to my inability to grow fangs and reluctance to sleep in coffins. I studied economics to masters level, and qualified with 93.5% (damn good, considering I really wasn’t interested). I wanted to be an archaeologist, travel the world, scrape around in mud and live in squalor. Unfortunately, my mother won that argument, and so, after refusing a teaching post (I never did like school), I started work in business development consultancy roles, where I met my husband, the lucky so and so.

The rest is history. If you’re reading this, you already know the end of the story.

K.S. Haigwood


K. S. Haigwood




Blood is Power (Book Two in the Hunter Series)

Martin Little Takes Epic Action (Book Two in the Martin Little Series)

Deal With It – Tequila’s story


Eternal Immorality

Eternal Inception







To pick up your  copy of Ella Medler’s books, simply click on the cover below.

Eternal Island, Book I,  in collaboration with K. S. Haigwood.

Book II is due to be released on May 10, 2013.

Eternal Immortality (Book 2 in the Eternal Series)

To Purchase Eternal Immortality, Book II in the Eternal Series, follow the links below:

Amazon US

Amazon UK

Amazon CA


taiwan flag smiley animated gif Pictures, Images and PhotosElla Medler and K.S. Haigwood are offering  for the Giveaway, an ebook of the Eternal Series, Books I and II. International. Easy entry as always, just leave your email address and answer the question:

Do you think it is a sign that the book is released during a solar eclipse? Are you superstitious?

WINNER – Sandy

Thanks to all who commented and entered the Giveaway.

Go to the FACEBOOK Event to learn more about this book and more opportunities to win.

To see all my Reviews, go HERE.

To see all my Giveaways, go HERE.

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If you were following me on my old blog, but have not subscribed here, on my new blog, you will need to follow by email again. I lost all my follower information when I moved. Thanks and I look forward to seeing you.