Giveaway & Reviews for A Sea of Love Series by Alice Renaud @alicerauthor @SDSXXTours


Beware. These are not your nice and gentle, pretty merpeople, but HE stands out from the rest, at least in Alex’s eyes.

She doesn’t know…

He’s forbidden to tell…

Could the old legends be true?

Is there one special woman, waiting for him to find her?

Could she be human?

It’s hard to come up with new and unusual moments in a familiar tale, but Alice Renaud succeeded. I was quickly drawn in by the world and characters. Some hot romance is in order and, even though it was heavy, it was also sweet and innocent. I loved this wonderful adventure in Alice Renaud’s fantasy world. An easy read and it left me wanting more. Just proves, predictable can be very enjoyable.

I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of A Merman’s Choice by Alice Renaud.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos
4 Stars

For centuries the shape-shifting mermen of the Morvann Islands have lived incognito among humans. But one of them, Yann, has developed some bad habits. Like rescuing humans, even when doing so risks revealing his true nature. When he fishes Alex out of the sea, he doesn’t expect her to reappear eight months later, and turn his life upside down by asking him to be her guide.
Alex is determined to fulfill a promise to her dying grandmother, by gathering pictures and stories of the Morvanns. But she soon discovers that, on these remote Welsh islands, legends have a habit of becoming true!
Over the course of a few days, Yann and Alex grow close. But some mermen hate humans. Their hostility, and Yann’s secret, threaten to tear the couple apart just as they are discovering that they are soul mates. Can Yann overcome the obstacles in his path and make the right choice?

Goodreads * Books2Read

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I immediately began reading Music for a Merman by Alice Renaud, after finishing Book I, A Merman’s Choice. I was so enchanted with the world Alice created, I had to know what comes next. I love that, without looking at the blurbs, I anticipated it would be Rob Regan’s story to be told next and I am really looking forward to it.

Rob Regan is a rookie cop….and a merman. A warrior of the Regan Clan.

A woman, lying the in the middle of the road, right in front of a digger that is part of a development that many in St-Sulien opposed. I love how Alice Renaud incorporated our current social media and click happy culture. These touches of realism add those elements that make a book special to me.

Oh yeah. I am buckling my seatbelt for a bumpy ride, when I visualized Charlie’s seductive smile. I think Rob will have his hands full and I anticipate some laughs along with some lovin’.

I love that Alice Renaud created characters that are opposite of the characters in Book I, A Merman’s Choice. It keeps the stories fresh and exciting. I do love a spunky, flirtatious, snarky girl having fun with the shy, naive, hunkalicious cop.

Even though I know where we’re going, Alice Renaud throws in a surprise or two along the way to a happy ever after.

Who’s next? We have done two of the three clans, so I foresee someone from the Dooran Clan being spotlighted next.

I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of Music for a Merman by Alice Renaud.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos
4 Stars
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“Rob Regor knew that humans were trouble. All the shape-shifting mermen of the Morvann Islands knew it. And human women were double trouble, especially when they were lying on the road in front of a digger.”
Rob has a mission. Go to the mainland. Work as a policeman. Find out as much as possible about the mainland humans. Report back to his father, the head of the Regor Clan. It should be easy.
Until he has to arrest Charlie. Rob can’t fight his attraction to the sexy eco-warrior, and it puts him on one hell of a collision course with his family and his Clan. Will he break the rules – or break her heart, and his?

Goodreads * Books2Read

Unfortunately, I got behind. Hurricane Sally came through with a vengeance and we were without power for five days. I WILL get to this ASAP, because I do LOVE my merpeople.

Caltha the fierce shape shifting mermaid has no time for romance… but Jonty the warlock has a few tricks up his sleeve!

