Review & Giveaway – Violins And Vampires by Cee Bee @XpressoTours @CB_Bauer

Violins and Vampires
(Vampires of the Daemonverse, #1)
Published by: Monster House Books
Publication date: August 25th 202
Genres: Adult, Fantasy, Paranormal, Romance


I am Bloodkin, born a vampire. Direct sunlight won’t hurt bloodkin.

Tavish is nightling, a human who was transformed into a vampire. Direct sunlight kills nightling.

The Bloodkin women are gone, killed by the bloodking plague. Konstantin searches for the Gray Woman to save the last of the women, his wife, Elisava. She tells him it is too late. She cannot help, but, she has a plan. Will Sash and Alexa be the answer? As time goes on, I’m not sure if her plan is good or evil.

Cee Bee takes us to the past and brings us back to the present, one thousand years later. Alexa is now eighteen years old and has no memory of her past. Anya explains that her and Sash had both been in comas. Alexa is plagued with nightmares, and Sash has an illness that requires expensive medication to keep her alive. To do that, she has become enslaved to a mobster. Her father owed him millions and to save them her ‘mother’ promised she would work to pay off his debt.

Alexa spends her life taking care of her sick sister and putting up with her useless mother.

We do have moments of humor:

“Pick a vowel! It’s Wheel Of Fortune, not Circle Of Idiots!” I laughed out loud because it sounded like me talking to the TV.

Once Caelin sees her, he can’t forget her. Alexa receives a job offer from him, but neither is prepared for what is to come.

“What d’ya think I do all day?” Lexa shrugs. “I don’t know. Race around in sports cars! Toss cash out windows?”

Violins and Vampires by Cee Bee is written in a fun way. The title was a hint for me, but I love anything vampire. They can be soft and fuzzy or hard and monstrous. I love them all. Yes, we do have evil roaming around, but there are moments of humor and laughter.

I feel like Violins and Vampires by Cee Bee is setting us up for the future books, giving us details and explanations, laying a foundation. For sure, the last twenty percent picked up the pace and made me eager for more. Next up, Veils and Vampires. Cee Bee also writes young adult fiction under the name of Christina Bauer. It’s always nice to know that.

I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of Violins and Vampires by Cee Bee.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos
3 Stars


Lexa Kozlov must pay her family’s massive debt to the mob… all while raising even more money to save her little sister. The result? Lexa’s trapped in a never-ending (and incredibly illegal) stakeout for the Bratva. She barely has time for sleep, let alone find love.

Enter Caelin Vass, the handsome Scotsman who runs Empire Investments. Caelin offers Lexa a new job with dollars galore, as well as a hot bod (that would be his own) to contemplate every workday. Even so, Lexa isn’t sure she should take the gig. Freaky things keep happening whenever Lexa and Caelin are together. Simply put, the energy between them is magical, sensual, and way overwhelming. Lexa faces a big question: is she leaving her old prison just to enter a worse one… or is Caelin Vass all he seems and more?

***12,000 word novella, previously published on Kindle Vella as Blood Slave***

Vampires of the Daemonverse Series
1. Violins and Vampires
2. Veils and Vampires
3. Vixens and Vampires
4. Valor and Vampires

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Author Bio:

Author Christina “CEE BEE” Bauer has sold more than 1M copies across her 45+ epic fantasy books for young adults. She’s recorded (and narrated) eight of her books into audiobooks, as well as led the translation of her novels into four different languages. USA Today has called her work “must-read paranormal fantasy.” Bauer is an autism advocate and quirky loudmouth whose writing style really isn’t for everyone. But if you like stories with complex worlds inhabited by chicks who kick ass and take names, then read on!

Christina lives in Newton, MA with her husband, son, and semi-insane golden retriever, Ruby. She loves to connect with her fans at
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Giveaway & Guest Post – Lady Reaper by Christina Bauer @XpressoTours @CB_Bauer

Lady Reaper
Christina Bauer
(Angelbound Origins, #10)
Published by: Monster House Books
Publication date: November 12th 2022
Genres: Fantasy, Young Adult

Young Myla and Lincoln Kick Ass and Take Names in This Prequel Novella for REAPER GAMES!

