Teaser Tuesday #105 – Nightlight Poetry by Anthony Renfro @atothewr


Welcome to Teaser Tuesday hosted by The Purple Booker, the weekly Meme that wants you to add books to your TBR, or just share what you are currently reading. It is very easy to play along:

• Grab your current read
• Open to a random page
• Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
• BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
• Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers! Everyone loves Teaser Tuesday.


Anthony Renfro writes some fantastic horror stories, but Nightlight Poetry is a bit different, a tasty treat of poetry and haikus.

Nightlight Poetry: Spine-Tingling Lines and Rhymes


Entombed and 5 Deadly Senses are my favorites of Anthony Renfro’s poetry that is filled with thrills, chills, and fear in haikus and poetry that had me jumping at shadows and wanting to scream, and made me think twice about walking outside…in the dark…or snuggling up in bed.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos
4 Stars


Poetry and Haiku about the things that lurk in the darkness and the fears in every human mind.

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Friday 56 #106 – The Saga of Baby Divine by Bette Midler @BetteMidler

The Friday 56 is hosted by Freda’s Voice.The only rules are to grab a book (any book), turn to page 56 or 56% in your ereader and find any sentence or a few ( no spoilers) that grabs you and post it.

Please join Rose City Reader every Friday to share the first sentence or so of the book you are reading along with you initial thoughts about the sentence, impressions of the book, or anything else the opener inspires.

Please include the title of the book and the author’s name.


I love Bette Midler. Her talent crosses many boundaries, from music, to movies to the written word.

I love her song, The Rose. It brings tears to my eyes every time I hear it.

Check out this cute illustrated story of The Saga of Baby Divine.

This is the cover for my 1st edition hardcover published in 1983.

Amazon Goodreads

My 56

“I am Anxiety, friend to Despair!

I appear when your Courage departs.

‘I find you whenever your Confidence fails you

And Fear makes a Home in you Heart!”

(Page 36 in hardcover, published in 1983)

Book Beginnings

The skies were ablaze with Disorder that Night,

The Planets, aghast and aquiver;

The Delirious Moon had the Brass to be Full

When it should have been only a sliver.

Do you have a favorite Bette Midler song, movie or book?

GOODREADS BLURB:  This book is divine, it’s simply sublime, As Baby Divine’s tale’s related in rhyme. Bette Midler inspires with her words full of charm. As she tells us how Baby Divine escapes harm. How so much talent could be in one girl? To fathom it makes my poor brain start to whirl. She not only acts, sings, dances and writes! She’s the brightest of stars in a world full of nights …

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Kindle Giveaway – Mosaics: A Collection of Independent Women

Today’s the day, all the excitement, all the anticipation, and now it’s finally here. And don’t forget to enter the mega giveaway, including a Kindle Fire, a $50 gift card, and a paperback library, at the end of this post!

A project focused on bringing women’s voices to readers and celebrating the stories they have to tell. Including stories by Keyan Bowes, Carol Cao, Chelo Diaz-Ludden, Sarina Dorie, Naomi Elster, Jordanne Fuller, Ari Harradine, Karen Heuler, L.S. Johnson, Tonya Liburd, Kelsey Maki, Julia Ray, Patty Somlo, P.K. Tyler, Deborah Walker, Keira Michelle Telford, Kim Wells, Elizabeth Wolf, and Sylvia Spruck Wrigley

Mosaics: A Collection of Independent Women Vol 1

Buy Your Copy Now! Amazon.com

Mosaic CoverMosaics: A Collection of Independent Women will inspire and shock you with its multi-faceted look at the history and culture surrounding femininity. If gender is a construct, this anthology is the house it built. Look through its many rooms, some bright and airy, some terrifying- with monsters lurking in the shadows.

Mosaics Volume One features twenty self-identified female authors writing about Intersectionality, including women of color, and members of the disability, trans, and GLB/ GSD* (Gender and Sexual Diversities) communities. We have curated amazing short fiction, flash fiction, poetry, essays, and art. It’s personal, political, and a great read.

This collection includes Hugo Award Nominees, Tiptree Shortlists, Pushcart Prize Winners, USA Today Bestsellers, indie superstars and traditionally published talents alike. The anthology combines leading and new voices all proclaiming their identity as Women, and their ability to Roar.

Buy Your Copy Now! Amazon.com

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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A Sweet Romance – Mending Heartstrings by @AriaGlazki

Mending Heartstrings by Aria Glazki
Genre: Adult Contemporary Romance (Sweet heat level)
Cover Designer: Christa Holland at Paper & Sage
Release Date: February 9, 2016

I am so excited to have Aria Glazki here today to talk about covers. I am a “cover girl” so I am always curious about how an author chooses their covers and who does them.

