Giveaway – Starseer by Katya Hernandez @XpressoTours

Katya Hernández
Publication date: April 22nd 2023
Genres: Fantasy, LGBTQ+, Young Adult

A fate traced by the stars…

Fifteen-year-old Etar can see the future in the stars—a rare skill even among magicians. But while other Starseers before him have become the stuff of legend, Etar has never predicted anything more exciting than the weather. Orphaned at age five and living under his uncle’s disapproving gaze, he yearns to prove his worth.

Disaster strikes when, in defiance of his uncle’s orders, Etar breaks into the Starseeing Dome—an ancient structure built to potentiate the powers of Starseers. Aided by the Dome, the stars send Etar a vision of ironclad warships destroying Skalland, the tiny island he calls home.

Hunted by a bloodthirsty admiral who seeks to enslave his newly awakened powers, Etar will have to fight to protect his friends while grappling with his past, his out-of-control magic, and a budding friendship turning into something more.

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Etar didn’t have time to process any of what Hans had said before he went back to the hallway to let someone in—and whatever Etar had been expecting, it was nothing like the man that walked in.

The stranger walked with a step so light Etar could barely hear it on the floorboards of his room. His long black hair caught light like flowing water, and his eyes were distant in a deep, wistful way, blue and luminous even under this morning’s gray light. He wore a black silken tunic embroidered with the most marvelous iridescent threads. Starbursts, suns, and moons, all decorated with tiny gemstones, crowded every corner of the fabric. Etar couldn’t help staring at his jewel-decked hands. He had long, delicate fingers, as though made for minute tasks like building watches.

As soon as Hans closed the door, the man bowed, a gesture Etar had never received from anyone. “Starseer,” he said, soft and reverent.

Panic rose in Etar’s chest. How did this man know he was a Starseer? “Um. Hello?” he said, his mind struggling for coherent thought.

“It is such a great honor to finally meet you. I have been looking for you far and wide.”

Etar couldn’t parse the words from this man’s mouth, so he gaped instead of replying. His eyes pivoted from him to Hans in search of explanations, but Hans only fell back into a corner of the room.

“My name is Áehd, and I am an alchemist,” the man said.

An alchemist. A trade Etar only knew through books. To his knowledge, there had been alchemists and magicians in this castle long ago, but his uncle had expelled them all.

Etar supposed he should introduce himself, but he was too stunned to act properly. “How do you know I’m a Starseer?” he blurted out. No formal salutation. No bowing to receive his guest. It showed so glaringly that he hadn’t been raised as a royal.

The alchemist offered a gracious little laugh and pulled something out from between the folds of his tunic. When he opened his hand, a butterfly flew out of it.

At first, Etar thought it was a real butterfly because of how dainty its legs were and how its wings broke light, but on closer inspection, it was made of metal and colored crystals. It emanated a soft, bluish glow from under its belly.

“My constructs respond to energy, and no energy is more attractive to them than that of a Starseer,” Áehd said.

The butterfly kissed Etar’s face, making him flinch when it came close to his eyes, but he was afraid of breaking it if he flapped it away. Its glow intensified whenever it grazed his skin, and Etar could feel warmth wherever it alighted. After a while, the alchemist caged it in his fingers and put it away in his tunic.

The butterfly dredged out a memory of one such toy Etar had since childhood but which no longer possessed this butterfly’s agency.

Author Bio:

Katya is a writer, illustrator, and graphic designer who lives with her partner, two cats, and two dogs in sunny El Salvador.

Her cats are her harshest critics, but she loves them all the same.

When she’s not writing or drawing the fantasy worlds that live in her head, she’s cosplaying as the creepiest monsters from all her favorite horror movies.

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Giveaway – Violins Played Before Junsian by Lou Kemp @GoddessFish

Violins Played before Junstan by Lou Kemp

GENRE: Fantasy (magical realism)


While on a mission to avenge the death of his lover, the immortal peyote-eating magician Celwyn is hired to deliver an automat, Professor Kang, to a priest. But Celwyn quickly learns that everything the priest told him was a lie. Now his ship, the Zelda, is stuck in a horrific storm and Celwyn knows he must reconsider his allegiance if he is to steer his vessel in the right direction and continue his quest.


San Francisco, 1865  

Late in the evening, thick ribbons of fog moved like a living animal, breathing, then thinning to vapor before revealing the shadows between the wooden barrels that lined the docks. Beyond the Opera House’s silhouette, oily glimmers of the bay cut through the darkness, only to be obscured by the fog again.

