Vickie has a way of grabbing you by the….and pulling you into the story from the very first page.

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He liked to go the park and watch the little girls. That is when he saw her. She was the one who would help launch his business venture, Whitfield’s Little Angels. It was so easy. They always believed him. She was twelve years old and so sweet and innocent. That was 13 years ago.
Now. Erin Prescott was only 15. She was sneaking to the mall after school to meet up with Jason Avery.
The rain would help disguise his blitz attack.
Josh Ander was CEO and founder of Ander All Games, the front man. Todd was the programmer, the brains of the company, but he liked to stay low profile. Josh treated his employees to Friday nights out at the local hangout, Gulls. It was like patting a dog for a job well done and in return they would work harder to please him. When he walked in, the guys were talking about a wolf being seen in the city. Sure.
Melanie had been stalking Josh, but when she followed him into the men’s room to suggest a quickie, it was the last straw. He had made a mistake by sleeping with her once and now she thought he really wanted her. He slipped out the back way, just going for a breath of fresh air and to regroup. He lost track of where he was, until he found himself surrounded by four men, one with a knife. He didn’t care about the cash or the watch, but his wife had died and he wasn’t going to give up his wedding ring.
All of a sudden, she appeared, as if from thin air, like a goddess from
one of his video games. He saw a warrior with a light saber. She was all over them, using her night stick, her hands, her feet, karate kicking them until they went down. While they were down, she gave each one of them a few more kicks and hits to make sure they stayed there.
When he asked her name she told him, Skye Cree. She wanted to take him to the hospital because he had been stabbed. Instead, he convinced her to take him home.
“She had been on the hunt and now it seemed she had to babysit a helpless, wasted schmuck.”
She got him home and played doctor, patching him up. Was there anything she couldn’t do, he wondered? After she patched him up, she left him, passed out.
She’d lost his trail. She knew she would never be finished, that there would always be another.
As she looked into the fog, she came face to face with a wolf – its eyes as violet as her own. It would take Kiya to help her find the bones of others.
5 STARS – Would Buy It For Them (lol)
Who is she? Why is she here? What is she hunting? And that was only the first chapter.
I love love love it. Paranormal, romance, crime. A gorgeous hunk of man and a woman superhero, with the monster next door thrown in.
I love the cover. Vickie’s book covers seem to speak to me, making me want to read the book before I even find out what it is about. Her writing is amazing and her stories are so easy to read that I begin to live and breathe with her characters.
The plot is so well-developed that I am drawn from page to page and chapter to chapter, not wanting to stop for anything. Just wanting to find out what was going to happen next.
Skye – I love that the main character is a female warrior, with her Nez Perce Indian heritage, it made the warrior image even more appropriate. Instead of the sword and shield, she had Karate and a night stick. No nine to five job for her. She had a mission and a purpose that drove her to accomplish the amazing things she did. I love strong female characters in novels, because I feel I could never be that person, but I want to have the opportunity to feel the things she feels and do the things she does and through words I am able to do that. Vickie is so good at drawing me in and making me feel a part of the story.
Josh – A rich, handsome, sexy man who is not stuck on himself. What’s not to love? Accepting of her being the strong one, but still knowing how to bring his assets to the table. I love that the main male character wanted to help her with her mission and went about making it possible for her to continue to do so without expecting or wanting anything from her, other than herself.
Vickie’s characters are so intriguing, that you wish you knew them, that they were your friends. How interesting life would be if they were. They could be your everyday person next door, who gets up and goes to work at their day job. I love the way Vickie depicts her women – no weak, sniveling, crying. whining femme fatale’s for her.
I wanted to read it cover to cover, non-stop, but my eyes grew heavy and the words began to blur. I didn’t want to miss a word of it, so I slowly closed the Kindle and called it a night.
Vickie’s books are chock full of love and romance, adventure and thrills. Heart stopping and heart warming. I can’t help but think that at least one of her books is bound to become that mega-hit movie you are waiting for
I received this book from the author, in return for an honest and unbiased review.
Vickie is the author of six novels, including The Evil Trilogy and the Pelican Pointe series. She’s a hardcore lover of books who grew up listening to her mother tell fascinating stories about ghosts and other tales full of characters she wasn’t sure ever really existed.
A self-proclaimed beachgoer and ocean-lover, she lives in Southern California with the love of her life. When she isn’t working on her next manuscript or screenplay, she loves to be outdoors.
In her spare time she tries to grow things which other people commonly refer to as gardening. She loves reading all kinds of books, both fiction and non-fiction, loves to play video games, and enjoys watching football with the hubby. If you’ve ever read any of her books, you know she’s a die-hard Raider fan, which means she has the patience of Job.
She lives for chocolate, but then who doesn’t? She’ll kill for a cup of coffee in the morning. She’s convinced the best food on earth is French fries. And she could easily be a vegetarian if it wasn’t for bacon.
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