Sherry’s Shelves is my weekly update for June 28 – July 4, 2015.
Sunday Post is hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer
Stacking The Shelves is hosted by Tynga’s Reviews
Bought, Borrowed & Bagged is hosted by TalkSupe
**all images are linked to Amazon (I am an affiliate)**
Happy Fourth of July
***still free at time of posting. Check for the “0”***
Emily Kemilman has some of the most fun and colorful covers. I am unable to resist picking up a freebie, whenever I see it. Check out Inviting Fire and fuonlyknew.
More trees and Green Grow the Rashes by William Meikle sounds like a fun read. I got this free for following his newsletter. I was already going to follow, so this is just a bonus. Check it out and let me know what you think.
I found this for free from Choosy Bookworm. If you don’t know about them, check them out for deals and freebies. Thanks Maggie and Choosy Bookworm.
NEW to fundinmental
I am a sucker for anything to do with trees, so all it took was the title, Puzzles Trees, and Thom Mark Shepard captured my interest. I found this through The Kindle Book Review. How much does what we watch affect us?
I normally try to stay away from trilogies because I rarely follow up on them, unless it is one of my favorite authors, and I miss the endings. All of these are out and available, so no waiting to read Dark Bayou by Nancy K Dupelchain and the Dark Trilogy.
P D Workman had Cynthia Has a secret free for his and Canada’s birthday. Very generous, PD and thanks a bunch.
I picked up another Kathy Reichs novel, Speaking in Bones, from Net Galley. I can never pass by her novels.
As soon as I read the opening page, I knew I made the right choice in grabbing this book!
I hope the book gods shined down on you and you were able to share in the winnings.
LAST WEEK ON fundinmental
Sherry’s Shelves #43 – Books & Fun
Mistaken Abduction – To Kiss a Rake by Barbara Monajem
Walkin on the Sun with “Smashmouth”
Giveaway – Luck of the Irish by Sara Humphreys
New Release & Giveaway – Criminal Kind by Mary Anne
Teaser Tuesday #44 – Pretty Dark Nothing by Heather L Reid
Review & Free Book ~ Demon Energy by Anthony Renfro
Giveaway – One Night by Lorhainne Eckhart
THIS WEEK ON fundinmental
Upcoming events are always in the works and I have been writing a lot of reviews, so keep checking to find what might appeal to you.
Sherry’s Shelves
Teaser Tuesday
The Violet Crow
Review – Hunter
How To Be A Mermaid
Everywhere It’s You by C B Salem
Review – Method 15/33 by Shannon Kirk
Friday 56 & Book Beginnings
Did you do anything special for the Fourth of July?
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