Midnight Blue by D S Land & The Timekeeper by Jordana Barber #DSLAND @JordanaBarber


Midnight Blue over MexicoI was really excited about Midnight Blue Over Mexico by D S Land because it seemed to be a bit different than the usual technothriller, you know, greed, conspiracy, technology…used for good and evil… characters that kept me reading, caring, hating…and I have to ask, could you do without your cell phone…for a minute, an hour, a day, to save your life and those of others?

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Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos  3 stars

I had added Midnight Blue Over Mexico by D S Land to my TBR on 10.9.12 and The Timekeeper by Jordana Baker on 10.12.12

The Timekeeper (Aliis Mundi, #1) I saw the cover…and the title…and thought The Timekeeper by Jordana Barber would be filled with awesome characters…IT WAS…a lot of danger and action…THERE WAS…some hot romance…CAN’T DO WITHOUT THAT.. a satisfying ending…GOT THAT…and a desire to read more…I DO.

Amazon Goodreads

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos  3 Stars



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Lost But Not Forgotten – Splintered Emerald by Jane Blythe @jblytheauthor #romanticsuspense


Jane Blythe is one of my must read authors. Her romantic suspense does everything you want it to do and she covers dark and disturbing events, which draw me in like flies to honey.

Splintered Emerald (Broken Gems, #5)

Amazon / Goodreads


I have been anticipating Emerald’s story and finally…I have it. I let the book linger on my Kindle for a little while because I knew this was the last sister to be found after their parents had sold them to human sex traffickers. It is fifteen years later….and this book sure took a turn I wasn’t expecting. Jane Blythe is good at that, so don’t get too comfortable. I am sure this is going to be a very bumpy ride.

“Ooh, she’s a pretty one.”

“How old?”


“She’s not to be touched…she’ll either be sent to training or sent off with her new owner.”

Emerald is only fifteen, the baby of the family. It had only been a year since she quit sleeping with a night lite, even though she shared a bedroom with her sister, Sapphire. Her name matches her emerald green eyes.

She knew it was easiest to obey, though she wished the floor would swallow her up. She felt her dreams would never come true. She would not live a wonderful life, dying at an old age. Would she even make it to twenty? She didn’t care. She is afraid to live. Afraid to die.

Emerald gets to her owner, and I thought OMG, but she felt relieved. When you read Splintered Emerald, you’ll understand why we had conflicting thoughts, though I do see why she felt that way.

Ten days. Ten days until her eighteenth birthday. What then? She still held a tiny sliver of hope…hope that she would be rescued.

Eleven years have gone by…OMG…I would have lost all hope.

WOW! Fifteen years have gone by and Jane has gone off the rails with this one. My mind would never get to where she took me on my own. I am stunned and unable to see how we are going to reach a happy ending. Jane’s imagination knows no bounds and I love it!

I am trying to be careful about what I share with you, because this dark and evil story you need to read for yourself. And it kept getting worse. The physical torture may be surpassed by the mental torture, the innocence stripped away. The abuse, rape and beatings aren’t enough for Jane, she has gone even darker. AND I LOVE IT!

I don’t know what to think of Emerald. She is so lost, I don’t know if she can find herself, when she learns the truth. But, what is the truth?

There is an underlying story that I haven’t figured out. I thought of…but it doesn’t fit. I was curious how Jane Blythe would wrap up the book and the Hatcher sisters stories. She nailed it.

The Epilogue…I love Prologues and Epilogues. It is sweet, but I felt some pieces were missing. It doesn’t affect my rating THOUGH…5 well earned STARS it is!

I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of Splintered Emerald by Jane Blythe.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos
5 Stars


Fifteen years is a long time to be missing.

Emerald Hatcher was the baby of the Hatcher family. Sweet, kind, compassionate, a dreamer who would give the shirt off her back to someone who needed it more than her.

But that was then.

What have fifteen years away from her family, tortured and abused, done to her?

The Hatcher sisters have been desperate to find the last sister and bring her home, but what they get is not what they bargained for.

Is anyone really ready for Emerald Hatcher to return home?


Jane has loved reading and writing since she can remember. She writes dark and disturbing crime/mystery/suspense with some romance thrown in because, well, who doesn’t love romance? She has one completed series, Detective Parker Bell, and one new series, Count to Ten.

When she’s not writing Jane loves to read, bake, go to the beach, ski, horse ride, and watch Disney movies. She has a black belt in Taekwondo, and a 200+ collection of teddy bears. She has the world’s two most sweet and pretty Dalmatians, Ivory and Pearl. Oh, and she also enjoys spending time with family and friends!

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Disasters – Frozen Crimes by Chrys Fey @ChrysFey @rufus_thomas


Frozen Crimes is Chrys Fey’s latest novel in the Disaster series. I have been reading her work for years and eagerly pick up her books anticipating a wonderful story.