Caltha Dooran is the toughest, fiercest shape-shifting mermaid in the western seas. She has three Clans to rule, and no time for romance. But when a warlock, Jonty, turns up and asks her to come with him to London to capture a water monster, she can’t say no. In London, away from her duties, her attraction for Jonty grows… and they soon fall under each other’s spell. But will his past and her responsibilities pull them apart, or can they find the only true magic, the one that binds two souls together?

**Only .99 cents!!**

Goodreads * Books2Read

Alice lives in London, UK, with her husband and son. By day she’s a compliance manager for a pharmaceutical company. By night she writes fantasy romance about shape shifting mermen, water monsters and time-travelling witches. Her first book, “A Merman’s Choice,” was published in January 2019 by Black Velvet Seductions. It is the first book in a fantasy romance trilogy inspired by the landscapes and legends of Brittany and Wales. The second book, “Music for a Merman,” is out now and the third, “Mermaids Marry in Green,” will be released on 1 November. Alice has also written a short story, “The Sweetest Magic of All,” included in the BVS “Mystic Desire” anthology, out now. Alice loves reading and writing stories, and sharing them with anyone who’s interested!

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Inferno Rising: The Blood King by Abigail Owen @AOwenBooks


I have read Abigail Owen’s The Shadowcat Nation Series, The Svatura Series,The Fire’s Edge Series and now, The Inferno Rising Series. I even met her at the RWA Convention in Las Vegas a few years ago. I’ve tried to find the photograph, but I have so many and did a bad job of organizing them, so I am on the case…I will find it.

NEW RELEASE: 8.25.20

The Blood King (Inferno Rising, #2)

Amazon / Goodreads



The Blood King is book II of the Inferno Rising Series and I am lovin’ every minute I am in their world. We have love and romance, danger and battles that have me flying the unfriendly skies, swooping, flipping, feeling the wind blowing through my hair, freezing, the feeling of freedom…well, everything has it’s good and bad. LOL

Saying Skylar is feisty is putting it politely. She doesn’t make it easy for anyone to get close to here but her sisters. They are Phoenix and they are highly desired for their abilities and because dragons believe whoever has a Phoenix will be high king.

Of course, I am looking for some romance…How about you? When Skylar meets Ladon Ormarr, the sparks start flying and never quit. I love how he ‘tames’ her. LOL Like that can be done. It won’t be easy , but they ride the rollercoaster of love to a happy ever after.

Maul, what can I say about Maul. Have you ever met a Hellhound? I love him!

Battles will be fought, lives will be lost. The battles are fierce, betrayal abounds, enemies become friends, new alliances are made, and their world becomes a better place. Saying a better place just popped into my head and I was going to change it, but seeing the place we live in now leaves me wanting, I’ll take fantasy land any day of the week.

I loved the haters to lovers premise, and the snarky banter, with sexual tension so thick you could cut it with a knife. BEWARE…it does get HOT.

I love that Abigail Owen has Skylar saying she had always wanted to fly with the Blue Angels. Now, as Sklyar watches the dragons in formation, she feels as if she is. I salute you Blues! They are very familiar to me. I love how she describes the dragons as moving together, like a flight of birds.

Well, this is the first time in a long time that I scrapped my notes and WINGED it. LOL

I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of The Blood King by Abigail Owen.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos
4 Stars


Ruthless dragon king Ladon Ormarr must keep his throne at all costs. And now, with war on the horizon, he’ll need a miracle. Luckily, the fates have dropped Skylar Amon right into his lap.

Except he may have met his match.

The feisty Amon sister has no fear — of him or any other dragon shifter — is brash, doesn’t stick to protocols, and regularly offends his warriors and advisers.

Skylar also has no intention of sticking around. She doesn’t believe in the whole destined mates thing and believes all dragon kings to be dangerous. But if it means taking out the High King who murdered her parents, she’ll put up with Ladon… temporarily.

But the fates have other plans. And when Skylar disappears in the middle of a battle, Ladon will burn down the world to find her.



Award-winning paranormal and contemporary romance author, Abigail Owen was born in Greeley, Colorado, and raised in Austin, Texas. She now resides in Northern California with her husband and two adorable children who are the center of her universe.

