FREE Short Story – Raker by Christopher A Gray

A while back, I hosted a blog tour for Christopher A Gray’s novel Dark Nights.

Since then he has written a short story follow up, RAKER, which is available for FREE on Amazon.

Some of the characters in Dark Nights make an appearance in the short, but RAKER was written as a stand-alone, without you needing to have read the novel first.

However, if you like the short story, you may be intrigued enough to read Dark Nights.


Do you like science fiction fantasy?

Do you have five minutes or so to spare?

Pick up this free short story about a technologically advanced android and what happens when an immovable object (the android) comes in contact with a human police force that desires to take him into the station while investigating an altercation.

Plato’s primary mission is to act as bodyguard to Dr. Norman Stravinsky. 

The Doctor had sent him on an important mission.

A standard Raker has a handler, but Plato is special. He is as close to sentient as he could be, without being human.

On the return trip, Plato comes across a crime in progress.

What would he do? He is only a machine, but…..

How would you feel about an artificial intelligence that could, more or less, eliminate poverty and religious fanatics?

What would you give up?

Your privacy?

You freedom of choice?

Technology has become such a part of the human world, that most people, whether they realize it or not, have given up their privacy.

Raker is an interesting glimpse into a world where technology makes the world a better place, but at what cost.

How can you convince human beings, that a machine capable of destroying them, can be trusted to ‘make the right choice?’

I really enjoyed this short story and at times I feared for Plato. I related to him as if he was human, not a machine.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos3 Stars – Would Recommend To Others


1. noun

Remote Armed Kinesthetic Engagement & Reconnaissance android, used primarily by Fire Departments and Police Departments in the United States. RAKERs are deployed for rescue, bomb disposal, and other tasks which are deemed too dangerous for humans. Some models are being manufactured for the armed forces to serve as offensive battlefield weapons.

Christopher A. Gray’s RAKER follows an incident one evening when Dr. Norman Stravinsky sends his RAKER android out to deliver a sensitive file to a colleague. When it encounters a crime in progress, the android must decide whether to interrupt its primary duties as bodyguard to Stravinsky in order to prevent the crime from continuing. The decision results in a confrontation between itself and the Seattle Police Department.

Click on the Amazon cover to get your FREE copy of  Raked, or the novel, Dark Nights, by Christopher A Gray.


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