Beware if Leine Basso has you in her sights – The Last Deception by D V Berkom @dvberkom


The cover for The Last Deception by D V Berkom shows Leine Basso as I see her. I love when a cover fits the characters and the story.

I have been reading D V Berkom’s novels for some time now, and eagerly grab them and begin reading as soon as they arrive. Check out this and some of my other reviews and you will see why.

So…let’s not waste any more time.

The Last Deception (Leine Basso Thriller #6)

Goodreads  /  Amazon


I love kickass female protagonists and D V Berkom supplies me with one of my favorites in the Leine Basso series and The Last Deception. These books stand alone, so no worries there, but once you start, you won’t want to stop.

We start right off with action, kicking down doors and bullets flying, as she heads off to Libya to rescue 15 year old Munira from terrorists. She had been kidnapped, brutally abused, then when they were finished with her, they sold her to sex traffickers.

Leine thought she left her past behind, until a friend calls her for help.

Maskinovka – Deception. American lives are on the line and the clock is ticking. Danger and political intrigue. Who to trust. How do you find answers without tipping your hand to the wrong person?

Some would call Leine’s actions rash, but she called them expedient. Sometimes split second decisions must be made, to accomplish the mission. Leine will put her life on the line to do what is right. I know, or at least I think I know, that DV Berkom will not kill her off. 🙂

I love a character who knows who they are. I have been with her through many trials and tribulations and love the person she has become. BUT, I loved her before, too.

The cover depicts my image of Leine. I can see her, laden with all the latest military goodies, crawling through the jungle, reconning, taking fire and dishing it out.

The writing and pacing keep the story moving and I travel from place to place, danger to danger, reading and wondering where it will all end. Sometimes your enemy is your friend and I love D V Berkom’s ability to make the story and characters read true. She does her research and it shows through her words. Great job D.

I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of The Last Deception by D V Berkom.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos  4 Stars


Lies. Deception. A nation on the brink of war…

In the Cold War, you knew who your friends and enemies were. In war today, there’s no difference.

Just when former assassin Leine Basso thinks she’s free from the business of murder and deception, a desperate call from a friend drags her back into the dark world of espionage and arms dealers.

Leine uncovers information that implicates a well-known Russian businessman in a horrendous deception that affects national security and could have global repercussions. It’s up to the former assassin to persuade the powers that be to ignore the obvious and trust her, or disregard the information and bring the world to the brink of a devastating war. Can she make it in time to warn them before The Last Deception?


Image of D.V. Berkom DV Berkom is a slave to the voices in her head. As the author of two popular thriller series (Leine Basso and Kate Jones), her love of creating resilient, kick-*ss female characters stems from a lifelong addiction to reading spy novels, mysteries, and thrillers, and longing to find the female equivalent within those pages.

Raised in the Midwest, she received her BA in political science from the University of Minnesota and promptly moved to Mexico to live on a sailboat. Many, many cross-country moves (and several years) later, she now lives just outside of Seattle, Washington with the love of her life, Mark, an ex-chef-turned contractor, and writes every chance she gets.

My Reviews DV Berkom’s Leine Basso Thrillers:

My Reviews for DV Berkom’s Kate Jones Thrillers:

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Teaser Tuesday #72 – Bullet in the Blue Sky by Bill Larkin @WriteThrillers



Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of booksandabeat.

Anyone can play along! Just do the following: Grab your current read. Open to a random page. Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page. BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!) Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!


Bullet in the Blue Sky by Bill Larkin

I was lucky enough to get a copy of Bullet in the Blue Sky by Bill Larkin for a tour in September. I will be sharing my review then, but I wanted to give you a taste now.

For me, this has it all: a taste of the apocalypse, mystery, suspense, thriller, conspiracy, spies and politics, action and adventure.



“Shit, look”, Anderson said in a low voice.

Down the street, several figures walked out of the wall of smoke as if born from it. Hands covered their mouths and noses, but they strutted on. Gangbangers, vigilant and charged. Ready for something. In all, there were about fifteen of them. Several heavily armed.

(page 166 in paperback)

I love that cover and wonder where he is walking to and why. Will he make it wherever he is going safely? When I first started reading Bullet in the Blue Sky by Bill Larkin, it made me think of the Tom Hanks movie, Saving Private Ryan…only it takes place here in the US.