I love the beautiful cover of Frozen Crimes, done by Kim Mendoza.

Frozen Crimes (Disaster Crimes #4)

Amazon / Goodreads


I have been through a hurricane, an earthquake, a lightening storm, a tsunami, a fire, and now a blizzard with Beth and Donovan. Chrys Fey does not give them a break, just because Beth is pregnant.

Frozen Crimes has a gorgeous cover and I do love a story that features storms and Mother Nature showing us who is the boss. To know Beth and Donovan’s full story, you need to start at the beginning with Hurricane Crimes.

Chrys Fey dives right into the suspense and I wonder…is it someone we have met before?

Donovan is away on a monster truck tour. He is a driver and loves what he does. He had never planned on marriage, but once he met Beth, he was a goner. She used to travel with him and he missed her terribly. Now that a little one is on the way, he wonders…

Beth is home alone…Oh No. It’s nighttime. There’s a knocking at her bedroom window. She’s no newbie to danger, but being pregnant adds another level of fear. She has no idea that she is being hunted, stalked. In this day and age, it is easy for someone to find you and that in itself is frightening, then we have Beth and Donovan’s story to add to that.

Beth is no stranger to danger, so she started a self defense studio. Thorn, a police officer, is their best friend and has a sweet spot for one her friends who is also an employee. She has her own tragic story to tell and kindred spirits are drawn together. He uses checking on Beth as an excuse to spend time with her.

Beth and Donovan’s love for each other is so sweet. When he took her for a drive on vacation in Michigan, I knew what was coming and I loved it. He is so wonderful with Beth and the small things are very precious to her. I love that they live in Florida, and I too love living in sunny paradise. I was born in Michigan, so them visiting for Christmas and getting caught in a blizzard brings to mind forgotten memories. Deep fried turkey, yeah I’ve had that. I love those little touches that make a book even better to me.

Chrys Fey’s writing flows smoothly, leading me deeper into the story, anticipating something bad coming, just not sure what it is going to be. She does add the good with the bad. She creates suspense and adds some heat to spice things up.

I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of Frozen Crimes by Chris Fey.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos
4 Stars


***Frozen Crimes (Disaster Crimes Book 5)***

Beth and Donovan are expecting their first child. Life couldn’t get any better…until a stalker makes his presence known. This person sends disturbing messages and unsettling items, but it isn’t long before his menacing goes too far.

Hoping for a peaceful Christmas, Donovan takes Beth to Michigan. Days into their trip, a winter storm named Nemesis moves in with the goal of burying the state. Snowdrifts surround their house, and the temperature drops below freezing.

Except, the storm isn’t the only nemesis they must face. Everyone’s lives are at stake—especially that of their unborn child. Will they survive, or will they become a frozen crime?

Content Warning: stalker, hostage, violence, guns/gunshots, cheating, pregnancy/child birth

Heat Rating: Hot (Steamy scenes but NOT erotica)

Disaster Crimes Series:
Hurricane Crimes (#1)
Seismic Crimes (#2)
Lightning Crimes (#2.5 free story)
Tsunami Crimes (#3)
Flaming Crimes (#4)
Frozen Crimes (#5)


Chrys Fey is the author of Write with Fey: 10 Sparks to Guide You from Idea to Publication. She is also the author of the Disaster Crimes series. Visit her blog, Write with Fey, for more tips on how to reverse writer’s burnout. https://www.chrysfey.com/


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Christian Fiction – Action of Purpose Series by Stu Jones @StuJonesFiction


I was first introduced to Stu Jones when I read It Takes Death To Reach a Star, cowritten with Gareth Worthington. You can see my review Here.

I don’t read much Christian fiction, but this series blew me away..5 stars, beginning to end.

Amazon / Goodreads


Though I am not what I would consider religious, I love to read about angels and demons. I jumped on this series because I have read some of Stu Jones work and loved it. I am looking forward to reading what he says is a story of faith, conviction and redemption.

I can usually go wherever an author wants to take me and was easily lead into this series with Stu Jones’ ability to pen a great story and OMG, I am lost in this world. As I read, the pacing flows like a river and I am along for the ride. The evil is true EVIL and man descends to its basest levels. BUT…

God won’t forget his creation and has a chosen few that will rise to the occasion. Dark and gritty doesn’t begin to describe the levels Stu Jones goes to in order for us to join in the battle of Good vs Evil…and it will be a fight to the death.

Through the Fury to the Dawn reads like an apocalyptic/dystopian, paranormal/supernatural novel, with a heavy dose of religious influence. I immediately began reading Book II, Into the Dark.

All profits are donated to combat sex trafficking.

