Giveaway – Merged by Jim and Stephanie Kroepfl @jimnstephbooks @XpressoTours

Jim and Stephanie Kroepfl
Published by: Month9Books
Publication date: September 17th 2019
Genres: Romance, Science Fiction, Young Adult

Seven of our country’s most gifted teens will become Nobels, hosts for the implantation of brilliant Mentor minds, in an effort to accelerate human progress.

But as the line between what’s possible and what’s right, draws ever blurrier, the teens discover everything has a cost.

Scientists have created an evolved form of living known as Merged Consciousness, and sixteen-year-old Lake finds herself unable to merge with her Mentor.

Lake, the Nobel for Chemistry and Orfyn, the Nobel for Art, are two from among the inaugural class of Nobels, and with the best intent and motivation. But when Stryker, the Nobel for Peace, makes them question the motivation of the scientists behind the program, their world begins to unravel.

As the Nobels work to uncover the dark secrets of the program’s origins, everyone’s a suspect and no one can be trusted, not even the other Nobels.

As the Mentors begin to take over the bodies and minds of the Nobels, Lake and Orfyn must find a way to regain control before they lose all semblance or memory of their former selves.

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Depending on your point of view, I’m either famous or infamous. I’m called by many names: Ward of the State, Orphaned, Foofool (only by Sister Mo), and Kevin. That last one makes me feel like I’m wearing someone else’s clothes. Tight and loose in all the wrong places. So, I came up with my own name, though no one has ever connected it to me. The identity of street artists should never be revealed.

I flick turpentine at a rat that’s getting a little too curious about my brushes. The alley smells like something died, making me wonder if there’s a body in the dumpster. Michelangelo cut up dead people to better understand how we’re built. If he was willing to do that for his art, I can endure this stink for one night. I breathe through my mouth and get back to work.

After four straight hours, the painting is coming along great, and I know I can finish it before people start heading out for their nine-to-five jobs. I paint madly, getting lost in the scene, moving from figure to figure, jersey to jersey. It’s my best work yet, and I want this one to last.

At least, for a few days.

Author Bio:

Jim and Stephanie Kroepfl are a husband-and-wife team who write YA novels and stories of mystery and adventure from their cabin in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. Their debut novel, Merged, will be released by Month9Books on September 17, 2019.

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Reveal + Giveaway of POLARIS by Beth Bowland #FridayReveals #Month9Squad #Month9Books

Today Beth Bowland and Month9Books are revealing the trailer for POLARIS, which releases August 16, 2016! Check out the gorgeous trailer and enter to win a  paperback of the book!!
A quick note from the author:

When I first watched the trailer I was in awe, tears formed in my eyes, and I was frozen in my seat. I tried to say “OMG”, but only the “O” came out and “MG” got stuck, because at that moment I watched as my story literally took a breath and came to life.
I had such a great time writing Polaris, it combined my love for creating stories and conspiracy theories. I love “What Ifs” What if there is life on other planets? What if they’re really not so different than we are? The big ticket question, what if they’re already among us. Polaris takes a quirky but fun spin on an old conspiracy theory, but what if the conspiracy is not a theory…
On to the reveal! 

Author: Beth Bowland
Pub. Date: August 16, 2016
Publisher: Tantrum Books
Format: Paperback, eBook
Find it: Goodreads
Amazon | BAM | Chapters |Google Play  | B&N | Kobo | TBD | iBooks
Bixie, Montana is in the middle of nowhere, not connected to any place, and not needed to get to any destination.

But one snowy evening, a lone visitor walking down an old country road changes thirteen-year-old Aaron Martin’s life forever. Aaron thinks he’s being a Good Samaritan by inviting the nearly-frozen visitor into his home, but he’s unwittingly initiated “The Game.”
A group of Elders, known as the Council of the Legend, come together from time to time to enjoy a rousing event they playfully call “The Game.” Now, Aaron’s town is the playing board and he and his fellow townspeople are the players.
The rules are simple. Win. Because if Aaron loses, he won’t just lose his family. He’ll lose his very identity.

Beth Bowland, a native Ohioan, has always enjoyed reading and creating stories of her own. As a child she devoured every book she could get her hands on and spent numerous hours at the library each week. She loves writing stories for tweens and young teens and her characters are often described as quirky and fun, but always relatable. When she’s not writing, she loves watching HGTV. She has one daughter and resides in Arlington, Texas with her husband, Phillip.



1 winner will receive a paperback of POLARIS, US Only.

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Release Day Blitz Giveaway for Ashes in the Sky @chapterxchapter @JenniferMEaton



Happy Release Day to

Ashes in the Sky (Fire in the Woods #2)
by Jennifer M. Eaton!!

Join us in celebrating this release from Month9Books!

Enter the giveaway found at the end of the post.

Happy Book Birthday,Jennifer!




After inadvertently saving the world, eighteen-year-old Jessica Martinez is ready to put adventure behind her and settle back into the familiar routine of high school.

Though when she’s offered an opportunity to photograph the inside of an alien space ship, Jess jumps at the chance. After all, she’d be crazy to turn something like that down, right?