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GOODREADS BLURB:  In the chaotic aftermath of a massive earthquake that leveled much of the Los Angeles region, a LAPD deputy chief sends an elite team of detectives on a rescue mission. They are ordered to set aside all law enforcement duties, to ignore the destruction and to focus on one task: Find LAPD Detective Gavin Shaw, who disappeared just before the earthquake.

Kevin “Schmitty” Schmidt of the Orange County Sheriff’s Department joins five others on the rescue team. With rioting, looting, attacks and homicides rampant in the streets, the six cops have to defend themselves while chasing down leads on the whereabouts of Shaw. The mission takes them through the dizzying war zone and the more they encounter, the more they wonder why they are searching for one man in these extreme circumstances. Why is this man so important to the deputy chief, and why now?

Schmitty discovers that others with high connections are also after Shaw. The questions pile even higher when they learn of a shadowy history between Shaw and the deputy chief. A history with deadly consequences for the team as they uncover a threat that elevates the mission to a race against time.

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Kindle Giveaway & Review for The CleanSweep Conspiracy



I love a good conspiracy novel and The CleanSweep Conspiracy by Chuck Waldron keeps my beliefs alive. The CleanSweep got my attention from the opening pages and if you don’t believe that there is more going on than meets the eye, you may want to get informed.

Matt is a blogger…do you post your true thoughts and feelings about controversial subjects? Would your name be on a watch list? Matt has a bulls-eye on his back and It is time for him to put all his emergency preparations into play. Will it be enough to save him?

We live Matt’s life. Those in power use the threat of terrorism and fear to watch us all. How much are you willing to give up? Are we…right now…being watched and listened to 24 hours a day? What do you think?

Who is to say who has value…the billionaire or the homeless. Whose life is worth sacrificing? Once the criminals, homeless, junkies…are gone, who is next? Where does it end?

The suspense builds, then relents, only to build again. My fear for the characters kept me reading and thinking about current events. Sure they might not be exactly the same as what Chuck Waldron has going on in The CleanSweep Conspiracy, but politicians are always muddying the waters, keeping us distracted, like a magician. If you are watching the right hand, you don’t know what the left one is doing. My conspiracy beliefs are alive and well and maybe yours should be too.

I received a copy of The CleanSweep Conspiracy by Chuck Waldron in return for an honest review.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos  4 Stars

Book Description for The CleanSweep Conspiracy:

Matt Tremain publishes Verité, a modest blog dedicated to writing about the truth and exposing scams. Currently, he’s following up on rumors concerning something called CleanSweep, a mysterious project in Toronto, Canada.

Matt gets his break when a whistleblower connects CleanSweep to billionaire Charles Claussen. Claussen plans to rid Toronto of undesirables, beginning with street people and extending to any citizens who don’t match Claussen’s restrictive screening matrix.

With the help of a high-ranking government official, Claussen plans to incite riots and violent unrest, conning Torontonians into sacrificing privacy and civil liberties for illusionary security and safety. Toronto will be reduced to a repressive city-state.

The information overwhelms Matt, who doubts he has the courage, skill, or readership to take on CleanSweep. But the murder of his source convinces the blogger to take a stand—although he’s too late to prevent chaos from gripping Toronto’s streets.

To get the word out, Matt’s going to need allies. He may have found some in a Toronto police detective and a local TV reporter pursuing the same story—presuming they aren’t allied with Claussen. If they are, Matt’s going to become yet another victim of CleanSweep, and the truth will be buried forever.

Buy the book:   Amazon

Author’s Bio:

Chuck WaldronBorn in Iowa, Chuck Waldron lived in Ontario, Canada, before relocating to Florida’s Treasure Coast. Over the years, he’s held many jobs. The ones he can mention in print include US Army soldier, truck driver, office manager, mailman, real estate salesman, social worker, hardware store clerk, and shuttle driver.

Fate played a crucial role when he walked into his first writing class, and he still honors the memory of the teacher, Henrietta. She gave him permission to write. That—along with countless writing groups, classes, seminars, and much sweat—has resulted in over fifty short stories and four novels.