Why Does Cover Design Matter?

Covers matter. When we’re young or discussing ideology or speaking metaphorically, we like to say otherwise. But just like your carriage when walking into an interview affects the impression you’ll make, so too does a book cover instantly affect a reader’s opinion of your book. Then again, like it or not, that’s the point.
Whether in thumbnail form on a bookseller’s site, as a lovely art print, or integrated into an author’s promotional materials, the book cover is often the very first experience a reader has with a book. A natural conclusion is that the cover represents the story—its tone, its quality, and its subject matter. A bad cover can kill any chances of sales, while a good one can encourage readers to consider the blurb or possibly even one-click a title. And despite all that, authors often have very little, if any, control over the cover representing their work. Traditionally published authors, that is.
It isn’t a secret that Mending Heartstrings was originally traditionally published. Much as I would like that first cover to stop being associated with this book, it is available in plenty of places online. Of course, I had no say in that first cover. The publisher purchased it, informed me, and that was (almost) that. I managed to convince them to replace the original head of wheat with a guitar pick so that the cover would have at least some connection to my story, but that was it.
Let’s look at the two covers side by side:
Original Cover
New Cover

From the colors—faded, tan tones on the left and a vibrant mix on the right—to the subject matter, the differences are immeasurable. While the cover on the left could be a nice fit for a calm, quiet book, it does nothing to represent the story of passion, music, and longing that is Mending Heartstrings. The cover on the right, however… Well, I’ll leave you to make your own conclusions, because I could gush about it endlessly. And before the question of the designer’s abilities comes up, both covers were designed by the fantastic Christa at Paper & Sage. The only difference was who made the choice—my original publisher, or me.

Though neither on its own is terrible—and there are plenty of terrible covers out there—these two covers represent entirely different moods and subjects. If you’re looking for an uplifting romance, which cover would draw your eye? Which would encourage you to pause and read the blurb? Which gives you an idea of the characters involved? In my opinion (and I hope you’ll agree), the cover on the right wins hands down.
This is why cover design is touted as so important. Covers are at the forefront of all the marketing efforts; it’s their job to lure a reader and to provide an instant sense of what kind of story lies within. There’s a reason why so many romance novels once had Fabio on the cover: readers would know in less than a second what genre lay inside. This is also why, with one choice, the fate of a book can be sealed. And why I am thrilled to finally have a cover that does Mending Heartstrings justice.
Thanks so much for sharing your thoughtsa , Aria. I think this is a great post and can be very helpful to others. 🙂


Mending Heartstrings by Aria Glazki is a sweet romance novel that exceeded my expectations. Romance is not one of my favorite genres, no murder or blood and guts massacres, but some of the ugly things in life does make this read as if it could be happening to a friend of mine…or yours.

Ordinary girl meets country singer.

Who wouldn’t jump at the chance to take a road trip with your very own hottie?

She’ll be traveling with Kane, Bobby, Steve…and Mitch.

Well, Sabella does. She is not your drop dead gorgeous with a figure to die for kind of gal. She is more like the girl next door and I want so much for her not to get in over her head and have her heart broken.

I love her friend, Gina. Feeling down, Gina will raise you up. I used to have a friend that reminds me so much of Gina and without her in the world the sun seems to have dimmed a little. Gina is a vibrant and colorful character, full of love and life. She only sees the upside of life, until…

I kept thinking, how can I fall in love with a novel that is all about romance, no murder, no horror, you know, those ugly things in “life”. Well the ugly does rear its head and it comes in human form.

I am surprised and delighted by how much I enjoyed Mending Heartstrings. The romance was real, with all the ups and downs that make us know we are alive and in love.

I received a copy of Mending Heartstrings by Aria Glazki in return for an honest review.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos  4 Stars

Kane’s a country singer who’s tangled with too many deceitful women. He’s learned his lesson: girls are for flirting and fun; emotions are for his music. But after spending a night with an earnest woman unlike any he’s known, he can’t force her out of his mind. So he goes in search of the woman he knows only as “Elle.”

On her last night in Nashville, the staunchly pragmatic Sabella found herself in a situation more suited to a romance novel than reality. Swept away, she ignored her rigidly self-imposed rules, succumbing to the fantasy just this once. But she knows real-world relationships have nothing in common with their fictionalized portrayals. When Kane unexpectedly shows up at her Portland apartment, she must choose between the practical truths she has learned and the desire for a passionate love she has struggled to suppress.