Spending time with David on the ship has definite advantages and the two seem to pick up right where they left off. But when Jess discovers a plot to sabotage David’s efforts to establish a new home for his people on another planet, neither David’s advanced tech nor Jess’s smarts will be able to save them.

ASHES IN THE SKY is an action-packed, romantic Sci Fi adventure that will leave readers screaming for more.

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Ashes in the Sky (Fire in the Woods #2) by Jennifer M. Eaton
Publication Date: March 15, 2016
Publisher: Month9Books

BAM | Google Play | Chapters | Indies | Amazon | B&N | Kobo | TBD | iBooks






When a plane crashes in the woods near Jess’s home, the boy of her dreams falls out of the sky—literally. But David’s not here to find a girlfriend. He’s from another planet, and if Jess can’t help him get back to his ship, he’ll be stuck on Earth with nothing to look forward to but the pointy end of a dissection scalpel.

But her father runs their house like an army barracks, and with an alien on the loose, Major Dad isn’t too keen on the idea of Jess going anywhere. Ever. So how the heck is she supposed to help the sweetest, strangest, and cutest guy she’s ever met?

Hiding him in her room probably isn’t the best idea. Especially since her Dad is in charge of the squadron searching for David. That doesn’t mean she won’t do it. It just means she can’t get caught.

Helping David get home while protecting her heart—that’s gonna be the hard part. After all, she can’t really fall for a guy who’s not exactly from here.

As they race through the woods with Major Dad and most of the U.S. military one breath behind them, Jess and David grow closer than either of them anticipated. But all is not what it seems. David has a genocide-sized secret, and one betrayal later, they are both in handcuffs as alien warships are positioning themselves around the globe. Time is ticking down to Armageddon, and Jess must think fast if she’s to save the boy she cares about without sacrificing Earth—and everyone on it.

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Jennifer M. Eaton

Jennifer M. Eaton hails from the eastern shore of the North American Continent on planet Earth. Yes, regrettably, she is human, but please don’t hold that against her. While not traipsing through the galaxy looking for specimens for her space moth collection, she lives with her wonderfully supportive husband and three energetic offspring. (And a poodle who runs the spaceport when she’s not around.)

During infrequent excursions to her home planet of Earth, Jennifer enjoys long hikes in the woods, bicycling, swimming, snorkeling, and snuggling up by the fire with a great book; but great adventures are always a short shuttle ride away.

Who knows where we’ll end up next?

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Trailer + Giveaway of FACSIMILE – Vicki L Weavil #FridayReveals #Month9Squad #Month9Books


Welcome to this week’s M9B Friday Reveal! But wait it’s a Thursday you’re probably asking yourself! Yes it is but we have a super special reveal for you today and we will have a reveal tomorrow as well!

This week, we are revealing the trailer for
Facsimile by Vicki L. Weavil
an upcoming Month9Books Title!


facsimile ebook final


Author: Vicki
L. Weavil
Pub. Date: March
8, 2016
Publisher: Month9Books
Format: Hardcover,
Paperback & eBook
Find it: Amazon
| B&N  | Goodreads
For a ticket to Earth, seventeen-year-old Anna-Maria “Ann” Solano is willing to jettison her birth planet, best friend, and the boy who loves her. Especially since all she’s required to do is escort Dace Keeling, a young naturalist, through the wilderness of the partially terraformed planet Eco. Ann‘s determination to escape the limitations of her small, frontier colony never falters, until Dace’s expeditions uncover three secrets. One offers riches, one shatters Ann’s perceptions of herself, and one reveals that the humans stranded on Eco are not its only inhabitants.
Ann’s willing to sacrifice friendship and love for a new life on Earth. But when an entire species is placed in jeopardy by her actions, she must make a choice – fulfill the dream that’s always sustained her, or save the planet she’s never considered home.
Now here’s the trailer!



Vicki Weavil 11
Vicki L. Weavil is represented by Fran Black of Literary Counsel. Her Young Adult Fantasy, CROWN OF ICE — a dark YA retelling of H.C. Andersen’s “The Snow Queen” — is published by Month9Books. Two companion books to CROWN OF ICE — SCEPTER OF FIRE and ORB OF LIGHT — will be published in 2016 and 2017.
Her YA SciFi — FACSIMILE — will be published by Month9Books in 2016, with a sequel, DERIVATION, to follow.
A new YA Fantasy, THE DIAMOND THIMBLE, will be published by Month9Books in 2018.
She also writes adult SciFi.


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Title will be sent upon its release.


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M9B Friday Reveal: Chapter Reveal – Temper (Lifer #2) by Beck Nicholas with Giveaway #M9BFridayReveals



Welcome to this week’s M9B Friday Reveal!

This week, we are revealing the first chapter of

Temper (Lifer #2) by Beck Nicholas

an upcoming Month9Books title!

Be sure to enter the giveaway found at the end of the post!




Free from the spaceship and reunited with Samuai, Asher should be happy. But thoughts of her dead family weigh heavily on her mind.

Things worsen when temper problems in camp lead to a murder. When Asher volunteers to get the drug need to calm people down, tension ignites.

Loyalties are questioned.

Jealousy rears its head. Sparks fly.

And when rumor of a second ship hits close to home, all bets are off.