Waldron often likes to pretend interest, lacks perseverance, and could generally use a good talking to—until it comes to his writing, that is. He and his wife Suzanne reside in Port St. Lucie, Florida. While keeping an eye out for hurricanes, alligators, and Burmese pythons, he’s busy writing his next novel

Connect with the author:  Website   Twitter   Facebook


1. Grand prize: Kindle Fire with 7” display from Amazon + copy of CleanSweep (1 winner)

2. 4 copies of CleanSweep (4 winners)

3. 5 copies of author’s previous titles (5 winners)

4. 2 X $15 Amazon GC + copy of CleanSweep (2 winners)

Total: 12 winners (Open to USA & Canada) Giveaway ends July 7, 2016.



OMG – They took her – The Body Market @dvberkom with Guest Post & Giveaway

First off, I would like to welcome DV Berkom and I will be sharing her novel, The Body Market. She has also written this fantastic guest post and will be awarding a paperback (US & CA) or ebook (International) to one lucky commenter…So…read on and be sure to leave a comment, whether it be about the guest post, the cover, or just to say hi.

I love Leine Basso, a kickass ex assassin and here is what DV has to say about:

Writing a Killer as Your Main Character by DV Berkom

I’ll admit it—I’m not, nor have I ever been, a paid killer. Shocking, I know. But the main character in my Leine Basso Crime Thriller series is. And she’s also a woman.

Why on earth would I want to create a female protagonist who killed people for a living? Aren’t authors supposed to write sympathetic characters? Aren’t we supposed to create someone to root for? To empathize with?

According to readers, I’ve achieved that with Leine. But it wasn’t easy. First, let me explain the why, and I’ll follow that up with the how.

When I initially dreamed up the idea for Serial Date, the first book in the series, the only characters that were fully fleshed out in my mind were the contestants and “bachelors” on the reality show Serial Date. In a parody of the long-running and popular reality show The Bachelor, beautiful women vie for a date with a so-called serial killer. The bachelors aren’t actually serial killers, of course, but it’s implied for the audience’s titillation: Are the contestants safe? Will the audience witness an attempted murder? Better yet, a real one? Of course, the show becomes a blockbuster hit, and we’re off and running. (And yes, there’s a healthy dose of satire and dark humor in the book. How could I resist?)

From there, I imagined the main antagonist; a serial killer who watched the show religiously. The killer becomes incensed at the ineptitude of the show’s alleged serial killers and decides to take things into his own hands. Soon, a contestant is found dismembered inside a prop closet, necessitating better security on set.

Enter former assassin, Leine Basso.

I needed a protagonist who would be a good match against a serial killer, and I love to write strong, kick-@ss women. Why not fight fire with fire? A killer versus a killer.

The latest in the series, A Killing Truth, takes place before events in Serial Date, when Leine worked as an assassin for a shadow agency tasked with eliminating terrorists and enemies of the US. I’d had several emails from readers requesting a prequel explaining events that I allude to in the other books. And, since readers rule, I complied. Writing A Killing Truth was a lot of fun and really challenging. Fun, because I got to write Leine’s story when she was at the zenith of her career as an assassin, and challenging because I’d set up events in the other books and had to figure out how to make the story work with what I’d written.

So that’s the why. How does a writer make a character sympathetic when their actions are anything but?

Give the main character a flaw (or ten or twelve).

Leine has baggage. A lot of baggage. In A Killing Truth, not only is her profession getting to her (she can’t sleep, can’t compartmentalize what she’s done), but during a routine job she barely escapes with her life, and is beginning to suspect that she can’t trust her boss. Add to that raising her 12-year-old daughter by herself and worrying about her lover, Carlos (another assassin), and you’ve got a wee bit of stress to throw her off her game.

I don’t know about you, but I can’t stand reading about a perfect heroine who can fight the bad guys without getting a scratch, and then comes home and whips up a gourmet meal, deals effectively with her ornery preteen daughter, and still looks amazing when her lover shows up at the door. Nope. Can’t empathize. I’m lucky if I keep up with the laundry, much less produce seven gourmet meals a week. Or even one J

Yeah, I probably wouldn’t relate very well to that character.

Suffice it to say, aside from killing bad guys for a living, Leine’s got a lot to deal with. Who hasn’t had a bad day? Admittedly, Leine’s bad days are pretty gnarly, but you know what I mean. I like to think of Leine as the kind of person folks would like to know and have on their side. Someone who rarely makes mistakes on her job because the repercussions could be fatal, but a person who has to deal with challenges and heartache, just like the rest of us.

