Review – Immortal Gifts by Katherine Villyard #katherinevillyard #immortalgifts

Immortality has never been introduced in this way.
This stirring novel was all at once witty, gritty, and surreal.
--Tracey S on NetGalley


Amazon / Goodreads

Immortal Gifts by Katherine Villyard is a fresh take on a familiar tale. These characters quickly drew me into their story and I found myself rapidly flipping pages to see what the future had in store for them.

We have two timelines and multiple character point of views. It was easy to follow along and the pacing kept the story flowing smoothly. I did read late into the night, but I didn’t finish it in one sitting.

Abraham is a vampire and he’s Jewish. He follows his religion as much as possible, considering he is a vampire. He is married to a human, Destiny. She’s a veterinarian. I love that he loves cats. He even nurses kittens, whenever Destiny brings them home. Can you picture a big bad vampire bottle feeding a tiny kitten? The animals have their own complex personalities that develop as the story unfolds.

Abraham’s biggest danger is Thomas, a blowhard vampire that rouses the masses to bring hell down on him. Abraham became a vampire when Ludwig impulsively saves him from death due to consumption. Thomas thinks that Abraham does not deserve immortality because he is Jewish, but Ludwig sees Abraham’s talents with a violin as a gift from God. There will be a reckoning.

There is a lot of historical information about Judaism and I trust that Katherine did her research. I do love the blending of religion and vampires that Katherine handles so well.

Immortal Gifts is Katherine Villyard’s first novel and I feel that she is a rising star. I loved Immortal Gifts and I can hardly wait for what comes next. After all, Abraham is Jewish and there are a lot of Nazi war criminals hiding out in South America.

My thanks go out to Katherine Villyard for the opportunity to read and review Immortal Gifts.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos
4 Stars

He lied about his identity. Two hundred years later, he’s still paying the price…

Prussia, 1841. Abraham only ever wanted to play violin. Hiding his Jewish status so he can study at the prestigious Berlin Academy of Music, the eager young man is delighted to find a patron who believes in him. But he’s mortified when his new friend turns him into a vampire… and Abraham earns the fury of an ancient antisemite who vows to see him permanently dead.

Fleeing the hate-mongering fiend across the decades, the sensitive violinist at last settles in twenty-first-century New Jersey with a mortal woman. But when he discovers his relentless tormentor has tracked him down yet again, Abraham despairs he’ll never find true happiness.

With everyone he’s ever loved at risk, can he escape the rage of a ruthless bigot?

In a complex tale woven through history, Katherine Villyard delivers a fresh and insightful twist on the vampire novel. Infusing the narrative with profound themes of love, betrayal, and the nature of monsters, she crafts an unforgettable saga of surviving prejudice that will keep readers turning pages deep into the night.

Immortal Gifts is the thoughtful first book in the Immortal Vampires contemporary fantasy series. If you like well-drawn characters, dual-timeline storytelling, and pulse-pounding suspense, then you’ll adore Katherine Villyard’s compelling read.

  • Genre: Fantasy, Fiction, Historical Fiction, Paranormal, Supernatural, Vampires, Witches
  • 412 pages, Paperback
  • Published February 1, 2025 by Flower Feather Press

My parents met singing opera and started taking me to choir practice when I was six weeks old. I attended four elementary schools and four high schools before getting master’s degrees in art and library science. So naturally I work in IT, abusing SQL Server for fun and profit. When I’m not working or writing, I’m probably playing the Sims or spoiling cats. My greatest ambition is to rule the world.

If you’re looking for “Becoming,” you can find it here.

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$20 GC – Shake Speared In The Park by Joy Ann Ribar @partnersincr1me

Shake-speared in the Park by Joy Ann Ribar Banner


by Joy Ann Ribar

March 17th – April 11, 2025 Virtual Book Tour


Shake-speared in the Park by Joy Ann Ribar



When Bay Browning helps direct the Flourish College summer theater production, “Shakespeare’s Couch,” she doesn’t plan for murder at the first practice.

Someone wants revenge against the elite cast members, as more terror unfolds on stage and backstage with each rehearsal. What should be a lighthearted parody on The Bard and his characters is cursed from the start, even without someone shouting “Macbeth” in the theater. Detective Downing takes charge of the crime, but Bay and her puzzle-solving cohort, Jen Yoo, follow their own script behind the scenes. Cassandra, Bay’s extraordinary sister, makes her own dramatic entrance on the case. After all, Cass is now the personal assistant to one of the elites living the high life on the bluff above Prairie Ridge. How many tragic scenes will be scripted before the villain faces the final curtain?

Praise for Shake-speared in the Park:

“A clever cozy that reads like an elusive buried treasure, that, once uncovered, shines with a burnished gold. Shakespearean scholars can revel throughout, as a college summer play, Shakespeare’s Couch, features a myriad of familiar characters, representing their plays. A costume party with more Shakespearean identities milling about provides sheer fun and frolic. The best part, however, is the thorough depiction of humanity, characteristic of Ribar’s writing. Even secondary characters come alive with strengths and foibles that delight and endear.”
~ Saralyn Richard, author of the Detective Parrott mystery series, Bad Blood Sisters, and Mrs. Oliver’s Twist

“Ribar serves up wicked, clever fun in ‘Shake-speared in the Park,’ the second installment in her Bay Browning mystery series. A young man with much promise falls from a stage-prop balcony. He’s dead when he lands, but that’s not what killed him. Was his brother, the wayward son, involved? His best friend? Or one of the wealthy equestrian crowd? Then, another death, this time in a greenhouse. It’s like ‘Knives Out’ meets Agatha Christie. Suspects abound. Two sisters—one a killer magnet, the other an ex-con—are determined to find out. The escalating tempo keeps readers on the edge of their seats until the end!”
~ Laurie Buchanan, author of the Sean McPherson crime thriller novels