Have the aliens returned? Is this the end of everything Asher has ever known?

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Temper (Lifer #2) by Beck Nicholas
Publication Date: Feb. 23, 2015
Publisher: Month9Books




Chapter One
They come for me at nighttime.
They gather around in the darkness, cold and empty
and begging me to feel something. I welcome them, the ghosts of
those who’ve died for my freedom. A freedom I thought would
solve everything, or at the very least be better than the Lifer
sentence I’d been destined to live out before the revolution and
the truth of our incarceration.

In my head, Mother is loudest, demanding answers for the
loss of her son. If I can find out exactly what happened to my
brother, Zed, maybe I’ll find peace.

As I sit alone, guarding the rocky outcrop above the field
where the rabbits we brought over the mountains are penned,
a part of me longs for the Pelican and the safety of the world I
knew on board the ship. My world might have sucked, but there
was comfort in the known. Comfort in the certainty of my place
in the order of things.

The splat of the first drops of water on my makeshift shelter
has my fingers tightening on the Q I hold. I’m on my feet before
the shine of drops on the foliage around me registers in my sleepdeprived
brain. It’s nothing but rain. Simple, brilliant rain. A
marvel after a lifetime inside. It’s not the Company attack we’ve
been expecting since we set up camp here on the other side of the
Upheaval Mountains. But understanding doesn’t let me relax. I’d
rather fight—it’s the waiting that has us all on edge.

Single drops become a patter, and the plump rabbits below
move to huddle in the shelter of the overhang on which I perch.
I step out and lift my face to the cloud-filled sky, letting the water
run over my cheeks and down my neck to dampen the ship-issued
singlet I still wear. If Samuai recognizes it as his that his mother
gave me when I thought he was dead, he hasn’t said anything.
Once we would have talked about it because we talked and kissed
every chance we could. Not now. Since he returned, everything
that happened while he was gone has built a mountain between
us too big for young love to overcome.

I open my mouth, and water drops fall on my tongue, fresh
and clean, and missing the faint plastic taint everything had on
the ship. A taste I learned now not integral in the liquid itself,
but rather a product of the recycling method used. Or worse, a
result of whatever it is they did to us to make us immune to the
weapon that still has some of our allies in a Q-induced coma,
fighting for life.

While most of us sleep in simple tents, one of the few intact
buildings at the settlement site is used as a hospital. The setup is
basic, but the equipment is a collection of the best of what we
could remove from the medical bay of the ship, and the green
robes’ own supplies from their former hideout.

Once, it would have moved me to see families sitting in vigil
next to their loved ones. But I have nothing left for them now.
The Company took everything from me when they killed my
brother and mother. All that is left in me is the hope of revenge.

I sense, rather than see, the small shape moving through the
bushes below. A flash of white eyes and a blur of brown. Time
for guard duty. I steady the Q and aim for a rock in front of the
creature. The weapon that once only worked on living things is
now more useful. A press of the button and what was a boulder
now becomes chunks of gravel. Undeterred, the creature slinks
low onto its belly, ribs clear even from this distance. It’s ignoring
the threat of me above, its starving hunter’s instincts focused on
a plump rabbit.

I aim closer, fire again. A rock explodes right in front of the
dog’s nose. A yelp pierces the air. “Get away,” I shout. I don’t
want another death on my conscience.

I breathe again when it disappears into the undergrowth. It
will be back, I’m sure, but hopefully not while I’m here.

There’s movement on the path a few feet below. I straighten
and try to see through the gloom. Something strides over the
crumbling rock with ease, sending no cascade of rocks and gravel
behind. Too big to be another wild dog. Too early to be the changeover
for the next watch. My blood sings. Confrontation at last.

I lift my weapon, prepare to attack. “Don’t move.”

The shape ignores my barked command and continues
toward me. My muscles tighten, ready to spring.

“I thought I’d find you here,” Davyd says, stepping into a
small clearing at the top of the cliff. There’s something intimate
about the way he speaks, as though we have some kind of
connection. Like he knows me.

I exhale, but don’t relax my stance. It shouldn’t be light
enough to see him clearly, but I do. I see the details of lean hips
in training pants and the singlet fitted to every hard muscle and
meet eyes I know are ice gray.

“That’s hardly a brilliant deduction,” I snap. “It’s my watch.
The schedule is posted on the board where anyone can see.”

“But last night wasn’t supposed to be your watch.” His pause
is deliberate. “Or the night before.”

Only he would notice I’ve been volunteering for extra night
shifts protecting the animals we brought from the ship from stray
dogs running around our new settlement. Anything to avoid the
community that feels as much like a cage as the spaceship ever
did. Only the bars are of my guilt and regret and the questions I
can’t bring myself to ask.

“It’s no secret,” I say, trying for casual but unable to hide the
strain in my voice. I hate the way he makes everything I mean to
say come out all wrong.

His mouth kicks up at the corner but he remains silent. The
rain has made his blond hair dark, and if I squint, I can almost
see Samuai, his brother and the boy I thought I’d love forever.
The boy I last saw laughing at dinner a few hours ago with his
green robe friends. The boy I have been avoiding for the weeks
we’ve been here.