A huge thank you goes out to Amazon for the two months of free Kindle Unlimited, of which this series is not the only one I was able to finish.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos
5 Stars


I immediately began reading Into The Dark by Stu Jones as soon as I finished the first book in the Action of Purpose series, Through the Fury to the Dawn. I think this could be read as a stand alone, but I highly recommend beginning at the beginning.

We start at mourning the loss of someone I will miss dearly, but each character has their role to play and Stu Jones has no qualms about killing them off for the good of the story…and it definitely creates some emotional backlash for me.

We get an indepth look at some of the characters and how they came to be who they are.

Life has changed drastically since the destruction caused by WWIII.

Unputdownable! The nail biting, spine tingling suspense made me unable to stop fretting, racing through the pages. Bodies falling in grotesque manners, the sick, Malak, who is much more than a man of evil, Kane, Courtland, Jenna, Tynuk and Az….

I love the blend of genres and was amazed at how easily it was for me to accept the religious angle because it fits so well.

OMG. I had tears in my eyes as the brutal battles rage through the pages, losing some of those I have come to care for deeply. I love a series that maintains the same level of intensity throughout. It doesn’t happen often. Kudos Stu. Keep up the great work. AND…I’ll be checking out Book III right now.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos
5 Stars


Each book of the Action of Purpose series begins where the previous book left of. With that being said, I am all in and can hardly wait to get to the conclusion and find out what happens to all my friends.

In Against the Fading Light, Tynuk’s story is told and I love this young man. He is a believer, never wavering.

Kane and the gang are what family is all about, though they are not related.

As the showdown approaches, God’s talking and the angels are listening.

I AM LOVING THIS SERIES. I am not religious, don’t go to church, but this story and Stu Jones’ ability to tell it has blown me away. Amazing, awesome, uplifting, hopeful, heartbreaking, devastating…

I must warn you…put aside some time, because once you start reading about this battle between good and evil, you won’t be able to stop! The ending was all I could hope for and he kept me entranced, riveted, unable to quit until the last page was read.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos
5 Stars
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Giveaway & Review for Fanged Love by Mimi Jean Pamfiloff & Kylie Gilmore @MimiJeanRomance @KylieGilmoreToo



From USA Today bestselling authors, Mimi Jean Pamfiloff and Kylie Gilmore, comes a hilarious, sexy, Vampire Romance about the girl next door and an ancient prince who’s lost when it comes to modern women.

✦ Amazon US: https://bit.ly/3jLa6lI
✦ Apple Books: https://apple.co/336STMD
✦ Kobo: https://bit.ly/324ntap.

Fanged Love


Mimi Jean Pamfiloff and Kylie Gilmore have created an uproariously funny fantasy romance. I highly recommend meeting BOZ, a vampire who was cursed by the village witch and awakens after 500 years to find a new world.

Neli has looked after him and even went so far as to physically move his castle from Transylvania to Napa Valley.She has created a multimillion dollar winery while he slept.

Stella lives across the way, working at her family’s business, Stellaniva Vineyards. Due to financial difficulties, her family’s future is on the line. She reaches out to her neighbors, knocking on the castle door hoping to pick the successful owners brains. She has vivid dreams of a man…

When they meet, he is standing at attention!

Outrageously funny. Not your normal vampire fare.

Technologenie, magic button, Glade…

The interview with the authors has its own humor and shows why their collaboration is such a huge success.

I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of Fanged Love by Mimi Jean Pamfiloff & Kylie Gilmore.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos
4 Stars


WANTED: MODERN WOMAN WHO APPRECIATES TRADITIONAL COURTSHIP WITH FANGS. Greetings. My name is Prince Bozhidar, and I am an eight-hundred-year-old vampire. Correction. I am an eight-hundred-year-old, virile, confident, and very sexy vampire—so I’m told. I have wealth, looks, and everything an immortal man could ever want. Well, except love. But no matter. I am not a one-neck sort of man. Yet the virginal woman across the road sets my senses afire. And she needs my help with her family’s failing winery. My own is quite successful. My honor demands I help this enchanting female, and when I do, my heart begins beating anew. She is my mate. Strangely, my gifts of seduction do not seem to work on her. Perhaps I need to fit in with modern dating customs to win this modern woman. And then there’s the small matter that she doesn’t believe in vampires. There is no fighting destiny, sweet Stella. You will be mine. Download Today AMAZON US | AMAZON UK | AMAZON CA | AMAZON AU KOBO | B&N | APPLE BOOKS Click here to participate in the Release day Giveaway a Rafflecopter giveaway

About Mimi Jean Pamfiloff

MIMI JEAN PAMFILOFF is a New York Times bestselling author who’s sold over one million books around the world. Although she obtained her MBA and worked for more than fifteen years in the corporate world, she believes that it’s never too late to come out of the romance closet and follow your dreams.