Abigail grew up consuming books and exploring the world through her writing. A fourth generation graduate of Texas A&M University, she attempted to find a practical career related to her favorite pastime by earning a degree in English Rhetoric (Technical Writing). However, she swiftly discovered that writing without imagination is not nearly as fun as writing with it.

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Giveaway – Moondance by Linda K Hopkins #LindaKHopkins @GoddessFish

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by Linda K. Hopkins


GENRE: Paranormal Romance



Are some obstacles too difficult for love to overcome?

For years, Melissa Hewitt has dreamed of being hunted by a panther, a huge, black creature that pursues her relentlessly. But panthers do not exist in real life – not in Canada, anyway. And it is in the Canadian Rockies that Melissa escapes the stresses of her work – a job that come with a handsome but unfriendly boss who exudes both danger and allure. There is something about Leander Garrett, however, that draws Melissa, making him almost impossible to ignore; that, and the fact that once they had been friends.

As winter turns into spring, Leander’s chilly demeanor begins to thaw, but danger prowls through the mountains, and Lee has a secret that lurks beneath his elegant clothes and rippling physique. Something that compels him to reject what he desires the most.

Can he learn to see the good in himself and finally allow his heart to love, and be loved in return?

A captivating paranormal romance, Moondance will keep you enthralled to the very last page.



Darkness hung over the ground like a pall as Melissa stumbled blindly through the forest, lurching between shadowy trunks and swerving around bushes that seemed to materialize out of nowhere. Barbed branches clawed her face and arms, leaving angry welts in their wake. Protruding roots, intent on hindering her escape, sent her to her knees, leaving them scratched and bleeding. She gasped for breath as the blood pounded furiously in her ears while her chest burned with each breath. Sweat dripped down her forehead, covering her brow. Fear had slickened her palms, and her legs trembled as she careened between the trees. Behind her, her pursuer flew with seeming effortlessness over the ground, its enormous paws making no sound as it closed the gap between them. From the corner of her eye she saw the huge cat drawing alongside her, its bright green eyes shining eerily in the dark. Her foot caught the rough end of a stump, and she flung out her hands as she tumbled to the ground. The panther leaped toward her as her screams tore through the air.

Melissa jolted upright in her bed, her eyes wide as she searched her room in terror for the beast. Rigid fingers gripped the sheet, straining the fabric until it was close to ripping. Her heart hammered in her chest, the memory of reaching claws and hot breath on her neck still too close to dismiss. She loosened her hold on the sheet one aching finger at a time until it fell from her grip.


AUTHOR Bio and Links

Linda K. Hopkins lives in the shadow of the Rocky Mountains in Calgary, Canada, with her husband, two kids and one dog, but originally hails from South Africa. When she’s not dreaming about fantastical creatures, you will find her with her nose buried in a book. Linda also loves to travel – through both physical and imaginary time and space. And if she has a slab of dark chocolate and cup of hot coffee while travelling, so much the better!

Linda holds a bachelor’s degree in communications from the University of South Africa. She is also the author of The Dragon Archive series.

Buy Links: The Book is on sale for $0.99 during the tour:

Amazon  /  Kobo  /  Barnes and Nobles  /  Smashwords



Linda will be awarding a $20 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.


Follow the tour and comment. The more you comment, the better your chance of winning. Follow the tour HERE.

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Giveaway – Bearliest Catch by Bianca D’Arc @biancadarc

Today we have the great new paranormal romance, Bearliest Catch by Bianca D’Arc. Be sure to check it out and grab your copy, and enter her giveawayBearliest Catch BT Ban

About Bearliest Catch:



Drew spends his days fishing in the Pacific, far from Grizzly Cove, seeking the peace of the ocean. Jetty lives in the ocean, part of a hunting party of mer folk, in near-constant danger now from the evil creature that roams the deep. When they meet, sparks fly and the ocean comes alive with danger. Can they get her people to safety?