I fold my arms. Davyd’s no longer my master. In this new age
of freedom, those who were once superior Fishie and lowly Lifer
are now equals in the war against the Company who tricked us

“What do you want?” I spit the question.


My traitorous body heats at the intensity in the single word.

“No chance in hell.”

“But there is a chance? Hell, huh?” He lifts his hands in the
air, his eyes making a sweep of the jagged, barren rock exposed
by the earthquakes that were part of the Upheaval all those years
ago. It’s as though in unspeakable agony the very earth has tried
to push out its insides. “Does this qualify?”

I breathe in. The scent of rain on the rich soil where we keep
the rabbits fills my lungs. It should be heaven to be able to farm
like I always wanted, but the darkness inside me makes enjoying
it impossible. I shake myself free of might-have-beens. It is what
it is. All I can do is move forward, move on. “Go away. I don’t
want to play your games.”

“That’s not what you said back at the ship.” He steps closer,
uncaring that my body tenses. “It might have been weeks ago but
I only need close my eyes and the memory is right there. You and
me … I’m sure you haven’t forgotten the night of the ball?”

“The night of the rebellion when we Lifers gained our rightful
place as free people. People who are no longer forced to serve you
Fishies to pay for our ancestor’s sins.”

“You know that’s not what I mean.”

I do. Damn him, I do. Before the fighting and the fire and the
shock of Samuai’s return from the dead, there was the ball and
the dress and his arms around my waist and his tongue teasing
between my parted lips.

“Admit it,” he says softly. “You’ve been thinking about it.”

My vision blurs. All I can see is the smug smile on his face.
Like always, goading me, trying to make me break. “It meant
nothing.” I don’t recognize the voice that scrapes from my tight,
raw throat. “Nothing.”


“Really. It was an act.” I let my lip curl. “Surely you could

His mouth twitches.

Did I hit a nerve? A moment later his mask of assurance is
back. “So you’ve talked about it with my brother? That kiss we
shared, the intimate press of our bodies. Sought out some time
alone to clear the air and get back to how things were before
between you two.”

I swallow. My hands grip the rock behind me. I didn’t realize
I’d backed up, but I revel in the sharp edge; feel the sting of flesh
breaking and press harder. What I really want to do is close the
distance between us and punish him.

“We will talk. Relocating from the spaceship hasn’t left a lot
of time for deep and meaningful conversations.” I don’t intend
to explain anything to him, but the defense slips out and hangs
lamely between us. The same lie I’ve been telling myself.
The truth is, Samuai and I haven’t spoken properly since the
aftermath of the fight outside the Pelican; I’ve done everything I
can to avoid him. If we speak, he’ll know what I’ve become. Or
worse, he’ll think I’m the same.

“But I’ve found you,” says Davyd. “We’re all alone with
plenty of opportunity for talking … or other things.”

He’s laughing at me again. Damn him. Would it be so hard
for him to leave me alone for once with the stories I tell myself
that allow me to keep going?

Anger surges up inside me, claws at my throat, wanting to
get out. It’s not like I want Samuai to choose me over his new
friends. I have nothing for him now. The love that once flowed
through me isn’t so much gone than blasted out. I’m not the girl
he left behind.

“Why do you do this?”

“Come and talk to you?” He frowns. “We’re old friends from
the ship. We have to stick together.”

“We have never been friends.”

“Allies?” He moves even closer, and I arch back hard against
the rock, just to keep him

He ignores my jab. “They do now. We need to fight, and we
need to make plans.”

The urgency in his voice sparks something inside me. A
flicker of drive where for weeks there’s been only emptiness.
“from touching me. “I’m here because you know this isn’t happily
ever after. Nothing is resolved, and we can’t do anything about it
until you admit there’s something wrong.”

“With Samuai?”

A pulse throbs in his jaw. “Forget my brother. He’s too busy
buddying up to the green robes, and he’s forgotten the real

“The Company?”

“Yes. They locked us up, lied to us, experimented on us,
and what have we done in return? Killed a few officers and then
scurried like rats to hide in the mountains.”

“Do rats even hide in Attack the Company?”

He ignores my sneer. “Why not? Those of us from the ship are
impervious to their great weapon. We have strength and speed.
They’ve made us strong. I say we use the way they’ve enhanced
us against them.”

No wonder Davyd is never lonely for female company. I
hate him and yet find it hard not to get caught up in his desire.
His voice, his energy, echoes the need for revenge that keeps me
awake at night. But inside me lingers the voice of reason, too.

“We need to establish a secure base.”

“You mean give them time to organize an attack?”

“Maybe they’re not. We escaped them before. They could be
cutting their losses.”

“Do you really believe that?”

I push past him to stand at the edge of the cliff. From here I
can see the settlement off in the distance, glowing with light in
the darkness. Filled with the green robes who’ve been resisting
the Company for years and with the people the Company were
breeding for battle.

“They’re not going to take the loss of decades of investment
in their little spaceship program well,” I admit eventually.
“They’re going to come for their property. I don’t intend to be
sitting waiting for collection when they do.”
He’s including himself. Back on the ship he was important
as the head Official, Fishie’s, son. Out here he’s just another
specimen with no idea what the Company has done to him.
We’ve all been violated, and we don’t even know how.