“In this fast-paced mystery and nod to Shakespeare, the murderous shenanigans would please the Bard himself! Professor Bay Browning’s play rehearsals go awry with deadly weapons, poisons, and just about anything else a playwright might use to scare or ‘off’ someone in dramatic fashion. As in ‘Romeo & Juliet,’ differences of class and money between families put a small Wisconsin college and Bay in the crosshairs. Replete with a twisty costume party, this novel opens the curtain on an entertaining theater production with actors poised to take their final bow, pun intended. Ribar balances scenes effectively between amateur detectives Bay and her sister Cass, the latter a plant aficionado and former prison inmate. To borrow from the Bard, ‘To read or not to read?’ The answer is easy: This is fun.”
~ Christine DeSmet, author, Fudge Shop Mystery Series and Mischief in Moonstone Series

Book Details:

Genre: Blended Mystery: Traditional Mystery with Paranormal Twists
Published by: Wine Glass Press
Publication Date: February 2025
Number of Pages: 359
ISBN: 9781959078272 (ISBN10: 1959078275)
Series: Bay Browning Mysteries: Book Two
Book Links: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | | Goodreads

Read an excerpt:

Carillon Tower Park was buzzing with activity when Bay arrived for rehearsal. Desmond Carver, the director, was only steps ahead of her, so she dashed to catch up. Bay smiled at his signature bobbing walk on those extra-long legs that might belong to a pro basketball player instead of a theater professor.

“Desmond, hey. Looks like the students are psyched about the show.” Bay nodded toward the outdoor theater area where a portable tech booth had been set up. People inside were testing spotlights and sound effects.

The stage was midway through set construction showing false stone walls and two framed second story balconies. Someone was sweeping the stage free of pine needles, while a couple of others were taping the floor where furniture would go. Bay waved at Jen Yoo, her art professor friend, who was painting a flat with some students.

“It’s a positive sign when they show up early. Believe me, once we’re in the trenches, some will find reasons not to show up at all.” Desmond set a stack of scripts on one of the seats near the middle of the theater. “Actors,” he said using air quotes around the word.

Bay’s optimism didn’t dwindle. She was pleased with the turnout for auditions, considering it was a summer production, meaning many students were gone or working. The fact she and Desmond had backups for the main roles revealed enthusiasm for the show.

Desmond handed her a theater badge and key for the rooms beyond the stage. “By the way, in case I forget later, thanks so much for volunteering to help with the play. It can be a thankless job.”

Bay grinned but wondered why Desmond was being so pessimistic. He wasn’t close to retirement, maybe ten years older than Bay, and she’d pegged him as carefree and upbeat. Then again, in the two years she’d been a Flourish professor, she’d had a handful of short conversations with him.

At seven p.m. on the dot, the clock tower bell rang out the hour and Desmond spoke through a megaphone he’d brought to rehearsal. “Let’s get going. We start on time. We end on time. That’s my number one rule.”

To Bay’s surprise, every student hushed without delay. She’d heard Desmond was respected, and he knew these students from past plays. Many were seniors doing a final postgraduation show before entering the real world.

“For the first few rehearsals, we’re going to need to work around the set builders and the tech crew setting up lights and testing sounds. This isn’t a typical show. Summer theater is a shortened schedule, so we’re putting an entire production together in short order.” Desmond handed printed schedules to Bay, who passed them out to the actors and crew.

It wasn’t quite June, thankfully, because performances were marked for the last week of that month, just past the celebration of Midsummer on June twenty-fourth.

“You’ll notice on the schedule that all lines must be memorized by June tenth. That’s two weeks, my friends. Let’s make it happen.” Desmond used his teacher voice. Even Bay snapped to attention.

“Places everyone. We’ll start with the prologue and go straight through from act one as far as we can until eight-thirty. The script notes some introductory music, but we won’t add that for a couple of weeks. Proceed, Kitt.”

Bay and Desmond watched from the back third of the theater, taking notes as lines were delivered, stopping when necessary to help with enunciation or cadence. At the end of the second act, Desmond announced a seven-minute break, then headed to the tech booth to talk about lighting.

Bay noticed he seemed nervous about the tech crew being run by an intern. His normal production partner, Leo, another theater professor, was spending summer break in New York City at a Broadway intensive master class. Leo recommended a theater grad student from Madison to take his place.

As lights flashed on and off in different positions, Bay watched the techies at the booth. Desmond pointed at the script as intern Evan made notes, then flashed the light Desmond asked for. Bay noticed Evan’s body posture: alert, attentive, like a golden retriever eager to please. In contrast, Desmond alternated running a hand through the twists on top of his head, placing his hands on his hips, then rubbing the back of his neck before repeating the moves again.

“That looks intense.” Jen Yoo was sitting by Bay, a clean paint brush in one hand.

“Hey, Jen. Yes, I’ve never seen this side of Desmond. How about you?”

Jen shrugged. “I haven’t worked on a summer production in some time. The younger Desmond was laid-back. But some of us lose our patience as we age. Thankfully, I don’t have that problem.” She snickered.

Bay turned her full attention to Jen. “Why are you working on this production, anyway?”

“Two reasons. One: It fulfills my volunteer hours for the whole year. Two: It’s a show you wrote. I’m proud of you and want to see how it turns out.” Jen leaned her head over to meet Bay’s.

With break wrapping up, chatter from the stage echoed around the quiet outdoors. When a commotion ensued, Bay chalked it up to high energy from a new show, the honeymoon period. But then a loud thud sounded, someone began shrieking, and a cacophony of shouts and running feet ensued.

Bay, Jen, and Desmond ran to the stage, with the tech crew close behind. The adults vaulted onto the stage where the lead actor, Talon Hunt, lay crumpled in a twisted heap.

“Everybody back up,” Desmond shouted.

“He fell off the balcony,” one of the students called out.

“I didn’t mean to. We were goofing around, practicing a duel.” Jackson Lange knelt over Talon, his chest heaving, his face distraught.