What about you? What kinds of characters really speak to you?  Do you need to be able to identify with them in some way, or do you enjoy characters that are totally different from you? I’d love to hear your thoughts.

***Special bonus: I’m giving away a signed paperback (US & Canada) or e-book (international) of The Body Market to one randomly selected commenter. Good luck!

Thanks so much for the wonderful post, DV. I know you do a lot of research and writing about a killer, not being one yourself, can’t be easy. LOL

This awesome cover for The Body Market by DV Berkom grabbed me and never let me go. It is a story of human trafficking, which unfortunately, is still very active in the 21st Century. I love a strong female protagonist and Leine Basso fits that bill very nicely as she battles them.

The Body Market

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The Body Market’s title, cover, tagline and DV Berkom’s name as the author, tells me this is a story I can hardly wait to read. The Body Market is one novel in the Leine Basso series, but all the books can stand alone. The characters are ongoing, growing and changing with each book, becoming more complex, with all their foibles exposed.

A rich couple, too busy for their teenage daughter, will learn the pain and anguish of discovering their child is missing, possibly in a foreign county. And, Elliza, the pretty, rich American teenager will pay the penalty for partying in Mexico. She is the ditzy blond you hear about.

I used to read  a lot of Mafia books in their heyday and I love assassins, especially a strong female one, like Leine Basso.

Leine Basso is kicking cartel ass from the opening pages. She is stubborn and will rebel when threatened. She is learning to live a real life instead of always running off to her next assassination. I love that she kite surf’s with her main man, Santiago Jensen. Santiago is new to monogamy and attempts to romance Leine. Don’t you love a man who cooks for you? I am lucky to have one of those too. I love the dialogue between them, at times humorous and fun.

She works for SHEN – Stop Human Enslavement Now and he is an LAPD Robbery/Homicide detective. I lam in favor of her idea of hand grenades and flamethrowers for dealing with sex traffickers.

I was surprised Leine didn’t know about the bad guy…but I cannot say more.

If you are looking for action from the getgo and a story that will have your blood boiling and your emotions running AMOK, pick up The Body Market. Leine Basso will have you kicking ass and taking names as she makes the bad guys pay. Will she be in time to rescue Elize? You will have to find out for yourself.

I received a copy of The Body Market from DV Berkom in return for an honest review

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos  5 STARS

BONUS:  DV Berkom has shared a short story – Privilege. I knew where the story was going, but I loved every word of it anyway. Just shows you should be VERY careful what you wish for. You may get it, but it may haunt you for the rest of your life. 5 STARS

Be sure and comment to enter to win a paperback (US & CA) or ebook (International). The giveaway will run from 3/9/16 – 3/24/16 so spread the word!

Goodreads Blurb:  A retired assassin is called in when a celebration south of the border turns into a nightmare.

Former assassin Leine Basso is hired by a wealthy Beverly Hills power couple to find their missing daughter, Elise, last seen partying with her boyfriend at a club in Tijuana. At first, police believe the two teenagers are the victims of a carjacking. But when Leine finds their missing vehicle with the boyfriend’s mutilated body inside, and the local cartel warns her away, she knows if Elise isn’t already dead, she will be soon, or worse.

In the lethal world of organized crime, there’s always a worse.

As Leine races to uncover the reason behind Elise Bennett’s disappearance, she must also battle the powerful interests fighting to keep her from the truth.

Image of D.V. Berkom ABOUT DV BERKOM

DV Berkom is a slave to the voices in her head. As the author of two popular thriller series (Leine Basso and Kate Jones), her love of creating resilient, kick-*ss female characters stems from a lifelong addiction to reading spy novels, mysteries, and thrillers, and longing to find the female equivalent within those pages.

Raised in the Midwest, she received her BA in political science from the University of Minnesota and promptly moved to Mexico to live on a sailboat. Many, many cross-country moves (and several years) later, she now lives just outside of Seattle, Washington with the love of her life, Mark, an ex-chef-turned contractor, and writes every chance she gets.