A part-demon girl fights Lady Reaper
Myla Lewis is a sixteen-year-old part-demon girl who fights evil souls in Purgatory’s Arena… and she’s always looking out for a good battle against evil. Enter Lady Reaper, the famous ghoulette who wields both a scythe and nefarious intentions. Myla discovers Lady Reaper will soon visit the Demon Woods ‘ride’ at Purgatory’s Annual Lust Festival. Time to visit the fest, kick ass and take names, right? Wrong. Lady Reaper has other plans for Myla and her bestie, Cissy…

A part-angel prince faces the Grim Reaper
Lincoln is a seventeen-year-old part-angel prince who protects humans from the denizens of Hell. On a routine trip to Earth, Lincoln uncovers clues that his best friend, Walker, might be allied to an evil ghoul named the Grim Reaper. Things go downhill from there…

***A 20,000-word novella***

Publisher Note: Originally, LADY REAPER was a full novel. However, the author fell ill with COVID and gave us this prequel novella instead. We have since locked Ms. Bauer into the basement with a charger cord, MacBook Pro and carton of Theraflu. Therefore, the full and epic conclusion of this story will definitely be delivered in the next release, REAPER GAMES.

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I am excited to have Christina Bauer here to share her thoughts about her cover. The title of the post had me laughing out loud and I had to read on to find out what the hell happened.

How I Got Shit-Canned By My Old Cover Artist – The Story of the Lady Reaper Cove
By Christina Bauer

As part of the launch tour for my new book, Lady Reaper, the lovely folks at Fundinmental have asked me to share anything I can about the cover for Lady Reaper. So, here goes.

There was an artist I worked with since my very first cover. We did some great work together, although sometimes it took quite a few revisions to get things to where I was happy. But once it was all done, I’d look at the covers and think, Dang, I kicked her ass a lot on this but the final cover is so lovely… and she’s posting it a ton of places while saying she’s so happy with it… therefore, she must be as cool as I am with all this. We have a truly strong working relationship.

Now, I knew I was high-maintenance with what I wanted, so I paid double her regular rate. I figured that made it all good.

Damn, was I ever wrong.

It was during the work on the cover that would become Reaper Games (book 11) that the artist told me to take my business elsewhere because I was high-maintenance and pushed my vision over hers. Specifically, I was being a pain in the ass that Myla’s tail was coming out of her ass in a way that looked like poop. True story.

In retrospect, I probably should have read the cues and left a lot earlier—to save us both wear and tear. In the end, I found a new artist that’s delivered the Lady Reaper and Clockwork Igni covers. So far, revisions have been minimal. It’s also less money, not that it’s all about money… but it’s not-NOT all about money, either.

Just because I liked the final work—and maybe the artist said she liked it, too—didn’t mean that the relationship was healthy. Looking back, I should have pushed until I found someone whose aesthetic was closer to my own. Twisting an artist into being a Picasso when they’re a natural Rembrandt doesn’t work for anyone in the long run, if that makes sense.

In the case of the cover for Lady Reaper, I gave the artist some inspirational art and she put it together quickly. Technically, the monster on the cover is the Grim Reaper (Lady Reaper looks different) but I figure folks can learn that once they read the book.

Thanks for such an excellent question and I hope to stop by again on a future tour!

Author Bio:

Christina Bauer thinks that fantasy books are like bacon: they just make life better. All of which is why she writes romance novels that feature demons, dragons, wizards, witches, elves, elementals, and a bunch of random stuff that she brainstorms while riding the Boston T. Oh, and she includes lots of humor and kick-ass chicks, too.

Christina graduated from Syracuse University’s Newhouse School with BA’s in English along with Television, Radio, and Film Production. She lives in Newton, MA with her husband, son, and semi-insane golden retriever, Ruby.

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Giveaway – Brutal Times by Christina Bauer @CB_Bauer @XpressoTours


The Brutal Time
Christina Bauer
(Angelbound Origins #6)
Published by: Monster House Books
Publication date: October 29th 2019
Genres: Fantasy, Paranormal, Young Adult

“I love the Angelbound Origins world and just can’t seem to get enough of it!”The Avid Reader

As the Great Scala, Myla Lewis is the only being who can move Purgatory’s souls to Heaven or Hell. It’s a big job. Too bad Myla goes through assistants faster than a hot knife through brownies. Not that it bothers her much; Myla’s always been a solo fighter.

Then comes the problem of the fading angels. Millions of Heavenly residents are dying. According to a prophecy, the only way Myla can save them is by traveling back in time, meeting King Arthur, and creating her own knights of the round table. The catch? Doing so might end the after-realms in a bloody demonpocalypse.


Myla and her main squeeze, Lincoln, aren’t afraid of taking a few chances (in between kisses). But with so much at risk, the stakes may be too high, even for them. And the biggest challenge of all? Finding those knights.

Because Myla Lewis doesn’t play well with others. At all.