“What’s your plan?”

He runs a hand through his wet hair, scattering water drops.

“That’s what I wanted to talk to you about. If I go to the council
as a lone voice then they’ll shoot me down; but together we could
present a case for action.”

“Why me?”

“Apart from this special connection we have?”

In a few swift steps my hand is around his throat. “Don’t
push me.”

“Look at you, taking any excuse to touch me. It’s almost
romantic,” he squeaks.

The rain has cleared, and the clouds thin, letting the moon
light up his perfect, mocking face.

My fingers tighten. I’m squeezing, feeling the muscles and
tendons give way to my pressure; his airway begins to cut off. The
anger inside me glories in the way his eyes bulge and his lips part
in a desperate gasp for oxygen.

He doesn’t move to defend himself.

I hold his hateful gaze for one second, two. Now I have all the
power. It spreads hot tendrils through me, giving me strength.
My vision blurs, and spots appear in front of my eyes. I could
shut him up forever.

Squeeze a little tighter.

It would be so easy. All I need to do is …
Nothing. I drop my hand and crumble to my knees, pressing
my forehead to the rocky ground. Shudders wrack my body as I
rock back and forth.

What have I become?
Somewhere above me he sucks in a shaky breath. “Temper,
temper,” he says softly.

My eyes sting, but no tears will fall. “Leave me alone.”

“Until the rage inside you overtakes everything else? Until
you do something you can’t undo?”

“I warned you not to push me.” I grasp hold of that fact. I
did warn him. He drove me to act, goaded me until I didn’t have
a choice.

But did his teasing deserve death?

I block out the voice in my head. But I can’t ignore the one
a few feet away.

“This isn’t grief making you act this way,” he says, kneeling in
front of me. “And you’re not the only one who’s losing control.”

“Don’t make excuses.”

“I’m not.”

His hand brushes the top of my head where my hair has
grown into soft fuzz. It’s been weeks since Lifer regulations of
shaved heads have been left behind. Electricity skitters across
my skin when he touches my forehead, and it dampens the rage
within. As the anger in me cools, I find the strength to lift my
head. “I’m guessing you have a theory?”

His mouth curves. “I would say ‘that’s my girl’ since you
worked it out so fast, but I don’t have a death wish. I suspect you
don’t belong to anyone.”

Against all reason, I smile at the hint of admiration in his
voice. I curl up and wrap my hands around my knees. I let myself
look up at him, relieved when the marks on his neck are already
fading. “There are others?”

“You’re the first who’s actually tried to kill me, but surely
you’ve noticed the fights in food lines? The shoving over shower
use? The extra injuries in the practice fights that go too far?”

Guilt nibbles at the back of my mind. Why didn’t I notice
any of this? “I haven’t been around much.”
“Believe me, it’s only a matter of time before someone from
the ship loses control. Probably a Lifer.”

“Because we’re less sophisticated.”

His eyes don’t quite meet mine. “Because whatever it is
they’ve done, I believe they’ve done it to you more. The hardships
you’ve faced as a group, it’s made you … stronger for lack of a
better word.”

I want to argue but I remember too well how easily I could
have crushed his throat. Only weeks ago when we fought in the
low gravity training rooms on the ship, he could overpower me
without breaking a sweat. “Something’s changed.”

“But I can’t work out what.”

The rain begins to fall again. I close my eyes and let it cool
my skin. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to water falling from the
sky. I’ve been too long in an artificial environment where every
molecule I’ve ingested came from a particular source.

I jump to my feet. “The ship.”

Davyd blinks up at me. “What about it?”

“They had control of our food and water.” I pace around
him as I think aloud. “What if they were drugging us to keep us
pliable? Now, without the drug, the changes they’ve made have
no check, nothing to keep control.”

“But we brought the majority of the food and water
production with us.”

“It’s the Nauts.” In my urgency, I slip back to calling our
leaders by the old name from when we thought those in the gray
suits were piloting us in space. It takes a beat before I correct
myself. “The Company added it themselves to the water, or
maybe the very air we breathed. Don’t you see? It’s a part of them
having control over the experiment. We have our own inbuilt
self-destruct sequence. We’ll all turn on each other before we can
possibly rise against them.”

“They’re the only ones who can save us.”

“But they want to destroy us.”
“We’ll take the fight to them, there must be a way.” Anything
else Davyd might have said is cut off by a bang from the direction
of the settlement.

“Did you hear that?” I ask.

But he’s already running. “Come on.”

“But I’m supposed to be on guard.”

He spares me a glance over his broad shoulder. A look that
shines through the darkness and the drizzle and slices through to
my soul. “You play babysitter for some rabbits if you want to. I’m
going to fight.”

I hesitate a beat. Long enough for him to disappear down the
trail. This time his hurried steps send rock and gravel tumbling,
and the sound echoes over distant shouts. The sound of a battle.

My longing to be alone wars with the need to know what’s
happening, and the fact that no matter how much I want to, I
can’t sever all links with those who came with me from the ship.

Q tight in my hand, I run.





I always wanted to write. I’ve worked as a lab assistant, a pizza delivery driver and a high school teacher but I always pursued my first dream of creating stories. Now, I live with my family near Adelaide, halfway between the city and the sea, and am lucky to spend my days (and nights) writing young adult fiction.

