Terra follows protagonist Terra Rhodon through a dystopian future where the planet’s natural resources have been depleted and the rich and powerful have fled to cities in the sky.
May 30: Stitch & Shudder by Samantha Durante
– Nocturnal Predators Reviews
**What Everyone Had To Say About This Series**
“Seems like your normal, seemingly average university cross paranormal romance story… until the dystopian sci-fi comes in. Everything from there changes… I am gobsmacked.”
– Behind the Pages
“Quite incredible… grips the reader and won’t let go. Officially entered a good book hangover.”
– Parajunkee;
My 5 Star Review for Stitch
My 5 Star Review for Shudder
(Click on the covers to get your copy)

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Her heart races, her muscles coil, and every impulse in Alessa’s body screams at her to run… but yet she’s powerless to move.
June 1: Contributor & Infiltrator by Nicole Ciacchella
– Author Cindy C Bennett
Unexpected Favorites
One of the things that consistently surprises me when I write is how fond I grow of some characters, especially when they start out as little more than a nebulous concept. Contributor is no exception. When I was peopling the world, I thought a lot about Dara, her parents, her boyfriend, Jonathan, and her mentor, Letizia. I certainly gave consideration to the other characters as well, but this was the core group I focused on, and so imagine my surprise when I developed a major attachment to a couple of the characters I thought would just be minor players.
The first is Javier Gutierrez, one of Dara’s rivals for the position of Assistant to the Head of Engineering…
(Click on the cover to get your copy)

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When the Great Famine threatened the existence of mankind, the Creators saved humanity. Humanity has been their loyal subject ever since.
June 2: What Tomorrow May Bring #2
– I Am A Reader
WHAT TOMORROW MAY BRING, the YA Dystopian boxed set, is a collection of dark yet hopeful stories from eleven different authors. Each wrote a short essay on dystopian fiction calledMy Thoughts On Tomorrow, to introduce their novels. Here are excerpts from six of those essays, the full versions can be found at The Hunt For Tomorrow.
Meet The Dystoptomists: Shining Light on a Dark Future…
(Click on the cover to get your copy)

Goodreads; – Amazon
Follow 11 authors into 11 dystopian tomorrows, where the dark portions of our humanity have taken hold of today, where the fabric of society is torn and greed consumes us all. Follow us down a dark path.
June 3: Among the Joyful by Erin Eastham
– My Devotional Thoughts
Q&A: Among the Joyful
Q: What was your inspiration for Among the Joyful?
A: I happened to see an article about smile surgery, which is a real thing. Some young women in South Korea have a procedure done so that their default facial expression is a smile, no matter what they’re feeling. It made me think about the pressure we all feel at times to act like things are fine when they’re not, to present a happy appearance to the world no matter what’s going on inside. That was what prompted the idea for the world of Among the Joyful, where negative emotion has to be hidden if you want to be a functioning member of society.
Q: What makes Among the Joyful different from all the other YA dystopias out there?
A: I wanted to create a dystopian society that could just as easily be described as utopian. The original founders weren’t setting out to oppress people—they wanted to make life better, and in many ways they succeeded. They created a culture where service to others is valued, where citizens contribute to the public good and take care not to have a negative impact on their community. Of course, there’s a price, and that’s where it gets interesting.
(Click on the cover to get your copy)

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Everyone knows that it’s a citizen’s duty to smile; negative emotion is a social contagion, an aggressive act against society. For Alaire Larkin, staying positive has never been a problem.
June 4: The Annihilation of Foreverland & Foreverland is Dead by Tony Bertauski
– Mythical Books
Have you written in any other genres besides ya dystopian? What drew you to you this genre?
I’ve been fascinated by consciousness, identity and what this all means since I was young. I would read my grandfather’s science fiction books with elements of artificial intelligence and wonder what happened when they died? I suppose that’s why all of my writing deals with the big mysteries of life in one way or another. In a way, I write for my own exploration, in a sort of thought experiment approach, pulling apart our identities, exploring what makes us who we are. If I lost my memories, would I still be me? If I had my body parts replaced with synthetic replications, at what point would I not be me? Do I even need a body? What am I?
A few years ago, I figured I’d write a romance novel. Since all of my books have a romantic element, I thought it would be fun. Halfway through the novel, I found myself thinking more and more about the next project—a dystopian idea. So 40,000 words in, I scrapped the romance novel and got back to what I love.
My 5 Star Review of The Annihilation of Foreverland
I have read Foreverland is Dead and my review will be coming soon.
(Click on the cover to get your copy)

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When kids awake on an island, they’re told there was an accident. Before they can go home, they will visit Foreverland, an alternate reality that will heal their minds.
June 5: The Breeders & The Believers by Katie French
– Beck Valley Books
Take 10 – Author Interview
What do you want to be when you grow up?
I’ve always wanted to be a back-up singer for some awesome artist. You’d get all the joy of meeting fun people and performing, but do not have to lose your freedom or worry about tabloids and paparazzi.
Who would play you in a film of your life?
Brad Pitt. It would be a really weird, concept movie.
Have you ever read or seen yourself as a character in a book or a movie?
All the time. Right now I’m pretty sure I’m Jessica Day from TV show The New Girl. But without the cute bangs. Man, I should really get some bangs.
(Click on the cover to get your copy)

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Sixteen-year-old Riley Meemick is one of the world’s last free girls. When Riley was born, her mother escaped the Breeders, the group of doctors using cruel experiments to bolster the dwindling human race.
June 6: What Tomorrow May Bring #3
– Bookworm Lisa
Meet The Dystoptomists: Shining Light on a Dark Future.
WHAT TOMORROW MAY BRING, the YA Dystopian boxed set, is a collection of dark yet hopeful stories from eleven different authors. Each wrote a short essay on dystopian fiction called My Thoughts On Tomorrow, to introduce their novels.
Part 1 featured excerpts from six of those authors.
Here, with Part 2, are excerpts from the remaining five. The full versions can be found at The Hunt For Tomorrow.
Join the mailing list for news on our upcoming dystopian scavenger hunt…

Goodreads; – Amazon
Follow 11 authors into 11 dystopian tomorrows, where the dark portions of our humanity have taken hold of today, where the fabric of society is torn and greed consumes us all. Follow us down a dark path.

Tour-Wide Giveaway
Ends June 15th.
US Only Giveaway
Print copy of Terra + bookmarks
Print copies of Stitch & Shudder + bookmarks
Print copy of Among the Joyful
Internationally Open Giveaway
Amazon GC $15 (Megan) + $10 (Erin) + $10 (Samantha)
11 ecopies of What Tomorrow May Bring
Ebook of Terra
Ebooks of Stitch & Shudder
10 e-book copies of the complete Contributor trilogy, including book 3 (Kindle only)
Ebook of Among the Joyful
Ebooks of The Annihilation of Foreverland & Foreverland is Dead
Ebook of A Taste of Tomorrow Boxed Set
5 ebooks of The Breeders & The Believers
a Rafflecopter giveaway
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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