Desmond, Jen, and Bay knelt beside Talon too, and Jackson stood up and looked away. Desmond checked Talon’s pulse, shook his head, listened for a heartbeat, and shook his head again. Bay called 911.

“Let’s straighten him a bit so I can do CPR.” Desmond motioned for Jen and Bay to get on either side of his legs and they gingerly turned him.

Desmond was still administering chest compressions and breaths when the emergency team arrived to take over. Thirty minutes later, the EMTs pronounced Talon dead.


Excerpt from Shake-speared in the Park by Joy Ann Ribar. Copyright 2025 by Joy Ann Ribar. Reproduced with permission from Joy Ann Ribar. All rights reserved.



Author Bio:

Joy Ann Ribar

Joy Ann Ribar is an RV author, writing on the road wherever her husband and their Winnebago View wanders. Joy’s cocktail of careers includes news reporter, paralegal, English educator, and aquaponics greenhouse technician, all of which prove useful in penning mysteries. Her cozy Deep Lakes Mysteries, feature baker/vintner Frankie Champagne, who moonlights as an investigative reporter. Joy’s Bay Browning Mysteries blend edgy, traditional, and paranormal elements twisted around classical literary themes. Joy loves to bake, read, research wines, and explore nature. Her writing has received awards and recognition from WWA, PenCraft Book Awards, Book Fest, Reader’s Favorite, and Chanticleer Cozy and Not-So-Cozy awards.

Catch Up With Joy Ann Ribar:
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Amazon Author Profile
BookBub – @ribarjoy
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$25 GC & Review – Golden Blood: A Vampire Story by Tim Vee @_Tim_Vee_ @goddessfish

Golden Blood by Tim Vee

GENRE:  Vampire Horror


Amazon / Goodreads

The gorgeous, eye catching cover is only the beginning of the deliciousness of Golden Blood: A Vampire Story by Tim Vee. I grab any vampire books that come my way and Golden Blood is a fresh take of a familiar tale. It’s pretty hard to come up with a new slant, seeing there are thousands of books out there. Good job ,Tim.

Balthazar Jiménez de Quesada’s greed has him transformed into a vampire, one of the most grotesque I have ever come across. He’s definitely not sparkly. He turns the wrong person when he slaughtered Yvette’s family and left her for dead. She plots her revenge.

She devotes her vampiric life to finding Golden Blood, the rarest type of blood. It can break the vampire curse, turning her back into a human. There are some bloods that can give a vampire the human feeling for a short period of time, but she wants Golden Blood. So does Balthazar, after he gets his first taste. He wants to kill her and take over her ‘company’.

I love what Tim Vee has done with Golden Blood. I would not change anything. These are not your Twilight vampires. Tim has some of the most vivid descriptions and I can see the flies buzzing, skin sloughing off…

We have a bit of a history lesson with our horror and I was all in. The more I read, the more engrossed I was in the story. I would have read it in one sitting, if I could have, but I did read until the wee hours of the morning.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos
5 Stars

In 1540, conquistador Balthazar Jiménez de Quesada embarks on a quest for gold but encounters an ancient evil in the jungles of Colombia, La Pastola, transforming him into an immortal vampire. Centuries later, as Napoleon’s army clashes with the British in 1815, a brutal massacre near Walloon births a new vampire desperate to break her curse. In present-day Los Angeles, a man with the rarest blood type—Golden Blood—enters a dangerous world where the line between predator and prey blurs, as a secret society of vampires hunts for the key to their salvation…or their destruction.

Golden Blood is a gripping tale of horror, history, and the eternal struggle for redemption, spanning from the New World’s blood-soaked jungles to the underbelly of modern L.A.

Golden Blood is the story about one vampire’s search for Golden Blood that can reverse the vampiric curse and her need for revenge against the vampire that slaughtered her family and turned her into a vampire centuries before. Set in the jungles of Colombia in the 1500s, the Caribbean in the 1700s, Europe in the 1800s and 1900s, and present-day Los Angeles, Golden Blood is a dark, bleak, and gothic story.

He seemed to feel lightheaded and rocked on his heels. And then he became aware that something, someone, was behind him. He slowly turned.

A tall, pale-skinned woman stood before him. Her skin was white and bloodless, and her face was gaunt. Her eyes were dark, and her hair was as white as snow, tied back in a bun. Her rich, full, red lips were the only color on her face.

The woman looked to be about 40. Her pale skin was translucent on her cheekbones and forehead and smooth and creaseless. It was as if her face were made of thin pale parchment, with painted cherry red lips.

She was dressed in a doctor’s gown, a black dress, black stockings, and black stiletto shoes.

Rico stared at the woman and gasped. He staggered backwards and fell into the examination chair.

The woman strode over and stood over Rico. “Mr. Hernandez, what a true pleasure to meet you!” The nurse reclined the chair. Rico collapsed backwards as he stared at the doctor, still gasping.

“Prep the patient for the procedure,” she said. She sat on the stool and smiled at Rico, showing her perfect white teeth. The nurse left the room.

Tim works in digital marketing in Toronto and is well-traveled, having visited over 80 countries. When he is not working or writing, he likes to spend time with his family and German Shepherd and go cycling.

Tim has written fifteen other books: The Secret Policemen and The Secret Service, both dystopian dark comedies, and eight science fiction novels: Extinction, Annabelle, The Three Lives of Mr. Amazing, Fission, The Children of the Third Reich, The Child of Mars, The Children of Andaalwaald,  Angel, and Janus.

Tim has also written Magpie – a dark and intense journey into the world of international espionage and terrorism,  The Killer Who Loves Me, a suspenseful, thrilling detective story about the hunt for a serial killer, Golden Blood, a dark, gothic vampire story, and Christmas Inc., an anarchic, subversive, and satirical Christmas story.