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#Month9Books Friday Reveal: Facsimile by Vicki L Weavil



Welcome to this week’s M9B Friday Reveal!

This week, we are revealing the cover for

Facsimile by Vicki L. Weavil

an upcoming Month9Books Title!

Author, Vicki L. Weavil, also shares her thoughts on the cover.

Be sure to enter the giveaway found at the end of the post!


I love this cover because it reflects the book so well. The image of a girl standing alone on a desolate world is a perfect depiction of my protagonist, Ann, as well as her “sand over stone” world, Eco. But it’s also symbolic, because although Ann isn’t really alone, she often feels isolated on her frontier planet. The addition of the image of the Earth is also appropriately symbolic. Ann can’t actually see the Earth from Eco, but since her goal is to live on Earth it’s always on her mind, so the inclusion of the Earth image is a wonderful metaphor for her hopes and dreams.


facsimile ebook final


For a ticket to Earth, seventeen-year-old Anna-Maria “Ann” Solano is willing to jettison her birth planet, best friend, and the boy who loves her. Especially since all she’s required to do is escort Dace Keeling, a young naturalist, through the wilderness of the partially terraformed planet Eco. Ann‘s determination to escape the limitations of her small, frontier colony never falters, until Dace’s expeditions uncover three secrets. One offers riches, one shatters Ann’s perceptions of herself, and one reveals that the humans stranded on Eco are not its only inhabitants.

Ann’s willing to sacrifice friendship and love for a new life on Earth. But when an entire species is placed in jeopardy by her actions, she must make a choice – fulfill the dream that’s always sustained her, or save the planet she’s never considered home.

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Facsimile (Facsimile #1)
by Vicki L. Weavil
Publication Date: March 8, 2015
Publisher: Month9Books

Available for Pre-order:
Amazon | B&N




Vicki Weavil 11

Vicki L. Weavil is represented by Fran Black of Literary Counsel. Her Young Adult Fantasy, CROWN OF ICE — a dark YA retelling of H.C. Andersen’s “The Snow Queen” — is published by Month9Books. Two companion books to CROWN OF ICE — SCEPTER OF FIRE and ORB OF LIGHT — will be published in 2016 and 2017.
Her YA SciFi — FACSIMILE — will be published by Month9Books in 2016, with a sequel, DERIVATION, to follow.
A new YA Fantasy, THE DIAMOND THIMBLE, will be published by Month9Books in 2018.
She also writes adult SciFi.

Author Links: Website | Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads | Tumbler



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Title will be sent upon its release.



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Cover Reveal for Serpentine by Cindy Pon with Giveaway #M9BFridayReveals


Welcome to this week’s M9B Friday Reveal!

This week, we are revealing the cover for

Serpentine by Cindy Pon

presented byMonth9Books!

Be sure to enter the giveaway found at the end of the post!


SERPENTINE is a sweeping fantasy set in the ancient Kingdom of Xia and inspired by the rich history of Chinese mythology.

Lush with details from Chinese folklore, SERPENTINE tells the coming of age story of Skybright, a young girl who worries about her growing otherness. As she turns sixteen, Skybright notices troubling changes. By day, she is a companion and handmaid to the youngest daughter of a very wealthy family. But nighttime brings with it a darkness that not even daybreak can quell.

When her plight can no longer be denied, Skybright learns that despite a dark destiny, she must struggle to retain her sense of self – even as she falls in love for the first time.

Vivid worldbuilding, incendiary romance, heart-pounding action, and characters that will win you over–I highly recommend Serpentine.Cinda Williams Chima, best-selling author of the Seven Realms and Heir Chronicles fantasy novels

Serpentine is unique and surprising, with a beautifully-drawn fantasy world that sucked me right in! I love Skybright’s transformative power, and how she learns to take charge of it.” ~Kristin Cashore, NYT Bestseller of the Graceling Realm Series

Serpentine’s world oozes with lush details and rich lore, and the characters crackle with life. This is one story that you’ll want to lose yourself in.” ~ Marie Lu, New York Times bestselling author of Legend and The Young Elites

add to goodreadsTitle: Serpentine
Publication date: September 8, 2015
Publisher: Month9Books, LLC.
Author: Cindy Pon

Pre-order Links:

Amazon | B&N



Cindy Pon

Cindy Pon is the author of Silver Phoenix (Greenwillow, 2009), which was named one of the Top Ten Fantasy and Science Fiction Books for Youth by the American Library Association’s Booklist, and one of 2009′s best Fantasy, Science Fiction and Horror by VOYA. The sequel to Silver Phoenix, titled Fury of the Phoenix, was released in April 2011. Serpentine, the first title in her next Xia duology, will be published by Month9Books in September 2015. She is the co-founder of Diversity in YA with Malinda Lo and on the advisory board of We Need Diverse Books. Cindy is also a Chinese brush painting student of over a decade. Visit her website at


Connect with the Author: Website | Twitter | Facebook | Tumblr | Goodreads

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The book will be sent upon its release.



