Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of adailyrhythm.
Anyone can play along! Just do the following: Grab your current read. Open to a random page. Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page. BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!) Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!
I have been absent for a while, but…I’m back!
Summer is my favorite time of year and I find it hard to keep myself at home. There is so much so see and do. Photo ops abound and my desire to have an adventure increases, making me want to get in the car and drive.
Enjoy these photos from my latest little jaunt.

Juan Sebastian Elcono at night in Pensacola Florida by Sherry Fundin
Today, I would like to share Memory House by Bette Lee Crosby
She is an amazing author, filling her novels with Southern Charm.
They are not all happy and smiles, but they do leave me feeling as if I have gained a little something from reading her work. I hope you will give her a shot and find her as awesome as I do.
Even though this includes bits from her other novels, they stand alone, but I would highly recommend reading them all!
Ophelia never makes me feel like I’ve said something wrong. When I told her about how much I was missing Michael, instead of saying that’s flat out dumb pining after a man who walked out on you, she explained how a man can fill the hole in your life or be the whole of your life. That makes a lot of sense. I used to think Michael was the whole of my life, but now I’m beginning to wonder.
(37 % on Kindle)
SYNOPSIS (from Amazon)
A magical tale that trips lightly through the hallowed ground of Spare Change and several other reader favorites…from a USA Bestseller and Multi-Award-Winning Author. Is it possible for a memory to outlive its owner? Ophelia Browne knows the answer is yes. She knows because she’s been granted the unique gift of finding and caring for forgotten memories. But now she’s nearing ninety, and Browne women seldom live beyond such an age. Before time runs out Ophelia must find her successor…someone who can carry forth the gift and keep the memories from fading. When broken-hearted Annie Cross shows up on the doorstep of The Memory House Bed and Breakfast, Ophelia knows she is the one. As the two women sip dandelion tea and share stories, Annie begins to uncover new memories. Ugly ones. Ones buried deep enough to hide the scars. Excitement turns to fear when a thread of violence begins to unravel and Ophelia knows they have gone too far.
You can check out other her other novels and my reviews by clicking on the links below:
Passing Through Perfect by Bette Lee Crosby & Giveaway
She Did It Her Way – Review for Blueberry Hill by Bette Lee Crosby
Interview & Review for Bette Lee Crosby’s Jubilee’s Journey
Review of The Twelfth Child by Bette Lee Crosby
Show a little southern hospitality to Louise in What Matters Most by Bette Lee Crosby
Review of Cracks In The Sidewalk by Bette Lee Crosby
Review of Wishing for Wonderful by Bette Lee Crosby
What do you do with your Spare Change?
To see all my Reviews, go HERE.
To see all my Giveaways, go HERE.
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Leave your link in the comments and I will drop by to see what’s shakin’.
Thanks for visiting fundinmental!