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Review – Beside The Darker Shore by Patricia J Esposito #patriciajesposito #besidethedarkershore

Amazon / Goodreads

Anyone that knows me, knows I love my vampires. It doesn’t matter whether they are sparkly or horrific, bring ’em on. When Patricia J Esposito offered me a chance to read her novel, Beside The Darker Shore, I was happy to oblige. It sounded different than the norm and I am always on the lookout for something different.

Governor David Gedden is responsible for the state’s vampire community. He has an obsession with Stephen Salando, an immortal dhampir. How far will he go to have Stephen? Will he become a killer himself? Will he become an ally with the community’s archrival?

Beside The Darker Shore by Patricia J Esposito is a m/m romance, but it is so much more than that. It’s a tale of love and obsession and corruption of a man who espouses truth. If you like dark, brooding vampires, this could be for you.

I really wanted to love Beside The Darker Shore by Patricia J Esposito, but it missed the mark, for me. The writing flowed and the tale was interesting, keeping me reading til the last page was read, but I didn’t find myself lost in the characters or the story. This is Patricia’s first novel and I have high hopes for her in the future. I’ll have my eye on her.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos
3 Stars

What might the ethical Governor David Gedden give up for one man’s exquisite beauty? It’s terrifying to consider when the man is a destructive blood prostitute and David is responsible for the state’s peaceful vampire community. Blood sales in Boston are up, blood taxes support a thriving new nightlife, neighborhoods have been refurbished, and deaths by vampires have plummeted. David is assured reelection. However, the blood addict Stephen Salando has returned from exile with one unalterable plan: to turn the good governor into a vampire. Stephen is an immortal dhampir, whose beauty obliterates reason, who rouses in David a fierce desire he’s ignored his whole life. For David to have Stephen, he must ally with the community’s archrival. To have him, he must become a potential killer himself.

  • Genre: Fiction, Horror, MM Romance, Paranormal, Supernatural Vampires
  • 248 pages, Kindle Edition
  • First published July 1, 2011 by Eternal Press

I’ve been a writer of edgy paranormal fiction for most of my life, but always knew I had a romantic heart. My most recent fiction and poetry reflect that enduring quest for love and joy beneath the human struggle. I’ve had numerous stories and poems published in anthologies and magazines, received honorable mentions in “year’s best” anthologies, and been nominated for a Pushcart Prize. I work as a copy editor for law books and textbooks, when I’m not spending time with family, friends, books and music, or I’m off exploring the intoxicating realms of the imagination and chasing muses. Beside the Darker Shore is my first novel.

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Giveaway – Stone Guardian by Gayle Katz @xpressotours

Stone Guardian
Gayle Katz
(Masonry, Magic, and Love, #1)
Publication date: March 4th 2022
Genres: Paranormal, Romance

No Steam! No Spice! Gargoyles are immovable statues of stone. Lifeless, the librarian thought, until one of them takes flight to save her from an untimely demise.

A kindhearted but lonely librarian. Nancy is drowning under the weight of an abusive boyfriend, failing grades, and looming unemployment. While at work, she confides her deepest, darkest secrets to the gargoyle perched near her desk. But she’s unprepared when the strange stone statue comes to life.

A gentle gargoyle born under a curse. Treyton can’t believe it. In the past century that he’s been guarding the beloved Victorian library he calls home, the lonesome man never had anyone notice him until now. And he’s enchanted by the beautiful woman yearning for true love under his watchful gaze. But the witch who gave him life wants him back. And she’s willing to kill anyone who stands in her way.

As his vile witch plots against them, will Nancy and Treyton be torn apart forever, or can they overcome the evil threatening their love — and their lives?

The Complete Series:

Goodreads / Amazon / Barnes & Noble / iBooks / Kobo

Get the complete series HERE!


It was the screams that woke Nancy.

They were bloodcurdling, gut-wrenching howls filled with nothing but pain. It was unlike anything Nancy had ever heard before.

Gasping for breath, Nancy’s eyes flew open. She pitched forward and peered around her with bleary eyes, trying to figure out which of her neighbors must have been shrieking … but instead of her ceiling and her warm blankets, she found herself lying in a heap on the side of a dirt road.

Above her, gray clouds swirled through the frigid night. Snowflakes drifted down and clung to her lashes and her hair.

Why was she outside? The last thing she remembered was diving into bed after Diana left.

Panic filled her as she rolled clumsily onto her arms and knees, finding her legs twisted and tangled in endless yards of fabric. It was only when she managed to drag herself to her feet by gripping a lantern-lit street post that she realized she was no longer in her Wonder Woman pajamas. She was dressed in a long-sleeved frock that swirled around her ankles. She grabbed at the thick fabric, tugging and pulling at it, until she realized that she was wearing some sort of antiquated dress and a petticoat.

“I must be dreaming,” Nancy whimpered, but she was hardly able to hear herself over the screams still echoing around her.

Her chest heaving, Nancy stumbled down the dirt road. She had to find someone, anyone, to tell her where she was and what was going on. This place was unrecognizable to her. There were only ten houses on this small road, as well as a building Nancy assumed was some sort of general store. There was also something almost familiar about the budding town, though Nancy could not put her finger on what it was—especially when she realized that flames licked up toward the sky from most of the buildings. Heat emanated from them, battling with the wintry chill of the air.

Nancy froze. She could only stare as the townspeople ran around wildly and begged for help. Suddenly, men on horses charged through the village, some swinging swords and guns while others aimed flaming arrows at people and homes.

“The outsiders are attacking!” someone screamed before getting cut down before Nancy’s very eyes.

“No … no!” shrieked Nancy. “Wake up, please! I don’t want to be here anymore!”

Author Bio:

Daring Women. Dangerous Worlds.

Gayle is a fan of zombies, sci-fi fantasy romance, and psychological horror—though not necessarily in that order. She writes the kinds of books she wants to read but often can’t find. Hoping to scare you, make you swoon, and root for her characters, her love of kick-butt heroines and sassy snark shines through in her work.