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M9B Two for Thursday Book Blitz – The Reaper’s Rite Series by Dorothy Dreyer with Giveaway #T4T


Hello and welcome to this week’s Two for Thursday Book Blitz #T4T
presented by Month9books/Tantrum Books!

Today, we will be showcasing two titles that may tickle your fancy,
and we’ll share what readers have to say about these titles!

You just might find your next read!

This week, #T4T presents to you:

The Reaper’s Rite series by Dorothy Dreyer!

Be sure to enter the giveaway found at the end of the post!

My Sister's Reaper

Sixteen-year-old Zadie’s first mistake was telling the boy she liked she could bring her dead sister back to life. Her second mistake was actually doing it.

When Zadie accidentally messes with the Reaper’s Rite that should have claimed her sister Mara, things go horribly wrong. Mara isn’t the same anymore—Zadie isn’t even sure she’s completely human, and to top it off, a Reaper is determined to collect Mara’s soul no matter what. Now Zadie must figure out how to defeat her sister’s Reaper, or let Mara die … this time for good.

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I felt that the author did a great job with her character developement. She was very vivid in her details and I felt like they were people I would meet on the street.” – Michelle, Goodreads Reviewer

“My Sister’s Reaper was a great paranormal, YA novel. Dreyer did an awesome job at creating Zadie’s linage and having it make complete sense.”Tyler, Jolley Chronicles

“Okay, reapers, zombies, and death? Yeah, I was definitely reading this one.” – Kelly Hashway, Author

My Tethered Soul

Months have passed since Zadie faced her sister’s Reaper, during which time she’s been under her mentor’s magical protection. But now that she’s turning 17, that protection is about to run out. When dark forces lure Zadie to wander at night, she’s manipulated into committing unspeakable acts. With her friends and family at risk, Zadie must try to use her powers to break free from the Reaper’s grasp, or surrender to the Reaper’s Rite, which can only lead to death.

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“The series is magnificent and should be on the best sellers list!!”Holly, Author

“Dorothy Dreyer continues the fast-paced, heart pounding journey she started in My Sister’s Reaper, delivering a YA paranormal romance filled with believable characters battling unbelievable odds.”Katie, Author

“Ms. Dreyer has upped the ante in terms of characterization, suspense, some down-right spooky scenes, and a playful sense of humor, particularly in the dialogue between her teen protagonists.” Stuart, Author

Dorothy Dreyer

Dorothy Dreyer has always believed in magic. Born in Angeles City, Philippines, to a Filipino mother and American Father, Dorothy grew up a military brat, living in Massachusetts, South Dakota, Guam, New Jersey, and New York. She now lives in Frankfurt, Germany, with her husband, two teens, and two Siberian huskies. Dorothy not only writes books with some element of magic in them, but has a fondness for reading those kinds of books as well. She also enjoys movies, chocolate, take-out, and spending time with family and friends. She’s known to make a pretty sweet cupcake when she has the time. She also tends to sing sometimes, so keep her away from your Karaoke bars.

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Book Trailer Reveal for Joshua and the Lightning Road by Donna Galanti with Giveaways #M9BFridayReveals


Welcome to this week’s M9B Friday Reveal!

This week, we are featuring the book trailer for

Joshua and the Lightning Road by Donna Galanti

presented by Tantrum Books/Month9Books!

There are two (2) giveaway opportunities available.

Find out more information at the end of the post!

Enjoy the Trailer!!

Joshua and The Lightning Road

Stay away from the window, don’t go outside when it’s storming and whatever you do, do not touch the orb.

Twelve-year-old Joshua Cooper’s grandpa has always warned him about the dangers of lightning. But Joshua never put much stock in his grandpa’s rumblings as anything more than the ravings of an old man with a vast imagination. Then one night, when Joshua and his best friend are home alone during a frightful storm, Joshua learns his grandpa was right. A bolt of lightning strikes his house and whisks away his best friend—possibly forever.

To get him back, Joshua must travel the Lightning Road to a dark place that steals children for energy. But getting back home and saving his friend won’t be easy, as Joshua must face the terrifying Child Collector and fend off ferocious and unnatural beasts intent on destroying him.

In this world, Joshua possesses powers he never knew he had, and soon, Joshua’s mission becomes more than a search for his friend. He means to send all the stolen children home—and doing so becomes the battle of his life.

add to goodreadsTitle: Joshua and the Lightning Road
Publication date: May 19, 2015
Publisher: Month9Books, LLC.
Author: Donna Galanti

Pre-order Links:

Amazon | B&N | Kobo | iBooks


Donna Galanti

Donna is the author of the Joshua and The Lightning Road series and the Element Trilogy. She is a contributing editor to International Thriller Writers the Big Thrill magazine and blogs at www.project-middle-grade-mayhem.blogs…, a cooperative of published middle grade authors. Visit her at and Donna wanted to be a writer ever since she wrote a murder mystery screenplay at seven and acted it out with the neighborhood kids. She attended an English school housed in a magical castle, where her wild imagination was held back only by her itchy uniform (bowler hat and tie included!). There she fell in love with the worlds of C.S. Lewis and Roald Dahl, and wrote her first fantasy about Dodo birds, wizards, and a flying ship (and has been writing fantasy ever since). She’s lived in other exotic locations, including her family-owned campground in New Hampshire and in Hawaii where she served as a U.S. Navy photographer. She now lives with her family and two crazy cats in an old farmhouse and dreams of returning one day to a castle.