“I’d better go and tell the others what you’ve said.” She walked toward the stern of the boat slowly.

“Is it safe to swim after a meal like that? I mean, most humans have to wait a bit before they go swimming after eating. How does that work for you?” He looked adorably confused and genuinely curious, so she humored his question.

“Once I shift, the mer characteristics win out, so it won’t be a problem.” She sent him a smile as she walked farther away.

It was hard to leave him, which surprised her, but she couldn’t stay. She had responsibilities to her people, much as she would have loved to spend the rest of the day with the sexy bear shifter. He followed her, and they both stood at the stern of the boat, his hooks picking up nothing during their meal and continuing to just drift with no action.

“If you go a little northwest, you’ll find some big sturgeon and halibut. The fishing is much better in that direction right now,” she offered, hoping to help in some small way. “I might as well give you a solid tip on where to find dinner since you fed me part of your lunch.” She turned to him, laughing lightly.

“The tip is appreciated, but you don’t owe me anything, sweetheart.”

The breath caught in her throat at his use of the endearment. He also stepped right up to her, not a foot between their bodies as he looked down into her eyes. She almost forgot to breathe.

“But…” She didn’t know what she was objecting to as his head drifted lower. Was he going to kiss her?

“Ssh,” he soothed her, drawing her under his spell. “If you really want to repay me for the sandwich, all I ask of you is a single kiss.”

What? Alarm bells sounded in her mind, but they were drowned out by the nearness of him. She could feel his warmth only inches away from her, and she wanted to snuggle up against him. She’d been so cold for so long…

Which was an odd thought for a mer to have. Mer didn’t feel cold. The oceans were their home. So what had gotten into her now?

And why was she suddenly so eager to snuggle up to a land dweller? Oh, he was a shifter—they had that in common—but he still lived on land, and she in the sea. Though she could survive very well on dry land too. In fact, she’d spent most of her youth on land, with her family, doing the normal things that humans and shifters did. She’d gone to school, had friends, drove a car, had a job, and even moved in with her boyfriend.

But the situation with Dirk was what had driven her into the sea. She refused to go down that path again. Dirk had been human, a little voice inside reminded her. Andrew was a shifter. Maybe things would be different with a shifter.

Did she dare try to find out?

As his lips touched hers, all thoughts fled in the face of his passion. What started as a simple kiss turned into something much more profound within a single heartbeat.

He took her into his embrace, and she did get a chance to snuggle up to his warmth, basking in the feel of his strong arms around her. He kissed her lightly, at first, then gradually deepened the kiss when she made no move to push him away. His tongue danced with hers, showing her new patterns of pleasure even as her knees threatened to give way.

He was holding her up, his hands around her waist, supporting her, not imprisoning. And that was the key. He held her firmly, but lightly. She could break free any time she wanted…which was why she stayed.


About Bianca D’Arc:

Bianca D’Arc is the USA Today bestselling author of over 50 romance novels. She has twice won EPPIE Awards for her work, along with the Australian Romance Readers Favorite Erotic Romance eBook of 2008 for her first werewolf romance, Lords of the Were. She is a native New Yorker who worked as an executive on Wall Street during the summer of 2001. She changed careers after the tragic attacks of 9/11 and started seriously pursuing publication in 2005. She has a Bachelors degree in Biochemistry, a Masters in Library Science, and a Juris Doctor, but she doesn’t take herself too seriously. She loves her garden and plays the piano, ukulele and guitar.

Connect with Bianca!




Enter Bianca’s Giveaway:


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Giveaway – Mythical by Michael Weekly @michaeldweekly

I forgot to include the giveaway for Mythical by Michael Weekly.

Be sure and scroll through to enter the Rafflecopter and good luck!