Born and raised outside of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Gayle lives with her husband and they are currently working on their own happily ever after.

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Giveaway – The Karma Factor by Thomas Lane @partnersincr1me

The Karma Factor by Thomas Lane Banner


by Thomas Lane

February 10 – March 7, 2025 Virtual Book Tour


The Karma Factor by Thomas Lane

NYPD Detective James Early wanted out. Taking his death wish into a tenement on the Lower east side, he stepped into a hail of machine-gun fire…and waited. But the bullets never arrived. Somehow they had been “diverted” and his life saved. Now he had to find out why.

Ricochetting between the mountains of Tibet, the streets of New York City and the haunted corridors of past lives, Early attempts to track down this mystery. A devastating truth from his previous lifetime awaits him. At its core lies a pure and innocent love that led to carnage and death.

In the process of discovery, however, Early mysteriously gains access to a database of past lives (the Akashic Records), and begins to understand the submerged element that underlies the human condition—the godfather of change. Karma.

Infused with this new awareness, Early hits the streets—this time “awakened” to the deeper layers. Immediately, he is flung into the frantic hunt for an unknown assassin who has declared a private war on America and has already killed seven times.

While the combined forces of the NYPD, FBI and Interpol comb the streets looking for clues, James Early follows the twisting light.

In the end, it will come down to a wild card: The Karma Factor

Praise for The Karma Factor:

“The Karma Factor not only delivers on all its IOUs—it provides ample food for thought as to how we live our lives and our connection to the cosmos.”
~ Joey Madia, Into the Outer Realms

“Demonstrating remarkable literary talent, Thomas Lane transcends the troubled police detective trope by incorporating elements of Eastern philosophy, predestination and reincarnation in this fast-paced thriller. In the tradition of The DaVinci Code and Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, Lane’s debut novel The Karma Factor is entertaining and thought-provoking; introducing readers to characters and concepts that are not often given center stage in Western culture…”

“Tom Lane has written a powerful story of inner transformation and outer suspense and heroism that will have you turning pages, inspiring you to understand your own life within a new cosmic framework. I couldn’t put it down.”
~ Robert Thurman, Professor Emeritus of Tibetan Buddhism, Translator for the Dalai Lama and Author of Wisdom Is Bliss

Book Details:

Genre: Mystery, Supernatural Thriller, Visionary Fiction, Metaphysical Thriller
Published by: Waterside Productions
Publication Date: November 1, 2022
Number of Pages: 352
ISBN: 1958848212 (ISBN-13: 978-1958848210)
Book Links: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

Read an excerpt:

In times of crisis, James Early often found himself listening to the background noise of the city, the churning mantra of Manhattan that drifted up from the streets below. Somehow all those harsh single notes—the honking horns, the squealing brakes—could blend together and end up sounding restful, like the wash of the sea.

But tonight, watching her put her clothes back on, the air was charged and full of static. He had his reasons, but he hated himself for causing her this moment.

Lit only by the flickering light from the fireplace, Kelli Girard stood with her back to him, pulling on her skirt. Usually, after being together, getting dressed was a graceful act, a physical celebration of her womanhood. But on this evening, her motions were clipped and terse. Right then, the world was an ugly place. On top of everything else, she broke another nail fighting with the buttons on her blouse. She spoke without looking up.

“Come on, Early. This stinks. Throw me a bone here. Say something that makes sense.” Balancing on one foot, she leaned down and slipped on a high heel. “You won’t even give me the satisfaction of a cliché. There’s no ‘other woman.’ You’re not doing the ‘you deserve better’ bit. Nothing. Just—bang! It’s over. And you can’t even tell me why?”

She stood up and smoothed down her clothes. “But I’ll tell you how it feels. Like you’ve had your little fling with the secretary. And now it’s time to toss her back into the general pool where she belongs. Cold, Early. Really cold.”

He remained silent, compulsively rubbing his forehead, pushing back a clump of grey-tinged dark hair. In truth, there was too much to say, but words would trivialize it. And it had nothing to do with her, nothing to do with anything he understood. All he knew was that his mind was finally giving way. The hostile voices and images were crowding him out. And he couldn’t access the language to describe it…

Early finally stood up. At thirty-eight years old and driven, he was still lean and muscular. A hybrid of Irish and Jewish ancestry, his thin, sculpted face seemed overwhelmed by a collection of strong irregular features. Growing up in Brooklyn and living the daily warfare of the streets had deepened and darkened the effect, giving him an intense, somewhat brooding presence. As he turned toward her, his expression remained cloaked.

“You’re making it worse. This was never about the big love. We knew that from the start. We’re friends, remember? Let’s leave it there before we regret the whole thing.”

She turned away from him, almost fiercely, then checked herself and sighed. “What’s the use? You’ve got everyone else duped. I hear the talk. By day, the great legendary cop—intuitive, ballsy. Down at the station, a James Early hunch is considered gospel. And, on top of all that, he’s a regular good guy. Nothing but hard work and ‘go team, go.’”

She squinted at him in the semidarkness. “But after hours? Well, strange things come out to play. Guy’s got a flip side. He’s doing women, liquor, God knows what else. And here’s the sad part. He’s working hard at it, but the bad boy thing doesn’t fit him. Doesn’t fit him at all.”

She paused, retrieved her earrings from the bedside table, and jammed them into her purse. “So who’s James Early? The jury’s absolutely still out.”

Early grabbed her by the shoulders. “Listen. I’m bone-tired, and I’m not right. I have nightmares, vicious ones. I wake up sweating, with no memories—just worn out. And the pressure never quits, never gives me a day off. Right now, all I want to do is go sit on a beach somewhere and forget. But I can’t. And there’s no room . . . no room for anything else until I sort it all out.”

He slackened his grip. “I can’t care if you don’t understand. I’m just asking you not to take it personally.”