Despite the distance, Kane’s tour schedule, and their meddling friends, both are drawn to the chance for a romance neither quite believes is possible.



Aria’s writing story started when her seventh-grade English teacher encouraged her to submit a class assignment for publication. That piece was printed, and let’s just say, she was hooked!

Since then, Aria has run a literary magazine, earned her degree in Creative Writing (as well as in French and Russian literatures), and been published here and there. Though her first kiss technically came from a bear cub, and no fairytale transformation followed, Aria still believes magic can happen when the right people come together—if they don’t get in their own way, that is.

Other than all things literary, Aria loves spending time with her family, including her two unbearably adorable nieces. She also dabbles in painting, dancing, playing violin, and, given the opportunity, Epicureanism.

To see all my Giveaways, go HERE.
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Teaser Tuesday #24 – Poetic Words of…. Life Under Examination by A T Glazki

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading.

Anyone can play along! Just do the following:

• Grab your current read

• Open to a random page.

•Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page

BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)

• Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!

I have a backlog of reviews owed to some very patient authors.
I am determined to catch up before the year is out, so I hope you don’t mind if I share them on my Teaser Tuesday from time to time.

This cover is so exquisite in it’s simplicity that I marvel at it’s beauty every time I look at it.

The colors are lush and vibrant, just like Life.

I love to photograph benches, chairs and seats.

I find the combination of ingredients for the Life Under Examination cover is spectacular.

***get you Amazon affiliate copy here***


About Life Under Examination

~Blogger Book Fair Reader’s Choice Award Winner! (Summer 2013)~

Life Under Examination is a collection of poetry exploring the gamut of interpersonal relationships, with a blend of lighthearted satire and earnest, emotional expression.


In school, my favorite subject was English, but poetry was not high on the list.

I cannot say that I have read and reviewed a lot of poetry, but I know what I like.

And I like Life Under Examination by Aria T Galzki.

I guess that adage is true – with age comes wisdom.

I used to have to work really hard to get the message from poetry.

Now it seems easier and touches me more.

I am including  THE ROSE by Bette Midler, a heart wrenching and uplifting song that brings tears to my eyes.

I do so because Aria’s poem Unexamined Rose brought it to mind.

What song evokes strong emotions from you?

Some of my favorite poems are:

Otherworldly Remedy

In words full of magic, you’ll forget and forgive.

Commercialized Love

Why can’t we show our love and always buy flowers.

I love that line because Mr Wonderful brought me home some flowers just yesterday.

He does that quite often…because he’s Mr Wonderful. 😉

Every day is a special day.

Do something special for someone without it being a holiday.

I won a signed first edition paperback on Aria T Glazki’s blog.

I love adding it to my collection.

Due to the strong emotions this book of poetry brought forth, I give it:

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos 5 Stars – Would Buy It for Them (lol)



Here she is to tell you:

Here it is — the cover for my very own novel, Mending Heartstrings.

I would absolutely love to hear your thoughts and reactions in the comments!

Please of course feel free to share this.

Thanks to Xpresso Book Tours for organizing this reveal!


by Aria Glazki
Release Date: December 2, 2014
Kane’s a country singer who’s tangled with too many deceitful women. He’s learned his lesson: girls are for flirting and fun; emotions are for his music. But after spending a night with an earnest woman unlike any he’s known, he can’t force her out of his mind. So he goes in search of the woman he knows only as “Elle.”

On her last night in Nashville, the staunchly pragmatic Sabella found herself in a situation more suited to a romance novel than reality. Swept away, she ignored her rigidly self-imposed rules, succumbing to the fantasy just this once. But she knows real-world relationships have nothing in common with their fictionalized portrayals. When Kane unexpectedly shows up at her Portland apartment, she must choose between the practical truths she has learned and the desire for a passionate love she has struggled to suppress.

Despite the distance, Kane’s tour schedule, and their meddling friends, both are drawn to the chance for a romance neither quite believes is possible.

Aria Glazki


Aria’s writing story started when her seventh-grade English teacher encouraged her to submit a class assignment for publication. That piece was printed, and let’s just say, she was hooked!

Since then, Aria has run a literary magazine, earned her degree in Creative Writing (as well as in French and Russian literatures), and been published in a few collections. Though her first kiss technically came from a bear cub, and no fairytale transformation followed, Aria still believes magic can happen when the right people come together – if they don’t get in their own way, that is.
Other than all things literary, Aria loves spending time with her family, including her two unbearably adorable nieces. She also dabbles in painting, dancing, playing violin, and, given the opportunity, Epicureanism.

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