I have read the first book in the Dark Series by Madeline Pryce, Dark Carvings and loved it, so when I was given the opportunity to read, review and participate in the tour for Dark Secrets, I jumped on it. Madeline’s writing makes these novels outstanding paranormal romances that will linger long after the reading is done.

Dark Secrets (Dark #2)
Publisher: Ellora’s Cave
ISBN: 9781419991370
Genre: Erotic Paranormal Romance
Theme: Vampire/Demon (a few shape shifters thrown in there…)
Length: 85,000 words
Spoiler alert: Dark Secrets, Book II in the Dark Series, Ella’s story continues.
Dark Secrets is a fast paced, action packed paranormal romance novel.
Ella had worked for The Shadow Agency as a vampire hunter. She had killed without thought.
Vampires and demons – bad. Humans – good.
Since her death by Lizbeth and her full change from human to vampire, her black and white world has gone gray. Her ability to tell the difference between them was growing dimmer. Now I was the enemy and on trial for my life.
I am the Vampire Queen, since I had killed Lizbeth, the Vampire Queen before me. I inherited all she owned. I now rule vampires and werewolves. The prophecy foretold that the vampire queen and demon son would wreak havoc and destruction and so far Micah and I had fulfilled it. We knew what they were really talking about is the child we were supposed to produce.
Ella and Micah had husband and wife difficulties, just like us mortals. She questioned – does he still want me, does he still love me? Vampires and demons are insecure too.
Madeline’s articulate descriptions of the characters allow me to see them in my mind, as if they are standing before me. Her ability to describe the surroundings and action run through my mind as if they are a scene in a movie.
I was pissed when Madeline made Ella a wuss. How can you take a badass hunter/killer and turn her into an insecure, doubting crybaby?
“…your emotions are all over the place, like you swallowed crazy pills or some shit. You aren’t my Ella. My Ella fights, kicks, punches and screams. She doesn’t cry….”
Pretty much covers my question. I guess if I went from a human, with my job hunting and killing vampires, to becoming a vampire queen with superpowers, I might be afraid and confused. Afraid of what I might do. Afraid I couldn’t control myself and my powers. Now she is forced to make a decision. She must act like a queen or step aside.
When Julian made his move – OMG I was blown away. It can’t be. So not what I anticipated. I am in a hurry to find out Micah’s reaction.
Madeline’s writing has me engrossed from page one. The action begins and never ends. My emotions run from happy and laughing to devastated and stunned. Just when I think I know what is coming, she throws a curve ball that makes me shake my head and say, “Well done, Madeline. You got me there.” I love when an author can add that extra something that leaves a lasting impression on me.
I received a Dark Secrets by Madeline Pryce ebook in return for an honest and unbiased review.
Holy fucking shit. Karma – the bitch – had cashed in my meal ticket and tried to send me to hell.
“If this is about leaving the toilet seat up, I’ll stop bitching about it.” “The toilet seat? What? Jesus fucking Christ . I just threw a fireball at you and you’re talking about the crapper?”
Madeline manages to weave some humor in with the dark and violent.
5 Stars – Would Buy It For Them (lol)
The worst moment of Micah’s life was when Ella nearly died in his arms. Her miraculous recovery should have been the start of their future. Unfortunately, a new demonic heritage, the Shadow Agency’s corruption and Julian, the vampire who turned Ella, are testing their relationship. Despite hotter-than-ever sex and a variety of new places and positions to explore, Micah begins to wonder if a relationship based on lust can survive for more than a few scorching-hot months.
Ella has forgiven, but not forgotten, the fact that Micah once plunged a dagger through her heart. Everything with Micah is passion, excitement and an uncontrollable desire to explore his body in a variety of very satisfying ways. But as buried secrets, ongoing lies and murderous deceptions pile up, Ella is reminded that she and Micah’s relationship was based on a curse. In order to forge a future together, Ella and Micah will have to face down their personal demons—and prove that love and trust are more than just words.
A Romantica® paranormal erotic romance from Ellora’s Cave
Buy Links
Amazon US / Amazon Ca / Amazon UK / Amazon AU / BN (Nookie!) / Kobo
Series Reading Order
Dark Cravings (#1 Ella/Micah – 85k)
Dark Innocence (#1.5 Hannah – 45k)
Dark Secrets (#2 Ella/Micah – 85k)
Dark Vengeance (#2.5 Castro – 45k) – release date coming soon!
Dark Promises (#3 Ella/Micah) – Spring 2015
DARK CRAVINGS, Book I by Madeline Price
My 5 Star Review