I am reading my way through DV Berkom’s The Leine Basso Thrillers:

I am also reading my way through DV Berkom’s Kate Jones Thrillers:

  • To see all my Giveaways, go HERE.
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Be sure and comment to enter to win a paperback (US & CA) or ebook (International). The giveaway will run from 3/9/16 – 3/24/16 so spread the word!


I am very excited to be able to share Leine’s story with you. I have been waiting on pins and needles to learn more about her!

A Killing Truth by DV Berkom

A deadly assassin. A perpetual target. A double-cross she never saw coming…

They say the truth will set you free, but what if it kills you first?

A Killing Truth is the prequel to the award-winning Leine Basso thriller series of crime novels. If you like no-nonsense heroines, page-turning plots, and twists you won’t see coming, then you’ll love D.V. Berkom’s tension-filled series.

eBook Cover 1563x2500 A Killing Thruth


Friday 56 #49 & BB #25 – What Shall We Tell the President by Jeffrey Archer

The Friday 56 is hosted by Freda’s Voice.The only rules are to grab a book (any book), turn to page 56 or 56% in your ereader and find any sentence or a few ( no spoilers) that grabs you and post it..

Please join Rose City Reader every Friday to share the first sentence or so of the book you are reading along with you initial thoughts about the sentence, impressions of the book, or anything else the opener inspires.

Please include the title of the book and the author’s name.


I have tried to come up with a way to make things simpler for myself when it comes to choosing my next novel to share. This is what I have come up with.

I am starting with the first author on *this* bookshelf and…

now I am moving on to Jeffrey Archer and Shall We Tell the President?

2015-07-23 03.12.21

I have read numerous books by Jeffrey Archer and never hesitate to pick up another one when I see it.

Shall We Tell the President by Jeffrey Archer

 shall we tell the president

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“Emergency over, son?”

“Yes,” March said, lying.


“Nothing at all.” Another lie.Was he sounding too unconcerned? “We just can’t find out which bar he’s in.”

(56% of a hardcover published in 1977)


The United States had for the first time in its history produced two  brothers to hold the most coveted position in American political life.

His hand still resting on the Duay Bible, the same book on which the Thirty-fifth President had taken the oath, the book which had belonged to their grandmother, the Fortieth President smiled at the Forty-third First Lady. It was the end of one struggle and the beginning of another.


After years of great sacrifice and deep personal tragedy, Florentyna Kane’s has finally become the first woman president in America. But on the very day that she is sworn into office, powerful forces are already in motion to take her life.

The FBI investigates thousands of false threats every year. This time, a reliable source has tipped them off about an assassination attempt. One hour later, the informant and all but one of the investigating agents are dead. The lone survivor: FBI Special Agent Mark Andrews. Now, only he knows when the killers will strike. But how can he alone unravel a ruthless conspiracy—in less than one week? The race to save the first woman president begins now…

shall we tell the president

I love covers!

What does this one say to you?


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Was this review helpful? If so, please consider voting for it on Amazon or like it on GoodReads.

Will they find her before it is too late? – Bad Traffick by DV Berkom

FREEBIE ALERT:  Serial Date has just become free at the following links. Hopefully, Amazon will follow suit soon. Flag this and I will let you know.

iBooks  /  KOBO  /  Smashwords  /  B&N
*Mobi readers can pick it up at Smashwords

BAD TRAFFICK named a 2012 Top 5 Indie Pick by BloodWrites and a Top Pick by Night Owl Reviews! Also recently named a semi-finalist in the Kindle Book Review Best Books of 2013!

Although Bad Traffick is part of a series, it is a standalone novel and can be read by itself.

I am a huge fan of Leine Basso, a strong female protagonist, and DV Berkom. Her thrillers will leave you eagerly anticipating the next one. And I am ready, so bring it on.

Add me to Goodreads now.


Judging by the cover of Bad Traffick, I think DV Berkom will be having me gritting my teeth and hanging on the edge of my seat, hoping and praying that Leine Basso will find the girl before the traffickers. And I am not wrong.

Bad Traffick grabs my attention from the opening page and never lets me go. DV Berkom has the ability to put me in a state of suspense from cover to cover, rooting for the good guys…and maybe one not so good gal, while wishing the worst on the criminals and evil that spread their cancer to the young and innocent.