As Celwyn neared the docks, he heard virulent cursing above the commotion from a carriage as it charged down the cobblestones toward him. When the coach drew level, the driver raised a whip above his horse. On its descent to the horse’s back, the tip suspended mid-air and snake-like, the whip shimmied out of the coachman’s hand.

The man steered the hackney to a stop. As he slithered out of the high cab, the whip followed him, wrapping around his ankles, lifting him feetfirst into the air. His cursing echoed to screams as he disappeared into the night sky. A moment later, a splash could be heard, and a satisfied smile crossed Celwyn’s lips; he couldn’t stand to see anyone mistreating an animal. The horse trotted down the street, rather jauntily, back toward the stable yard as the magician stepped around a snoring drunk and into Salty’s tattered and dingy atmosphere. Celwyn could have sworn it was the same drunk he stepped over last night.

AUTHOR Bio and Links

Early work was horror and suspense, later work morphed into a combination of magical realism, mystery and adventure painted with a horrific element as needed.

I’m one of those writers who doesn’t plan ahead, no outlines, no clue, and I sometimes write myself into a corner. Atmospheric music in the background helps. Black by Pearl Jam especially.

More information is available at I’d love to hear from you and what you think of Celwyn, Bartholomew, and Professor Xiau Kang.


2009 The anthology story Sherlock’s Opera appeared in Seattle Noir, edited by Curt Colbert, Akashic Books. Available through Amazon or Barnes and Noble online. Booklist published a favorable review of my contribution to the anthology.

2010 My story, In Memory of the Sibylline, was accepted into the best-selling MWA anthology Crimes by Moonlight, edited by Charlaine Harris. The immortal magician Celwyn makes his first appearance in print.

2018 The story, The Violins Played before Junstan is published in the MWA anthology Odd Partners, edited by Anne Perry. The Celwyn series begins.

Book 1, The Violins Played before Junstan reissue with the publisher, the 4 Horsemen on 10-17-22. The 4 Horsemen will publish the remaining books in the series beginning with Music Shall Untune the Sky, The Raven and the Pig, The Pirate Danced and the Automat Died.  The companion book, Farm Hall continues the story of Pelaez, another immortal magician and Celwyn’s brother will also be available.

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Giveaway – Under A Wicked Moon by Zoe Forward @XpressoTours

Under A Wicked Moon
Zoe Forward
Published by: Entangled Publishing
Publication date: October 17th 2022
Genres: Adult, Paranormal, Romance

They are the ultimate weapon. The ultimate secret. They are the Crown’s wolves.

Lycan Ky Lanzo is bound by the Crown’s command. His latest mission directive was deceptively simple. Get yourself caught. Now, Ky’s been bound, drugged, and collared by an unknown enemy in a facility that knows enough about him to neutralize his lycan strength and his telekinetic magic. But he’s not alone in his cell. Because there’s someone else with him. Someone exquisite. Someone altogether forbidden…

For Vivi Kinley, another month gone by means another full moon trapped in a cell with a moon-crazed lycan. There once was a time I’d never kill a living creature. Only, Ky is different. He’s powerful, latently sexy…and wanting him is dangerous trouble. Because sexual attraction is exactly what their captors want—and it’ll be an icy day in hell before she’ll allow it.

Now, Vivi and Ky have one chance at escape and to discover what twisted organization did this to them—and make them pay. The good news is that Ky might have found his near-impossible lycan mate. The bad news is that she might be programmed to kill them all…

The The Crown’s Wolves series is best enjoyed in order.
Reading Order:
Book #1 Bad Moon Rising
Book #2 Under a Wicked Moon

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He was alone on this mission; there was no backup—no brother talking into an ear communicator, waiting in the wings to rescue him if things passed beyond what he could handle. Like right the fuck now.

What he wouldn’t give to call in this soup sandwich and get backup. He wanted out.

Ky had broken the brothers’ unwritten rule in doing this solo. The Lanzo brothers worked as a team. Flynn did tech. Ky did weapons and analysis. Roman, their designated leader and eldest brother, worked magic. Their youngest brother, Shane, died a few years ago. Roman would go nuclear on Ky when he found out he’d gone on a mission alone, even if he might understand he’d been under the King’s command.

The second he got a chance, he’d contact Roman or Flynn. Bad news was, none of them carried cell phones for fear of being tracked. Old school, for sure.

That scent of her… Christ, he was in trouble.

I will not get involved with someone like her. Not with a woman who, within a few minutes, evoked a whole lot more than a drive for easy sex—like the desire to protect her, know her, and even hear her speak.

Buuut… He relished sex and could imagine a whole hell of a lot with her. Even he had a breaking point.