His words slapped her quiet. For a moment, she stopped her barrage and actually studied him. It had only been five months ago, but no, this was not the same man she had flirted with in a Soho bar. The sharp features seemed worn down, the grey-green eyes colder, more distant. Even his skin looked paler, drawn more tightly across his cheekbones. With his guard down, her sometimes-lover did seem ten years older and running very rough.

“Hey Early, it’s the twentieth century. You feel messed up—you see somebody. There are medications that—”

“Zombies and junkies. No thanks. I’ll take my chances.” He mustered his best smile. “I just need to regroup. I’ll get through it. People do it every day.”

Kelli resumed her packing. Wadding up her negligee into a ball, she tossed it unceremoniously into her overnight bag. “I thought I got in there,” she said softly, “but I swear there’s an electric fence around you.”

He shrugged. It was true –– he avoided real intimacy. It was all about sex and liquor–– mind numbing sensation and quick routes to oblivion that had gotten hm through the nights. Now even that wasn’t working.

The flames in the fireplace had softened into embers—a steady orange sheen bathing the room. As Kelly zipped up her bag, Early slipped on his underwear and trousers, then got her coat from the closet. Taking her arm, he navigated her around the chaos on the cluttered floor. Her traditional comment about the maid’s night off went unspoken. At the door, he put his arm around her waist. His six feet towered above her diminutive frame.

“It’s better for both of us this way. I mean it.” He rested a hand on her shoulder. “Please take care of yourself.”

“Whatever.” She fixed her collar. “I’m not going to hold my breath, but if you need or want . . . hell, just a friend, call me.”

She leaned up against him and gave him a girlish kiss on the cheek. Turning quickly, she disappeared down the stairs into the darkness of the lower landing.

When he could no longer hear the click of her heels, he closed the door softly, then sagged against it, exhausted from his efforts. It was getting harder and harder to hold the surface together while the foundation was breaking into pieces…

He willed himself upright and into the living room, where he collapsed into the armchair in front of the fireplace. Alone now, the fire hissed and danced quietly before him.

His eyes scrutinized the small studio apartment. He was struck by its sadness, struck by the pervading sense of loneliness. The room was inhabited, yes, but not lived in. It hadn’t always been that way.

When, as a rookie cop, he had first moved in, he had commanded the space. Within months, he had turned it into a bastion of discipline and masculine aesthetics: dark wood and brick and things in their rightful places. As his condition worsened, however, things unraveled. Chaos was an easy mistress. Now, from the unmade bed to a floor strewn with empty bottles, pizza boxes, and newspapers, no sense of home was being articulated. Maybe it never would again.

Early leaned over and pulled his .38 revolver from the shoulder holster on the end table. It felt like a touchstone; the weight, the cold metal in his hand oddly soothing. The cylinder spun effortlessly beneath his fingertips. Round and round. He lifted it to his ear and smiled obliquely. Chamber music.

With the heel of his hand, he brought the spinning cylinder to an abrupt halt, then unloaded a single bullet. Turning it around between his thumb and index finger, Early examined it carefully. Sexy. A jewel of death.

Rotating the chamber slowly, he emptied the rest of the ammo into his hand until all six bullets lay nestled in his palm. They were asleep now. A family. At peace in their snug metal jackets. Then, as if feeding them to a wild animal, he began to toss the bullets, one by one, into the fireplace.

“Here’s one for the sickos. One for the cop killers.”

Then two more.

“For all the scumbag lawyers, corrupt politicos. You’re the worse. You keep it all going. You’re supposed to know better.”

Without warning, the first slug hit meltdown and exploded, sending a shower of shattered brick from inside the chimney down onto the flaming logs. The second and third followed quickly as ash and smoke belched into the room.

Early’s face remained impassive as he fingered the last two shells. He isolated one.

“For all of you. Your crap. Not mine anymore.”

The next eruption came moments later, kicking out a fireball onto his carpet. A chunk of metal whizzed past his ear and tore into the wallpaper on the opposite wall.

The hallway outside filled with the sudden cacophony of rattling deadbolts sliding and doors flinging open and people yelling. Early ignored the commotion. Unaware of the silent tears on his cheek, he leaned closer to the pit of swirling sparks and ashes, the last bullet resting in the middle of his open hand.

“And this one, James Early, is for you. You and all your ghosts. You’re broken. Don’t know how to fix yourself.”

A furious knocking at his door startled him back to reality.

“Hey! Hey in there! Early, you all right?”

Disoriented, the detective looked around. Caustic smoke swirled around the room. Live coals glowed on the carpet and from the side of the armchair. He stared down at the bullet still cupped in his palm. It seemed out of focus. Surreal.

The knocking came again, this time louder.

But now the sounds were far away, in someone else’s bad movie. Placing the final bullet back into his revolver, he adjusted the chamber. When he needed it, it would be there.

Slowly and deliberately, Early got up, went to his closet, and finished dressing. His plainclothes uniform never varied: white shirt, tie, black shoes. Beneath the grey sports jacket, his revolver and holster pressed against his ribs.

Trench coat under his arm, he crawled through the window and stepped out onto the fire escape. The sudden shift was abrasive. A sharp April wind lashed at his face. A massive city roared below.

Hands gripping the railing, he leaned out into the night. All around, the inky skyline peaked and plunged. Above, the stars shone like dull silver—cold, eternal nails hammered into the night sky.

As the wail of a siren grew closer, Early descended, zigzagging his way down to Seventy-Eighth Street.

One thing was obvious. Whatever forces were conspiring, whatever madness was overtaking him, it was about to hit critical mass.


Excerpt from The Karma Factor by Thomas Lane. Copyright 2022 by Thomas Lane. Reproduced with permission from Thomas Lane. All rights reserved.



Author Bio:

Born and raised in Connecticut, Thomas Lane is a multi-dimensional creative drawn to spaces where art, spirit, and social justice intersect. He is the author of The Artists’ Manifesto–– a tribute to the power of the Arts, its value to a society that has forgotten the precious nature of life.