“These books don’t just capture your attention, they straight up demand it. Christina Bauer has created a fascinating and unique world that you do not want to miss out on.” – Bookhalolic Brittany

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Excerpt – Arena Dressing Room

Lacing my fingers with Lincoln’s, I guide my guy off the Arena floor. The moving spotlights make it easy to slip off unnoticed into a nearby archway. Then it’s a matter of navigating through the back corridors until we reach small stone room. There’s not much to speak of here, outside of some hooks on the walls and a few large wooden trunks. 

I step into the center of the space and twirl. “Here it is. Changing room central.”

Lincoln slips off his jacket and sets it onto a nearby trunk. “Did you come here after we met?”

There’s a certain predatory gleam in my guy’s eyes that I’m enjoying very much indeed. “Oh, sure,” I reply. “I had lots of matches after we first met.”

My gaze lands on a particular trunk. Memories appear. My face turns eleven shades of red.

Lincoln notices the trunk in question as well as my blush. He steps up to the trunk and damn, my fantasies were all correct. The lid comes to just the right height at his waistline.

Lincoln runs his fingers over the lid. “And what is there about this particular piece of furniture, may I ask?”

“No point telling you that I don’t know what you’re talking about, huh?”


“Well, I might have thought about you, the trunk and, um, things.”

Lincoln steps closer. “Things?”

“I’d put on my dragonscale suit and wonder what would happen if you came into the dressing room or something.”

That predatory look returns to Lincoln’s mismatched eyes. It makes me feel all woozy inside. Not a bad thing.

“I love this story. So you’d be … what?”

I gesture toward the trunk. “Sitting here.”

Lincoln scoops me up and sets me right atop the trunk. “Like this?”


A knowing grin rounds his mouth. “So I could stand before you like this.” He rests his hands on my knees. His skin is all warm and rough at once. Little by little, Lincoln slowly guides my legs apart and presses my skirt up to my hips. Then he steps between my legs.

“Almost like that,” I say breathlessly.

At last, Lincoln presses himself against me. At this angle, his hardness hits all the right places. “Do you mean this?” he asks.

Fire sparks inside my core. “Exactly.”

“I can see the appeal.” Lincoln slowly trails his hands over my body. Wherever he touches me, there’s an electric zing of desire. Leaning in, he stops when his mouth hovers a breath above mine. “You know what I want.”

“I do.” I lick along the seam of his lips. “And I’m calling in my prize.”

Author Bio:

Christina Bauer thinks that fantasy books are like bacon: they just make life better. All of which is why she writes romance novels that feature demons, dragons, wizards, witches, elves, elementals, and a bunch of random stuff that she brainstorms while riding the Boston T. Oh, and she includes lots of humor and kick-ass chicks, too.

Christina graduated from Syracuse University’s Newhouse School with BA’s in English along with Television, Radio, and Film Production. She lives in Newton, MA with her husband, son, and semi-insane golden retriever, Ruby.

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Giveaway – Angelbound by Christina Bauer @CB_Bauer @XpressoTours


The Brutal Time
Christina Bauer
(Angelbound Origins #6)
Published by: Monster House Books
Publication date: October 29th 2019
Genres: Fantasy, Paranormal, Young Adult

“I love the Angelbound Origins world and just can’t seem to get enough of it!”The Avid Reader

As the Great Scala, Myla Lewis is the only being who can move Purgatory’s souls to Heaven or Hell. It’s a big job. Too bad Myla goes through assistants faster than a hot knife through brownies. Not that it bothers her much; Myla’s always been a solo fighter.

Then comes the problem of the fading angels. Millions of Heavenly residents are dying. According to a prophecy, the only way Myla can save them is by traveling back in time, meeting King Arthur, and creating her own knights of the round table. The catch? Doing so might end the after-realms in a bloody demonpocalypse.


Myla and her main squeeze, Lincoln, aren’t afraid of taking a few chances (in between kisses). But with so much at risk, the stakes may be too high, even for them. And the biggest challenge of all? Finding those knights.

Because Myla Lewis doesn’t play well with others. At all.

“These books don’t just capture your attention, they straight up demand it. Christina Bauer has created a fascinating and unique world that you do not want to miss out on.” – Bookhalolic Brittany

Goodreads / Amazon / Barnes & Noble / iBooks / Kobo / Google Play

Author Bio:

Christina Bauer thinks that fantasy books are like bacon: they just make life better. All of which is why she writes romance novels that feature demons, dragons, wizards, witches, elves, elementals, and a bunch of random stuff that she brainstorms while riding the Boston T. Oh, and she includes lots of humor and kick-ass chicks, too.

Christina graduated from Syracuse University’s Newhouse School with BA’s in English along with Television, Radio, and Film Production. She lives in Newton, MA with her husband, son, and semi-insane golden retriever, Ruby.

Be the first to know about new releases from Christina by signing up for her newsletter:

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