(To see the rules for Fanged Mania, go to the end of this post)
Half Black Soul: Book II of The Alexa Montgomery Saga by H. D. Gordon
Just a month ago, I’d been a pretty normal teenager. I was seventeen and I lived in a small town in Missouri. Now I am a killing machine, a warrior or a murderer. Or both. Happy birthday to me.
Spoiler Alert: This is Book II in the Alexa Montgomery Saga.
I was driving through Pennsylvania, in the rain, when hunger hit me. I just happened to be at an exit, so I took it and went into the diner at the convenience store. After eating, as I walked to my car, I should have paid more attention to my senses. I knew I never should have left my sword in the car. It wouldn’t happen again. I knew he was there and I knew he was going to attack me. It would be the last thing he did. I let the monster deal with the man and felt a euphoria as he lay dying.
As I drove away I thought about how I came to be here.
I knew I was different, but a Sun Warrior? The Last One? My mother had taught me how to fight and told me to protect Nelly. Nelly wasn’t just a Searcher, but so much more. After the attack at the house, Nelly and Jackson, who was a werewolf and my boyfriend, and I ran to Two Rivers in Pine Barrens, NJ.
It was magnificent until you saw underneath it. When I met Soraya, she exposed the truth to me and I vowed to change it. But one good thing had come of it. I met Kayden, the only Libra left. Like me, the last of his kind. Would we end up together?
The first thing on my agenda was to find out if my mother was still alive.
After the incident at the convenience store, I stopped at a rest area to regroup. The monster was in total control of me. I was horrified. I jumped out of the car and ran. I ran for the exit and as normal feelings started to come back to me, I felt hope. I ran straight into Kayden. I felt his goodness wash over me. My desperation led me to go one step further, a kiss so deep the monster was driven away. I turned to the car and waited for him to enter.
I was going to Olivia’s’, my mother’s friend who had sent us to Two Rivers, to find out about my mother, and anything else I could. She told me I was meant to lead a revolution. I had to go to Dangeon to find my mother.
Nelly was bereft when she read the note Alexa left for her.
Nelly’s mind sent out a blanket search, seeming of its own free will. She could sense a feeling of fear from everyone in the village.
She was called before the Queen and asked about Alexa being missing. Nelly fed the her the lie she had been working on, only to be assaulted by the Queen’s attempt to search her. She could block her, but that would alert the Queen to the fact Nelly was a searcher and may put her in danger.
That night Nelly dreamt of Alexa’s death.
5 – Would Buy It For Them (lol)
The ending blew me away. I can hardly wait to get my hands on the next book to see what happens.
The cover is beautiful and the title is so very appropriate.
The writing needs some editing, but the story is so good and so wonderfully told that it is easy to overlook. The plot is so detailed that it drew me into the story and didn’t let me go. It captured me from the very beginning. Even after I read the last page, the last sentence, the last word, I was craving more.
The characters are as well-developed and detailed as the plot.
It is so easy to fall for Alexa, who has to fight her battle with her monster within. Don’t we all have our own inner battles? I found it easy to empathize with her because it.
Kayden, what can I say about Kayden? Wouldn’t you like to have your very own (smoking hot) Guardian? He is always there for Alexa. And, of course, Nelly, who is so sweet and innocent.
I can’t decide who Alexa will end up with and I’m not sure who I want her to end up with. My fist thought is always Jackson, he has been with her through thick and thin. He would lay down his life for her. Her own private, and also smoking hot, werewolf.
The Rise, Book III, is on it’s way to me as we speak and I can hardly wait to pick it up and start reading. I love Alexa and I am rooting for her, wanting her to have everything her heart desires. Now I just have to find out if she gets it.
This book was given to me in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.

To join in, copy and paste these rules and the above banner into your Fanged Mania post and add your link to this week’s Fanged Mania post at Elisabeth Wheatley’s Blog. Fanged Mania is a Friday meme counting down to the release of Fanged Princess and displaying all things vampire and awesome. Fanged Mania posts can be a review of a vampire book, a quote from the latest Vampire Diaries episode, a showcase of a cool vampire book’s cover, or whatever you like so long as it is vampire related. Don’t forget, participants will be entered in the drawing to win a fanged-abulous prize pack!
The prize pack I mentioned includes Vampire Diaries and Breaking Dawn posters as well as a paperback copy of Erica Steven’s Captured (my review here) and the complete collection of The Vampire Hunter’s Daughter stories by Jennifer Malone Wright, in paperback, too! =D
Oh, and the contest is international. And the more Fanged Mania posts you have, the more entries you get! So what are you waiting for? Hop on the bandwagon!