Author Links: Website | Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads



To enter: Pre-order Joshua and the Lightning Road from your favorite bookseller and email proof of purchase to

First Prize: Apple iPad Mini 16GB

Second Prize: $25 B&N Gift Card

Third Prize: Signed map of the book’s world, the Lost Realm

Proof of purchase must be received before May 17th, 2015 at 11:59 p.m. EST to qualify. Open to U.S. residents only. Winners will be chosen using a random number generator and notified by May 22, 2015.

Joshua and The Lightning RoadButton~~~~~~~~~~~~

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Endless by Amanda Gray and Boneseeker Brynn Chapman with Giveaway #T4T

M9B Two for Thursday Book Blitz: Endless by Amanda Gray and Boneseeker Brynn Chapman with Giveaway #T4T


Hello and welcome to the first Two for Thursday Book Blitz #T4T
presented by Month9books/Tantrum Books!

Today, we will be showcasing two titles that may tickle your fancy,
and we’ll share what readers have to say about these titles!

You just might find your next read!

This week, #T4T presents to you:

Endless by Amanda Gray and Boneseeker Brynn Chapman

Be sure to enter the giveaway found at the end of the post!



Jenny Kramer knows she isn’t normal. After all, not everybody can see the past lives of people around them. When she befriends Ben Daulton, resident new boy, the pair stumbles on an old music box with instructions for “mesmerization” and discover they may have more in common than they thought.

Like a past life.

Using the instructions in the music box, Ben and Jenny share a dream that transports them to Romanov Russia and leads them to believe they have been there together before. But they weren’t alone. Nikolai, the mysterious young man Jenny has been seeing in her own dreams was there, too. When Nikolai appears next door, Jenny is forced to acknowledge that he has traveled through time and space to find her. Doing so means he has defied the laws of time, and the Order, an ominous organization tasked with keeping people in the correct time, is determined to send him back. While Ben, Jenny and Nikolai race against the clock — and the Order — the trio discovers a link that joins them in life — and beyond death.

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Available for Purchase:
amazon B&N

What Readers are Saying:

“I thought this book was pretty amazing – the characters, the setting and the adventure all came together to create this romantic yet ultimately dangerous story with a perfect time travel twist!”Hannah – Lemonade Library


“I started reading this not knowing completely what the story was about but there’s an amazing love story as well as a bit of history thrown into the mix along with some time travel and a soul mate and reincarnation!” – Anna – Bound in Ink Books

“This book is a very interesting twist on time travel, history and romance, something I would love to see adapted on the big screen in the future.”
Lyn – Reading Tsinoy

Amanda Gray believes in magic and fantasy and possibilities. She is a team of two bestselling authors who live only miles apart but have never met in person. They talk on the phone and are the best of friends and between them have written more than a dozen novels and novellas and have had their work appear on television.




Arabella Holmes was born different and raised different. After it became apparent she wouldn’t fit the role of a proper 1900′s lady, her father, Sherlock, called in some lingering favors, and landed her a position at the Mutter Museum. The museum was Arabella’s dream; she was to become a purveyor of abnormal science. What her father called a BoneSeeker.

Henry Watson arrives at the Mutter Museum with a double assignment–to become a finder of abnormal antiquities and to watch over and keep Arabella Holmes. An easy task, if he could only get her to speak to him instead of throwing knives in his general direction.

But this is no time for child’s play. The two teens are assigned to a most secret exploration, when the hand of a Nephilim is unearthed in upstate New York. Soon, Arabella and Henry are caught in a fight for their lives as scientific debate swirls around them. Are the bones from a Neanderthal … or are they living proof of fallen angels, who supposedly mated with humans according to ancient scrolls?

Sent to recover the skeleton, they discover they are the second team to have been deployed and the entire first team is dead. And now they must trust their instincts and rely on one another in order to survive and uncover the truth.

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Available for Purchase:
amazon B&N

What Readers are Saying:

“It was such a fab idea to take Holmes and Watson to the next generation and to have them on a kind of steampunk/ science adventure…”Nicky Peacock – Author

 “This was a fantastic historical romance, with a huge mystery to solve (and in true Holmes/Watson style!)… with some amazing twists and turns along the way. – Desiree – Reviewer

 “The settings are intriguing and the way they are described make you feel as if you are immersed in the story. I could feel the gloom and damp. That is rare in so many books! Boneseeker is a book I highly recommend, and I give it 5 stars!” Christy – Christy’s Cozy Corners

Brynn Chapman

Born and raised in western Pennsylvania, Brynn Chapman is the daughter of two teachers. Her writing reflects her passions: science, history and love—not necessarily in that order. In real life, the geek gene runs strong in her family, as does the Asperger’s syndrome. Her writing reflects her experience as a pediatric therapist and her interactions with society’s downtrodden. In fiction, she’s a strong believer in underdogs and happily-ever-afters. She also writes non-fiction and lectures on the subjects of autism and sensory integration and is a medical contributor to online journal The Age of Autism.

Author Links: Website | Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads


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