The lycan female stared at him from her perch across the room, wary and antagonistic.

“Stop stressing. You’re not my type,” he managed to rasp out.

“You’re a shitty liar. You’ll try to get close because you can’t resist, but you won’t succeed. Did you have moon- madness serum on board before they brought you in?”

He nodded, not that it’d be much good with her like this. The serum dulled the cravings. It didn’t cure them. “You’re safe from me.”

They watched each other for an indefinite time, gauging each other’s resolve.

Author Bio:

USA Today bestselling author, parent, wife, veterinarian, chocolate lover. Author of spicy paranormal and contemporary romances. Zoe Forward brings readers the perfect combination of action adventure, romance, humor and a bit of magic.

Her novels have won numerous awards including the Prism, Readers’ Choice Heart of Excellence, Golden Quill, Carolyn Readers Choice Award, and the Booksellers’ Best Award.

You can find her residing in the South with a menagerie of four-legged beasts and two wild kids.

See the latest on Zoe’s website:

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Review – Bag of Tricks by Carmen Webster Buxton @CarmenWBuxton


Carmen Webster Buxton is a fabulous storyteller. The wonderful cover fits the story inside perfectly, seeing they spend a lot of time on the road, so to speak.

Bag of Tricks

Amazon / Goodreads


Bag of Tricks was so well written, with original twists and turns that, even though for most of the book it would be a three star review, I had to give it four. The characters came to life in the magical, fantastical world that Carmen Webster Buxton created and I was lost. Though I never felt an urgent need to read on with white knuckles, my curiousity would not let me put it down. Another plus, no series. You get the complete story!!!!!!

When I went to write the review, I found I forgot to take notes. I was swept along with Aveline and Zarek. These two characters took the spotlight and I so wanted a happy ever after for them. They are selfless, loyal, giving, willing to put their life on the line to do the right thing.

We have royal machinations going on, betrayals and danger. The story is written with a lightness, no in depth details, with wars and blood and guts everywhere. Even the tragic events are written for young adults and I love all the little nuggets of wisdom woven throughout the story.

I feel Carmen Webster Buxton is such a fantastic writer, that no genre is beyond her. I feel she would be a success no matter what story she wanted to tell. I highly recommend any of her work and I hope you give her books a shot. I feel you won’t regret it and may even find a new favorite author for your bookshelf.

I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of Bag of Tricks by Carmen Webster Buxton.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos
4 Stars


Aveline is a trained magician, but Princess Inessa, the Heiress of Mazuria, hired her to pose as a lady-in-waiting, to protect her from court intrigues and literally sniff out lies. When a wicked duke tries to force Inessa into marriage, Aveline uses a spell to hide the princess. But even magic has limits, and when Aveline stumbles over Zarek, a man whose life has been cursed by more than one tragedy, she demands his help in getting the princess back to the capital. Zarek is on his own errand, and he’s suspicious of Aveline — magicians are feared — but he does help. As he and Aveline travel Mazuria in company with the princess and his wolf-dog Burden, they come to rely on each other and to respect each other’s skills. After Zarek leaves the two women in what he thinks is a safe refuge, he learns they’re in more danger than ever. So of course he and Burden go back to save them.

Now if only Aveline can bring herself to believe that Zarek wants to save her even more than he wants to save the princess — and admit to herself that what she feels for him goes way beyond gratitude.


Carmen Webster Buxton

Carmen Webster Buxton spent her youth reading every book published by Ursula LeGuin, Robert Heinlein and Georgette Heyer. This combination of far-future worlds, alien cultures, and old-fashioned courting customs influenced her writing, especially in her ThreeCon series.

Carmen was born in Hawaii and experienced a peripatetic childhood, as her father was in the US Navy. Having raised two wonderful children, she now lives in Maryland with her husband Charlie, and a beagle named Cosmo. She writes science fiction (often including a romance, and mostly set in the far future), and the occasional fantasy.

Carmen has published many books:

Alien Bonds
Alien Vows
Alien Skies

The Sixth Discipline
No Safe Haven

THREECON SERIES (can be read in any order)
The Nostalgia Gambit
Saronna’s Gift
Shades of Empire
Worlds Apart

King of Trees


Where Magic Rules
Bag of Tricks
Hidden Magic

THE NAMELESS WORLD SAGA (coming in 2021)
The North Edge of Nowhere
Oaths and Promises

Carmen often blogs about ereaders, digital publishing, writing, and speculative fiction. Visit her blog to see what’s coming out next! To ask questions or to provide feedback on her books, send email to carmen.webster.buxton (at)

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