Leine Basso is an ex assassin and is now working security for an actor, Miles Fournier. His long lost sister comes to him for help to find her twelve year old daughter, Mara, who has been kidnapped by traffickers.

Leine is a strong female protagonist who is a suspect in three cold murder cases. She and Jensen, a detective for the LAPD Robbery Homicide Division, have the hots for each other, but with her being a murder suspect, they have to communicate on the down low. Will Jensen risk everything to be with the babe magnet?

Leine has a special relationship with her twenty one year old daughter, April. They have much more in common than your average mother and daughter. They had both been abducted. Now, April wants to learn “the business.”  Hmm, could that be a story for another book? I guess we will have to wait and see. In the meantime…

There is much more going on than trafficking and I am very suspicious. Who can you trust? I found myself holding my breath, leaning forward in my seat with my hands tightly clenching the book as over and over again someone tried to kill her. Is it the same person or group? Is there more than one? I know it can’t happen, but I find myself yelling and talking to her, because even I do not know who she can trust.

Bad Trafffick is the second book in The Leine Basso Series, Serial Date being the first. They stand alone, so no cliffhangers or waiting to find out the ending. Still, I can hardly wait to begin the third book in the series, The Body Market, that sits patiently on my side table saying, “Read me.” DV has also just released the fourth book in the series, Cargo.

I received a copy of Bad Traffick from DV Berkom in return for an honest and unbiased review.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos  5 Stars


Dangerous obsessions take center stage when a former assassin and a homicide detective race against the clock to find a missing girl before she’s lost forever.

Identified as a person of interest in three cold case murders she didn’t commit, ex-assassin Leine Basso accepts a temporary position as a bodyguard for A-list actor Miles Fournier as a favor to Detective Santiago Jensen.

Soon, a woman contacts Miles claiming to be his long-lost sister and confides that her daughter has been abducted by traffickers. Leine must confront her own demons as she races to rescue the girl before it’s too late.

Serial Date is FREE:  iBooks  /  KOBO  /  Smashwords  /  B&N

*Mobi readers can pick it up at Smashwords


Image of D.V. BerkomDV Berkom is a slave to the voices in her head. As the author of two popular thriller series (Leine Basso and Kate Jones), her love of creating resilient, kick-*ss female characters stems from a lifelong addiction to reading spy novels, mysteries, and thrillers, and longing to find the female equivalent within those pages.

Raised in the Midwest, she received her BA in political science from the University of Minnesota and promptly moved to Mexico to live on a sailboat. Many, many cross-country moves (and several years) later, she now lives just outside of Seattle, Washington with the love of her life, Mark, an ex-chef-turned contractor, and writes every chance she gets.

For more information, please visit her website at

Facebook  /  Twitter  /  Blog  /  Pinterest  /  Amazon US  /  Amazon UKNewsletter

Author Pages

Amazon  /  Smashwords  /  Barnes & Noble  /  itunes  /  Kobo

I am reading my way through DV Berkom’s The Leine Basso Thrillers:

5 Star Review – Serial Date by DV Berkom

I am also reading my way through DV Berkom’s Kate Jones Thrillers:

5 Star Review – Yucatan Dead by DV Berkom

5 Star Review – A One Way Ticket To Dead by DV Berkom

The Kate Jones Thriller Series, Vol. 1 box set (includes the 1st four novellas in the series).
(The Kate Jones Thriller Series, Vol. 2 includes Cruising for Death (#5), YD, and AOWTTD, all for $8.99 (bought separately they would be 12.99)
 ***all covers link to amazon, I am an affiliate***

 Check out all these beautiful covers for the Kate Jones thrillers by DV Berkom.


DV Berkom is offering an ebook from her backlist to one individual commenter. International. All you need to do is answer the following question and leave your email:

“I am a *cover girl*. What is your favorite thing about the cover for Bad Traffick by DV Berkom?”

Giveaway runs 7/28/15 – 8/11/15.

Serial Date is FREE:  iBooks  /  KOBO  /  Smashwords  /  B&N

*Mobi readers can pick it up at Smashwords


To see all my Reviews, go HERE.
To see all my Giveaways, go HERE.

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Leave your link in the comments and I will drop by to see what’s shakin’.

If you have a problem commenting, look for the twitter, facebook…buttons.

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