DARK INNOCENCE, Book 1.5 by Madeline Pryce

Cover design: Willo
Cover photography: Andrei Vishnyakov/fotolia.com, Artem Efimov/shutterstock.com
Book 1.5 of the Dark Series. Erotic, recommended for adults only.
While reading book I, I became very fond of Hannah. She is such a good person. I am so happy that Madeline felt the same way I did. Hannah’s story needed to be told. I knew it would be full of life – good, bad, tragic and blissful.
Madeline Pryce’s writing, I am sure, will be heating up the pages if not burning the book, or should I say melting my Kindle. I might need to have a fire extinguisher nearby. LOL
Hi Hannah. I am pleased to meet you. I have been waiting, ever so patiently, to read your story.
Hannah is a goodie two shoes and has an eidetic memory. Since being kidnapped and tortured by the vampire queen, Lizbeth, she is full of self disgust. She plays leap frog, jumping from guy to guy, popping pills and drinking booze, anything to escape the memories.
Dante, a shapeshifting six hundred pound lion, had rescued her six weeks ago. He was an Adonis and fifteen years older than her. He is tall and powerful. When he walks into a room, he gives off such intense vibes they demand your attention. The age difference kept them apart, but she could not deny her attraction. He is the only one who could make her feel safe. For now, she will have to settle for being best friends.
Dante is a man I can love. A man who will hold your hair out of the way while puking, after fucking someone else, well, what more can I say?
Hannah had been rescued, but there was still someone left, someone who meant her great harm, Mr. Restricted, her stalker. Who is he? Maybe what is he would be more appropriate.
OMG The car. Who’s that knocking on the window? TERROR Hannah tried to make herself small, curling tightly into the seat. Her eyes dart back and forth, frantically looking around, desperate for help. She flashes back to the pain and torture that haunts her since the kidnapping. She is shaking, calling out to Ella, her sister, for help. Where Hannah is sunshine and flowers, Ella is darkness and death.
“I didn’t mean to hit you so hard.”
“I should’ve been able to block you. I didn’t expect you to get all she-woman on my ass and kick my butt.”
“I broke it?”
The dialogue is quick and witty. At times I felt a chuckle or outright laugh escape as I read along.
“Ella, please tell me that we don’t look that pathetic,” Micah said in self disgust.
“…you’ve already broken the man’s nose – the date can only go uphill from there.”
When Dante said, “This is the worst first date I’ve every had,” I laughed right along with him.
I knew Hannah’s story would be a good one. I love badass Ella, but I knew Hannah had a life changing story. I wanted to see her grow and develop into the strong woman I knew she would become. Madeline Pryce’s writing can be down right gross and disgusting, but it keeps me on my toes. It went from killing and savagery to light and whimsical with witty dialogue and funny moments that kept me engrossed. The novel is smoking hot, but there is so much more going on than just sex. Madeline’s superb writing and storytelling ability always leave me Craving more.
“Oh man, oh man,” I say as I rub my hands together with a wicked grin on my face. Now it’s time to find out what Ella is up to.
I received a Dark Innocence by Madline Pryce ebook in return for an honest and unbiased review.
5 Stars – Would Buy It For Them (lol)
Madeline Pryce wrote her first novel when she was ten, penned with neon-pink ink in a loose-leaf binder. Captivated by romantic literature, yet intrigued by the paranormal, she continues to develop her own voice, writing the kinds of stories that inspired her as a teen.
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