Giveaway and Review of Freeblood by Marny Copal
There is plenty of blood, guts and gore for all of you gruesome horror lovers.
What does it take to kill a vampire? Are the stories you’ve heard really true?

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Freebloods – drink from the same vampire no more than twice and have powers.
Fastbloods – drank more than two times and are bound to the vampire they fed from.
Kasey asked Quinn, her cousin. about the cell phone she had found. She played the message back and it was Jo Jo telling Quinn that they captured something on the recorder they had hidden in the Portland Underground. They were hoping to find some paranormal activity.

They went to meet her, and saw her snatched right in front of them. Quinn fought hard and did some damage, but she was outnumbered and they had powers too. Kasey wanted to call the police, but Quinn said no. The kidnappers were not human, they were vassals, someone that vampires feed on. The police would be useless against them.
Quinn had found out about the supernatural when her mother and brother were killed, but Kasey was unaware of any of the details.
Kasey convinced Quinn to let her help. She was very good at manipulating people, when she wanted something. They were going to Confluence, a club where the supernatural hang out. Quinn knew a vampire there who might be able to help.
She ran into William Kiigemagi, a warlock she had made an enemy of some time ago. Quinn sensed that he knew something of Jo Jo’s kidnapping, which was bad news for Jo Jo.
Del was there too. He said that he wanted to help, but she didn’t want his help. Nate ran the club and it was his help she wanted. Nate told Quinn to leave it alone, that the Portland Vampire Council would handle it. She talked him into helping anyway. He had helped her before and he required his usual payment. The name he gave her was a human name, Tyler Anderson.
Nate was going to keep his eye on her, whether she liked it or not. He had a soft spot in his non-beating heart for her. She had feelings for him too, but he was a vampire and she was a human, albeit, with special powers.
Del followed her home. He had feelings for her, whether she wanted to acknowledge them or not. He told her he was in town, because magic was being used and the Order had sent him there to investigate. The Order was a secret group that studied paranormal activity that was above and beyond the norm. They were the police, judge and jury of the supernatural in the northwest United States. Nate had told her to keep them out of it, but she couldn’t leave it alone. She needed Del’s help.
He told her how careless she was. That he thought she had learned more at the Academy.
Kasey asked what Academy? Quinn would be forced to tell her everything.
What was going on and who was behind it? It had become obvious that they would stop at nothing to make it happen, so it had to be something really big. What price would be paid to prevent it and rescue Jo Jo?
4 STARS – Would Highly Recommend To Others
Quirky cover, but I like it. The title becomes apparent, almost as soon as you start reading the book.
The book is well written, easy to read and flows well.The plot is well-developed and will keep you guessing as to what comes next. It included things I have not seen in other vampire books, and that always counts as a huge plus to me.
Action packed from beginning to end. I could visualize the scenes playing out in my mind, because of watching Supernatural and Charmed on television. They are TV programs that deal with every kind of supernatural being you can think of, for those of you who have not heard of them.
When she talked about divining crystals, I immediately thought of Charmed. On Charmed, they use a crystal and map to locate people, they call it scrying.
Quinn is a kick ass and take names kind of character. She felt that, no matter what, she could and would do whatever was necessary to save her best friend. I am especially drawn to books where the lead character is a strong female. I rooted for Quinn, even though I felt she had one major character flaw, she………
Kasey was a hoot. I can just imagine what it would be like to be around her. She won me over big time. She is manipulative and persuasive, wheedling her way into things that are bound to get her into trouble. She is full of life and afraid of nothing. When she wanted something, she wouldn’t take no for an answer.
It is not always easy to choose which characters you will root for and which you hope get their comeuppance. Can a vampire be a nice guy?
I’m not sure how I felt about the ending. I sure didn’t see it happening the way it did. I felt sad for Quinn. She suffered such pain and loss, that you cannot help but feel her anguish.
Nate or Del? I am curious to see who she will end up with. I will be patiently (lol) awaiting the next book. Marny Copal is working on Book II.
I received this book from the author in return for an honest and unbiased review.
Books, school, and farm animals kept Marny Copal busy as a kid in Central Oregon. After graduating with a bachelor’s degree in anthropology from the University of Oregon, she worked in archaeology and freelance writing. She lives in Eugene with her husband. No farm animals in their residential neighborhood, but plenty of deer, raccoons, possums, and cats keep her company as she works on her latest writing project.
Marny Copal is currently working on Book II.
To find Marny, follow the links below:
To get your copy of Marny Copal’s book, simply click on the cover.

Marny Copal is offering for the Giveaway 1 (one) ebook to a lucky commenter. International. Easy entry as always, just leave your email address and answer the question:
What kind of man would you choose, the bad boy or the clean-cut, by the rules, good guy?
Closed. The Winner is “Pragya”.
Giveaway runs through 3/11/2013.
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