It’s Shade’s junior year at Ocean View College and I am excited to begin another adventure with her and her magical friends. On the way to school, the go on a cruise. Shade had never been anywhere, so this was quite an adventure, and how fortunate that her BFF Kai is with her.
Shade is a Ghost Whisperer and I still watch The Ghost Whisperer TV show reruns in the mornings. I wonder how she will fare with vampires. She opened the pamphlet she was given, thinking it would be full of pretty pictures and ghosts. Not so. Instead she saw it was about vampires, strigori, troubled spirits that rise from the dead, causing her to have a panic attack.
The gang: Shade, Kai, Apple and Annie are together again and more excited about life than ever. They would be separated when they headed off on their student exchange adventure. She draws people to her, though if you asked her about it, she wouldn’t know what to say.
Dakota, Trinity, Summer, Maeve, Li…from ghosts whisperers to selkies…Whew…we dodged a bullet, along with Carrie and Selene. Ya know, the one where they go into the forest, into the cave, down in the basement…I couldn’t help but smile. I can see them in her cabin, scared…
WOW. Marilyn Peake created an amazing world filled with magic and wonder, danger and evil. I was so lost it was hard to come up for air. The characters may be young and inexperienced, but they are brave, courageous, loving and loyal.
How Marilyn merged ghosts and vampires together was creatively done, flowing seamlessly to the conclusion.
I love that I can get so wrapped up in a young woman’s life. Where there is no romance, no sex, but plenty of action and danger. I am finding it hard to express how wonderfully sweet it is. So much more than I expected.
I am so excited to head off to Scotland next.

The undead cannot be saved. Once bitten, you walk among them.
As a foreign exchange student in Romania, Shade must deal not only with ghosts, but also with the undead. Her first semester trains her to deal with the in-between worlds, including that space between the dead and the undead. No amount of training can prepare her, however, for stepping into a world where vampires and other undead such as the strigoi and moroi are so much more than legend.
SHADE AND THE VAMPIRES OF ROMANIA is Book #5 in a YA Paranormal Mystery / YA Urban Fantasy series.

Marilyn Peake is the author of both novels and short stories. Her publications have received excellent reviews. Marilyn’s one of the contributing authors in BOOK: THE SEQUEL, published by The Perseus Books Group, with one of her entries included in serialization at THE DAILY BEAST. In addition, Marilyn has served as Editor of a number of anthologies. Her short stories have been published in seven anthologies and on the literary blog, GLASS CASES.
Awards: Silver Award, two Honorable Mentions and eight Finalist placements in the ForeWord Magazine Book of the Year Awards, two Winner and two Finalist placements in the EPPIE Awards, Winner of the Dream Realm Awards, and eight Top Ten Finisher Awards in the Preditors and Editors Readers Poll.
Stalk Marilyn Peake: Website / Twitter
- Mutation Z: The Ebola Zombie
- Mutation Z: Closing Our Borders
- Mutation Z: Protecting Our Own
- Mutation Z: Drones Overhead
- Mutation Z, Book V, VI, and series as a whole
- Shade
- Shade and the Skinwalker
- Shade and the Castle by the Sea
- Shade and the Pure Blood Faeries
- Blood and Ashes
- The Other
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