We have some amazing artists in Pensacola, Florida, who love to share their creativity.
We have some amazing artists in Pensacola, Florida, who love to share their creativity.
Time is flying by, summer is waning, but I do stop and taste the sweet nectar of life.
You can see more on Mr Wonderful’s Facebook page.
Books from the Backlog is a fun way to feature some of those neglected books sitting on your bookshelf unread. If you are anything like me, you might be surprised by some of the unread books hiding in your stacks.
If you would like to join in, swing by Carole’s Random Life in Books.
Seems like Leo Scott has it all: looks, brains, and athletic talent. He’s captain of his high school swim team with a bright future in college and beyond. But Leo has secrets. His mother’s crippling car accident has devastated his family and left Leo to deal with his father’s abuse, battered and alone.
Leo’s girlfriend Audrey Rose is poised for her own share of success. As one of Florida’s top high school swimmers, Audrey dreams of college swimming stardom. But there’s an obstacle to her glorious rise to the top. Her number-one supporter — her father — is in prison for murder.
Part murder mystery, part tale of young love in a military family, this gripping story takes readers on a journey from Pensacola to Annapolis. Leo and Audrey must band together to rise above the adversity they encounter and find their true selves in the process. When everything’s on the line… streamline.
Goodreads Ratings: 3.92 · 267 ratings · 82 reviews
I added Streamline by Jennifer Lane to my TBR on 1.28.13. I won the book. I like the pretty cover and I do love mystery, so this seemed like a good fit. AND, we are traveling from Pensacola to Annapolis, and that hits very close to home. I have read one of her books, On Best Behavior and enjoyed it, so I feel like I will enjoy this one too.
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Sherry’s Shelves #181 is my weekly update from 1.24.19 – 1.30.19.
Hi Everyone. Hope you had a great week and managed to stay warm at this cold weather hits. The sun may be out here in Florida, but, man oh man, it is chilly. I get goose bumps if there is a slight breeze and it’s under 70. I forgot to look at the grass this morning, but the temp was under 40. Yesterday we had frost, YUK! That’s just wrong
I don’t know if I am having allergy attacks or getting a cold, OH NO. I started last year with a horrible case of the flu, so I am leery of being out and about this time of year. Looks like maybe I wasn’t careful enough, you know, WASH YOUR HANDS, DON’T TOUCH YOUR FACE, type of stuff.
Oh well, such is life…and there is lots of blogging to do. Let me know what your week has been like and I hope you have a good one.
We played golf on Tuesday and this is how I felt.
This is how Mr Wonderful felt.
And I gave up…
What you can’t see…I had a car blanket wrapped around my legs too. LOL
And…the Reese’s Senior Bowl is in town so we made a quick stop in Mobile, Alabama. Unfortunately, the weather didn’t cooperate and the rain finally moved in. Didn’t bother me. I was so cold, I was over it anyway. LOL Damn this getting older. When I was even 5 years younger, this wouldn’t have stopped me. Now it’ been there, done that, have the T-shirt…and I do have the T-shirt. LOL
How about you? Are you a cold weather lover, or is the steamy tropics for you?
LAST WEEK ON fundinmental
THIS WEEK ON fundinmental
I will be adding more as the week goes on.
Wishing you a happy holiday from the Fundins…
Where thousands live, like millions wish they could.
We took our annual New Orleans Christmas trip.
And played our annual Christmas Golf Open round.
We made a quick trip ‘out of this world’. Click here to see it.
Have a safe and happy holiday.
The Mardi Gras Parades in 2016 were awesome. We celebrated in Pensacola and New Orleans and had a great time!
Have you ever been?
These videos were made by Mr Wonderful. Enjoy!
If you would like to see more, hop on over to his Fundimonium YouTube page.
Elvis is alive and well and made an appearance in New Orleans.
These guys are hilarious. We were near the end of the parade and they are still going strong.
What fun adventure do you have planned for this weekend?
Just warm and cuddly with your significant other?
Wild and wicked on a road trip?
Or just hanging out and reading a good book?
All sound good to me.
Sum, Sum, Summer Time and all is good on the Gulf Coast!
Another fun week has come and gone.
We started playing golf in the sunshine and continued through the rain. It heated up big time and we felt like we were in a sauna. We hacked our way through the course, sometimes our shots would shine as bright as the sun, but other times, not so much.
We enjoy the outdoors and the blue waters of the pool call to us often.
We took a road trip to Biloxi, Mississippi.
It’s just a hop, skip and a jump to the jingling and jangling of the casino. My mom, Mr Wonderful and I get an itch every once in a while that only a one armed bandit can scratch. Here’s a view from the window at Harrah’s, a great place to stay.
The saying, “There’s no place like home” is so true.
While we were gone, this monstrous THING appeared.
Are we being invaded?
To see all my Reviews, go HERE.To see all my Giveaways, go HERE.If you like what you see, why don’t you follow me?
Leave your link in the comments and I will drop by to see what’s shakin’.
If you have a problem commenting, look for the twitter, facebook…buttons.
Thanks for visiting fundinmental!
Tall ship, Juan Sebastián deElcano, arrived in Pensacola today.
We didn’t have the best weather on the beach, but, as my hubby says, “It never rains on the Funman,” and we were able to get these pics before the rain came.
Pensacola is knows for its Spanish history and we are delighted that the Juan Sebastian deElcano came to visit.
I hope you enjoyed my adventure and I look forward to sharing more of them with you.
Have a wonderful day.
Check out this awesome pic taken from my backyard on April 3, 2015.
Not only do you see the International Space Station, but you see the full moon too.
International Space Station Over Pensacola (c) Sherry Fundin