Mythical (Mystical #2)

by Michael Weekly

Genre: YA/NA Urban Fantasy

Limitless Publishing


When you’re a witch in a kingdom of Elves, there’s bound to be conflict…

Eliza Rose finds herself in a world full of Elves—the very creatures she is sworn to kill. To make matters worse, she is forced to slay her own mother. But one question remains. Why was her mother in such a horrid place to begin with?

Eliza and Donovan cannot face the dangers of Ellevil alone…

When the Elf, Christian, meets Eliza for the first time, he knows he must have her. As a master of manipulation, he will do anything he can to get his way.

Donovan has left his old gang life behind. In his journeys with Eliza, he has seen her talents as an assassin bloom. He wants what is best for her, and he is certain that Christian is anything but.

In a land of pure beings called Mystics, not all of them are what they seem…

When Eliza falls in love with Christian, only Donovan knows the Elf can’t be trusted. Christian manipulates the myth within her to come forth, and Eliza’s hidden power is unleashed, bringing her true nature to light.

Answers might be found in the fairy and mermaid kingdoms…

To discover why Eliza’s mother was in Ellevil, Eliza and Christian must embark on a journey to the fairy and mermaid kingdoms. As challenges continue to unfold, Eliza is forced to choose between her hidden power and the witch she truly is.

Eliza Rose must unlock her hidden power in order to survive, but time is running out. Corruption may overcome her—the same way it consumed her mother.

In a race against time, Eliza Rose must discover her true power, or risk becoming corrupted.

Mystical, Book One

Mystical MEDAbout the Author

Michael WeeklyMichael Weekly is a professional writer known for his ability to construct detailed, believable worlds and then to inject them with captivating stories and relatable characters. His big break came three years ago when he started writing on a site called Wattpad. Prior to that, he had written mainly as a hobby and as an exercise in relaxation and meditation, using writing as an escape out of the world and into his own mind.

Writing in the genres of Urban Fantasy, Dystopian YA, and NA, Michael is the author of Mystical, which has earned a ton of positive feedback. Mystical was picked up by Limitless Publishing in 2015, and since then, Michael has been working on additional entries to the series.

When he is not writing, Michael also enjoys playing video games such as League of Legends and World of Warcraft. He enjoys being a shopaholic and a professional foodie. He lives in Virginia with his imaginary fury companion CoCo, where the two live happily.

Author Links: Website│Goodreads│Twitter│Facebook

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Giveaway – Luck of the Irish by Sara Humphreys


Luck of the Irish
by Sara Humphreys
Series: Leprechaun’s Gold, #1
Genre: Paranormal Romance/Fantasy Romance
Release Date: June 30, 2015


“Ms. Humphreys continues to possess the gift of storytelling and gathering the hearts and souls of her audience.” – Night Owl Reviews

A leprechaun is powerless without his gold….

Banished to the mirrored realm for hundreds of years, Declan Aherne had nothing but time to plot his revenge and mourn the loss of his beloved wife. But when a beautiful human woman, with a familiar amulet, stares into the mirror….Declan’s luck was about to change.


The gold emblem, the one that matched her necklace, sat at the top of the oval gilded frame, and when she leaned closer she realized that it was a recessed space. She ran her finger over it and let out a shuddering breath. Maggie had a sinking suspicion that the amulet around her neck would fit perfectly in that space.

“A key,” she whispered through trembling lips. “Aunt Lizzie said the amulet was a key to release the leprechaun from his prison.”

Rising to her feet, Maggie carried the mirror down the narrow hallway to her bedroom. She bumped the door open with her hip and stepped into the small, cozy green and white room. When she changed clothes earlier she’d already removed the old print and left the blank spot above her dresser for her long sought after prize.

With great care she hung the mirror onto the nail and adjusted it so that it was straight. She stepped back and inspected it as she removed the amulet and gold chain from around her neck. The heavy, gold disc felt warm in her palm as she curled her fingers around it and debated what to do next.