In addition to a book of poetry, screenplays and paintings, he recently recorded a CD of his songs, entitled Hotel Earth under the stage name, Trakker.

Politically active since his teens, Thomas subsequently created The Helen Hudson Foundation, a charitable organization focused on social issues –– including homelessness, racism, and the environment. He currently lives with his wife in Rhode Island.

Catch Up With Thomas Lane:
Amazon Author Profile
Instagram – @thomaslane494
YouTube – @thomaslane2402
Facebook – @musicwordimage



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Review – It’s Raining Men by Hollie Smurthwaite @H_Smurthwaite

Amazon / Kindle Unlimited / Goodreads

I first became acquainted with Hollie Smurthwaite when I read her The Psychic Colors Series. I loved the trilogy, so she is on my radar. When I saw the opportunity to read It’s Raining Men, how could I possible resist. I mean, the author, the title, the blurb, and the cover made me have to have it.

The first man fell from the sky.

With a start like that, I am off and running.

“I’ve got cobwebs in my hoo-ha. They make me cranky.”

It’s Raining Men by Holliesmurthwaite was everything I anticipated. The action begins from the opening pages and never lets up. Sahara is a fabulous character with a big heart. She opens her home and the hunkalicious men keep coming. We have a paranormal curse that she is determined to remove to give the men she comes to care for their freedom. There are many laughable moments that put a smile on my face.

I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of It’s Raining Men by Holliesmurthwaite.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos
4 Stars

Male-storm Warning in Effect!

A woman stumbles into a witches’ spell and finds the “perfect guy” she never wanted.
Sahara’s life is a broke, betrayed, and roasting in a record-breaking heatwave—with no air conditioning. But when her dog bolts into Willowbark Retreat, things go from bad to bizarre.

Outside, it’s pouring rain. Inside? It’s raining men.

Turns out, the quirky commune ladies are actually witches who’ve conjured perfect gorgeous, obedient, and magically programmed to fulfill their every sexual whim.

When one of these creations imprints on Sahara, she’s stuck with Cortland—frustratingly stubborn, shamelessly seductive, and relentless in his pursuit of sex. She wants him just as much, but giving in while he’s bespelled would mean betraying principles she refuses to compromise.

While Sahara scrambles to break the spell, and her libido battling her better judgment, she reluctantly leans on a group of magical heroes desperate to escape their own enchantments.

They raid her fridge, clutter her space, and—slowly but surely—Sahara must decide if she’s ready to stop just surviving and start fighting for the love and family she never thought she deserved.

Enemies-to-lovers, found family, and magical mayhem collide in this steamy paranormal rom-com where the storms are freaky, the men are maddening, and love is the ultimate magic

  • Genre: Comedy, Fiction, Humor, Romance
  • 360 pages, Kindle Edition
  • Published February 11, 2025

Hollie Smurthwaite is a paranormal romantic suspense author of The Color of Trauma and The Color of Betrayal. The Color of Trauma was the winner of the 2020 Soon to Be Famous Illinois Author Project in adult fiction. She lives in Chicago with her husband, son, and too few pets. In past lives, she’s been a checkout clerk, massage therapist, office manager, recruiter, magazine staff writer, pepper spray hawker, and belly dancer.

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Review – Stolen By The Berseker by Asa Maria Bradley @AsaMariaBradley #BookBoyfriendBinge

Amazon / Kindle Unlimited / Goodreads

Stolen By The Berserker by Asa Maria Bradley is a novella, packed with action. An immortal Viking, Sten, enters Cassie’s life and nothing will ever be the same. The action is non stop, as is the danger they face. We may have insta love, but that fits the story and I’m good with it. Stolen By the Berserker by Asa Maria Bradley may be short, but it was very engaging.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos
4 Stars

The captor became the captive.
He’s an immortal Viking who’s in town to complete a semi-legal weapons deal. She’s the tempting server dishing out delicious pie at the local diner. After one sizzling night, they both think they can just walk away from each other.

But even if Loki’s monsters and the Goddess Freya had not exacerbated the situation, they would both still be very wrong. That one night changed everything.

Note: This standalone novella takes place in the Norse Warrior Protectors world.

You’ll love Stolen by the Berserker if you’re a fan of:
-Creature/Monster Romance
-Forced Proximity
-Dominant Immortal Vikings
-Shotgun-Wielding Mountain Girls
-One-Night Stands that Turn into So Much More
-Soulmarked Fated Mates
-He Falls First
-Norse Mythology
-Spicy Sizzling Chemistry

  • Genre: Fiction, Mythology, Novella, Paranormal, Romance, Supernatural
  • 101 pages, Kindle Edition
  • Published September 5, 2024 by Kaering Press

USA Today Bestselling Author Asa Maria Bradley grew up in Sweden surrounded by archaeology and history steeped in Norse mythology, which inspired her sexy paranormal romance and urban fantasy series.

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Booklist attributes Asa’s writing with “nonstop action, satisfying romantic encounters, and intriguing world building” and Entertainment Weekly says “when it comes to paranormal romance with explosive action scenes, Bradley has that nailed.” Her work has received the honors of a double nomination for the Romance Writers of America’s RITA contest, a Reviewers’ Choice Award nomination, a Holt Medallion win, and a Booksellers’ Best Award win.

Asa came to the United States as a high school exchange student and quickly fell in love with ranch dressing and crime TV dramas of all flavors, two addictions she unfortunately still struggles with. Currently, she lives on a lake deep in the forest of the Pacific Northwest with a British husband and a rescue dog of indeterminate breed. Sadly, neither of them obeys any of her commands.

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Review – The Last voyage Of Captain Redfearn by D V Sullivan @bydvsullivan

Amazon / Kindle Unlimited / Goodreads

The Lair Series by D V Sullivan is one of my favorite vampire series. Each book is as good or better than the last and I hope D has plenty more on the horizon. It’s such a unique setting for vampires and D’s vivid descriptions creep me out big time, especially when I try to visualize them.