Mimi lives with her Latin lover hubby, two pirates-in-training (their boys), and their three spunky dragons (really, just very tiny dogs with big attitudes) Snowy, Mini, and Mack, in the vampire-unfriendly state of Arizona.

She hopes to make you laugh when you need it most and continues to pray daily that leather pants will make a big comeback for men.

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About Kylie Gilmore

Kylie Gilmore is the USA Today bestselling author of the Rourkes series, the Happy Endings Book Club series, the Clover Park series, and the Clover Park STUDS series. She writes humorous romance that makes you laugh, cry, and reach for a cold glass of water.

Kylie lives in New York with her family, two cats, and a nutso dog. When she’s not writing, reading hot romance, or dutifully taking notes at writing conferences, you can find her flexing her muscles all the way to the high cabinet for her secret chocolate stash.

Sign up for Kylie’s Newsletter and get a FREE book! kyliegilmore.com/newsletter

For more fun stuff check out Kylie’s website


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Review & Giveaway – Baptism Of Fire by Virginia Crow @StomperMcEwan



Baptism of Fire by Virginia Crow…what can I say. The amazing eye catching cover caught my eye and even though the title turned me off, it now seems appropriate.

Baptism of Fire

Amazon / Goodreads


I think you may immediately fall in love with 9 year old Kevin, to want to wrap your arms around this sweet child to protect him and to let him know that he is worthy of love. He feels he is cursed, followed by fires and death from one foster home to another.

I love that Virginia Crow gave nothing away in the blurb for Baptism of Fire. The title is interesting, but the wonderfully creative cover is what drew me in and I am so happy to be here. I’m not sure what I was expecting, but it was not what I got. I got so much more. I thought horror, yeah we have some humankind horror. We have lost and damaged characters that have so much to give, if only…

Baptism of Fire by Virginia Crow is a mystery, but the real story is about Kevin and Reverend Alistair Roberts. About how this wonderful group of damaged people come together. About the healing power of love.

I would have loved an epilogue, but that’s okay. The mystery is solved and all are safe.

I voluntarily reviewed and ARC of Baptism of Fire by Virginia Crow.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos
4 Stars


Kevin gripped Jilly’s coat and his voice became little more than a whisper. “I’m cursed, Jilly. Everyone who looks after me dies in a fire, or someone they love does. I don’t know how to stop it.”

When Rev. Alastair Roberts adopts Kevin Alderman, he dismisses any reference to the boy’s curse. But, as the pair spend more time in each other’s company, it becomes apparent that Kevin is not the only one with a bitter past.

As the past continues to haunt them, can they hope to change their future?


“Where’s Kevin?” He looked around the room, panic seeping into him, but he forced himself to keep smiling. “Tuck in,” he continued. “I’ll just go find him.”

He squeezed past the gathered people, but Trish stopped him at the door.

“Are you alright, Vicar?” she asked, her voice clipped but her tone caring.

“I’m just going to find Kevin,” he explained.

“Did he do it?”

“Do what?” Alastair asked, confusion on his face.

“That,” she said, pointing at the dresser.

“No,” Alastair whispered, staring at the array of crossed out photographs. He didn’t know whether the word was in answer to Trish’s question or a statement of disbelief. Perhaps it was both. He took the door handle and put all his weight onto it.

“Do you want me to go find him?” she asked. “He’ll just be outside.”

“No, I’ll go. But would you do something for me?” he asked, looking over his shoulder at the other people.

“Yes. What is it?”

“Don’t make a fuss, just take them down.”

Trish placed her hand on his arm and nodded across at him. Alastair stepped out of the room and back over to the French windows, then out into the garden. The sudden change from clear electric lights into the darkness took his eyes a moment to adjust, and he stood still for a time, waiting for them to focus.

“Kevin?” he called softly. There were one or two people still standing by the bonfire, smokers mainly, but Kevin wasn’t with them.


Virginia Crow

Virginia grew up in Orkney, using the breath-taking scenery to fuel her imagination and the writing fire within her. Her favourite genres to write are fantasy and historical fiction, sometimes mixing the two together such as her newly-published book “Caledon”. She enjoys swashbuckling stories such as the Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas and is still waiting for a screen adaption that lives up to the book!

When she’s not writing, Virginia is usually to be found teaching music, and obtained her MLitt in “History of the Highlands and Islands” last year. She believes wholeheartedly in the power of music, especially as a tool of inspiration. She also helps out with the John o’ Groats Book Festival which is celebrating its 3rd year this April.

She now lives in the far flung corner of Scotland, soaking in inspiration from the rugged cliffs and miles of sandy beaches.

She loves cheese, music and films, but hates mushrooms.


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