Part of her was as eager as a kid on Christmas Eve brimming with anticipation. She wanted to slip the amulet right into that spot on the frame and see if the fairy tale was true. But the other part of her, the one that dominated at the moment, was reluctant. Not because she was afraid of a leprechaun jumping out of the mirror.

In fact, it was exactly the opposite.

What if after all this time and all the searching she puts the amulet in the mirror and nothing happens? That would be a big, fat, fucking let down of colossal proportions.

Tears stung her eyes and she sniffled, laughing out loud at her foolishness. How long had she been searching for the mirror never really believing she’d find it? The hunt for this treasure was what kept her going after family was gone. It was like an invisible tie that kept her connected to them, but now she’d found it and the hunt was over.

It was a stark reminder that her family was never coming back.

Maggie was alone.

“I wish the story was true, Aunt Lizzie,” she whispered. “But true or not, thank you for sharing it with me….I miss you all so much.”

She turned her teary gaze to her reflection as she ran her fingertip over the amulet. It was time to face the truth and stop hiding inside her own fairy tales, the ones she perpetuated every time she went in search of the magical mirror from Aunt Lizzie’s stories. She had to face the reality of the world she lived in.

Her family was gone and they weren’t coming back. The mirror wasn’t magic and she wasn’t anything special, and the only way to really face it was to put the amulet in the mirror—and watch as nothing happened.

Fairy tales weren’t real.

Neither were leprechauns or warlocks.

No more hiding from the world or retreating into fanciful stories.

“Time to face the truth.”

Maggie pressed the amulet to her lips before reaching up and slipping the disc into the recessed spot at the top of the mirror. The moment it clicked into place she whispered the Gaelic phrase Aunt Lizzie always uttered when she told this part of the story. “Scaoileadh mé tú.”

At first nothing happened and Maggie was ready to drown herself in the rest of the chardonnay. She was about to leave the room in search of the wine when a ripple in her reflection caught her eye. Maggie swallowed hard and squinted, not sure she was actually seeing what she thought she was seeing. But sure enough the glass surface of the mirror began to undulate and swell like silver waves in an otherworldly ocean.

She backed up as her image in the mirror blurred and a low, pulsing throbbing sound began to rumble through the room. Maggie scrambled backward and up onto the bed as the deafening noise grew louder by the second. Her hands flew to hear ears, the pulsing noise permeating every single cell of her body making her teeth clatter. It felt like the entire building would come down around her any second and if she wasn’t completely paralyzed by fear, she might have run.

But Maggie couldn’t move. She curled up into the fetal position, hands over her ears, as the world rumbled around her. She half expected the ground to open up and swallow her whole.

A split second later, the mirror erupted in an explosion of light and Maggie squeezed her eyes shut. As a scream threatened to rip from her throat the world went completely silent and still. No more bone rattling throbbing running through the air. The shaking and trembling had ceased, except for her body. She was quivering like a damn leaf and cowering on her bed like a total coward.

Her heart hammered against her ribcage and her eyes were screwed tightly shut as the unmistakable sound of someone breathing heavily filled the room. At first, she thought it was her own breath because she was huffing and puffing like she’d run a freaking marathon. But about a second later, it became glaringly clear she was no longer alone.

The fairy tale was true.




Sara Humphreys is a graduate of Marist College, with a B.A. Degree in English Literature & Theater. Her initial career path after college was as a professional actress. Some of her television credits include, A&E Biography, Guiding Light, Another World, As the World Turns and Rescue Me.

In 2013 Sara’s novel UNTAMED won two PRISM awards–Dark Paranormal and Best of the Best.

She loves writing hot heroes and heroines with moxie but above all, Sara adores a satisfying happily-ever-after. She lives in New York with her husband, their four amazing sons, and two adorable pups. When she’s not writing or hanging out with the men in her life, she can be found working out with Shaun T in her living room or chatting with readers on Facebook.

For a full list of Sara’s books and reading order, please visit her website.







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