The Last Voyage is all about Captain Redfearn and chief stewardess, Mrs Colding. They have both had an attraction for the other, but they had never acted on it…until now. We will learn more of their histories and be there when their slow burning romance finally comes to fruition.

Captain Redfearn knows he failed as a father, but he sets off on a rescue mission for his missing daughter. Mrs Colding is no pushover, and insists on coming with him. He will be thankful that she is at his side. Don’t underestimate her. She is as tough as they come. And Captain Redfearn…he will lay his life on the line for his daughter, fighting through his past insecurities.

I love all the violence, death and gore.

The ending….excellent. I never saw it coming. I can hardly wait to see what adventure is in store for us in the next story. The Lair series unique take on vampires has me hooked and if you are a vampire lover like I am, I think it will give you the same reading pleasure I found.

I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of The Last Voyage Of Captain Redfearn.

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5 Stars

A missing daughter. A failed father. A dangerous rescue mission that could be his chance to redeem himselfor cost him both love and family.

Captain Redfearn’s estranged daughter is missing. When he discovers she’s been held captive in his world of yachts-as-vampire lairs, he decides to risk his life to make amends and rescue her.

But he won’t be going alone.

His former chief stewardess, Mrs. Colding—the woman he has long held a candle for—demands on accompanying him. Together, they must traverse new uncharted waters in the Lairverse and their relationship, encountering perils that threaten to bring up the captain’s old anger and insecurities.

Will they find Redfearn’s daughter? Or will this final and most dangerous voyage cost the captain both love and family?

  • Genre: Fiction, Paranormal, Supernatural, Vampires
  • 298 pages, Kindle Edition
  • Published January 3, 2025 by Transmarinia Press
  • Series: Lair Book IV

D.V. Sullivan has been a deckhand in the Mediterranean, a bartender in New York and an English teacher in China. Now that he’s no longer hosing salt off yachts during high-wind gales, he writes from his lair in the Pacific Northwest.


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Review – The Bloodstone Legacy by V E Huntley #VEHuntley

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top image of a+ content
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Amazon / Kindle Unlimited / Goodreads

The Bloodstone Legacy: Damnation by V E Huntley grabbed me and never let me go. I love walking on the dark side, so if you are looking for sparkly vampires, don’t look here. These guys are vicious and I can’t look away.

Damnation takes place in a dystopian world 500 years in the future, where vampires rule and humans are their slaves.

Aden Westcott has spent 300 years lost to the darkness. He lost his love, his soul mate, and can never forgive himself…until a human enters his life. Could this be his second chance at love?

I love vampire stories and it’s hard to find a new take on a familiar story, but V E Huntley has managed to do that and more. We have a slow burning romance and many triggering moments, and savagery and brutality are the norm.

There is a cliffhanger ending. I definitely appreciate the author making me aware of that in the blurb. Atonement, Book II is due out in the Spring of 2025 and I can hardly wait.

I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of The Bloodstone Legacy by V E Huntley.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos
4 Stars

“My penance will never be enough”

Blood. Power. Darkness. Agony.

For the last almost three hundred years, these are the only things Aden Westcott has known.

But as the world’s most notorious and most feared vampire commander, what do you do when you unexpectedly encounter the love of your life—only she’s human?

Do you cling to the darkness you’ve always known, or do you join the fight for a world where her light has the power to transform a vicious vampire-dominated society and save your undead soul in the process?

Set in a dystopian world five hundred years in the future, where vampires rule and humans are slaves, The BloodStone Legacy is a hauntingly sensual story of forbidden love, heart-wrenching choices, sacrifice, and redemption in a world consumed by darkness.

In a society divided by power and blood, Aden Westcott is a brutal vampire haunted by the memory of a lost love. When he meets Ellie, a human thrall who bears a striking resemblance to his past, she challenges everything he believes and turns his world upside down.

As their lives intertwine and their passion ignites, Aden’s inner turmoil and Ellie’s resilience spark a forbidden bond, unraveling long-buried secrets. Together, they must navigate a treacherous path in a world where darkness and light collide and choices have consequences.

As the first book of The BloodStone Legacy series, “Damnation,” will leave you breathless and aching for more.

If you enjoy dark and steamy paranormal romances such as “Adrian X Isolde” by Scarlett St. Clair and “The Dracula Duet” by Karina Halle, then “The BloodStone Legacy” is a must-read.

With its slow-burn romance, intense darkness, and escalating heat, “Damnation” is just the beginning of an unforgettable journey of a forbidden love that could save or destroy a world ravaged by vampires and ruled by darkness.

And with a cliffhanger ending, you’ll be left on the edge of your seat, eagerly awaiting the next installment of The BloodStone Legacy series. So, don’t wait, immerse yourself in the first book now. And stay tuned for the release of book two, “Atonement,” in late Spring 2025.

Warning: this book contains graphic violence, sexual situations, non-consent (not between MMC and FMC), adult language, and scenes and references of physical and/or sexual abuse/assault that some readers may find triggering.

  • Genre: Fiction, Paranormal Romance, Romance, Supernatural, Vampires
  • 568 pages, Kindle Edition
  • Published December 10, 2024
  • Series: The Bloodstone Legacy: Damnation, #1

V.E. Huntley is a retired producer who has spent her life telling stories in one way or another. Just ask her cats. They had to endure a lifetime of her endlessly reciting entire dialogue scenes to them, even though all they desperately wanted to do was nap.

Her childhood fear of Dracula was so intense that she couldn’t sleep without the lights on and her mother guarding her bedroom door. Over time, this fear evolved into a lifelong obsession with the dark and twisted world of vampires and the concept of immortality. So, after more than two decades in the film and television industry, she ultimately chose to pursue her true passion—writing dark and sexy paranormal romance.

Besides writing, her hobbies include reading, watching movies, traveling, and keeping her husband busy with an endless honey-do list.

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